n c . o N i ICZ 0 !. 1 C A L SOCIETY 'J K L 1 C A U jITDR I y v. AND, 0 R L Heppner Gazette Times Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 5, 1948 Volume 64, Number 46 Sentiment Found Lacking For Union Citizens Express Attitude At Farm Bureau Meeting Following a discussion of the organization of union high school districts by Lester Wilcox of the state department of education be fore the Morrow county farm bu reau at Willows grange hall in lone Monday evening, President Orville Cutsforth of the bureau called for expressions from citi zens of the three districts involv ed in the proposed project in the county. The result of the discus sions brought no definite declar ation for or against, as a whole, and the proposal was tabled for the time being so far as the farm bureau is concerned. The sentiment expressed by most of those called on was that more study is needed and that first of all the road program should be well underway before undertaking another extensive building program. The first essential in seeking to form a union high school dis trict is to choose the site, Mr. Wilcox said. Once formed, the union high school district board is a separate levying body, which would mean that a union high school would not save the tax payers anything In their educa tion bill. On the other hand, ad vantages would be gained in se curing better teaching staffs, and as far as this particular case is concerned, it would provide bet ter educational facilities for the students of all three schools, Heppner, Lexington and lone. Gcroge N. Peck explained the road set-up and the proposed . plan for financing the program. J. G. Barratt discussed the hos pital situation and expressed the hope that the committee will be able to start a building program in the near future. The hospital committee is endeavoring to get the building plans worked down to a figure of approximately $160,000, for the building alone. With federal assistance of one third, this would not make it nec essary to raise any more county funds above the $105,000 now on hand. An effort will be made to in crease the membership of the farm bureau. Paid up members can participate in the farm bu reau insurance and this is con sidered a good enough deal to warrant getting more of the far mers and stockmen to keep paid up in the bureau. o Picneer Of Grant County Buried At Monument Monday Funeral services were held at the community hall in Monu ment at 2 o'clock p.m. Monday i for Emily Harding Sweek, 87, who passed away Saturdya, Jan uary 31. The Keverend Mrs. Bach, pastor of the Presbyterian church at John Day, officiated. Inter ment was made in the family plot In the Monument cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Massey of Heppner, accompanied by Mrs. Irene Sherman and son and Mrs. Ruth Roblson of Seattle drove to Monument Monday morning to be present at the services. Mrs. Sweek was a native Ore gonian, born January 25, 1861 in the Tualatin valley. She married Lawrence Sweek at Tualatin in 1870. Later the same year they moved to Prairie City where they lived a few years and then mov ed to Hamilton, later moving on to the farm at Court Rock and finally taking up residence in Monument. Mr. Sweek passed away in 1921. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Sweek, three of them preceding her in death. These two daughters, Ona and Gladys, and a son, the late Judge Calvin L. Sweek of Pendleton. Surviving children are Ruth Rob lson, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Tom Gay, Anchorage, Alaska; Mrs. Belle Neal, Monument; Mrs. Blanche Earl, Portland, and Rex Sweek, Monument; besides a bro ther, Calvin Harding, Monument, and 19 grandchildren, 31 great grandchildren, and six great great grandchildren. Wreck Fatal To Charles W. Fuller Charles W. Fuller, 26, was kill cd in a car wreck Sunday, Janu ary 25 at Los Angeles, according to word received here from his mother, Mrs. Walter Matteson. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m.. Thursday, January 29, from the Utter, McKlnney parlors on Broadway In Los Angeles, with burial taking place In Ingle wood cemetery. Charles was born December 30, 1921 at the home of the late Ad am Knohlock on Rhea creek. He was a veteran of World War II and saw service overseas. Survivors Include his widow and a small son, Charles Lee, his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matteson; a grand mother, Mrs. Adam Knoblock, and a great grandmother, Mrs, Mime Gilson. Wm. Kummerland Laid To Rest Here Sunday Afternoon Services v.ge held from the Phelps Funel Home chapel at 2 o'clock p.m. Sunday for Wil liam Kummerland who died Jan uary 29 