Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 27, 1947, Image 1

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heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 27, 1947
Volume 64, Number 36
Achievements Of
4-H Clubbers In
46-47 Recognized
One hundred fifty-one 4-H
members who have successfully
enaea tne 1946-47 club year by
completing the project they were
enrolled in were recognized at
the annual 4-H Achievement
party that was held at the Lex
ington grange hall Friday eve
ning, November 21. The 151 club
members completed 197 projects
which shows that many of the
members were carrying more
than one project. Jane Seehafer,
lone, topped all members by
successfully completing four pro
jects. Approximately 150 club mem
bers, leaders, parents and per
sons interested in 4-H club work
were on hand to enjoy the pot
luck supper served at 6:30. Club
members and other children were
entertained with games led by
Mrs. Geraldine Danzl, assistant
4-H club leader from Oregon
State college. The program of
the evening began at 8 p.m.
In opening the program, Rod
ger Palmer and Betty Graves,
members of the Morrow County
Beef club, led the group in the
pledge to the American flag, the
singing of the Star Spangled
Banner, and pledge to the 4-H
flag. The lone Sewing Seven
girls' club followed with the
Ploughing Song.
B. C. Plnckney, manager of the
Heppner branch of the First Na
tional Bank of Portland, made
the presentation of first, third,
fifth and tenth year pins on be
half of his bank who furnish the
bronze, silver and gold pins to
these members. Mr. Pinckney
congratulated this group of club
members on completing their
projects and urged that all first
year members continue with
their club work In future years.
Among the 123 pins awarded was
a gold pin for Jo Anne Graves
who had successfully completed
ten years of club work.
Ruth McCabe, lone, represent
ing the Morrow County 4-H Club
council, presented the Junior,
second, fourth, sixth, and sev
enth year completion cards to 28
members. A highlight of the
evening was the presentation of
local leader pins and recogni
tion to the 23 leaders who were
responsible for this club year's
completion of project work. Mrs.
Geraldine Danzl, assistant 4-H
club leader, Oregon State col
lege, made the presentation and
congratulated these leaders for
their work. Mrs. Danzl also
spoke to the club group, "dar
ing" the group to make a better
club year in 1947-48.
A health skit presented by
health club members led by Mrs
Gladys Ely, lone, was enjoyed
by all present.
(Awards will be published
next week.)
Wheat League May
Meet Here in 1948
If the desire of the Morrow
county representatives of the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league
are met, the 1948 convention ot
the organization may be held In
Meeting with the Junior cham
ber of commerce Tuesday eve
ning, Don Heliker, Morrow coun
ty chairman, stated the wishes
of the county members and was
assured that by convention time
next year the Heppner civic cen
ter and other facilities would be
ample to care for the conven
tion. Heliker and others have
been asked to present their pro
position to the chamber of com
merce at the regular, luncheon
meeting Monday when It Is hop
ed that body will take action to
back the EOL delegates in mak
ing their bid to have the con
vention in Heppner in 1948.
Isabella Florence Randall was
born July 31, 1867, at Elora, Can
ada to John and Isabella Geddes
Randall. She was married to
Malcolm S. Corrigall February 8,
1887. and came to Morrow coun
ty that year, making their home
on Butter creek.
To the union were born seven
children, two of whom, Harry
and Joseph died in Infancy
Two others, Ruby and Ralph,
passed away in 1936. Mr. Cor
rigall died In 1927. Surviving
are three daughters, Mrs. Lucy
Wllkins, Heppner; Mrs. Mary
Hosklns, lone, and Mrs. Violet
Gourlev. Hennner. She is also
survived by two sisters, Mrs.
John Hunter and Mrs. John Long
man of Canada, eight grand
children and one great grand
Funeral services were held at
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
from All Saints Episcopal church
with Rev. Neville Blunt officlnt
ing, followed by Interment In the
family plot in Heppner Masonic
cemetery. ,
Word has been received here
nf the birth of a baby girl to
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maynard at
( le Elum, Wash., on November
20. The Maynards formerly re
sided in Heppner, leaving here
In the spring of 1916 for Cle bl
urn. Mrs. Mavnnrd is the daugn
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davis,
also former residents here, and
a sister of William and Ralph
Davis of Heppner,
News of the death of Adam
Knoblock at the Memorial hos
pital, Redding, Cal., has been re
ceived here. Mr. Knoblock pass
ed away November 20 and fun
eral services were held from the
McDonald chapel, Redding, un
der auspices of Redding lodge
No. 271, I.O.O.F. Interment w; s
in Redding cemetery.
