Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 12, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Coasting Accident
Brings Injuries To
Youth At lone
By Echo Palmateer
High school basketball game
here Friday, Feb. 13.
Town team game here Feb. 14.
Legion dance at Legion hall,
Saturday, 14th.
HEC of Willows grange. Friday,
Feb. 20, at the home of Mrs. Wal
ter Corley.
Regular grange meeting, Sat
urday, 8 p.m., Feb. 21.
Topic club study meeting at1
mrs. umar Kietmann's, Friday,
Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Van Hubbard, cut his face when
he ran into a barb-wire fence
when coasting down a hill at his
home Thursday of last week. L.
A. McCabe went after him in a
Jeep as the roads were impassa
ble for cars, and brought him to
lone. He was taken from here in
a car to a physician. Seventeen
stitches were taken In his face.
Mrs. Algott Lundell and Miss
Mary Brackett were dinner guests
oi Mrs. Bertha Severin Thursday
evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Algott
Lundell at a dinner Sunday In
honor of Algott Lundell'g birth
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wentworth
got stalled in the snow with their
car while coming home from the
DeMolay dance at Rhea creek
Saturday night.
The city has ordered a new
fire siren and it will be tested
once a week when it is Installed.
The lone public library sub
scribed for the Geographic mag
azine and copies are available at
the library.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bye gave
a birthday party Sunday evening
in honor of Mrs. Bye's brother',
Harold Hoffman.
Several from here attended the
Peterson-Doherty wedding In
Heppner Saturday.
The school busses were unable
to complete their routes last week
on account of the snow in the
roads. Ralph Crum cleared most
of the roads with his bulldozers
Irrigon town team defated lone
here last night, 54-32. The sec
ond lone team won, 45-24.
The Ameca club will meet at
the home of Mrs. John Proudfoot,
February 18.
Ernest McCabe has opened up
a meat market in Brlstow's store.
It contains a walk-in cooler 7
feet wide, 9 feet long and 9 feet
high. There is a large meat dis
play case, cutting blocks, an el
ectric meat saw and grinder.
Mrs. Larry Fletcher is opening
up a beauty shop on Main street
Happiness Formula
Found In Report Of
Rural Life Group
Grain Growers
2, 4-D Can Save
You Money
1. Increase your yield 5 to 10 bu. per
2. No dockage for dirty grain.
3. Easier to harvest thru your com
bine. 4. Less than $4.75 per acre for 3A lb.
ester type material.
We have the experience-5 YEARS
We have the equipment-8 AIR-
Write: Yakima 908 So. 25th Ave.
Phone: Yakima 7683
For the BEST in Agricultural Aviation
The West-Air Co,
(Continued from last week)
5. Safety. We recommedn care
be given in house plans to pro
mote safe living, stressing dan
gerous stair openings, unmarked
stair steps, unllghted stairs, dan
gerous cupboard drawers, make
shift electric wiring, and unsafe
electrical appliances; danger of
carelessness in regard to gas and
oil appliances, dangerous stove
pipes, flues and fireplaces.
We recommend mothers furn
ish proper storage place for toys
and train the children to use such
6. Remodeling Rouses. To meet
the needs of families planning to
remodel their houses, it is rec
ommended that up-to-date bul
letins on modernizing the farm
house be made and that demon
stration clinics or tours also be
, held.
7. New Materials. Many new
i fabrics of mixed fibers are on the
market today. Often the home
maker does not know their con
Jents and does not know how to
care tor them.
Therefore, we recommend a na
tional law that manufacturers be
required to furnish labels indi
eating the percentage of various'
fibers in upholstering materials.
ropery fabrics, piece goods and
household fabrics.
8. Water Systems. According to
1945 survey, out of 505 farms in
Morrow county, 338 farms, or 67
I percent, had running water,
j It is recommended that each
I rural family work toward a goal
of running water, complete bath,
room units, and sanitation facil
ities such as septic tanks as the
first major improvement.
9. Water Supply. An impure
water supply is a menace to the
health of the family. Therefore,
it is recommended that rural
families have their drinking wa
ter tested at least twice a year.
This may be done through the
in about a week. She has all her
equipment installed.
