Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 22, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, jonuary 22, 1948
Housing Situation Still Acute
Mark Twain's famous weather observation could
easily be applied to the housing situation in Hepp-ner-ver
body knows there is a housing shortage
but no one does anything about it. That this may
not be misinterpreted, it might be better to state
that nothing in a general way is being done
Heppner is no different from thousands of other
small towns throughout the nation, but it is a
certainty that this town needs its full share of
10 million new dwelling units that must be built
in the next ten years if the United States is to
maintain a high level of business activity and
reap the attendant results.
No doubt the high price for building materials
and the unprecedented wage scale is deterring
many people f"-om building homes. This is true
in relation to investment building, and with good
cause, for it is too great a risk to build a house
that in accordance with present price levels should
bring from $75 to S100 a month which would drop
to a level of from $35 to $50. or even lower, if
deflation sets in. Vet, people must have housing
and something should be done about it. The fact
is that people are paying high rent for "just a
place to live in" can not be denied, here as else
where. Hope for improvement is all that keeps
some of our poorly housed residents here and
when they lose hope they move out. Lack of
housing has kept numerous people from locating
here, some of them interested in business enter
priseswhere there is also a lack of ample facil
ities and it is safe to say that an effort to meet
the situation would bring new people here.
Regardless of the high cost of building houses,
Heppner has witnessed the addition of a substan
tial number of new homes the past two years.
In most instances the building has been done with
a modest outlay of cash for labor and by not go
ing in for anything fancy in the way of architec
turejust comfortable homes that the owners can
call their own by the time they are ready for
occupancy. It is understood that several more
homes will be built in the sa,me manner during
the coming months by people now renting. This
will offer relief to the extent of nine or ten units,
but will be only a star on the actual need.
There is this to say about the housing situation.
With an estimated 10 million new units needed,
extensive study is being made in government cir
cles, builders' supply concerns, and the building
trades for the purpose of devising new methods
of construction, new materials, so that the cost
per unit will be within range of the two out of
three prospective builders wh5 are not able to
invest from $8,000 to $10,000 in homes. We may
have to struggles along until these angles are
straightened out, and in the meantime many of
our residents will remain unhappy and will be
looking elsewhere for homes.
Cutting Us Down To Size
If you have been wondering what all this gov
ernment rag-chewing is about, read this from
Kiplinger's Magazine and you may have a better
"Infant industries were once downtrodden, so
we made tariffs to protect them. Then they got
Wrong, so we are now reducing tariffs. Farmer'
were once downtrodden, so we passed laws to give
them a fair break, and now they are prosperous,
and we are beginning to hear some grumbling
against farm subsidies. Labor unions were once
the under dogs, so we passed laws to give them
a chance, which they took, and now we are trying
to enforce a law to curb them. Co-operatives were
once deemed worthy of the spcial privilege of not
being taxed like regular businesses, and they got
so big and strong that now there are bills in
Congress to make them pay taxes like private
firms and ordinary folks. It just goes to show that
when you get too big and strong, you ought to
watch yourself, for someone is sure to come along
with the vicious idea of cutting you down to size."
From Heppner Gazette Times
January 24, 1918
The Morrow Count Red Cross
chapter is moving into its new
quarters in the Natter building
on upper Main street. The work
ers have outgrown the former
quarters in the South Methodist
church and this has necessitated!
the move. ;
... ,
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. 1
Joseph Sibley of South Springs
died Tuesday at the home of his
parents. He had been sick for
about five months and his death
was caused by an abscess at the
base of the brain.
During the week the McCul
lough Brothers wool clip of 15,
000 pounds was sold. The price
was around 55 cents.
William Moreland died Janu
arw 22 at the home of his son.
Frank Moreland, in this city at
the age of 72 years.
Is there any better sign of
spring? Children have been out
picking buttercups.
Mrs. V. E. Brock and Mrs.
Electrical Wiring
Radio Repair
Home Appliance
Everything Electrical for
Your Home or Business.
Appliance Co.
Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg,
Phone 403
George Fell, promnient Pendle
ton women, were guests at the
S. W. Spencer home the first of
the week.
The street committee of the
council is making a number of
repairs to wooden crosswalks this
L. D. Neill and family were in
the city last week from their But
ter creek home. Mr. Neill came
in to receive surgical attention to
his left arm which had fallen
victim to "Forditis," a malady
which is found in its worst form
in a Ford car on a cold morning.