at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton, to which place he had been taken a few days ear lier. Rev. J. Palmer Sorllen con ducted the service and music was provided by Mrs. C. C. Dunham. A native of Illinois, where he was born August 31, 1859, Mr. Kummerland crossed the plains to the west by team and wagon. He stopped in Pendleton for a few months and then came to Morrow county and located a homestead In the upper Clark's canyon district. That was in 1884 and he lived the rest of his days on the homestead, to which other acreage was added. Mrs. Kummerland preceded her husband to the grave on Decem ber 27, 1938. A daughter, Lena, died In 1912. Surviving members of the family are Leonard Kum merland and Mrs. Nora Perlberg. o "Dawn To Dusk" Campaign Set For Tuesday, Feb. 1? The Boy Scout educational fin ance campaign will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 17, as a "Dawn to Dusk" campaign, according to J. O. Turner, chairman. The cam paign will start with a break fast for the workers at 7:30 a.m. in the Elkhorn cafe, and continue through the day with workers turning in their receipts that eve ning. Dr. Clyde Dunham, Ed Gonty, Bill Blake and Chuck Hodge are team captains working with Mr. Turner. Each team captain is se lecting at least five members to work on the campaign. Troop 61 of Heppner is among the oldest troops in the Blue Mountain Council, and has had a successful scouting program throughout its existence. Some of its present leaders and commit teemen were members of the troop as scouts. Frank Davis is the present scoutmaster with Francis Nickerson as assistant. Ted Smith is chairman of the troop committee with C. J. P Bauman, Rev. J. P. Sorllen, La Verne Van Matter and Henry Tetz as members. Cub pack 61 has been organized since 1945 with R. S. Thompson as cubmaster and J. J. O'Connor as asssitant cub master. Conley Lanham is chair man of the pack committee with Rev. Francis McCormack, Orville Smith as members. Dr. L. D. Tib bies Is the institutional represent ative. The troop is sponsored by the American Legion, post 87 and the pack by the Heppner cham ber of commerce. The funds raised in the cam paign are used to support the Blue Mountain council, which gives assistance In Programming and training the volunteer lead ers of the whole scouting pro gram, and leadership at the four summer camps conducted by the Blue Mountain council aside from the capital Investment at these camps. o Services Held For Helen Agnes Moyer Funeral services for Helen Ag nes Moyer, whose death occurred Friday, January 30 at The Dalles, were held at 10 o'clock a.m. Mon day at St. Patrick's Catholic church, with Father Francis Mc Cormack officiating. Interment was held In Heppner Masonic cemetery with the Phelps Funer al Home in charge. Helen Cunningham was born November 5, 1917 at Heppner, be ing 30 years, two months and 25 days of age at the time of her death. She was married Novem ber 12, 1941. Surviving are two children, Franclne Jan and Bruce Cleon; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cunningham; two brothers, William of Goldendale, Wash., and Bobby of Heppner, and four sisters, Mary Brannon, Rose Hams and Betty McDonald of Heppner and Kay Kononcn, Ray mond, Wash. Notson Family Safe In Far-Off China Miss Opal Briggs is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Charles Not son which gives assurance of the safety of herself and Mr. Notson, missionaries of the Methodist church, at Lintao, Kansu Prov ince, China. Lintao is near the Tibetan border, in a remote sec tion of China and many weeks by travel from the outside world. Mrs. Notson wrote her letter on January 8 and Miss Briggs re ceived it Tuesday of this week. The letter traveled by air from Lintao to the Chinese coast and by boat to the United States. The Notsons sent greetings to their friends and from the tone of the letter It would seem that they appreciate hearing from the folks on this sine of the world, o Mrs. Faye Bucknum and Mr. and Mrs. William Bucknum left this morning for Portland on a short business trip, Mustang Casaba Tossers Corral Two Games Past Week Arlington Reversed 41-31 as Heppner Recovers Accuracy The Heppner Mustangs increas ed their winning streak to six straight by defeating Arlington, 41-31, at Arlington last Friday and the following Tuesday jour neyed to Boardman where they won, 44-31. Heppner racked up 10 points against Arlington before the Honkers were able to score and led at the half, 18-12. The Arling ton boys sank five long shots in succession at the start of the sec ond half and momentarily led by two counts. The Mustangs then began clicking ag.