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
A good Place to go
to get -
Lumber, Plywood, Roofing,
Pumice Buildirfg Blocks,
Rough Lumber ...
Honest Grades and Prices
Builders Supply
North Gale Street
office of the County Agent or
county health nurse.
10. Septic Tank. To help re
lieve unsanitary conditions and
possible contamination of wells,
the installation of septic tanks
and sewage disposal facilities is
highly recommended.
We recommend that septic
tanks be built according to regu
lations set up by the Oregon
State Sanitary authority, which
specifies a minimum capacity of
500 gallons or larger. We feel
that 1000 gallon capacity is pre
ferable on rural property.
To encourage the construction
of septic tanks by rural families,
we recommend that demonstra
tions be given in one or more
centers on the construction and
Installation of seutic tanks.
II. Water Conservation. We
recommend that dams be built
to conserve and control our water
supply so that each farm home
on the water courses could ben
efit by increased garden produc
tion, sanitation, and home beau
12. Insulation. According to a
1948 survey of 87 homes in Mor
row county, 54 lack good insula
tion. We believe that a study
should be made of the various
types of insulation suitable for
different types of homes and ed
ucational material be made
available to rural homemakers.
13. Farm Market Roads. We
recommend that farm market
roads be improved and maintain
ed so that there would be less
wear and tear on theamily car
and that the travel or the nouse
wife to and from the shopping
center would be facilitated.
Successful home life, efficien
cy in work, and happy social at
titudes and relations are influ
enced by the health of the indiv
idual members of the family
Poor nutrition in early life has
been the cause of many misfits
in the world. This lack of good
nutnton was called to our atten
ton recently by the number of
physcal rejects from the armed
services many of which could be
traced to poor nutrition.
1. Medical Care. In order to
maintain a minimum standard of
medical care and hospital care
for the civilian population, the
American Medical Association
and U. S. Public Health Service
recommend one physician is
needed per 1,500 population and
that 4.5 hospital beds are needed
per 1,000 population.
Health and social services in
Morrow County that are now
available are inadequate for the
estimated population of 4,337
persons. To meet the minimum
standard would require the ser
vices of three doctors and 20 hos
pital beds. In view of these facts,
the committee recommends that
an educational program be de
veloped to acquaint the people
in each community with the need
for more adequate medical fac
ilities in Morrow county..
We further recommend that a
hospital be built and fully staff
ed to provide medical facilities
for Morrow county families.
2. Health Examinations. We
recommend that the law requir
ing a physical examination of all
first-graders and freshman stu
dents be enforced and that our
school adminsitrators be urged to
cooperate in bringing about this
recommendation. We furthr rec
ommend that a full time countv
health doctor be secured so that
this recommendation can be car
ried out effectively.
3. Sewage Disposal. The com
mittee recommends that each in
corporated town irf Morrow coun
ty be required to provide safe
and sanitary sewage disposal by
menns of a central disposing
plant. In bringing about liette
snnitation, it is felt that in em
ploying a county sanitarian be
kept in mind for a long time pro
gram. I Trucj'.osis Test. We recom
mend thi't the family cow be test
ed for tuberclousis and Brucpllo
Hc nice a year by a county vet
orm' rim in order to safeguard
'lie health of our rural people. In
bringing about this recommenda
tion wp urge that a cnuntv ve
rrinnrian should be appointed by
the County Court in order that
$1.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE
$2.00 for each FEMALE
$1.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE
$4.00 for each FEMALE
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector
Mas?. E
this test be made yearly without
5. Hot Lunches. We recommend
that adequate and well balanced
school lunches be furnished to
school children and that mid
morning milk be served to chil
dren in primary grades either
with or without federal aid.
We further recommend that the
educational program encourag
ing children to eat well balanced
meals be continued.
6. Home Food Habits. In 1944
Sherman county cooperated in a
survey of the diets of school chil
dren and found that there was
not enough Vitamin C nor iron
in the diets of school children to
supply normal daily needs. As the
age increased, the deficiency was
more evident.
