4-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, December 4, 1947 Morris Teorbough Leaves For Guam On Government Job By Flossie Coats Morris Tcarhaugh left last week for San Francisco to take a plane for Guam whrro ho will be employed on government construction work Ho will bo Rone one year. Mrs Toarbauph and Morris Jr. will remain with her parents, Mr and Mrs Nels Krisiensen. Many who took advantage of the three-day holiday ason re turned home Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Har wood returned from Kellopp, Ina.. after the time spent with Mrs. e Hi ?i if if Harwood's cousins, Mr. and Mrs.jlly visited her sister and family,' kj .w, C , I Leonard Churchill. Mr. ani Mrs. Earl Kerr of Free-, eWS rrom ""9on Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings! water. and dauchter Brenda returned from Portland Saturday. They isitfKl Mrs. Grace Tyler and family. Marlene Fisk was with her grandmother, Mrs. O. E. Fisk of Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger were cuests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. W H. Messenger of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson were guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson of Portland. Their son Ted. who is a teacher in the La Grande system, took them to the city. Mrs. Geneva Jackson and fanv Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown and son Duane visited friends in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys and family were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.i A. Macomber. Gary, Beverly and Pat remained here with their grandparents until Sunday eve ning. Thursday dinner guests at the Nathan Thorpe home were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thorpe of Hermiston, his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Thorpe, and Mrs. F. L. Browning of Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow and sons, Boardman. By Grace Shoun Kent Fagerstrom and Donna Moirsitt left Sunday morning for Wapato, Wash. They had been spending the Thanksgiving hol iday with his mother, Mrs. Eva Fagerstrom of New Meadow and four sisters and brothers. Rev. Wayne Fagerstrom also met his mother here. They attended the Assembly of God church home coming, as did also Rev. Chester Wilson and daughter Carmen. Miss Delpha Markham and a .1 ssjMiBsasaMia 8 if (Dtcbt LPoinE,ttia6, Exxxlj to be assured of Christmas delivery for hostess, wife or friend. & i & ft K ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & m ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft Guests at the Olive Attebury home were son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Attebury and son Frank of Tacoma, and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Whitmore of Grants Pass. Mrs. Attebury returned to Grants Pass with the Whltmores to spend the winter. Remember the Ladies Aid Christmas bazaar wil be Decem ber 5 at the Grange hall. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Con cessions and booths will open later. There will be potlucx dinner and Sunday school council after church service Sunday, Dec. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and sons David and Lynn, and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats motor ed to Hardman Sunday and visit ed Mr. Coat's mother, Mrs. Mary Coats. ft Boardman, Nov. 24 Only a few from Boardman were pre sent at the county-wide 4-H club party at Lexington. Foing from here were Mrs. L. F. Shattuck and sons, Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and sons. Mrs. Bill Morrison and daugh ters, formerly of Vale, who have been visiting with Mrs. Morri son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilson, left for their new home in Dayton, Wash. The Mor risons have a grocery business in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber spent Saturday in Pendleton, shopping and calling at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats spent the week end in Hardman with Mr. Coats' mother, Mrs. Mary Coats, who has been ill for awhile. Geo. Jaros, local teacher, had his car side-swiped by a truck Monday morning on his return to Boardman from his home in Walla Walla. The accident hap pened near Irrigon and much damage was done to the car. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Califf and family of Woodburn spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Veelle. Mr. Califf is a brother of Mrs. Veelle. Guests Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rus sell were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Walpole of Pilot Rock. group of friends from the North west Bible school also attended the homecoming and all helped with the entertainment. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Adams and sons, Donald and Robert, soent Sunday in The Dalles with Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. Eva Rey nolds, and friends. The Irrigon and Stanfield bas ketball teams are playing here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Abken and daughter Glenda spent Sunday with relatives in Kennewick. Mr. and Mrs. Dobyns have tak-. en possession of the place they purchased from W. L. Olmstead some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Duus and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sweringen and daughter Connie were Pen dleton visitors Friday. Roy Stamp of Heppner spent Wednesday in Pendleton with his sister, Mrs. C. W. Acock, and Thursday with the C. W. Acock and J. A. Shoun families. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pelton had for the Thanksgiving week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Van Horn and daughter Connie Jo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smunk and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smunk, all of Portland, and Roy Smunk of College Place and the Irrigon relatives. F. D. Bricker was up from Portland to spend the Thanks giving week end with Mrs. Brick er and the children. Mrs. Cora Wheeler of Pendle ton spent part of the Thanks giving vacation with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Gollyhorn and family. Billy and Helen Maxlne spent the vacation with their grand-. mother, Mrs. Cora Steagall and! family of Spray. Their father,) Dave Steagall, also visited his mother and children there, bring ing them home Saturday, and leaving for his home at Redmond Sunday. Miss Sylvia Pelton and Nor man Simmons of the North Col umbia academy spent the vaca tion with their families. H. H. Smunk and son Roy re turned from a trip to Portland with a load of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haddox have purchased a place at Sun- nyside and are moving up there this week. Their children, Mar ietta and James, are attending school up there. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus were in Pendleton Friday as were also Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sweringen and daughter Constance. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Roberts and daughter Delores returned home from Sheridan where they spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wal lace and family. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Allen and children of Redmond spent from Wednesday until Sunday with their families. They also spent some time Thursday and Friday with their mothers, Mrs Hugh Grim and Mrs. C. W. Acock, who are ill in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand went to Walla Walla Sunday to visit their son David at Whitman college. The homecoming services at day with her parents, Mr. and the Assembly of God church Mrs. W. B. Dexter, and other were so successful that thev vot-, relatives. ed to make it an annual affair. ! Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoun Mr and Mrs Flovd Hobbs and and son Steven spent wednes- four small sons left for North day afternoon with his parents, Powder after spending a few Mr. and Mrs. J. a. hnoun. HOOVER IN. U. ft. fit. OH. The popular-priced Hoover Cleaner, Model 28, with exclu sive "Positive Agitation" (it beats ... a it weep ... at it cleans). Cleaner alone $ 69 95 Cleaning Tools 18" s ft SI SSI if if 3 if SSI if if if if sa if if 52. if SSI if SSI if S3! if 3or the Ckildi ren... Mechanical Trains Electric Trains Shooting Gallery Deluxe Duckpins Basketball Game Pool Table Bowling Alley Horse Shoe Game Ring Toss Tricycles $14.95 to $18.95 Bicycles $44.95 to $47.95 Wagons $3.95 to $15.95 Sleds $3.98 to $4.98 Roller Skates $2.49 to $3.98 Teddy Bears Dolls Cradles Toy Washinq Machines Toy Dump Trucks .$ 4.98 . 14.50 . 3.65 . 2.19 . 1.98 . 4.98 . 1.79 . 1.39 . .59 Jili 3or Mint, 3or Jfer.. 5f G.E. Electric Irons G.E. Coffeemakers Cornfield Automatic Toasters Electric Alarm Clocks Coronado Vacuum Cleaner Heating Pads Bathroom Scales Wool Blankets Pin-up Lamps End Tables Clothes Hampers Coronado Combination Radio graphs Decca Records and Albums Deluxe Fog Lights Car Heaters Motorola Car Radio Power Tools Band Saws 8" Bench Saw Tool Chests Tools Camp Stove Sleeping Bags 22 Repeating Rifle Seat Covers Scatter Rugs Electric Hot Plate Pastel Mixing Bowls Coronado Carpet Sweeper Dinette Sets Platform Rockers Daveno Suites Bedroom Suites Plate Glass Mirrors Pictures G. E. Steam Iron Coronado Deluxe Electric Stove Coronado Deluxe Electric Refrigera-Phono- tor with deep freeze Coronado Electric Washer Coronado Gas Washer ft ft ft m ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft m ft ft m FARMERS Gravel That Road NOW! before bad weather sets in -Does away with mud, dust and deep ruts. Plenty of crushed rock on hand. Lexington Sand & Gravel Co. Phone 41 11 or 3311 Lexington ' Oregon The new Hoover Cylinder Cleaner, Model 50, clean by powerful suction. New Idea In dirt disposal the Dirt Ejector. Complete with cleaning tools 79 50 Select her Hoover today or phone for a home snowing Cuve del a 7 ',??, ant ueu ave b& t-dt Gilliam & Bisbee ' I MiHHHHBaHHiHHBaBMnBMBaMBIBlMHHHIBBMIiH ml fi at WSP 1 THE BIGGEST SALMON Wz I IN THE WORLD i ia - ca THE BIGGEST SALMON IN THE WORLD (Caught on Rod and Reef) . . was an 83-pound Chinook, taken from the Umpqua River of West ern Oregon in 1910 by F. R. Steel. He used a Skinner spoon and a Bristol rod. This official record catch has never been equalled in 37 years. THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN YOUR HOME . . is low-cost electricity. Other prices are up, but Pacific Power & Light rates are the lowest in history less than half the national average. Our electric service is so popular, and the area is growing so rapidly that the power load on our system has nearly doubled since 1940. r mm ftmcj) Uo GtHxioo to Genu?!? t& fflaxm