-Mn, w . ing 33-24 at the end of the quar ter and held a 16-point edge in the middle of the fourth. Line-ups: Heppner Arlington Greenup (20) f (6) Sweet Hughes f Waters (12) ... f (3) Mackey Manners f Sumner c West Padberg (4) .... g (9) Clough Ruhl g West Rippee (5) .... g (13) Bailey Heppner reserves won their game, 30-19. Heppner players: Manners (11), Connor, Hughes (8), Bennett (4), Smith (1), Gun derson, Ruhl (3), Hammock (2), Key (1), Gabler (1). This win throws Heppner and Condon into a tie for the Wheat League leadership, each having but one loss. The Mustangs drop ped an earlier game to Arlington while Condon lost one to Hepp ner. Heppner won without difficul ty against Boardman, leading throughout the game. Heppner Boardman Greenup 9) f (4) Brown Hughes f (2) Ball Waters (5) f (15) Robertson Manners f Sumner (13) .. .c (7) Grahm Padberg (7) g Beaver Ruhl (2) g .... (2) Earwood Rippee (8) g (1) Carpenter Orwick g Two games are scheduled for the home floor this week end. Fossil plays here Friday and Um atilla, Saturday. Hermlston will play here next Tuesday. Fossil has their best team in years. The Mustangs won from them in a last quarter rally in a previous game. The Umatilla game should also be a good one from spectator viewpoint. Hepp ner barely nosed them out by one point at Umatilla three weeks ago. Pancake Luncheon Set For Feb. 10 The annual pancake luncheon, activity of the Women's Auxili ary of All Saints Episcopal church, will be served on Shrove Tues day, February 10, in the parish house. While hotcakes will form the piece de resistance, there will be ham and fruit in addition to round out a hearty luncheon. A choice of coffee, tea, milk or just plain aqua pura will be offered in the line of beverages. Serving starts at 11:30 and con tinues until 1 p.m. o TELEPHONE MEET SLATED A meeting of the directors of lines 4, 5, 6 and 16, rural tele phone service, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, February 7, ac cording to Gerald Swaggart, who was transacting business in town Wednesday from his ranch at Le na. A reorganization of the sys tem is contemplated with a view to obtaining better service than has prevailed for the past sever al years, Swaggart said. The meeting will be held in the REA office in Heppner. Ted Peterson was over from Condon Tuesday attending to business matters in Heppner. Louis Gilliam motored to Pen dleton Wednesday. Pruning Forest Trees Makes Better The life of a forester is not all tied up in fighting forest fires, or building roads and trails, or drawing forest maps or helping hapless hunters escape traps of mud and snow irt early winter, or counting the game life dependent upon forest greenery for subsist ence, or any one of numerous other routine chores. There is at least one other job, and that is occupying the attention of the regular force of the Heppner di vision of the Umatilla National forest. The aeompanying pictures tell quite a story in themselves, and to make them more understand able, Joe GJertson, assistant dis trict ranger, has the following to say regarding timber as a crop: Timber Is a crop. As In grain farming or stock raising, all ef forts should be made to produce a high quality product in abun dance. Clear lumber Is obtained from our rapidly diminishing old growth stands of virgin timber. LODGE INSTALLATIONS HIGHLIGHT WEEK'S ACTIVITIES IN HEPRNER By Ruth Payne Installation of officers was held at the meeting of the De gree of Honor lodge Tuesday eve ning with the following mem bers taking office: president, Syl via McDaniel; past-president, Ir ene Nolan; vice-president, Ethel yn Pierson; second vice-president, Ida Farra; financial secretary, Clara Gertson; treasurer, Julia Hill; usher, Maude Hughes; as sistant usher, Lucille Grady; In ner watch, Beulah Barkla; outer watch, Beryna Shamblln; pianist, Harriet Ball; right assistant, Kat ie Cunningham; left assistant, Alice Gentry; advisor, Melba Quackenbush; color bearer, Mil dred O'Connor; drill team cap tain, Clara Gertson; Junior direc tor, Irene Nolan; escorts, Ruth Bergstrom, Mary McMurtry, Julia Hill, Mildred Bergstrom and Ed na Coxen. Installing officers were State Director Ethel Lindholm and Past President, State Organizer Min nie D. Card of Portland, and Grand Usher, Past State Presi dent, Clara B. Gertson. A sur prise birthday cake was present ed to Mrs. Alice Gentry and Mrs. Ellen Moore. Hostesses for the evening were Mesdames Edna Coxen, Alena Anderson, Ellen Moore and Mabel Chaffee. Willows lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F. and San Souci Rebekah lodge ob served joint installation ceremon ies Wednesday evening with the following being installed, for Oddfellows: noble grand, Manuel Easter; past noble grand, Ralph Beamer; vice-grand, Roy Quack enbush; secretary, Durward Tash; treasurer, C. W. Barlow; chaplain, Joe Devine; "warden, Jesse C. Payne; inside guardian, Cornett Green; outside guardian, Ralph Beamer; conductor, Al Troedson; supports, Ernest Hunt, N. D. Bailey, Harold Hill, Een Anderson and Lee Howell. Officers installed tor San Souci Rebekah lodge were: nobie grand, Maude Hughes; past no ble grand, Margaret Thomas; vice-grand, Alice Banker; secre tary, Ruth F. Payne; treasurer, Ruth E. Bergstrom; chaplain, Ju lia Hill; warden, Merlyn Kirk; conductor, Jeanne Gaines; inside guardian, Mable Quackenbush; outside guardian, Ella Benge; musician, Eugenia Huston; sup ports, Delia Davidson, Mabel Chaffee, Mary Bailey and Pearl Devine. Installing officers were district deputy grand presidents, Cornett Green and Mary Bailey, and district deputy grand mar shalls, Lee Howell and Florence ' Green. Preceding the installation, a turkey .dinner was served to lodge members and their fami lies. Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacLachlin motored to The Dalles Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drake are the parents of a daughter born Thursday, January 22, at St. Anthony's hospital in Pen dleton. Mesdames Alice Gentry and Ellen Moore entertained the Car nation club Thursday afternoon at the Gentry home on Jones street. Present were Mesdames Burl Coxen, Roy Quackenbush, George Gertson, W. P. Hill, Har old Hill, Jack O'Connor and A. J. Chaffee. Harold Scritsmeir made a bus iness trip to Portland Sunday. Word has been received in Heppner that Dick Swift, who has been convalescing in an Arcadia. Cal., hospital from a heart at tack suffered some time ago, had a relapse early this week and is j reportedly in a serious condition. Mr. Swift, a former resident of Heppner and the Hardman vicin ity is well known throughout Morrow county. Ralph Beamer motored to Port land Friday, taking Lester Gam mell to the city for medical treat ment. They were accompanied as far as Portland by Bob Run nion Jr., who returned to Eugene to work. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moyer mo tored to Portland Tuesday, taking their daughter, Peggy Sue, to a hospital there. New books received at the Heppner public library this week Include: Wohl, "The Living Local loggers admit that the 300 to 500-year-old "yellow-bellies" 4 M W MtrcSSf Louis Gilliam approaches a thrifty, young yellow pine In need of pruning. Wood," and Exuprey, "The Lit tle Prince," presented by the Un ion Missionary society for use on its shelf; and Swanson, "Uncon quered," presented by Mrs. W. Oscar George for the Bert Sigs bee Memorial shelf. Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr. and in fant son, Michael Chapin, have returned from Portland where they had been for the past few weeks. Mr. Hodge motored to the city after them Thursday eve ning. They were accompanied to Heppner Friday by Mrs. Hodge's mother, Mrs. Ambrose Chapin, who remained for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chapin plan to return to Heppner about March 1 to make their home. Herbert Hynd and daughter of Cecil were business visitors in Heppner Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell mov ed Into the Hiatt apartments Tu esday. Mrs. Anna Heiny, who suffered n broken hip in a fall several weeks ago, has left the Porti.-vi hospital and is now at her home In Fairview, Ore., according to word received by her daughter, Mrs. Gene Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aalberg mo tored to Pendleton Tuesday. Kenneth Vaughan has gone to Pendleton where he will be s sociated with Dr. W. P. Browne who opened offices In Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Vaughan and their young son will move over as soon as living quarters have been se cured. J. J. O'Connor motored to Spo kane Tuesday to attend a con vention of J. C. Penney store managers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Massey, Mrs. Anna Bayless, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Evans and Mrs. Evans' moth er, Mrs. Lotus Robison, motored to Monument Monday to attend the funeral services for the late Mrs. Lawrence Sweek. Mr, and Mrs. George Perry of Pendleton were over-night guests Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Perry's son, J. C. Payne. E. E. Adkins and Lotus Robi son returned the end of the week from a fortnight's vacation at Ritter hot springs. Mrs. Florence Darnell and daughter, Rosalie, departed by bus Wednesday morning tor their home in Woodburn after a week's visit here at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. Don