Adam Joseph Knoblock w: s
born September 25, 1871, at Shel
byvllle, III. He came to Morro.v
county In 1898 and lived here
until two years ago when l.e
moved to California. He was en
gaged' in trapping during his
later years here and was located
at Boardman. He Is survived by
one brother, Ed Knoblock of
Newport, Ore.
State 4-H Leader
Meets lone Group;
Lex Party Attended
By Echo Palmateer
Mrs. Danzl, state assistant 4-H
club leader, held a meeting at
the school house Friday after
noon, Nov. 21. She talked to the
7th and 8th graders and to the
4-H club members. Refreshments
were served afterwards. Room
improvement is their new pro
ject under the leadership of Mrs.
l. A. McCabe.
The 4-H club members from
here attended the Achievement
party at Lexington Friday eve
ning, Nov. 21. They furnished
most of the program. Louis Carl
son was the outstanding boy of
Morrow county in club work. He
has been a member for seven
years. Checks were given the
following who sold beef at the
Pacific International Livestock
show In Portland: Ipgrid Her
mann, Ronald and Duane Baker,
Gerald Peterson and Jane See
hafer. Mrs. Pearl Stevens who has
been Visiting at the H. O. Ely
home returned to her home in
Longview, Wash.
Ralph Akers arrived home.
Al Huit made a business trip
to Portland last week. He brot
back more supplies for his var
iety store.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dickason
of Ashton, Idaho, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Al Huit.
Mrs. Dora Pierott visited her
daughter, Mrs. Franklin Ely, last
week. ' ......
The HEC of willows grange
met at their hall Friday with a
potluck dinner at noon. They
cleaned and prepared for the ba
zaar and carnival Saturday
Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Lindstrom, is home
from the St. Anthony's hospital.
His grandmother, Mrs. Ethel
Stewart, is taking care of him.
Everyone is urged to put gifts
In the boxes at the stores for
the veterans in the Portland hos
pital for patients that receive
no compensation. These gifts
are to be selected by the patient
to give their families for Christ
mas. Friday, Nov. 28, is the
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom
attended the wedding of their
granddaughter. Miss Phyllis Lou
ise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Warren Crutcher of Boring to
Norman Park of Portland. The
young couple were married Sun
day, Nov. 23, at the Trinity Epis
copal church in Portland. Others
attending the wedding from here
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lind
strom, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Lindstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Lindstrom.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCabe
gave a party Monday evening in
honor of their daughter Shirley's
11th birthday. The guests were
Helen Salter, Delores Drake,
Dorothy Dobyns, Carol McCoy,
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom
and sons, Arthur and Roy, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Ritchie and son
Clyde and Mrs. Ethel Stewart.
Dates to remember: The social
meeting of the Topic club Sat
urday evening, Nov. 29, at' the
Masonic hall. .. .A dance at the
Legion hall, Nov. 29. ...Social
meeting of the Eastern Star Dec.
Union Missionary society at
the Congregational church Dec.
4. ...P-TA meeting at the school
house Dec. 3. . . Open house at
the Legion hall, Dec. 8, in the
evening. There will be dancing,
cards and refreshments. The pub
lic Is Invited. . . Basketball game
here with Echo Dec. 5, and with
Condon, Dec. 6.
The turkey dinner, bazaar,
carnival and dance was a suc
cess at the Grange hall Satur
day. A luncheon was given at the
Congregational church parlors
Thursday of last week in honor
of Mrs. Mary Jones of Portland,
who Is visiting her daughter
Mrs, Earl Blake near Heppner,
but due to snow Mrs. Jones was
unable to attend. The ladies re
ported a nice time, anyway,
The lone football team beat
Present I, Wash., 19-21 In a game
here Tuesday of last week.
The Girls League gave a tur
key banuet at the school house
Monday evening for the football
Miss Eva Swanson left Inst
week for Salem.
