Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 05, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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6-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 5, 1948
ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHUBCH at 7:45 every nipiit except Mori
Kvangnlist Roaiiford Miller J day. Kvanpelist Miller has a mes
will b-Eln a (terie (if sped3' ' sape very- interesting and bene-mm-linc
In the Assembly of God ! fioial to both old and young. You
church. Sunday evening. Feb. 8, are cordially invited.
T -
Pi-. from where 1 sit ... Joe Marsh
1 -J- i .M
Do You Have
Noisy Neighbors?
A kit of thf neighuors ere f-ud-inly
innoved bjr Jrb t niwcll's
hunmeriEg at night. Jib a build
ing himself a new front porch and
tha only time that he could give to
k vaa after nndon.
Finally w decided the best thing
to do iraa all pitch in and help
and gt the carpentry over with as
toon aa possible. We did. Finished
tht porch next evening and Jeh
frattfully treated us to ice cold
ker and cider.
From where I ait, that's what
fcclnf a good neighbor means. In
stead of complaining about the
other feilon's habit t, try to under
stand and share his interttti.
So if n-.y practising on tha flute
annoys you, come on over, neigh
bor, with your fiddle or guitar and
join me ! Maybe it will end op in
our knowing and appreciating one
another better ...raw evening of
good fellowship. And 111 promise
to provide the beer that toi with
evenings of good fellowship I
lunii'.i-inj.i.rm t.'i.i')!,'.;n,ini)iin
Pearl Oil, a long-time Vest
em (xvorite, is solvent-refined
to remove all impurities that
cause smoke and soot.
Pearl Oil leaves the air fresh
. . . won't taint foods. Every
drop burns . . . gives more
heat and light for your dollar.
Vhen you use Pearl Oil yoo
seldom have to adjust burn
ers ..: its clear, steady flame
won't "creep up."
A Standard of California Product
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
Custom Spraying
Make arrangements now for Duo
Control Spraying
Materials and methods of spraying as
recommended by U. S. Dept. of Agri
culture. Gordon Grady
Heppner, Oregon Phone 2193
Warehouse Co.
dealers for
Stauffer Agricultural Chemicals
which include
Ester Weed Killer 44 Ester Dust 5
Liquid Sodium Sa It 40
Weed Killer 95 Dry Concentrate
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Pacific Northwest Division
North Portland, Oregon
School Rearranged
To Permit More
Room For Primary
By Grace Shoun
Rev. A. B. Turner returned from
Springfield Friday, where he had
been attending an Assembly of
God church meeting.
Fred Houghton was in Heppner
The Irrigon town team defeat
ed the Lexington town team on
Thursday evening at Lexington.
The Irrigon basketball B team
won over the Lexington B team,
31-4. and the Lexington A team
w on, 21-19.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaughter
went to Lexington Friday to a
banquet and an agricultural
Lambing started Thursday
with the John Voile sheep. He
has lOlX) to lamb. Mr. Voile is
convalescing after a serious ill
ness. The classroom of the high
school is partitioned off to allow
a typing room independent of the
other room. Mr. Solwold has al
so rearranged the class rooms.
Mrs. Joy Smith's grades (the 7th
and 8th) are upstairs, giving an
extra room for the primary de
partment. Mrs. James Phillips and Mrs.
Ruth L'miker sponsored a bridal
shower for Mrs. Luella (Bill)
Voile at the Umiker home Friday
afternoon. Twenty-three were
present. Refreshments of cookies
and coffee were served. Mrs.
Voile received some lovely and
useful gifts.
A school budget meeting was
called Friday evening and the
budget was passed unanimously
as prepared.
Carl Haddox and Bert Benefiel
were down from Sunnyside, Wn.,
Monday. They went on to Mad
ras to get things ready to move
over there. The families are at
Sunnyside for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellis of Uma
tilla spent the week end with
her grandmother, Mrs. Martha
Some men representing the
Gideons will give atalk and col
lect money to buy bibles to dis
tribute in public places.
The Baptist community church
has been using several dozen bi
bles sent up here from Portland.
Jack Sabranski of Olex spent
the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Sabranski.