Walter Holloway of La Grande
arrived in Heppner last week to
accept a position as trap drum
mer at the Star theater.
The Heppner high school ath
letic association has leased the
exhibit pavilion from the fair
board and is putting the build
ing in shape for the basketball
Mrs. Willis McCarty of Portland
arrived in the city the last of
the week to make a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Campbell an dher sister, Mrs. P.
A. Anderson.
Misses Ellen, Hannah and Em
ma Bergstrom were in the city
Monday from their home in Eight
One of the features that makes
Portland's newly opened glass
walled Equitable building per
haps the most talked about
structure in the nation is that it.
has no fires and no chimney, for
it is heated and cooled by a re
verse cycle system which draws
heat or cold from three wells
drilled to various depths. The re
frigeration school of Multnomah
college, now removed to larger
quarters at Swan Island, will add,
on February 2, a course for ad
vanced students which will cover
cycle heating and cooling, soil
heat, air-heat and water-heat
pickup; erection and operation of
heavy equipment is included.
Shop Our Windows
and see for yourself how beautiful is
the new line of
in pastel colors; four sizes small
pots,, medium, large and jardinieres.
All Moisture-proof
Flowers for Every Occasion
Salem, Jan. 22 (Special) Mary
Jo Bean, 15, Woodburn garm girl,
competing against boys and girls
from every Oregon county, won
the $50 first prize in the annual
Green Guard essay, poster and
achievement contest sponsored by
the Keep Oregon Green associa
tion. Green Guards from thirteen
counties won cash awards for es
says and posters written on the
theme: "A Page From Nature's
Notebook." Quality of essays was
excellent, according to Charles
Ogle, executive secretary of the
fire prevention association, who
said that more Green Guards and
other students participated this
year than at any time since the
start of the state-wide event five
years ago.
Second prizes of $25 went to
Fred Cummings, 14, Waadburn,
and George Elder, 13, Joseph.
Among the achievements of
Mary Jo Bean, who was first place
winner in the intermediate divi
sion last year, was her enlist
ment of 210 boys and girls dur
ing 1947 in her Green Guard
squad. George Elder was one of
the authors of a special Keep Ore
gon Green play which was pre
sented to the Hurricane Creek
grange of Wallowa county
Two sisters, Freda and Hilda
Swanson of Swisshome and
Frank Wiley, 5950 S.E. Maple.
Portland, won $10 third place
Twenty Green Guards were
awarded $5 prizes for fourth
place, among whom was Lorraine
Carter of Irrigon.
Judges for the contest, who se
lected the 26 winners from the
many outstanding entries were
Dean Paul M. Dunn, Corvallis;
State Forester N. S. Rogers, Sal
em, and Arthur W. Priaulx, Portland.
Midnight Ceremony
Unites Spray Couple
Willa Ethel Fisk of Morrow
county and Theodore Ruben
Murdock of Spray were united
in marriage at a midnight cere
mony held in the Methodist
church Tuesday night, with Rev.
J. Palmer Sorlien officiating. Mrs.
C. C. Dunham presided at the
piano and sang "Because." Wit
nesses were Mrs. Velma Hueb
ener, Mrs. H. A. Sanders, H. A.
Sanders and Roy Burkenbine.
The couple will reside on Mr.
Murdock's stock ranch near
Spray. Mrs. Murdock is a new
comer to this section, but her
husband is well known here and
in the John Day country where
he has resided all his life.
By having me mea
sure and install
beautiful Venetian
Any Color Tape
and Slats
Phone 2752 or 1483
Heppner, Oregon
Washington Week
Washington, D. C It is too
much to expect in a campaign
year that a State of the Union
message would escape critical ex
amination. Possibly one reason' for the chil
ly reception, even among Demo
crats, was that the message was
not the considered product of the
Executive and his Cabinet, care
fully worked out to inform Con
gress on the grave problems con
fronting the country. Ostensibly,
it reflects what possibly was a
synthesis of memoranda from
various Departments, accepted
and included in the message with
scant attention to their inconsis
tencies or conflicts of interest.
At any rate, that is the current
explanation for Mr. Truman's un
fortunate message. While he was
calling on Congress for more con
trols and more regimentation for
the United States, his own State
Department was urging European
countries to get rid of controls
and return to a system of free
enterprise. It looks as if President
Truman wants free enterprise for
all countries except the one of
which he is President.
But it was on the tax question
that Mr. Truman threw consist
ency, as well as justice and econ
omics, out the window altogether.