Not only are the fall flowers
still blooming In lone but the
spring flowers are starting to
Red, White Clad
Union Gridsters
Take E. 0. Title
A scintillating pp-v?ing attack
by Rinehart, Hudsc ., Inc., from
Union high school t it Mustang
state "B" football c mpionship
hopes aglimmering, 12 0, as the
red and white clad visitors, back
ed by a large rooting section of
fellow students and townspeople,
exhibited some of the snappiest
football witnessed in Heppner in
many a day at Rodeo field Sat
urday afternoon. The victory
gave Union the eastern Oregon
title in class "B," and the right
to meet the western Oregon "B'.'
champs for the state flag. As
leaders of district 8, they had
but the Mustangs, district 7
champions, to overcome to gain
the right.
And they found the greener
Mustangs a plenty tough obsta
cle. While being forced to de
fend their own territory through
most of the game, the home boys
kept the visitors from crossing
their goal line but twice. Min
utes before the end of the first
half, a Union pass for 26 yards
placed the ball on Heppner's 1
yard line from where Halfback
Larry Wilson bucked it over. End
Alva Roberts' attempted kick for
extra point was no good and the
half ended, 6 0.
Again, just a few minutes be
fore the final gun, when Clar
ence Greenup, Heppner mainstay
at halfback had been taken from
the game with an injured leg,
and after a dazzling run of 16
yards by Wilson and a complet
ed pass of 17 yards had placed
the ball on the Heppner 5, Carl
Hudson for the visitors again
carried it across. This time an
attempted pass for extra point
failed, and the score at game's
end stood 12-0. It had not been
an easy, but it was a well-earned
victory for Union.
Heppner had started the sea
son with but two lettermen. Un
ion's starting lineup contained
but one sophomore, the remain
der were Juniors and seniors. The
advantage in ball handling ex
perience at season's start show
ed in this crucial contest. For it
was in the passing department
that Union held the edge. They
attempted 19 passes and com
pleted six. Heppner attempted
eight passes and completed none.
Union made 10 first downs to
Heppner's seven. On line play
there was little advantage. '
bloom. The camellias In the C.
W. Swanson yard are starting to
show color and ye correspondent
has a forsythia in bloom. Mrs.
Etta Bristow reports a narcissus
in bud.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke
spent Sunday in Arlington. They
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Eubanks who had
as guests Mrs. Ida Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Hicock and Arthur
Wills of Portland, and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Eubanks and chil
dren. The Ameca club met at the
home of Mrs. Gary Tullis Nov.
19. The afternoon was spent in
playing games. Refreshments
were served by the hostesses,
'Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Padberg
gave a potluck dinner Saturday
evening at their home for the
following guests: Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Pettyjohn, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Morgan, Mr. and Mrs,
Lloyd Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Heimbigner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Lundell and Mr. and Mrs.
Edmond Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers of
Arlington are the parents of a
boy, Donald Wayne, weight 9 lb.
2 34 ounces, born at The Dalles.
The Munkers were former resi
dents of this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan
son were Pendleton visitors Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason ar
rived home from Portland last
week. Their son Dorr came home
with them and spent the week
end here.
A. C. Swanson fell from a box
on which he was standing while
fixing a stovepipe in his store
and Injured his leg.
Mrs. Gene Lovgren of Shoals
is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs,
Ella Davidson.
At a regular meeting of the
Rebekah lodge Thursday evening,
Nov. 20, the following officers
were elected for next year: Mrs
Francis Ely, noble grand; Mrs
Ida Coleman, vice grand; Mrs
E. R. Lundell, secretary; Mrs.
Mary Swanson, treasurer.
Guests at the home of Mrs,
Ethel Stewart last week were her
sister, Mrs. Alta Sharp, and J.
Madden of Condon.
Mrs. Carl Nelson of Firth, Ida
ho, is visiting at the home of
her brother, C. W. Swanson, and
sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tlmms and
son Roy of Pendleton were week
end guests nt the Ernest Heliker
Hollo Crnwford returned home
from Portland Saturday. Mrs,
Vernlce Crnwford and children
of Dufur came up with him and
spent the week end at the Wate
Crawford home.
