Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 12, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Februory 12, 1948
Lexington P-IA
To Stage Benefit
Supper Saturday
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
There will be a P-TA supper
and party Saturday night at 6
In the lunchroom of the school
houae. Dinner for adults. $1, and
children fifty cents. This is a
benefit dinner for the local P-TA
Joe Feather, principal of the
Lexington school, has been on
the aick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith of
Oxnard, Cal., returned to their
home after a visit here with their
on and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rod
ney Smith.
Misses Jo and Pat McMillan
have been staying at the Cecil
Jones home since the snow storm.
The local P-TA will hold their
mooting the l?th. This is Fath
er's night. The program and re
freshments are both being taken
care of by the fathers.
Claude Hill of Portland has
been staying at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. G. McMillan while
attending to business here.
Word was received In Lexing
ton last Thursday of the passing
of Charles Shinn of Portland. Mr.
Shinn was the father of the late
Ruth McMillan and grandfather
of Mrs Herman Wallace and Den
ny and Lovonne McMillan. Mrs.
Shinn passed away in August of
last year.
Miss Iris Bloodsworth has been
on the sick list this week.
Carroll D. Howe, supervisor of
secondary education in Oregon,
was a visitor at the Lexington
schools on Tuesday. The report
was quite satisfactory.
Mr. and Mrs. George Snider
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Carmichael over the week end.
Leonard Munkers has been
helping the state highway de
Erom "where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh
Will's Proud
of His Big Ears
Old Man Winter
Struts Stuff In
Kinzua Territory
By Elsa M. Leathers
Kinzua was hit by Old Man
Winter last week when the mer
cury droppod to 18 below zero
and between 12 and 14 Inches of
snow fell. The mail and freight
had to be brought in by truck
from Condon since the railroad
was covered with deep drifts.
Power lines were down and the
high school kids were out of
school on Thursday. But the day
was si.ent in sleigh riding and
skiing. A few went on Friday.
Doctor Atwood was on the go
all the time through the storms,
taking care of all the sick, and
also delivered an 8 pound boy to
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Becker on
February 5. The families who
have been sick are Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Forest
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rees
er, Mr. and Mrs. Hash, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Leathers Sr.
Will Dudley's mighty proud of
kit bif ears! Best crop of corn he's
irtnra since IS. And Will, like so
uy other farmers, has plenty of
raason to be prond of what he raises.
The farmer has always been a
keystone in our economic life, and
the key to our national well-being.
But from where I sit, he's more
Important now than ever. He's not
nly feeding America but friends
f America overseas building
good win for this country at a time
when friendship for democracy is
swat important
And farmers hare willingly
shouldered that responsibility. Will
spends extra hoars in his cornfield
. . . comes home tired to a temper
ate glass of beer and early bed, to
be ready for the next day's work.
From where I sit, America can
be mighty grateful for her five mil
lion farmers . . . for their produc
tivity, hard work, and temperata
living of which Will's modersta
glass of beer is proof 1
partment since the bad weather
Floyd Breeding is a new stu
dent at the local high school. Ed
na Ivey who has been gone a
month to Dale has returned and
re-enrolled in the local school.
Lonnie Henderson is a business
visitor in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathews
spent the week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breed
ing. The Mathews live in Pendleton.
Charles Buchanan has gone to
Portland where he will have his
physical check-up at the govern
ment hospital.
The Girls Athletic association
served supper at the dance Sat
urday evening and cleared $20
which will be added to the band
uniform fund. This is the only
G.A.A. in the county.
Sunday Shows Continuous from 1 p. m.
Evening shows, except Saturday, start at
7:3. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof
flee open evenings until 9 o'clock.
Admission Prices both Matinee and Evening:
Adults 50c, Grade and High School Students
12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in
cluded. Every child occupying a seat must
have a ticket
Friday -Saturday. Feb. 13-14
Another of the popular lue Grey westerns, this
la an exciting taie of homesteaders and outlaws
in the famous Cherokee section of what is now
BUI Williams. Barbara Hal Lannj Bm. Bam
A likeable little yarn made for the purpose of
Siring onlookers many a laugh.