His tax proposal is as phony as a
$40 bill.' Last year he vetoed the
Republican tax reduction hill on
the grounds that it was inflation
ary. Prices are higher now, but
by some miracle his own tax re
duction would not be inflation
ary. A tax cut of $40 per taxpayer
or voter would be offset by high
er taxes on corporations. Hence,
Mr. Truman proopses no tax cut
at all. He would take the same
amount of revenues out of the
nation's income by simply shift
ing the tax load. And Mr. Truman
did not explain how corporations
could spend more money on ex
pansion, as he urged in another
part of his message, if their taxes
were raised. Nor did he explain
how higher taxes on corporations
could fail to be reflected in high
er prices for the things that cor
porations manufacture and work
ers buy.
The "promise everything to ev
erybody" technique shown in the
message reminds one of the can
didate portrayed in a current mo
vie. This candidate is against IN
flat ion, against DEflation, but
comes out boldly in favor of FIXA
TION. That appears to be Mr.
Truman's position, too.
A United States Marine Corps
recruiting office was formally
opened in Pendleton. Oregon, this
week by Technical Sergeants
Parke L. Tory and Ellwood P
The office in Pendleton will
serve the area from Baker to Ar
lington and it is planned that
regular trips to Walla Walla, Ba
ker, La Grande and the surround
ing territory will be made as soon
as possible.
The main mission of the office
is to n .crest young men in the
regular Marine Corps, but are al
so prepared to enlist former Mar
ines in the inactive Marine Corps
Former Marines that have not
received their World War II med
als may get them by bringing
proof of their service to the re
cruiting office.
Medical and Hospital Care
for Oregon residents and
their families available at
reasonable cost... us
use coupon
Hundred of thousands of Oregon
workers now may obtain modest cost medical and hospital
protection through Oregon Physicians' Service. Two new plans
for individuals and families are offered. Both have the spon
sorship and approval of the Oregon State Medical Society.
Wide Choice of Doctors and Hospitals
Oregon has taken the kickoff
in the political game of the west.
The May primaries are the ear
liest in the history of the state
and the earliest in the West this
year. The returns from this elec
tion will be the first definite in
dication of political trends. All
the country will be watching Ore
gon. The Wallace vote will have
particular interest to both repub
lican and democratci observers as
it will register the extent the for
mer vice-president's candidacy
will have in cutting down the
Truman vote.
There will be at least three
leading republican presidential
candidates on Oregon's primary
ballot, General Dwight tike) Eis
enhower of Washington, D. C
Governor George E. Dewey of New
York and Ex-Governor Harold E.
Stassen of Minnesota. Dewey
supporters have already filed pe
titions to place his name on the
ballot. Eisenhower and Stassen
forces have not completed peti
tions now being circulated. As
sure as taxes the signal name on
the democratic ticket will be that
of President Truman. Friends of
Henry Wallace will not neglect
the opportunity to put his name
before the voters.
Senator Douglas McKay of Sa
lem has long since announced his
candidacy for governor of Oregon.
As yet there are no "yes men"
among the other prominent po
tential republican candidates-
Governor John Hall, of Portland,
State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott,
of Portland, and Senator Dean
Walker, of Independence.
Secretary of State Earl T. New
bry is an announced candidate to
succeed himself, which does not
make competition overanxious to
throw a hat in the ring.
There are two avowed candi
dates to succeed State Treasurer
Leslie M. Scott, who is inhibited
by the constitution from serving
more than two terms in this of
fice. Both are from Portland and
both were appointed to public of
fice by Charles A. Sprague when
he was governor. Ormand R.
Bean as public utilities commis
sioner and Sigfrid B. Unander as
an executive aide. Former Senate
President Howard Belton of Can
by is being encouraged to enter
this race. Reports prevail that
George Flagg, public utilities
commissioner, may file for secre
tary of state or for state treasur
er. Oregon democratic generalis-
samos are making a spastic
search for a gubernatorial candi
date with a state-wide prestige.
Only Marshall Dana, editor of the
Oregon Journal editorial page
and senator Lew Wallace, party
martyr, are "amply available."
Political "fixers" and pressure
blocks who have been getting the
breaks at recent sessions of the
legislature are apprehensive of
the many changes taking place
in the personnel of state offices.
Their political bird-dogs are
scampering around the state just
now lining up candidates, for the
primary election who will per
form without a leash. Pet pho
bias of potential candidates are
listed and smoke screen bills
brewed to meet personal fixa
tions. Bills that were near-hits at
recent sessions of the legislature
and those that were traded off
are now being given artificial re
spirationwith political hot air.