Once again, it's harvest-time. Here,
in this nation are bumper crops . . . well-fed, happy people . . .
real Thanksgiving spirit! But this joy and plenty are missing in
many of our "neighbor" countries . . . and, today, all countries
are our "neighbors". . . for the world needs food badly. People
cannot be hungry and contented (or peaceful) at the same
time. Our people, constantly striving to produce greater and
greater amounts of food, hides, wool has made this the wealth
iest country in the world. Today, we bow our heads in thanks
for another prosperous year and show our gratitude by sharing
with those less fortunate than we.
Past Noble Grands, Matrons Entertain
Brother from Canada, Sister Visit Here
By Ruth Payne
The Past Noble Grand club of
San Souci Rebekah lodge spon
sored a public card party at the
Oddfellows hall Thursday eve
ning. Seventeen tables were In
play with Mrs. Conley Lanham
receiving high score in bridge
and Mrs. Grace Nickerson, sec
ond high; in pinochle, Mrs. Har
lan McCurdy Jr. received high
score and Mrs. Walter Becket,
second. The traveling door prize
was won by Paul Jones.
Frank Barlow has returned to
his home in Martinez, Cal., fol
lowing a brief visit here with
his mother, Mrs. Dan Barlow,
who has been seriously 111 at
her home in the Rhea creek dis
trict .Mr. Barlow was met In Ar
lington by Albert Schijnk Thurs
day evening. Mrs. Barlow is
much improved at this time.
Mrs. W. O. Bayless and Mrs.
Florence Hughes were joint hos
tesses for the Past Matrons club
of Ruth chapter, O. E. S., Mon
day evening at the Bayless res
idence on S. Court street. Seven
teen members were present.
Bridge and jigsaw puzzles were
the diversion of the evening.
Mrs. W. O. Dix received high
score for bridge. Guests of the
club were Mrs. Beulah Mankin
of ' Locust chapter, lone, and
Mrs. Raymond Huddleston of
Valdez, Alaska, to whom a guest
prize was presented. At the next
meeting, the past matrons will
entertain with a dinner honoring
the incoming worthy matron.
Malcolm D. Clark has as his
guests his sister Miss Mary
Clark of Detroit, Mich., and bro
ther, Charles Clark of High Riv
er, British Columbia, who will
remain for a month in Heppner.
Mr. Clark who has been spend
ing the past several months in
Eugene with his daughter, Mrs.
Frank Riggs, has only recently
returned home.
Mrs. Minnie Furlong returned
to Portland Thursday after spend
inging several days in Heppner
looking after property interests.
Ira Phillips of Portland was a
week-end guest at the home of
his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr and Mrs. Claud Huston in
the Eightmile district.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Nelll are
spending the Thanksgiving holi
day In Salem with relatives.
They will also visit for a time
in Portland and other points be
fore returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gentry
and children, Phyllis and Gary,
of Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Gentry and children, Sharon
and Bobbie, of Ordnance were
week-end visitors at the home
of their aunt, Mrs. Alice Gentry.
Mrs. Ordrie Gentry returned to
Bend with the Harold Gentrys.
Monday, and will make her
home with them In the future.
Mrs. E. E. Gilliam and Mrs.
Linnie Lowden have returned
from Portland where they spent
a few days last week attending
to business matters and visiting
Mr. and Mrs. William Furlong
motored to Dayville and John
Day Saturday to visit with her
brother-in-law and sister. Mr,
and Mrs. Ezra Adklns, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston
and Mrs. Jeanne Gaines and
daughter, Shirley, spent Monday
in Walla Walla attending to
business matters.
Mr, and Mrs. Tat Campbell of
Lonerock were week end visit
ors in Heppner.
Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter en
tertained with a stork shower
for Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr. at the
Hodge residence Wednesday eve
ning. Games were the diversion
of the evening. Refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Frank Anderson spent
Thursday shopping in Pendleton.
Among those from out-of-town
in Heppner to attend the funer
al services of the late Mrs. Isa
bella Corrigall were Mrs. Gladys
Corrigall of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. O'Brien of LaGrande;
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch of
Echo, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Brosnan of Lena.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banker
were business visitors in Pen
dleton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison
and daughter Dorris of Hardman
were shopping in town Saturday.