Sunday-Monday, Feb. 1516
Alas Xadd, Dorothy Lamoor, Kotart Preston,
Zaloyd Kolaa, Dick Erdman, Allen Jenkins
Life and romance in the wheat country . . . action
enough for everyone.
Hswsreel Popsye Cartoon Ice Hockey
Sunday shows oontinnoos from 1 p-m.
Tuesday, February 17
Private Affairs Of Bel Ami
Geo rye Sanders. Angela &ansbnry, Ann Dvorak,
Prances Dee, John Carradine, Albert Baaser
man, Marie Wilson, Warren William
Guy DeMaupassant's story of a scoundrel is
beautifully acted and produced but is strictly
adult entertainment
Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 18-19
Errol pirns. Barbara Stanwyck, Blchard Baa.
hart, Jaroma Cowan
A mystery with a melodramatic finish furnishing
a surprise twist to the story which makes it ad
visable to see the film from the beginning; if the
final sequences are seen first. It would mitigate
against interest in the rest of the film.
Beware! The 49th State, a story of Hawaii
Katie Jellick Bonn is suffering
from a badly injured foot, and
has been off work the past week.
Jean Greenfield Davis return
ed to work after being off ten
davs due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoover enter
tained at their ranch home on
Sunday, the idea being a skiing
party, but the weather changed
their minds and a nice hot din
ner was served inside by Mrs.
Hoover to a host of high school
students, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Woods and family, Norvin Ad
ams and Junior Leathers.
Frank Maddock was m Kinzua
Tuesday to gather in some of his
cows the storm had driven out
of the higher hills. He took them
to the ranch lower on 30 Mile
where he is feeding close to 100
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis
spent the week end at Lonerock
visiting at the Rogers home.
Ray Rood of Stanfield and Jim
my Allen of Hermiston were
week-end visitors at Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Rood's home here.
3 xwsmsmm ,
rait B
Her are the nation's newest
trucks with the greatest fea
tures and biggest values! Here Is
advance engineering in 107 differ
ent models on eight different wheel
Nw Chevrolet 4-Speed
Synchro-Math Truck
Hera's a feature that auret
truck men of new ease ond
efficiency In operation I
New Chevrolet Advance
Design Gearshift
Gearshift b mounted on the
steering column to provide
new efficiency on every
hauling job (on 3-tpeed
transmission models) I
New Foot-Operated
Parking Brake
The new Chevrolet foot
operated parking brake
provides new, clear, floor
area (an 3-speed trans
mission models) I
New Improved
Valve-in-Head Engine
Here's the world's most eco
nomical engine for Its size
with new features that assure
greater operating efficiency!
New Multiple-Feature
New splined rear-axle shaft
attachment to wheel hubs in
heavy-duty models. Heavier,
more durable springs.
PUS e Cabthafbreothes"
Raul-Mounted cob e Fully
adjustable seat All-round
visibility with rear comer
windows Specially de
signed hydraulic truck brakes
Standard cab -to-axle-length
dimensions . . . and
MANY other fine features.
opHomal ml txfra .
Klodlge Chevrolet Go.
Main & May Streets Phone 403
Boardman Relieved
Irrigon Man Goes
To Safety School
In Illinois City
By Mrs. Grace Shoun
Benny McCoy left Thursday
night for Joliet, 111., to spend a
month in an operation safety
school. He is one of the foremen
at Ordnance.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand went
to Walla Walla Friday. They
brought their son David home for
a week's vacation between semesters.
Moses McGrew of Vancouver
left for home Friday after spend
ing two days at the J. A. Shoun
F. D. Bricker of Portland visit
ed his family this week.
The Irrigon girls volley ball
team lost to Umatilla at Uma
tilla 42-30.