Grady and Mr. Grady. State Income Tax Helper Scheduled A state income tax agent will be at the court house in Heppner from 1 to 5 p.m., March 24, to give free assistance to taxpayers desiring his service. All returns for the calendar year 1947 must be filed on or before April 15, 1948. All returns mailed so they bear postmark of the last date for filing or before will not be considered delinquent. Returns must be filed by single indiviluals (or married and not living with husband or wife) having net income from all sour ces of $500 or more during the taxable year. Married couples having com bined net income from all sour ces of $1,000 or more during the taxable year must make ro'-ms The agent will be at Kinzua Pine Mills office, Kinzua, 6 to 9 p.m., March 16; Fossil, court house, 9 to 11 a.m., March 17. and Condon court house, 1 to 4 p.m., March 17. -o OPEN HOUSE POSTPONED Due to the doubtful state of the weather, Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker have decided to postpone the open house planned for Sun day afternoon. Feh - fine new home southwest of lone. The event will be held as conditions warrant, announce ment of which will be given t-iru the columns of this newspaper. Drifting snow which the Bakers encountered Tuesday getting from the ranch to town was the deciding factor in the postpone ment. The people of Irrigon enjoyed about three inches of snow and about two degrees below zero weather Monday night will disappear during the present cutting cycle. Future cuts will This tree is destlnpd to pro duce valuable saw timber tot the next crop, "r?' lone Still Holds Little League Lead With No Defeats Umatilla Edged Out In Overtime Play Last Week lone remained in the "Little Wheat League" lead after defeat ing Umatilla, going over to the river town and winning in a tor rid 30-29 overtime session. The Cards led until the last few sec onds of the game when O'Brien of Umatilla tied the score at 27 all. In the overtime, Ross Doherty of lone made a free throw. John son of Umatilla made a basket and Robert Peterson of the Cards canned the winning basket ?ust before the end of the overtime period. The line-ups: IONE fg ft f p Doherty, f ...4 119 Peterson, f ..." ... 6 1 1 13 Bergstrom, f 2 0 0 4 Hermann, c 0 0 4 0 Jepsen, c 1 14 3 Pettyjohn, g 0 15 0 Salter, g 0 0 5 0 Carlson, g 0 0 2 o 13 4 22 30 Umatilla fg ft f p O'Brien, f 4 7 2 15 Johnson, f 1 2 2 4 Thompson, c 1 2 0 4 Hiatt, g 1 3 4 5 Bray, g 0 15 1 7 15 13 29 o Javcee-ettes Ranks Of Growing Social Activities A chapter of Jaycee-ettes was organized Wednesday evening, January 21, when a group of the wives of local Junior chamber of commerce members got together for that purpose. Election of offi cers was held with the following results: Mrs Edwin Dick, presi dent; Mrs. James Healy, vice Dresident; Mrs. William Barratt, secretary, and Mrs. Frank Davis, treasurer. Following the reading of a copy of the Pasco Jaycee-ettes charter, it was voted to accept it as the pattern for the local charter, with some changes to be made by a committee consisting of Mrs. Jack O'Connor, Mrs. Con ley Lanham, Mrs. Stephen Thompson and Mrs. Leonard Pate. The group will meet at 8 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the youth center. Mrs. Walter Barger, Mrs. Edmond Gonty and Mrs. Howard Keithley will be in charge of the refresh ments at the meeting on Febru ary 18. A new committee will be named to serve each month. Mrs. Gordon Grady was chosen publicity chairman. o Dallas Ward New Colorado U Coach Football enthusiasts and for mer neighbors and friends of Dal las Ward will be pleased with the news that he has been chosen head coach at the University of Colorado. Ward was picked from among the top four of a class of aDDlicants numbering 100 or more. He succeeds "Uncle Jim" Yeaeer who has retired from coaching to engage in private business. Ward a star end on the Oregon State college team has been as sistant to Bennie Bierman at the University of Minnesota for 12 years. Prior to that he was foot ball coach of one of the Minne apolis high schools. He is 41 years of age and saw service in the navy during the recent war. He is the son of Mrs. Ola Hollo- way, formerly of Heppner and now residing at Waitsburg, Wash He was raised at Lexington and was graduated from high school there. Saw Timber ' include younger timber that has not vet reached the clear-Dole stage. Such trees will produce preponderance of knotty lumber of lower quality. Loggers cutting government stumpage are assessed a fee per thousand-foot cut to apply in lu ture stand improvement work on the cutover areas. Planting, thin ning, and pruning are a few of the possibilities