1 I lone Plans More Street Lights and Garbage Disposal By Echo Palmateer The city council held Its reg ular meeting Tuesday evening The city will install some speed limit signs and put up more street lights. It wag decided to purchase a place to be used fori the city dump, also, the dispos al of garbage being discussed. The Markham Bakers have: moved into their new house. j The regular meeting of thel.M. I.A. will be held Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. at the Legion hall. Dates to remember: Basketball games here Dec. 5 and 6. .. .Dance at Legion hall Dec. 6 with the Rythmairs playing Marana- thas meeting and Xmas party at the Congregational church on AJfrtttimnu V&m om where I sit ly Joe Marsh Marry Young? Marry Old? When Jeb Crowell's d.ughter, Sue, married nineteen-yeir-old "Slim" Blake, a lot of folks (espe eUlljr older ones) began to shake their heads. Young marriages! Tat, tut! So I looked up some figures. It's true, young American girls and boys marry younger than in other countries. And where do you sup. poss they had the least chance? I won't name it, but maybe you've guessed. One of those countries that before the war suppressed all individual freedom and tolerance. That's why I'm not worried about our younger married couples. They were raised In a country that re , spects one another's right a coun try of tolerance and temperance (a lot of bridegrooms are ex-G.L's, and it looked to me like their fa vorite beverage was beer !) From where I sit, it isn't when you marry that's important It's the all-important spirit of toler ance and understanding that you bring to marriage. 69.95 to 339 tQ - tt, Lk fSTlrf M at itt Aim mulHyhalwml I La J1 AaHi.tk.tty Amu rMerdi la VA immii. Htw, wiy-ll lm ptt-t rfMMfrapli. lick, dm, arftff MeaxW Alalit Speak .r. ImtlU, nty-lt-ii iadircctlr Ujkttd letfci mailt, tMiM wmlavt v.aeer cheat. Now ...liw thrill in racord liateninc mad noaeible with Admiral's Mirarle Tone Arm. Ke veala hidden tone beauty vrn in old record. Htn- ebea needle ecratch, "talk-back" or other da. turbine uoieM. The ireat eal advance in high fidel ity reproduction in year. Dec. 10 with a potluck dinner at noon. ...Open house at Legion hall the evening of Dec. 8. Ev eryone welcome. Students home from college for Thanksgiving were: University of Washington, Alton Yarnell and Matt Doherty; University of Oregon, Miss Shirley Smouse, Mrs. Barbara Smith, Reginald Shirley; Oregon State college, Thomas Doherty and Alfred Shir ley; University of Portland, Ar thur Berg strom, and Eastern Oregon College of Education Robert Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett and family spent Thanksgiving in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nord. Miss Mildred Carlson left Sun day for CorvaJIis where she is employed. Guests at the Bert Mason home last week were Mrs. Ma son's sister and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dezell of Spo kane and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Stil well of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and children spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Hood River. "Buzz" Fisk shipped six car loads of cattle from here Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hell ker spent last week visiting at The Dalles. They visited with CASE FURNITURE COMPANY . . . REVIVES THAT POPULAR OLD CUSTOM OF AN OCCASIONAL TRiAT ON THE HOUSE You con expect to find the PICK-TREAT PLAN In the belt eating house In th neighborhood. ..where you "spin the wheel to win a meal" Manufactured ana Ditlributd by Sales Stimulator Co J 57 N. I. Uth Ave., Portland, Or.aoel Your Pick-Treat Restaurant in Heppner ELKHORN RESTAURANT Hans and Velma Huebner lone American Legion DANCE Saturday Blight nDecembe? 6 $1.60 PER COUPLE (Tax Included) Is Approaching Would it not be a good idea to check your wardrobe and see if everything is in readiness for the festive season? If your garments are not ready for party engagements, bring them to us at once and we'll make them look good as new. Heppner Cleaners & Dyers Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs- John Dec.slinger, sister and molher of Mrs. Don ald Heliker. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bochius were Yakima visitors 'last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. C .otter went to The Dalles .Saturd ay. Announcements we re received of the birth of a daughter, Susan Kay, to Mr. and Mrs. Errett Hum mell of Burns. Mr. Hummell is a former. superintendent of lone schools. Mr. and Mrs. Os car Lundell entertained the following guests at a potluck dinner Thanksgiv ing: Mr. and Mrs. E ale Lundell, Kenneth Lundell a nd Wallace Lundell of Oakland, Cal.; Cleve Coulter, Newport; M rs. Ella Bair of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Lundell and children, Boise, Ida Mr. and Mrs. Norrtian Swanson and children. Miss Mavis Bar reth of Salem; Miss Mary Thom as of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson and family and Mrs. Mary Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson and family and Miss Mavis Bar reth of Portland spent the holi days with his mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson. The Maranathas are having a Xmas party at the Congregation al church with potluck dinner at noon. Each person attending is to bring a gift to be exchanged but the mothers will bring gifts for their own children. Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker and family spent Thanksgiving and the week end in Washing ton with relatives. Miss Eleanor Ruth Bail and Rogers McCormack were married at the Vernon Brown home Wed nesday evening at 6 o'clock with Rev. Alfred Shirley officiating. Mrs. Franklin Ely was a Port land visitor Saturday. The social meeting of the Top ic club was held at the Masonic hall Saturday evening with games of pinochle and bridge. High score for pinochle went to Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and Wm. Seehafer, low to Mrs. Sam Mc Millan and Herbert Ekstrom; bridge high, Mrs. Ida Coleman and Omar Rietmann; low, Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Victor Riet mann. Hostesses were Mrs. John Ransier, Mrs. Bert Mason and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nottage and daughter, Mary Lee, of Port land, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson. Mrs. Florence Swanson of Port land was a week-end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Delia Corson. A new flamo stove was install ed in the kitchens at the Mason ic hall. The lone grade school girls won a volleyball game at Con don and the grade school boys won the basketball game there one day last week. The lone town teams won both games from Heppner here Sat urday night. The lone P-TA will hold an auction at the school house Dec. 12. There will also be a pro gram. A lu-cent admission win be charged and there will be a door prize. Proceeds will go to the school lunches. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy and children of La Grande spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Miss Laurel Palmateer of Port land was home over the week end. Miss Mary Brackett spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brackett, at Rufus. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely were Salem visitors over the holidays. Clyde Crawford of Portland visited at the home of his uncle Wate Crawford over the week end. Miss Dorothy May Moen, Floyd Burhans and Martin Nelson of Battle Lake, Minn., stopped at the Ida Coleman home one day last week. They were on their way to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morgan and children of Tekoa, Wash., visited at the homes of his cou sins, Lloyd Morgan and Mrs. John Eubanks, over the week end. Mr. Morgan lived in this community several years ago He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Morgan. Thanksgiving visitors at the Cecil Thome home were Mrs. Thome's son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagles and son John of Oakesdale, Wash., her broth er, Benjamin Fox, of Tensed, Ida., and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grassee of Walla Walla. Those from here who attended the Thanksgiving dinner at the Everett Keithley home at Hepp ner were Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Brlstow and family and their house guests, Miss Anita Hooper and Miss Annabell Lee of Nam pa, Idaho, Melvin Brady, Ernest McCabe, Mrs. Ida Grab! II and son Gene, and Jimmle Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell of Heppner returned from Portland Sunday and brought back their granddaughter, Dottie Huit, with them. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and family spent the holidays! di rorest Grove visiting rela tives. The Masons gave a turkey banquet in honor of the lone high school football team. George Ely won the turkey in the bean guessing contest spon sored by the senior class. Mr. Shultz of Portland is the new teacher in the high school. He teaches shop and some sci ence. Mrs. Ida Coleman received mi nor burns on her face and one arm when lighting the flamo oven at the school house Mon day morning. Roland Bergstrom, student at Pacific university, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom. Other guests at the Bergstroms were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bergstrom of Boardman. E. S. Stultz of Portland is the new instructor in the high school. He teaches science and math. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchan an and children of Independ ence spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter were guests at the Ed Buschke home at Morgan Thanksgiving. Louis Buschke is visiting his sister, Mrs. Alley Peck, at Crabtree. The Legion boys gave a dance at their hail Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Al Huit and Gene Riet mann furnished the music. Mr. and Mrs. Wate Crawford and family and Miss Francine Ely spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Crawford at Dufur. Heppner Gazette Ifrmes, Heppner, Oregon, December 4, 1947-3 didates intending to take the ex-1 must be postmarked and return- in New London, Connecticut, ed not later than January 15. leads to a bachelor of sclenc d 1948. j gree in engineering and torn- Successful completion of the ' mission in the regular coast four year course at the academy ' guard. amination should write to the Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard, Washington 25, D. C, to obtain application blanks. Applications if 3 if 3 if 8 it EXAMINATIONS FOR COAST GUARD ACADEMY APPOINTMENT SCHEDULED Congressman Lowell Stock man of the Second Congressional district of Oregon announces that the annual competitive examin ations for appointment to the U. S Coast Guard academy for a four-year college course, with all expenses paid by the gov ernment, will be conducted by the U. S. Civil Service commis sion on February 16 and 17, 1948. Unmarried men between 17 and 22, military or civilian, are eli gible upon meeting physical and educational requirements. Can- QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS weto EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or It Will Cost You Nothing Over three million bottles of the Willabd Treatment have been sold for relief of ymptomsof distress arising from Stomach ana uuoaenai U.certdue to Excess Acid Poor Diiestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gasslnets, Heartburn, Sice pi set nets, ate, oire io excess ac.o. nia on la days tnaii Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully explains tliU treatment tree at SAAGER'S PHARMACY it 3 if 3 3 if 8 if 8 8 if 8 if 8 it 3 II Sf if ft 8 if See Our Complete Line if m. it 8 if 3 if ft Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. If ft ft ft ft e. ft ft ft if m if if m RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS RECORDS IRONS POP CORN POPPERS LAMPS XMAS LIGHTS ALSO MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, SLIPPERS, ETC. Hare a Record Made on Our New Wilcox Gay Recordio FREE ft 'A ft ft ft ft & ft ft ft m m ft GONTY'S 3 if S? i . if if if 3 if 3 if 3 if 3 if 3 if 3 if 3 if 3 if if 3 if 8 3 it 8 if S3 it 3 it aet 3 it S3 if 3 it it 3, it 3 it 8 Si 8 QijU for jien First thing a man looks for in o Gift 2 Who Made IiV' Here are some of the nationally-known Brands that men recognize as tops: STETSON HATS CURLEE SUITS & TOPCOATS FLORSHEIM SHOES HICKOCK-Belrs, Suspenders, Billfolds PENDLETON-Bath Robes, Indian Robes Wool Shirts, Jackets, Pants m ft m ft m ft ft m ft ft m ft is ft S3 ft ft ft ft JANTZEN SWEATERS ARROW-Shirts, Ties SAMSON-Luggage STETSON-Gloves GLOVER-Pajamas COOPER-Sox You can get all of these at your favorite men's store. Wilson s M( w ison s men s wear The Store of Personal Service f Hunting, Fishing, Golfing I ...I wear a j Pendleton Shirt . for all outdoor sportt i ft ft ft IS ft 8 ft ft '& ft ss ft ft IS ft ft 3 ft ft ft ft ft