Carl Haddox and Bert Benefiel
are moving Haddox's machinery
and household goods to Madras.
Betty Acock of Pendleton was
down Wednesday and James
Shoun of Walla Walla was down
The lone basketball teams are
to play Irrigon here Tuesday eve
ning. Refreshments will be serv
ed. The ladies of the fire depart
ment had a benefit dance Sat
urday evening. They had a good
crowd and refreshments. Proceeds
will go to the firemen.
The Seventh Day Adventists
had a Scout meeting Saturday
with the leaders coming from
College Place.
The Adventists are still car
rying on their revival meetings
in the new church.
Seven men, including Rev.
Ricketts and Fred Adams, attend
ed the men's meeting and tur
key banquet Friday, evening at
the Hermiston Baptist church.
Mrs. W. J. Gollyhorn got back
from Orofino, Idaho, Friday. She
had been visiting an invalid sis
ter, Mrs. Birdie Swanson.
The honor roll for the Irrigon
high school for the first semes
ter, those having A's or excellent,
were Iva Jean Rucker, Louise
Turner and Beth and Esther War
ner. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Win
quist are the parents of a son,
John Charles, born in Arbuckle.
Cal. They moved from here last
fall. He was the Baptist com
munity minister for almost two
years. This is the second son.
Mrs. Marshall Markham, Mrs.
Benny McCoy and Mrs. Earl Isom
are giving a shower in honor of
Mrs. Rogie Hinkley (Harriet
Smith) at the Mart Abken home
Friday evening. Everyone Is in
vited. Mrs. Howard Gollyhorn was
taken to St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton Saturday and is get
ting medical care.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kalmback
and Mr. and Mrs. Kalmback (Mae
Cosner) spent Sunday with the
girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
H. Cosner and family.
Marvin Ames is moving to
From South Strikes
By Flossie Coats
Chinook winds struck Board
man Sunday and Monday, taking
most of the snow, which has cov
ered the ground for a couple of
Charles Nickerson returned
home from the hospital in Pen
dleton where he had been for the
past week. Nickerson slipped on
the ice, falling and breaking both
bones in one leg above the ankle.
Ralph Fussell of Salem was a
week-end guest at the home of
his brother and famliy, Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Fussell.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root and
son Curtis of Athena spent one
day this week with Root's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root.
Greenfield grange held a pot
luck dinner and pinochle party
Saturday evening for members
and their families. High score
winners were Mrs. Royal Rands
and Clyde Tannehill. Consolation
went to Duane Brown and Mrs.
J. Mulligan, while pinochle prize
went to Mrs. Wm. Nickerson and
Royal Rands.
Mrs. Chas. Nickerson returned
from Independence, Mo., where
she visited her son Charles and
family. Returning with her from
Boise, Idaho, were her daughter,
Mrs. Robert Hilder, and grandson
Paul Charcilloy and Geo. Gas
ford of Forest Grove were Sunday
guests at the George Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tannehill
and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill motor
ed to Pendleton Thursday.
The junior girls class at the
Community church won the at
tendance award for the last quar
ter, and they with their teacher,
Mrs. Claud Coats, were honored
with a party at the church Wednesday.
prices In the entirp omintrv wmiM
bring wheat down to near parity '
urn sun around cents above
the support level as it was at
One reason that it is not pos-j
sible to tell exactly what the par
ity price of wheat is every day
is that the index prices paid by
farmers keeps changing from
month to month. It went up 2.4
percent from mid-December to
mid-January. Consequently the
parity price and the support
price of wheat and other farm
commodities went up 2.4 percent
also. At that rate the support
price level might soon rise en
ough to place a floor under the
price of wheat.
How do they figure the parity
price of wheat? They start with
the 1910-14 average farm price
which was 88.4 cents a bushel
Then they multiply the 88.4 by
the latest available parity index
of prices paid by farmers. At Mid
January that index stood at 251
Although farm management
training under the G.I. Bill or
dinarily is limited to one veteran
on a single farm, the Veterans
Administration has announced
three conditions under which two
veterans may take training on
the same farm.
