Many Activities On Caledar In January For Folks At lone 10 remember: Study mit-iing 01 the Topic club at Mrs. Harry Yarnell's Friday, Jan. 9 KPRular meeting of the East ern Mar, Jan. 13,...Maranathas wil meet at the home of Mrs Walter Corley In the afternoon of . regular meeting of the IMIA at the Legion hall Jan. 14 at 8 p.m. ...Grange con ference at Willows grange, after noon and evening session, Jan "....Regular meeting of Bunch grass Ri-bekah lodge Jan. 15 at 7:30 p.m....HEC of Willows grange at the home of Mrs. James Lindsay, all day meeting with potluck dinner at noon.... Reg ular grange meeting with pot luck supper at 6 p.m., Jan. 17... Annual church meeting of the Cooperative church Jan. 18 with potluck dinner at noon. Victor Rietmann and Marion Palmer are driving new cars. Mrs. Omar Rietmann and son Larry took Mrs. Inez Freeland to her home In Portland, New Years day and returned the next day. Guests at the Al Huitt home ett Keithley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Est berg and children, and Mr. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ever and Mrs. Frank Maynard and son of Heppner. A buffet supper was served. An officers' meeting will be held at Willows grange Sunday, Jan. 11, at 7:30 p.m. School started again Monday morning with all the teachers back from their vacation with the exception of Francis Ely, who has been ill but is expected to be back on the Job soon. Leslie, small daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carlson, was in the St. Anthony's hospital in Pen dleton last week with pneumo nia. They brought her home the latter part of the week and she has recovered. New Years guests at the Oscar Lundell home were Mrs. Mary Swanson and daughter Eva, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker, The public is Invited to attend the IMIA meeting, Jan. 14, at the plans for the project will be made. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker en tertained the following at "brunch" Monday morning: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke, Mrs. Oscar Lundell and Mrs. Echo Palma- teer. Twenty-two members of Wil lows grange attended Pomona grange at Lexington Saturday. Other granges were also well rep resented. Pomona and subordin ate officers were installed by Jack Bailey. Mrs. Mary Swanson and daugh ter Eva are leaving for Salem this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. of Portland spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman. G. A. Pettcys left for California Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brown spent Sunday at the Oscar Lun dell home. Students returning to various colleges after the holidays were: Miss Shirlee Smouse, Miss Bar bara Smith and Reginald Shir lee, University of Oregon; Tom my Doherty, Donald Peterson, Al fred Shirley Jr. and Miss June Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Legion nan at a o ciock as nnai Griffith, Oregon State; Robert I Drake, Eastern Oregon College of l Education; Roland Bergstrom, Pacific University; Arthur Berg Angeles. Mrs. Norris is a sister and Mrs. Stevenson, a niece, of Mrs. Clark. Miss Mary Brackett donated the following books to the lone public library: "Woman of Pro perty" by Seeley; 'The Tamarack Tree" by Breslin; "Banner by the Wayside by Ada. R. D. Wentworth of Haywood, Calif., spent the holidays at the home of his son and family, W. R. Wentworth. Mr. Wentworth made the trip both ways by plane. The lone high school "A' string was defeated at Condon Saturday night but the "B" squad won. The town team lost both games at Heppner Saturday night. The lone auxiliary held their regular meeting Tuesday after noon. District President Mrs. Dol ly Bowman of Milton was present and gave a talk on the princl pies of the American Legion aux iliary. She emphasized the pop py sale. The money from the sale of the poppies goes to the dis abled veterans who receive no compensation and to the child welfare. After the meeting cook ies, -tea and coffee were served with Mrs. Cecil Thome and Mrs. Gene Normoyle serving. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell entert.iined about thirty of their friends at their home Sunday evening with a chicken dinner. Strom, University of Portland; Al- tun a ,u ! Mr- and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn as- University of Washington; Miss . t . ,..-,, Mary Barnett, Bible institute in Seattle; Stewart Aldnch, Simp son Memorial in Seattle. Oscar Peterson has purchased a new Packard car. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark re turned from Portland last week where they visited Mrs. Mary XT I ...U ln III ! n I i o . c 7 "' turned from Salem Monday. Mr. I and Mrs. Betty Stevenson of Los Fv is hark nn th ,Barh,'.nh sisted the Lundells. Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Martin and two sons of Moro spent New Years with relatives here. Word was received from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb stating that they are visiting relatives in the Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely re- BH SALE EVERY THING MUST GO STARTS JAN. 10TH Aircraft Appliances Stinson Super Cruiser and PA-11 Airplane Large Stock of Electrical Supplies Seneral Electric Bendlx Washers Maytag Washers Phllco Deepfreeze Oil Heaters & Floor Fur naces De Laval Separators Top Grade Leather Furniture OPEN SUNDAY Farm Equipment Calkins Wheat Treating Machines, etc. Stock Water Troughs Machinery Electric Drills Acetylene Welding & Elec tric Welding Equipment Mr Compressors USED EQUIPMENT Kerosene and Gas Rrefrig- Ford truck with new motor Motors Oelco Light Plants Large Electric Burroughs Adding Machine Large South Bend Lathe Large Trip Hammer MOON EQUIPMENT CO. Wasco, Oregon Phone 322 "'mi mmL Heppner Town Team VS lone Town Team and Heppner Town Team VS BoardmanTown Team First Game Starts at 7:15 p.m. Heppner High School Gymnasium Ely is back on the teaching job. Provisions have been made for someone to take care of pre school children at the conference meeting at grange Jan. 15 in the afternoon and for all small chil dren in the evening. A watch party was held at the grange hall New Years eve. The evening was spent in playing cards. Sandwiches, cookies and coffee were served. Mrs. Henry Ring,, Mrs. Larry Fletcher and children and Mrs. Donald Heliker were Portland vis itors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke of Morgan attended the funeral of August Bartell at Walla Walla Dec. 31. Mr. Bartell was an un cle of Mr. Buschke and a bro ther of Mrs. Ben Buschke of Hepp ner. Miss Martha Bartell of Port land returned to Heppner and is styaing with her sister, Mrs. Bus chke. Parking studies conducted by the American Automobile asso ciation show that one parking space is needed for every 400 square feet of sales space In re- tall stores, according to the Ore gon State Motor association. The average passenger car in the United States travels 9.300 miles a year, while the average truck goes 11,000 miles, accord ing to the Oregon State Motor association. Many Visitors In And Out of Lex During Past Week Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael are spending a few days In Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hill and family returned to their home in Portland after several days visit with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. Mrs. Charles Bloodsworth and daughter Iris were visitors In Touchet one night last week. Iris remained in Touchet and Mrs. Bloodsworth went on to Walla Walla to visit her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra mo tored to Portland and Eugene over the week end, taking their children, Jack and Patty, back to college. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green and family have been spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Her mau Green. The Joe Greens are moving from Portland to Pendle ton where Joe is starting his own accounting business. The house formerly owned by Dona Barnett has been purchased by Shorty Knlghten and Is being torn down. This house at one time housed a creamery, and has been known as the creamery house for years. Elmer Hunt motored to La Grande Sunday, taking his wife and two children back there to school. Harold Henderson and mother, Mrs. Jessie Henderson, Howard Henderson and Mrs. Lois Price and family from La Grande were guests fo Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson this week. Bob Hales from Portland flew in to the local airport and spent some time here Sunday. The Three Links club met at the home of Elbie Breeding Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. Claude White have been guests of Mr. White's daughter, Mrs. Lonnie Henderson, for the last week. The Whites have been bringing their cattle from the Hardman ranch. Lexington has some new resi dents, the Griffiths of lone, who have purchased the Bye house. Mrs. Maxine Harshman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way, is home after several months spent in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter and daughter Estelle motored to Portland Sunday, taking Joe and QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising fro STOMACH ULCERS weto EXCESS ACID FrMBMttTllltofHomaTrutaiMrtttut Mutt Rett or It WIP Coot Vol Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, January 8, 1943-3 Over three million bottles of the WnuLta Tbkatment hre been sold for rbaf mt ijnnptomi of distress arising from StansacJi and Duodenal Uecrsdnett beM AcM Post DlgeetUn, Sur or Upts Wwkw, OoWSitMcs, Heartburn, ttpitimm, mtt due to Excess Acid. Sold on 1A dyV trifcll Ask for "Millard's Msssags" whiek folly explaini this trcsimsnt trss t SAAGER'S PHARMACY That Hew Look will do wonders for Your Living Room A new and complete selection of Superbuilt, Craftsman, or Lynch four way swing rockers, club chairs dav enos and davenports in the finest tapestry or frieze. Also a complete line of Oil Heating Stoves, 30,000 BTU burner to 75,000. Easyheet, Coleman, Monarch, Duo Therm. Case Furniture Co. Kenneth Way back to that city after the vacation In Lexington The Lexington cafe is opened again after the illness of Mrs. Joe Cornelison. Mr. and Mrs. Cor nelison run the cafe. Mrs. Bill Mathews of Pendleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding, is 111 in a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Breeding motored over Saturday and returned, bringing Miss Joann Breeding who has been visiting there, and the Ma- 'thews' small 3-year-old son, who will remain here while his moth er Is 111. Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daugh ters Carole and Marcel la of The Dalles were guesta of Mrs. Scott last week. Mr. and Mrs. Red McFadden have returned from a trip to Port land, Salem and way points. Miss Edna Ivey, who has been living at the Shannon home and going to school here, has moved to Vale with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith i and family have returned from ' their vacations and have taken up their teaching duties In the Lexington schools again. Mrs. Dan Way was a patient in St. Anthony's hospital In Pen dleton two days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulden and Edwin Van Winkle from Ar lington were guests at the W. C. Van Winkle home. They came to attend the Van Winkle-Led-better wedding. Earl Eskelson of Wasco and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bergstrom of Boardman, and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray of Pendle ton were also guests at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steagall were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Pointer of Seattle are visiting at the home of Mrs. Nettie Davis. Mrs. Mable Gray of Stanfield Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Ruhl. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson returned Wednesday from Port land and Oak Grove where they spent the holidays with their families. The Lexington grange will 'hold Initiation Saturday with j Willows grange at the Lexington .grange hall with the local grange putting on the first and second degree. The executive board of the lo cal P-TA held their regular meet ing at the home of Mrs. Cecil Jones Tuesday. Regular P-TA meeting will be January 20. SCHOOL NEWS Friday there will be a double header ball game at lone, be tween the Lexington girls' volley ball team and lone, and the boys' basketball teams. Saturday night the Ukiah ball teams, girls' volleyball and boys' basketball, will motor to Lexing ton for a double header game. Several new band instruments have been received for the local band. They are a lochinspiel, a melophone and some hand-made cymbals. The Junior class are the proud owners of their class rings which were received today. NOTICE OF NON-HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with section 111-1244, O. C L. A to the legal voters of the Nonhigh Shool District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, on the 27th day of January, 1948, at 2:00 o'clock p. rn. for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fisal year beginning July 1, 1948, and ending June 30 1949 herein after set forth. ' ' BUDGET . ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Amounts received from other sources (Basic School Support Fund) $ Total 3.228.09 $ 3,228.09 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Item Expenditures and Expenditures for Three Fiscal Budget Allowance for Estimated Years Next Preceding tho Six Months of Current Exnendi ' ' VM J. IIW1 I C 1944-1945 1945-1946 1946-1947 Expenditures Budget Allowance tures for 1948-1949 Tuition Sll.585.35 Transportation 1,941.92 Personal Service (Clerical Legal) auppnes ana rrinung travel Interest on Warrants and Other In debtedness Emergency Totals 15.46 12.70 $ 9,149.23 2,058.48 17.53 21.70 $13,306.06 2,083.58 39.26 22.50 72.41 $12,073.32 27.45 52.50 20.00 $15,800.00 3,500.00 50.00 50.00 85.48 $13,555.43 $11.246.94 $15,523.81 $12,258.75 555.00 $19,955.00 $15,800.00 5,000.00 52.50 40.00 50.00 555.00 $21,497.50 SOMMABT Of ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS. AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND Total estimated expenditures Deduct total estimated receipts and awailable cash balances Amount necessary to balance the budget Balance to be raised by taxation Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year $21,497.50 3,228.09 $18,269.41 $18,269.41 $18,269.41 Analysis of estimated levies: Amount inside 6 limitation.. Amount outside 6 limitation Indebtedne $12,551.57 5,717.84 -NONE Dated January 6, 1948. Signed: LUCY E. RODGEDS, Clerk; ELMER PALMER, Chairman, Board of Di rectors. Approved by Budget Committee January 6, 1948. Signed: L. L. HOWTON, Secretary, Budget Committee: HEPPNER SALES YARD Announces resumption of sales with an AUCTION mm Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m. THURSDAY JANUARY 15 Regular Run of Mixed Cattle including Calves and Stacker Cows One exceptionally good 3-year-old Shorthorn bull. One Truck Load of No. 2 Potatoes Last Truck Load This Winter 500 Red Fir and Tamarack Posts If you have anything to sell, bring it to this sale. TERMS: CASH -- Heppner Sales Yard JOHN VARNER HAROLD ERWIN HARRY DINGES Auctioneer Operator Clerk