Roy Smunk and Charles Gold
ridge of College Place spent the
week end with Roy's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Smunk.
A group of visiting elders of
College Place helped with Friday
evening's meeting at the Seventh
Day Adventist church. Elder
Phillips brought them down. El
der Hauser is ill so Elder Lowe
is conducting the services at the
church at present.
Benny McCoy is starting for Jo
liet, 111., to attend operation safe
ty school, Thursday. He will be
there four weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hayes and
Supt. A. Solwold attended a com
mittee meeting at Heppner Fri
day evening to work out plans
for the speech festival to be held
the latter part of March. Mr. Sol
wold and Mrs. Hayes are on the
committee. '
Mr. and Mrs. Glen O'Brien and
children and C. W. Acock and
son Dean were in Pendleton Sat
urday as were also Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Voile in Pendleton Saturday.
Arthur Edwards is building a
store house for his electrical and
other carpenter tools north of the
The average depth of snow for
12 stations in the Umatilla forest,
designated as the Arbuckle snow
course, was 21.04 inches on Jan-
f bl A a, o m ft ft i aaa A
Am .
CWlccIly styled, flaming with fh 1m-'
ptKishabtf beauty of heirloom quality
diamond . . . o genu in regiitersd
Kookt Diamond Ring ts tha haorfs
dawre of America's loveliett brkJef.
Identify Keepsake by the name in the
ring, and fhe words "guaranteed reg
ltrtd perfect gem" on the tog. '
HO THE I $t 062 50
Cnaogemenl Knq 350.00
I $100 le 2475 end I
In platinum $300 to 3450
AH nnoi tltvtirtd vailbtt hi
. ftoturoi foicj
.mot anlwg) N M Attest
VlCM l"KhHk fftdtrof lm
im. uMnirnnii
uary 29, reports the Heppner of
fice. Average water content was
73. This gives a density figure
of 34.8 percent, which is high in
January. The ground was mostly
not frozen, and wet. Several bor
ings brought up a one-half inch
Grain Growers
2, 4-D Can Save
You Money
1. Increase your yield 5 to 10 bu. per
2. No dockage for dirty grain.
3. Easier to harvest thru your com
bine. 4. Less than $4.75 per acre for 3A lb.
ester type material.
We have the experience-5 YEARS
We have the cquipment-8 AIR-
Write: Yakima 908 So. 25th Ave.
Phone: Yakima 7683
For the BEST in Agricultural Aviation
The West-Air Co.
Specials That Are Special
Zenith Refrigerator-was $174.95
NOW $159.95
40 gal. Zenith Hot Water Heater
Arvin Combination Radio Phonograph
was $92.50-NOW $69.50
9 x 12 Congoleum Rug, $10.50
Also Tire Chains, Snow Shovels
and other items to fit the season.
Owens Hardware
Your Friendly MARSHALL-WELLS Store
A meeting of the hospital com
mittee with the architect and
a representative of the federal
agency dispensing assistance to
local hospital projects was post-
ice core from the ground line.
Since the snow storm hit this
section of the country, more of
the beautiful has fallen in open
stretches than in the foothills or
the mountains, forest service men
reported this morning. Up to
Wednesday, there was more snow
in Heppner than at the city well.
Weather prognosticators expect
several inches more of the beau
tiful before th
j-. v iii i.uiu onajj
4-H Club News . . .
The Senior Beef club met at the
Markham Baker farm home on
Sunday, February 1, with a pot
luck dinner at noon. All parents
were present as well as eleven
members. Three were absent.
The club members discussed
4-H livestock insurance and the
poned today when word was re
ceived from the men that it was
practically impossible for them
to drive up from Portland. The
meeting will be called as soon as
driving conditions improve. Ev
en Judge Bert Johnson could not
get his car out to the road in lone
this morning.
program of work for the club
year. Ronald Baker gave a report
on points to look for in selection
of sheep and Judging practice.
The members looked at the
sheep, fat beef and breeding beef
projects being carried on by Ron
ald and Duane Baker.