Mrs. Robison reports that the
damage to the school building
in the recent fire has been re
paired and classes are conven
ing again according to sched
ule. Mrs. R. B. Rice has returned
home from a visit of several
weeks to her former home in
Sid Zinter of Long Creek was
a business visitor in Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hayes re
turned the end of the week from
a two weeks vacation trip to
The Dalles, Portland and other
valley points. In Portland, they
visited with their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Hayes and Mrs. Elsie Stevenson,
a sister of Mrs. Hayes.
Misses Beverly and Nadine
Clark of Nampa, Idaho are
spending a few days in Heppner
visiting friends.
Charles Bartholomew of Pine
City and Lynn Caton of Pendle
ton were attending to business
matters in Heppner Monday.
Harvey Bauman of Nampa,
Idaho, spent Monday in Hepp
ner visiting with relatives and
F. W. Turner motored to Pen
dleton Monday to meet his son,
Robert Turner, who returned via
United Airlines from Chicago
where he had been looking af
ter business matters for the last
ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish and
son Raymond motored to Condon 1
Monday to attend the funeral
services for Mr. Parrish's father.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick who
work on the Zinter ranch in
Dry Fork were business visitors
in Heppner Monday. En route to
the farm Saturday night, the
Dicks collided with a stray horse
on the highway about five miles
southwest of Heppner, resulting
in considerable damage to their
Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Thompson
returned Saturday from Portland
where they had been visiting for
the past week.
Dewey Britt spent the week
end in The Dalles with Mrs.
Britt who is a patient at The
Dalles hospital. Mrs. Britt is ex
pected to leave the hospital on
Thursday and will convalesce
for a time at the home of her
nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs.
Hitman Johnson in The Dalles.
Later, she may go to Oregon City
and visit other relatives before
returning to Heppner.
Alex Thompson motored to
Eugene Sunday after Mrs.
Thompson who had been visit
ing friends at the university
during homecoming .
Mrs. Allen Unrein entered a
Portland hospital Monday. Mrs.
Unrein was taken to the city
early Sunday.
Joe Green was over from Pen
dleton to spend the week end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Green. Miss Louise Green
who is teaching this year In
Freewater is expected home to
spend the Thanksgiving holiday
with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood of
Athena were business visitors In
OUR Harvest
''Real Thanksgiving
for the WORLD
FFA Announces
Xmas Tree Sale
People of Heppner and vicinity
will have no reason for going
without Christmas trees this
year, if they want them. A group
of hustling, energetic young men
who, before many years, will
guide the agricultural destiny of
the land, have decided to assure
the citizens of their Christmas
tree supply while earning a few
shekels to add to their "work
ing capital."
In brief, the Future Farmers
of America, Heppner unit, are
announcing a sale of Christmas
trees which will be available for
the present at the school shop.
It is planned to get a downtown
lot as soon as possible where
trees will be sold after school
and on Saturdays. Consult their
advertisement elsewhere in this
Heppner Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Akers of
Hamilton spent Monday in Hepp
ner attending to business mat
ters and visiting friends.
Mrs. Emma Warren left the
first of the week for Portland
where she will attend the wed
ding of her granddaughter, Dor
othy Irene Nelson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson,
to Vincent L. Ball, on Saturday,
November 29, 'at 8 p.m. in the
Laurelwood Methodist church.
Mrs. Tom Wells, worthy ma-,
tron of Ruth chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, and her staff offi
cers were guests of the Condon
chapter at Condon Friday eve
Chester Keeton and Irvin An
derson returned home Thursday
evening from a several days mo
tor trip to Portland and other
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dick and
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nickerson
returned Sunday from Portland
and Eugene where they attend
ed homecoming at the Univer
sity of Oregon.
Charles Dugan, 9, of lone re
ceived a cut over his left eye
Tuesday afternoon when he fell
through a basement window of
the school while trying to evade
a larger boy who was chasing
him. Three stitches were taken
to close the cut. He was brought
to a local physician by Mrs. B.
C. Forsythe.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker re
turned Sunday from Portland
where they spent several days
the past week, in which time
they celebrated their thirtieth
wedding anniversary. Mrs. Bak
er's mother, Mrs. Rena Clisby of
Portland, accompanied them
home and will remain until af
ter the Thanksgiving holidays.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Becket over the holiday are Mr
and Mrs. Richard Johnson (Nor
ma Jean Becket) and children of
Pomeroy, Wash., Miss Florence
Becket and Miss Mary Becket of
Ed LeTrace returned Sunday
from Pendleton where he had
been a patient at St. Anthony's
hospital following a recent mi
nor operation.
