4-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, January 29, 1948 A flrid demonstration on ap pllrallon of weed control with 2.4 D w given with the 40 foot pray-rr tHxm made at the Mun- kers farm shop. Roy Campbell. Vernon Munkers and Kenneth Peck will use this sprayer on an nual weeds this spring. SfaufffP Announcing INTERIOR Warehouse Co. dealers for Stauffer Agricultural Chemicals which include STAUFFER 2 4-D WEED KILLERS Ester Weed Killer 44 Ester Dust 5 Liquid Sodium Sa It 40 Weed Killer 95 Dry Concentrate Stauffer Chemical Co. Pacific Northwest Division North Portland, Oregon Custom Spraying NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY FOR CATTLE GRUBS Make arrangements now for Duo Control Spraying Materials and methods of spraying as recommended by U. S. Dept. of Agri culture. Gordon Grady Heppner, Oregon Phone 2193 Morrow County Cleaners Operating the most modern machinery in Dry Cleaning Hat Blocking A Specialty One-Day Service if Needed We call and deliver ' Just phone 2632 Morrow County Cleaners Heppner, Oregon Club Hews News About Town . . . ! ;!'' w"" ";! Among those from lone In i loson, vrs. Alex Green. Miss Ona Heppner Tuesday were Mr. and j milium, Miss Opal Briggs, Mrs. Mrs. Van Hubbard, Mrs. Delbert : a! Troedson, Mis. Cleve Van Emert. Mrs. Garland Swanson, j sehoiaok, Mrs. Amtv Van Soho Mrs. Victor Eietmann, Louis Hal-1 -a. k anH children. Mrs. Elbert orsen, Kenneth Akers, Carl F. ox. Mrs. Ordrio Gentry. Mrs. E. Bergstrom and son, Walter, Mrs. K. Huston. Mrs. Jesse Beardsfey The lone Homemaking club met at the Coleman home in lone on Saturday, January 24, with eight members present. After the business meeting was held, teaa er Ruth McCabe gave the Home- making II club members a dem onstration in ironing a shirt. The leader showed the Homemaking III girls some project work they could carry on in the Room an provement project. Ronald and Duane Baker, lone, members of the Senior Beef club, began a beef breeding project this oast week when each of them bought a purebred Short horn cow from the Jim Valentine registered herd. These cows will calve within the next month The boys showed their ability to judge beef cattle when they picked the two best cows in the herd. Corvallis and La Grande will again be the locations of the an nual conferences of 4-H club lo cal leaders January 27-29 and February 3-5, respectively, L. J. Allen, state club leader in the O.S.C. extension service, has an nounced. Purpose of these conferences is to bring representative local leaders together to help develop plans for the coming year and to familiarize them with the gen era! features of the 4-H club program. Help is also given with specific problems of local lead ership during the three-day schedule of events. The Corvallis meeting will be for those in all parts of western Oregon and for the eastern Ore gon counties within easy driving distance including Wasco, Jeffer son, Crook, Deschutes, Klamath and Lake. About 150 to 200 local leaders together with all county extension agents active in 4-H club work are expected. The La Grande meeting will be for all other eastern Oregon counties and will be attended by about 100 leaders and extension agents concerned. Morrow county leaders are expected to attend this meeting. More than 2000 adults and old er youth served as volunteer leaders for 2400 different clubs last year. Ted McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Benton and Mrs. Frank En-gelman. Mrs. Elsie Montague Weed of I Condon spent Monday in Hepp ner transacting business. I Mr. and Mrs. Afton Gayhart ; and Mrs. Albert Bailoy Mrs. Clarence Baker entertain ed with a stork shower for Mrs. William Padberg at the Baker home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tom Sumner was the hon- oree for a baby shower Thursday were business visitors in Pendle-1 evening given by Mrs. Carey Has- ton Monday. Mrs. James Cowins motored to Pendleton Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ruth McNeil. Among those from Heppner at tending the PCA business meet ing and dinner in Pendleton Mon day were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mc Curdy, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Thomp son, Mrs. Alex Thompson, Clay ton Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Wright, Mr. and Mrs. George Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker. A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Katie Slocum Tu esday afternoon by Mrs. N. D. Bailey and Mrs. J. O. Hager at the Girls, is a guest at the home of Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones mo tored to Yakima Sunday where they took Mrs. Rhoda Jones to visit her daughter and family, Mrs. Edward Brunells. The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith who has been ill at her home is much improved and is sitting up. The Lexington rental library has received a unit of 76 books from the state library. These in clude a variety of books for both adults and children. The Stanfield volleyball team motored to Lexington on Monday where they were the winners of the game on the local floor. The Lexington grade school motored to lone where they were defeated Tuesday afternoon at volleyball. tings at her home on Gilmore street. Guests were Mesdames Mary McMurtry, Adelle Hayes. Verna Hayes, Oma, Cox, Daisy Collins, Alice Banker, Marie Johnson, Isabel Templeton, Mil lie Evans, Naomi Hampton, Neva Matteson, Ruth Hammock, Jessie Lovgren. Margarette Evans. Grace Buschke and Jerry Sumner. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Jean Lovgren, Yvonne and Peggy Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Hap Wood of Portland were in Heppner Wed nesday taking care of business matters and visiting friends. They were accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Joe Connor of Denver, Colorado, who recently purchased a stock ranch on McKay creek near Pilot Rock and who will soon move to Oregon to make their home Mrs. Fay Bucknum entertained Thursday evening with a surprise dinner party at the Elkhom res taurant complimenting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bucknum on the occasion of their first wedding anniversary. Invitations were is sued to the members of the town basketball team and their ladies. A. C. L. Jetley motored to Burns Friday afternoon to spend the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. William Raw lins (Jane Huston) of Corvallis are being felicitated on the birth of a son, Thomas Allen, January 24 at a Portland hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston of Eightmile. News From C. A. Office LEXINGTON... Continued no rim Pun to Heppner P-TA at their regular meeting Tuesday night at the school house. A short business meeting was -held in which it was decided that Mrs. Cecil Jones would fill out the year, due to resignation of Oscar Breeding who has been the president After this the guests were pleasantly entertained by several numbers by Lexington students which in cluded a saxophone solo by Janet Howton, accompanied by her mo ther, a horn solo by Doris Grant, and a horn solo by Larry Hender son. After this they heard from Mrs. C. C. Dunham from Heppner, accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Car michael. Francis Nickerson gave a fine talk on polio, and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse played several numbers on her violin, accom panled by Mrs. Carmichael. After this delicious refreshments were served in the lunch room of the school. Angel food cake and jello were the refreshments. Next meeting will be father's night, with the program prepared by the fathers, and the refreshments also. Miss Nelda Brown of Walla Walla, executive director of the Whitman areal of Camp Fire ir BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS By having me mea sure and install beautiful Venetian blinds Any Color Tape and Slats O. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 2752 or 1483 Heppner, Oregon MTQC 1 DUl colors won i uuuy k .9 A good Place to go to get Lumber, Plywood, Roofing, Pumice Building Blocks, Rough Lumber . . . Honest Grades and Prices . Builders Supply North Gale Street Heppner Hearts are too But colors won't bring Sweet love to you Flowers are nice But to be quite bold Flowers won't give you A hand to hold. Valentines know Ana it's been felt That jewelry makes A cold heart melt Ifs also said And must be true That jewels make An old love new. So if some heart You'd care to try We've just the gift That you should buy. t No lonely hours I tip time to pine I Our gifts will win Your Valentine. Peterson's 11 M All sub-committee reports for the Agricultural Planning con ference are in readiness for pre senting on January 30 A total of 33 sub-committee meetings were held in developing the six re ports. Every farmer and farm wife will want to attend the con ference to be held at the Lexing ton grange hall, Friday, January 30 The program begins at 10:30 a.m. with lunch served at the grange hall by the Lexington Grange Home Economics club. Mary "Beth Minden, extension specialist in home management, and F. L. Ballard, associate di rector of extension service, Ore gon State college, will take part in the program. We hope you'll all be there. . Results from the Moro experi ment station prove that 2,4-D is a good weapon to have on your side in the battle against weeds. Speaking now of annual weeds which are common to the wheat lands of eastern Oregon, 2,4-D enters the picture in a big way. E. R. Jackman, crops specialist at Oregon State college, states that 2,4-D is highly effective when applied to such annual weeds as pepper grass. Jim Hill mustard, purple mustard, tar weed and Russian thistle. Experiments at the Moro sta tion prove that wheat yields on all test plots were increased. In fact, about seven and one-half busheis per acre when a good, effective job of weed control was done with 2,4-D. Here is what Jackman says about the use of 2,4-D on weeds in wheat: He says growers can expect about a 30 percent in crease in yield on lands where weeds are bad. Tins office has information on rates and meth ods of applying 2,4-D. Motor trucks and tractors have replaced horses, and petroleum products have replaced enough oats, corn, and hay to release some 55 million acres of our crop land for market production since KINZUA NEWS . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Slip Wright re turned to Kinzua Thursday from Portland where he had been re ceiving medical attention. Mrs. Jimmie Walker returned with them .She had been in Portland to attend a meeting of the Daugh ters of the Nile. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore and World War I enough to increase field crop production by 20 per cent over 1920. O. V. Wells, Chief of Bureau of Agricultural Econ omics, USDA. daughter spent the week end at Goldendale, Wash., with Mrs. Moore's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Slim flhoten and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Camp Wetmore were shopping here Thursday. Arlington played basketball Friday at Fossil, defeating the Falcons 33-31. The Honkers were l behind until the last quarter when they spurted up and pass ed the local cagers. The Falcons motored to Day ville where they won quite han dily, 53-24. The B squad and the girls' team accompanied them and were also victorious. A Date For You To Remember DeMolay Dance "7 Saturday, February ' RHEA CREEK GRANGE HALL Rim Rock Serenaders $1.00 per person, tax included Electrical Wiring Radio Repair Home Appliance Repair Refrigerator Service Everything Electrical for Your Home or Business. Heppner Appliance Co. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg. Phone 403 Contrary To Local Gossip We Are Still Giving Guaranteed Radio Service --and will continue to do so. Due to the loss of our radio re pair man, Vernon Richards, who is moving to Payette, Ida. we will continue in the Radio Repair work hereafter. Thanks for your loyal patron age. Gonty's HIGH SCHOOL Graduates.., WANT GOOD PAY? CHANCE TO GREATER EARNINGS IN ANY OF THESE... AND OTHER FIELDS! lit U lu KachiiisT Powerhouse engineer; Truck driven; Bulldozer operators; Crane operator. b Survey instrument men; qtM Sear. Topographic surveyor; rJ tfri-run RiKKeniSurveying.Kod E or W V. mtn, Chainmen. zlM i 22650 up 1 ft 22650 up fj St lit tint CiMnkitiois? J-J i m tnltlmikikmlim j3 P' ISSS.FrSPXiXin- SSI D.n..l Ub Technician; Jfcl iSIET f?'I'l:!. J . 'Ml 221 '' Contraction equipment w. J "' TetanZii T.I!!,.Sh Z "ri m.chanic; Clark, tyni.t; ar ,p"- TZ.l?!lZ Telr,Ph .r,l 5 Stenographer.; Welder.. ul larr operator. tor m " tnl Can I . T ri I qualify for f (Type of work T yy y I Send Information My Age Fowfofftre BMg, pendMnn, Ore. Clt.v ,n,x CHOCOLATES Fruits & Nuts Glace & spiced Nuts Whitman Gales Brown & Haley Harry L. Brown Country Store of BeverlyHills Candy Makes a Cherished Valentine! EVERYONE LIKES CANDY, especially on Saint Valen tine's Day! Send your friends and loved ones our generous boxes; have our delicious candy about the house for your Valentine guests. Humphreys Drug Co. A A STAR nn REPORTER Sunday Shows Continuous from 1 p. m. Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 7:31. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof fice open evenings until 9 o'clock. Admission Prices both Matinee and Evening: Adults 50c, Grade and High School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes In cluded. Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket. Friday-Saturday, Jan. 30-31 Tarzan And The Huntress 7ohnny WolMmaller, Brend Joyc, Johnny Shef field, Patricia Morison, Barton MacLan. This mark, the 29th year for Edgar Bio. Bnr ronffh popular Jungle hero . . . there are more wild anlmtilfl and more thrills In this picture than In any previous TABZAH production, PLUS THE MARAUDERS BUI Boyd, Andy Clyde. A Hopnlong Cassldy ac tion film. Sunday-Monday, Feb, 1-2 FUN AND FANCY FREE Walt Dfaney'i fiill-lonuM h munlenl cartoon, fra t u ri riR Edgar Bergen In the flenh with Charlie McCarthy ami Mortimer Snerd, and Dinah Shore voi.'lriK Ihft tunoH and story of Bongo the boar. Color by Tmrlmlrolor. A contribution to gayety, oVIlght and entertainment. ... to be loved by children, to provide stimulation to adults, PLUS Seven Keys To Baldpate Mystery and adventure, are contbtned In thl now vernlon of a venerable thriller, with Phillip Terry, Jacqueline White, Eduardo Clanolll. Margaret Lindsay. Alnn on this program are. Pathe News, a Flicker Flatthback, and Smoke Baters, a tribute to volun teer and profeflflloiiiit firemen. Sunday shows continuous from 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3 The Guilt of Janet Ames Rosalind Russell, Melvyn Douglas, Bid Caesar, Betsy Blair, Nina Foch Well, maybe yoti are- tired of pnychiatry. but hern lt'n made pleiiaant . , . the comedy touchen are refreshing .. . . and altoKHhor It's a very nut iHfylng bit of enterlaininotit. Pete Smith Novel toon Pacemaker Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 4-5 IVY Joan Fontaine, Patrlo Knowles, Herbert Marshall, Richard Ney, Sir Oedrlo Hardwlcke Tvy had the face and form of an angel, but . . . nhn was prepared to cheat and kill to attain wealth and poHttlon, A film with tremendous ap peal and overall excellence. Title song by Hoag-y OarnilohaeL Harnessed Lightning Sportllght Newsreel