Therefore, we recommend that
each rural family adopt good eat
ing habits as part of the daily
7. Vitamin C. We recommend
that the nutritional program of
the county emphasize the need
for an increased consumption of
tomatoes, citrus fruits, milk and
green and yellow vegetables for
both school children and adults.
B. Vitamin Concentrates. Ac
cording to the advertising propa
ganda of many manufacturers,
vitamin concentrates are essen
tial for all. Since this seems ex-
Heppner ,'jSoze.tte Times, Heppner, Oregon, Februory 12, 1948-3
aggerated, we recommend that
research be done on the value of
vitamin concentrates and their
proper use.
9. Home Garden and Produce.
The 1945 census figures showed
that 238 farms In Morrow county
had home gardens. Four hundred
thirty nine (439) families were
using farm produce In the county,
valued at $164,993.00. This am
ounted to $376 per farm.
Since the cost of family living
especially food costs, have risen,
j we recommend that all farm pro
I duce and gardens, especially ear
ly ones where possible, be In
creased to help alleviate the food
shortage. We further recommend
that information be made avail
able on the pest control.
Continued on t'eae rour
We've put in
since V-J Day
1. We had to break records... and we did. To
day we're serving over one-fourth more telephones
than at the war's end s net gain of three-quarters
of a million. And, since every day many customers
move, we actually had to install more than two
and a quarter million telephones to make this gain.
n i rimmi
J I H .... WW-" , I I ... te' i
I I ID D If A KIT .?
and LIFE sy
Only "Caterpillar", world', track type
tractor pioneer, provides these auto
matic meroi bellows seals that guard
final drives so effectively that they are
liquid tight.
They align, adjust and lubricate them
selves; exclude mud, dust and water
...retain lubricant... even under ex
treme conditions.
This is just one of the many Pui Values
that make "Caterpillar" Diesels today's
outstanding track-type tractor buy.
Bradcn Tractor &
Equipment Co.
Tour Caterpillar Dealer
2. Complex splices like this thousands of
them went into the two million miles of wire
we've put in. And that's only part of the story
more than 200 new buildings or additions... com
plex new switching equipment in almost all our
buildings . . . these and other faculties are being
added in the face of sharply rising costs and tough
supply problems.
4. Where does the money
come from . . . millions of new
working dollars needed to ex
tend and improve service? Mil
lions must come, not from tele
phone bills, but from thousands
of people who put their savings
to work in the telephone busi
ness. To attract these working
dollars, we must pay a reasonable
amount for their use. This re
quires the sale of our services
at fair and adequate prices.
8. We're still working against time. Orders
continue to flood in. To fill service needs we're add
ing facilities at the rate of more than half a mil
lion dollars a day every day. A huge investment,
yea But telephones have been going in as never
before in the West And as the system grows, your
telephone service rt-com.p nore valuable still
The Pacific Telephone
.aiegraph Company
More than 65,000 people working together to
furniih rrer. better Telephone lerrlce to the West
What happened to the
PoiBeIlied Stove?
Not so long ago, servicing cars was simple.
Most folks fixed their own with a screw
driver or pliers. And when they did come in or
service, there was no hurry everything was nice
and informal. You might just sit near the pot
bellied stove and talk with the mechanic while
he fixed the car.
Well, the pot-bellied stove is gone so is the
old-fashioned car. But it has meant lots of
changes for the better. We've replaced the old
plier-and-screwdriver service with up-to-date
Special Ford Equipment . . . our mechanics are
highly skilled specialists, these days . . our
methods are better and faster . . . our Genuine
Ford Parts are easier to install, fit better, and
last longer, to save you lots of money.
Yes, it's been a good change. But one thing
we've tried not to change is the old "personal
touch". Next time you bring your Ford in,
notice that even though our mechanics do things
in a hurry, they still take time to be courteous,
and thoughtful. We think you'll agree our serv
ice today is far better, faster, more satisfactory,
and just as friendly.
Yew Ftrt Dealer lenltes mi te 0ea Ike Free Wen Shew, twesir Evening . MS0 Nerwert.
Utttn u M rers Theater, (wow eflemeene NIC Nemrk. lee yew ninnuii ttr Sim
Heppner. Oregon
Phone 1092