Mrs. Wendel Aldrich entered
St. Anthony's hospital in Pen
dleton the last of the week,
Miss Eunice Hiatt of Pendle
ton Is visiting relatives In Hepp
ner during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Happold
motored to Portland Tuesday af
ternoon to spend the Thanksgiv
ing holiday with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
James Bradford.
The Degree of Honor lodge
held a turkey dinner Tuesday
evening prior to their regular
business meeting. Mrs. Minnie
Card. Portland, special organizer
for the lodge, was a guest
Mrs. John Arbogast of Condon
was transacting business In
'Heppner Tuesday,
Well, Well, It's A
Small World ....
While traveling towards Chi
cago last week, the editor was
visiting with several people In
the lounge car of the City of
Portland streamliner. Two wo
men were discussing the contrast
between the snow-covered region
through which the train was
thundering on its mad race to
the "Windy City," expressing a
preference for their own Willam
ette valley where the roses are
still in bloom and many other
flowers not recognizing the sea
son when they are not supposed
to be in bloom.
When the timid editor finally
got in a word he informed the
"valley" folk that eastern Ore
gon could also do a little brag
ging along that line. The men
tion of eastern Oregon brought
a quick response from one of
the women. "Which section of
eastern Oregon do you hail
from?" "From Heppner." "Hepp
ner! That's my old home town!"
Then followed the usual ques
tions what s your name, etc. It
turned out that the lady in
question was Mrs. Paul S. Rut
ledge, lately of McMinnville and
then en route to New York with
her son, Billy Kistler, where they
would embark for Germany to
Join Capt Rutledge at Mann
heim. Mrs. Rutledge is the
daughter of our own townsman,
W. P. Prophet, and attended the
Heppner schools.
Girl Scouts Mail
Christmas Gifts
To Foreign Lands
By Joan Bothwell and
Sally Conn, Reporters
On Monday, November 17, ev
ery Girl Scout of Troop No. 2 of
Heppner brought parcels of food
from their homes to the meet
ing to send to a troop of Girl
Guides in Banstead, Surrey,
England. Our troop has been
corresponding with girls of this
troop for over a year. The food
included canned vegetables, dri
ed fruits, cereals, puddings, nuts,
rice ,tea, fish, and candy. The
food was packed into ten car
tons by the leader and troop
committee who spent many
hours doing it The postoffice
had a lot of extra work and used
all of its glue, pasting on the
labels and forms, and the 112
pounds of food finally left Tues
day evening for England.
It took $16.40 to send our food
parcels to England. In fact, it
took the last cent in our treasury
to pay the postage. So we are
broke, but very happy that we
could send this "Treasure for
Pleasure" to our sister Girl
Guides, who are not so fortun
ate as we are.
By Sandra Lanham,
Troop One Reporter
The Girl Scouts of Troop One
have just completed the interna
tional project, 'Treasures for
Pleasure." This consisted of ga
thering and packing eight boxes
of food and toys to be sent
abroad for Christmas gifts. The
girls chose to send their boxes
to the Girl Guides In France and
to the Girl Scouts in the Philip
pine islands. Included in the
boxes were two dozen dolls.
Some the girls made from yarn,
and some were dolls which they
brought from home and repaired
and dressed.. They also wrote let
ters to their foreign friends
This project helped the girls
to put into practice Girl Scout
law number 4, "A Girl Scout is
friend to all and a sister to
every other Girl Scout." She has
a feeling of good will toward
people, regardless of nationality
creed or color. She makes an es
pecial point of being friendly to
all the members of her troop and
to Girl Scouts everywhere.
On Nov. 24 they held their
Treasures for Pleasure" party.
They wrapped the gifts in gay
Christmas papers and packed
them in mailing cartons. Hot
chocolate and cookies were serv
ed by Mrs. Claude Graham and
Mrs. Stephen Thompson. Mrs.
Richard Meador was a guest of
the troop.
The regular meeting of Lexing
ton grange will be held Decem
ber 6 instead of the 13th, with
the HEC dinner and bazaar to
be held the 13th. During the past
week members ceiled the base
ment, re-covered benches with
Those who assisted with the
work Included Mr. and Mrs. My-
les Martin, Kenneth Smouse,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson Jr..