To qualify for the farm man
agement instruction, a veteran
must own his own farm or have
economic control of a farm. Vet
erans who do not own their own
farm may take institutional on-
percent of 1910-14. The calcula
tion produces $2.22 as the parity
price then. A year before it was
only $1.90 because the Index of
prices paid was lower. The base
price of 88.4 cents was the same
it does not change. The index
of prices paid has been going up
for several months. It may go
higher. If it does, so will the
parity price of wheat.
farm-training as employee-trainees
of a successful farmer ap
proved by the farm training In
stitution. The conditions which will qual
ify two veterans for farm man
agement training on the same
farm are:
(1) The approved training In
stitution and the VA must find
that conditions on the farm will
assure successful training and
subsequent solf-employment on
the same farm for both veterans.
(2) The training of both vet
erans must meet all requirements
specified in Public Law 377
which established the institution
al on-furm training program.
(3) The two veterans must fur
nish documentary evidence that
they have formed a bona fide
partnership, with equal author
ity in the management and op
eration of the farm.
Want results? Then use the
G-T Want Ad column.
County Agent News . .
With the drop of wheat prices
during the past week, many far
mers are beginning to wonder a
lot about parity and support
How high is wheat In relation
to parity? This is one of the ques
tions that people ask. Well the
price bobs around too much to
tell exactly for very long, but at
mid-January, at $2.81, the U. S.
average farm price of wheat was
27 points above parity. It was
37 points above the support price
level of 90 percent of parity.
The parity price then was $2.22,
while the support price level was
$2.00 a bushel. Thus, at mid
January, wheat averaged 59 cents
above parity and 81 cents a bu
shel above the support price lev
el. Currently, as of February 9, the
parity price of wheat probably is
somewhat higher, rather than
lower, while the actual price is
down sharply compared to mid
January. At Portland, closing bids
on ordinary export classes of
wheat on February 9 were 55
cents lower than on January 15.
A proportionate decline in farm
Madras Tuesday and Wednesday.
His brother Herbert is helping to
move him. Robert Doyle is here
to take possession as soon as the
Ameses get moved.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell,
Mrs. Emma Steward and Mrs.
Nora Wilson attended an Assem
bly of God fellowship meeting
in Stanfield Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner,
Mrs. Marshall Markham and
daughter Laveile attended the
night meeting at Stanfield.
Mrs. Hill (the Cocker Spaniel
woman) has purchased the Roy
Hackenburg home west of town
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and
daughter Nona were in Pendle
ton Monday.
The carpenters are finishing
up the H. H. Smunk home. They
will soon be moving in.
Mrs. Warner (postmistress) has
$59.84 money for the March of
Dimes to date from Irrigon people.
Warehouse Co.
dealers for
Stauffer Agricultural Chemicals
which include
Ester Weed Killer 44 Ester Dust 5
Liquid Sodium Salt 40
Weed Killer 95 Dry Concentrate
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Pacific Northweet Division
North Portland, Oregon
Perfect for Breakfast
Swifts Oriole Sliced Bacon, lb 67c
That Sweet Smoke Taste
Swifts Premium Pork Chops, lb 59c
From Grain Fed Young Pork
Swifts Premium Pork Roast, lb 59c
Young Tender Pork
For That Winter Snack
Have You Tried Them?
SUGAR . . . 9.20 sack Short'ing, 3 lbs. 1.39
Court Street Market
Special Livestock
February 19
Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m.
1 65 Head of Breeding Stock 165
Including 40 head coming 2-
year-old heifers due to
calve this spring.
I25 head good young ?
cows, all to calve. Good
quality Herefords.
Anyone having stock or anything else to sell
is privileged to bring it to this sale.
Heppner Sales Yard