The next meeting will be held
at the O. W. Cutsforth ranch on
Sunday, March 14. Hereford
showmanship and judging will
be the main feature at this meet
ing. The Junior 4-H club mem
bers are invited to meet with this
club at this time.
Want to buy, sell, or swap?
You'l find a G-T want ad brings
satisfactory results.
Note! New Spring
Hcre'a real quality!
Smart looking tail
ored boy coats of
100 . wool covert
with open back venta,
slaxh pockets! Beige,
grey, pastels. 10-20,
Look! See These Lovely Hi-Styled
Slim jackets over twirling
skirts! Darks, paxtcls, 10-16.
Size 42 X 36
Famous Penco Quality
for long and durable wear.
Sunday Shows Continuous from 1 p. m.
Evening shows, except Saturday, start at
7:3. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof
fice open evenings until 9 o'clock.
Admission Prices both Matinee and Evening:
Adults 50c, Grade and High School Students
12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in
cluded. Every child occupying a seat must
have a ticket.
Friday-Saturday, Feb. 6-7
Bed Skelton, Virginia O'Brien. Alu Mowbray
Ihe man o( Iikiu faces (and all ut them funny)
ill a huwlmg hit about Hollywood
Vigilantes of Boom town
A"fk .L,a , Red Hy.ier, with Bobby BU.,
Martha Wentworth., Bonooe Kami . . . Ked haa to
'leal- the way for the Corbett-Fltuslmmona world
crmmpionship 'lent
Sunday-Monday. Feb. 8-9
Humphrey Bogart. Lauren Bicall, Bruce Bennett. '
Ag-nee Moorenead H
This mystery Iim everything in the way of fast,
hard-boiled entertainment . . . from the auectacu
lur Saturday EveniiiK Post serial
Midnight Senerande In Technicolor Wewireel
Tuesday, Feb. 10, Shrove Tuesday, is the
final big day of the Mardi Crag Carnival
in New, Orleans, so we though it would
be fun to arrange a Mardi Cras program
right here at home:
Snnday ihowi contingent from 1 p m.
Romance and rhythm on Basin Street with Arturo
da Cordovt, Dorothy Patrick. Irene Bloh, Lottla
Armitrontf and thf Original New Orleans Etf
t me Band. Billie Holiday, Woody Herman and
nil orchestra.
A beat-Bollnr cornea to the ncnen full "f 1hukIb,
with a prt'itt rnMt h ended by Jackie Cooper.
Also: THE BIO PABTT. behind the acenea In
New Orleans at Mardi Graa Time.
(Note: Hernilston and Heppner Hih H-hools play
baaektball on Keb. 10. too, ho If you want to nee
the games first, come to the theater Immediately
following and you rnn Rtill see all of NEW OB
LEANS and the short subjects, and. if it isn't tot
Uf nil nf bfth fentnre )
HALL, TUESDAY, FEB. 1011:30 until about I
p.m. Sponsored by All Saints Woman'a Auxil
iary. Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 11-12
Something In The Wind
Beanna Durbln, Donald O'Connor, John Dall,
Charlea Winning er and opera's famed Jan
Of the several excellent qualities In this film, the
muMic is outHtand'ng and the range of Mina Pur
bin's vocal versatility la amazing.
Newsreel Sunset In tha Pacific,
Xing of Everglades (Both in Technicolor)
It Pays Best In The Long Run!
This is especially true o our Fine Line of
Meats. Whether you buy one pound for
immediate use or a large quantity for
locker storage, the same high quality
prevails, see us today for a supply of
We are now fully equipped to process your pork-cure
your hams and bacon, grind your sausage, etc.
Court Street Market
To Maintain A
Superior Service. .
In keeping with our policy of giving only high grade
cleaning service, we have remodelled our plant and
addd to our cleaning and pressing units.
The cleaning unit has been moved
to new quarters, where greater ef
ficiency has been attained through
rarrangement and addtion of equip
ment. . .
The pressing department has been
greatly improved by the addition of
silk finishing equipment consistinf
of the latest steam air finishing ma
chines for silk and gabardine gar
ments. These machines practically
elimnate shine.
We pick up and deliver. Just phone 2592
we'll do the rest.
Heppner Cleaners