Mr. and Mrs. John Graves, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Dolvin, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
Armin Wihlon, Mrs. Orvllle Cuts
forth, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devine.
Henry Rauch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owens
left Wednesday evening for Se
attle to spend Thanksgiving at
the home of Mr. Owens' mother,
Mrs. A. W. Dye. They will com
bine business with pleasure and
do some shopping for the Owens
Hardware store.
Archie Bechdolt was In town
Tuesday from the Hardman
ranch, still feeling pretty weak
but on the road to recovery from
a recent hospital ordeal.
Civic Center To
Open To Students
Sunday Afternoon
At a meeting of the Junior
chamber of commerce Tuesday
evening at the civic center club
room arrangements were made
for throwing open the center's
facilities to the high school stu
dent body. The initial opening
will take place Sunday after
noon, November 30.
Donald DuBois and Loren Pi
per, representing the student
body, met with members of the
Junior chamber of commerce to
present the school group's wish
es. They asked for a Juke box,
ping pong tables, chess and
checker games as a start to
wards a well equipped play
room and also asked that the
students be given use of the
center on Sunday afternoons,
Thursday and Saturday nights.
The requests were found easy to
meet and arrangements were
made to start the youth center
movement this coming Sunday
At the request of the students
that the Jaycees provide suit
able adult supervision, Gordon
Grady and Dr. C. C. Dunham vol
unteered for the Sunday after
noon period and the supervisors
for the other periods will be cho
sen later this week.
Community Chest
Drive to Open
Saturday Morning
A drive to wind up the com
munity chest campaign in Mor
row county will open Saturday
morning, according to announce
ment of Blaine E. Isom, chair
man, who will be back in town
from a Thanksgiving trip to
Portland to direct the work.
Isom will solicit the business
district and has arranged with
the members of the DeMolay re
siding in town to canvass the
residential section. In the rural
areas the granges and the Girl
Scouts will do the canvassing.
Although late in getting start
ed, it is expected that the cam
paign will close very shortly and
that Morrow county will have
met its quota.
Fr. Francis McCormack and his
cousin, Fr. Duignan -of Dufur,
plan to leave Sunday for Los
Angeles to attend the Notre
Dame-U. S. C. football game De
cember 6. A Jesuit father from
Port Townsend, Wash., will sub
stitute during Father McCorm-
ack's absence. He will arrive in
Heppner December 4 for first
Friday of the month services
and remain over until Monday,
December 8. Services in the
meantime will be held at the
hours scheduled.
The Women's Auxiliary of All
Saints church is making exten
sive plans for the annual bazaar
to be held Saturday afternoon,
December 6, at the parish house.
Selling starts at 2 p.m. A wide
choice of articles will be offer
ed, including pillow cases, tow
els, luncheon sets, chair sets,
aprons, food and many other
items of interest. Many appro
priate Christmas gifts will be
found at the sale.
A memorial service for depart
ed members will be included in
the meeting of Ruth chapter No.
32, Order of the Eastern Star,
Friday evening. The member
ship is urged to bear this in
mind and be on hand to parti
cipate in the service.
Thanksgiving services will be
held in St. Patrick's church
Thursday at 9 a.m. with special
mass of Thanksgiving. Under
Catholic auspices, a special col
lection for the hungry and desti
tute people of Europe was taken
up Sunday and will be taken up
again on Thursday.
County Agent News
Dates to Remember: Farm
Home and Rural Life sub-committee
meeting, County Court
room, 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, De
cember 3. Weed dusting demon
stration on Lexington-Pendleton
highway two miles below O. W.
Cutsforth ranch, Saturday after
noon, November 29. Eastern Ore
gon Wheat league, Baker, De
cember 4, 5 and 6.
Since so much Interest has
been shown by farmers, arrange
ments have been made for dem
onstrating a whirlpool nozzle
t ype power duster for annual
weed control. This demonstra
tion will be held on the high
way below the O. W. Cutsforth
farm near the Cliff Dougherty
ranch. The demonstration will
be put on during the afternoon
of Saturday, Nov. 29. All farm
ers Interested In annuul wed
control are urged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters
were week end visitors In Con
don where they were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Del
bert N, Decn.