Bills of promising merit also are
put to use by these architects.
The groundwork of the 1949 ses
sion of the Oregon legislature is
under way.
Don't envy Senator Guy Cordon
who is in Hawaii. They're having
"unusual" weather there too
State Senator Rex Ellis, Pendle
ton mining and insurance man,
has announced he will run for
president of the 1919 senate. Sen
ator Ancus Gibson. Junction ritv
chairman of heavy committees
at yeverai sessions and Senator I
William Walsh. Coos Rav attnr. i
;iey, are also running. Gibson and '
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good
Watches. Clocks. Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at
8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall
Through membership you
AND HOSPITAL covoroe (or the tm
ployod Individual S3. 30 pr month.
HOSPITAL vtrog for familial
ipeuM, $2.00 par month) lit child,
$1,35 par month) 2nd child, 75 ctnii
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nafithf additional child ran no
Plan 2.
for tha am ploy ad Individual $2.25
par month.
HOSPITAL covaroga for familial
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Plain available In moit Oragon court
tit to amployad individual! whoia
not taxable income do not 'Cd
$6,000 par year.
and your family have a wide choice
of service. Some 900 physi
cians and surgeons belong to
O.P.S. This is in excess of
90 of medical society affili
ated doctors in Oregon.
If you want medical and
hospital protection at modeit
cost backed by the experi
ence and professional respon
sibility of the Oregon State
Medical Society write for
literature and application
blank. Please use the coupon.
Nofoi O.P.S. group coverage Is
sfill available. If you and follow
employes with the tavings that
are poislblt under a group poll
cy wo will furnish Information
471 PIMotk Ilk., Portland S 4JJ Firry flrt.t, lol.m 111 Madlord lldg., M.dlord
Pteaie mail literature ond application blank.
All kinris of earnpnter work.
Modern Homes Built or Remodel
ed. Phone 1483, 415 Jones St.
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
General Insurance
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Turner, Van Marter
and Company .
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Hepnper, Oregon
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters lor dis
cussion, please bring before
the Council
Morrow County
Abstractor Title Co.
Office In Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Accurate Credit Information
F. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 Heppner
Morrow County
Box 82, Heppner, Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Phone 1485 for apointment,
or call at shop.
Heppner, Oregon
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor oi Dental Medicine
Office First Floor Bank Bldtf.
Phone 2342 Heppner
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Kes. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
A. D. McMurdo, M.D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office No. 4 Center St.
House calls made
Home Phone 2583 Office 2572
C. A. RUGGLES Representing
Blaine E. Isom
Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Heppner. Or.
W. P. Browne, M.D.
Physician Surgeon
Hours 2 to 6 p. m.
5 K Street Phone 952
Office upstairs Rooms 11-12
First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office 7&3. Home 932
Heppner, Oregon
Ellis are hold-over senators.
Walsh will run for reelection....
Republican leaders have asked
Oregon be given 15 instead of 12
seats at the party national con
vention in Philadelphia next
June Initial issue of Young
Oregon Republican Trumpeter
showed this week in Salem. It
is expected to become the state
wide news organ of the Young
Republicon club Has the re
cent rapid increase in the popula
tion of Oregon anything to Mo
with the increased percentage uf
democrats registering? Registra
tion figures indicate there are
more democrats than republicans
to be found among the register
ing newcomers Monday morn
ing Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg,
representative from the fourth
Oregon congressional district, an
nounced his candidacy for reelec
tion. o
At the card party sponsored by
the Altar society al St. Patrick's
parish hall Friday evening, Tom
Wilson received high and Dr. A.
D. McMurdo, low, for bridge; and
in pinochle, Mrs. ("live Huston
received high, and Louis Gilliam
low. Prizes of butter and eggs
were given to the winners.
Joe Elder was over from Mon
ument Monday attending to bus
iness matters in Heppner.
The Carnation Club of The Degree of Honor
Requests your presence at a
Pinochle and Bridge Party
at 8 o'clock p.m.
Tuesday, January 27
50c the Person
Mall I. O.P.S. at Portland, $altm r M.dford.
zS(JU,t to tflZ (AJZzt
Valentine Candies
in gay and festive boxes
jBrocm and c-aitij -
If your Valentine has a sweet tooth she'll enjoy
a box of our luscious candy as a gift.
Always Delicious
Saagers Pharmacy