included under this category. The forest service is now engaged in a pruning pro tect in the vicinity of Black mountain. Young ponderosa pine, commonly referred to as "bull pine," are being trimmed of dead or live limbs to a maximum of IS feet. This will allow for a clear 16-foot log when the tree becomes mature. By careful selection and proper pruning, we are aiding nature in producing the favored clear bole and high grade lumber. Through long range planning we hope to aid in the destiny of our great heritage, the timber resources. County Prosress Seen In Planners9 Reports REPORT OF THE FARM AND RURAL LIFE COMMITTEE General Considerations Morrow county rural families wish to provide an opportunity for a happy and satisfying lL"e for all members of the family. This includes not only the mater ial necessities for comfortable liv ing, such as adequate housing, clothing, and food, but also tho3e intangible factors that make for good family living. The success of rural living depends upon the soundness of the home as much as it does the technical skills which the farmer requires for the operation of the farm. Success and happiness on a farm can be the vital power to keep our young people in our rur al areas. The population of Morrow county was 4,337 in 1940. witn 1 to rural population estimated at 2, 800. Housing and Home Management According to the 1940 census of 1,243 occupied dwellings In Mor row county, 51 per cent are rural homes. Eighty-four per cent of these dwellings in the county were built between 1890 anu , with the biggest building period between 1900-1910. Thirty-two per cent of the rural homes need ed major repairs. The following chart shows a comparison of improvements in Morrow county homes during the past ten years. CHART OF IMPROVEMENTS IN Painted frame construction Homes with six rooms or more l Homes that lack interior walls & ceiling over 12 Homes that lack good roof 12 House in poor condition 15 Homes that lack bathrooms 12 Homes that need storage for fruit and vegetables 13 Homes that need more bedrooms. 13 Homemakers carry water 13 Homes with piped cold water 34 Homes with piped hot water over 12 Homes with inside toilet more than 13 Homes with bathtub and shower over 12 Homes with electric lights 14 Homes with mechanical refrigeration 14 Homes that have lawns, walks A drives under 12 Hnmes with nlantinp & fence around yard 67 (13 are home light plants which will be abandoned when REA lines are installed.) Due to the fact that many farm families have been able to pay off old detbs and even accumul ate savings during the war years, many rural families are planning to use this money for improve ments in housing and new labor saving equipment for the home. The Farm Home and Rural Lite Committee believes that because of these facts the improvement of rural homes will be one of the major projects of farm families in the next few years. After care ful consideration of these facts, the committee makes the follow ing recommendations: 1. Tenant Houses and Bunk House Improvements in Morrow County. Of the 505 farms in Mor row county, 478 hire labor. Since there is an average of two em ployees per farm, we recommend attention to be given to adequate housing for tenants as well as other hired help. We further rec ommend that washrooms with outside entrances be furnished employees, so that it will be un necessay to use the family bath room. 2. Housing for Teachers. As the legislature has authorized the spending of schools' funds to pro vide homes for teachers, we rec ommend immediate steps be tak en to furnish such homes. It is hoped that the housing specialist of the Extension Service will be able to help in planning these units. 3. House Plans. To aid families in planning new homes, we rec ommend that a program designed to give help and instructions on house planning be given for those Interested. House plans should be chosen with consideration given to the size of family, family activities, available labor, material and costs. In making a plan to meet the needs of the family, we believe special consideration should be given to planning, size of house, adequate storage space, provision for recreation activities, conven ient step saving kitchen, laundry or utility rooms, home freezer un its, building materials, insula tion, adequate and convenient wiring which will be ready when power line comes in. We recommend that families take advantage of the "Handbook of House Plans for Farm Homes" available for loan from the coun ty extension office. The plans may be purchased at a minimum cost from Oregon State college. There is a specialist In housing at Oregon State college. We further recommend that the college include plans for houses built in units in the "Handbook of House Plans for Farm Homes" beginning with a 4- or 5-room complete house, with units to be added at later dates. 4. Home Wiring. We recom mend special study be given home lighting and wiring, plac ing of outlets and purchase and use of appliances previous to the arrival of REA. 5. Safety. We recommend care (Continued Next Week) If Morrow county makes as much progress acordingly in the next 10-year period as it did dur ing the 1937-47 era, with one-half of the time taken out for war, great strides will be made be tween now and 1957. There Is reason to believe that noticeable progress will be made, for In the reports of the several commit tees at the planning conference held at Lexington grange hall last Friday the groundwork was laid for development as the re sult of thoughtful study by for ward looking people. In opening the conference, Nel son Anderson, county agricultur al agent, presented the major problems as they appeared to the sub-committees during their pre conference meetings. He pointed to soil conservation as the No. 1 problem confronting all land ow ners, as well as those dependent upon the products of the soil. He discussed briefly the livestock in dustry, farm home and rural life, crops, with emphasis on weed control, and land use to what uses will the land now produc ing high priced wheat be put to if and when there comes a break in the high price era. Chairman William Barratt call ed for the reading of the reports the first being farm crops. Loyd Howton read the report, a com prehensive study of the crop sit uation as it exists and recom mendations for future action. W. W. Weatherford presented the conservation committee re port. A point brought out was that trashy summerfallow equip- MORROW COUNTY FARM HOMES 1937 1948 2'3 34 23 13 13 110 13 15 16 16 45 more than 34 nearly 34 nearly 23 nearly 23 over 34 34 34 ment is inadequate but the com mittee recommended that it not be discontinued and that in con nection with this type fallow there be more contour plowing practice. He dealt at some length upon the value of diversion dit ches and the planting of cover crops in light soil areas. Farm home and rural life was presented by Mrs. Norman Nel son. (The first pages of this re port are published this week and all of It and the other committee reports will be published in later issues.) After reading the open ing paragraphs of the report Mrs. Nelson asked for discussion and got responses from Glenn Par sons, district forest ranger, rela tive to the efforts of the forest service in providing recreation facilities in the mountains, and from Francis Nickerson who stat ed that the Junior chamber of commerce is working on a recre ation center in Heppner on prop erty recently acquired in a trade with the county. Mary Beth Minden of the ex tension service of Oregon State college gave some illuminating figures on homemaking and sug gested that the family should ad opt a 10-year plan of home man agement One of the most exhaustive re ports was that of the livestock committee presented by Harold Erwin, pinch hitting for R. B. Ferguson, chairman. The study revealed that the county now has approximately 23.000 head of cat tle, 40,000 sheep and 2,000 hogs. The committee recommended that a check be held on live stock increase commensurate with the range capacity of the county. Disease control, need of a county veterinarian, changes in the brand inspection law, and extending the elk season to 40 days were among recommenda tions offered. Herb Hynd offered an amendment to the report to include the study of an unde fined disease in sheep common ly referred to as "lungers. Henry Tetz read the education committee's report, which cover ed subjects of a wide range. It included roads, inasmuch as this subject was not covered directly by committee, and Mr. Tetz paus ed to permit Garnet Barratt to read the resolution passed by the citizens' road committee. This committee recommended the spe cial proposal calling for a 10 mill levy each year for a period of several years. Frank Ballard of the extension service summed up the reports In a short talk, showing the bene fits derived from such confer ences, not only to tbe people di rectly affected but to the urban communities as well, for agricul ture is the basis for our welfare and prosperity and the rural com munity Is the training ground for at least 50 percent of those en gaged in urban pursuits. Around 150 people were served an excellent luncheon by the home economics club of the Lex ington grange. The Lexington school band provided entertain ment during the noon hour,