Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 20, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    6-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppncr, Oregon, November 20, 1947
Sunday Shows Continuous from i p. m. Admission Price both Matinee and Evening:
Evenine shows txceot Saturday stsrt t Ad"lt 50c, Grade snd High School Students
tvemng snows, except i,aiuraa start i n Md over children 20c. all taxes in-
70. Saturday show starts at :00. Boxof- ciuded. Every child occupying a seat must
have a mcket
floe open evenings until 9 o'clock.
FRI.-SAT. NOV. 21 22
Springtime In The Sierras
ssVoy ftofren. Jut Ttj, Andy Derin, Steph
rn.nA Bachelor, Bob Holui and the Sons of the
Rr.(fpni" lat tfit mupir.il western ha plenty of
fci LiMji, nr and cvmedy &.- well v.vid Tru
clor photizTJiiy . . u ? the best i f trie star'e
l.riK line t pn lures.
Blondie's Big Moment
Another wild whirl with the Kumpsteads,
SJN.-MONw NOV. 23-24
The Mocomber Affair
Grftjory Perk, Jan Bennett, Robert Prvwton,
BefinaJd Innj
EroMt Hamuijrway'f suvaft1 African adventure
btvomea ex um. adult i ret-n entertainment.
Sunday ahow cout.naoof from 1 p-m. Phona tha-
atar for itaxtinf time.
Little Miss Broadway
Tata Pottar, John Shelton, Bath Donnelly, Tinea
BrMtt. A tunny comedy mixup.
Robert Lowerr, Ana Sarage, Bart McXatna,
DoofUa Fowley, Bobart Kant.
An ad venture-romance story of a caigo flying
eervice over the mountain ranges of South Am
erica. WED.-THURS- NOV. 26-27
Tan Jonnson, Juam SJlyaon, Tfcomaa Mitchell.
Marilyn Muvtil, Hanry Kail, Claud Jinuo
A great story of adventure on the high seas . . .
and High Barbaree where every lover's fondest
dream comes true . . . based on a novel by Char,
tea Nardil oil and Jamea Somas Hall
PARIS IN THE SPRING. Technicolor mu
sical featurette
color NEWSREEL. the Eyes and Ears of the
MAKING THE VARSITY. Sports activities
at Yale
News About Town . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd of
the Butterby Flats ranch near
Cecil were transacting business
in Heppner the first of the week.
Oscar "Skeet" Bergstrom and
Al Wilson of Portland were vis
iting relatives and friends over
the week end in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker
returned to their home in Pasco
Monday after suendin? thp u-nk
end here at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston.
Mrs. Roland Farrens and son.
Pepper, of Ordnance visited thp
first of the week here at the
home of Mrs. Walter Farrens.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Biddle re
turned Sunday from Portland
where Mr. Biddle recently un
derwent a major operation at the
i'ortiana general hospital.
Mrs. Lorena Cole and Mrs.
Blaine Chapel returned home
Saturday evening from several
days' stay in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood of
Athena spent Saturday in Hepp
ner visiting Iriends and attend
ing to business matters.
Mrs. Josephine Mahoney en
tertained Sunday afternoon with
a New England dinner compli
menting Mrs. Lucy Rodgers on
the occasion of her birthday.
Guests included Mrs. Sara Me
namer, Miss Leta Humphreys,
ZCalling all kiddies!
PEIP MtoShow
Opens tomorrow J
Adjustable Saddle!
16" Velocipedes
Red and white all wheels
machine spoked, front
wheel graphite bronze
bearing, fane? tread tires.
Smaller size, 12" 10.90
Super size, 20" .'...13.75
Formed to Fit Your Tot I
Steel Rockers
. 1.98
Your tot enjoys rock-a-bye.
20" high. 11" x 11" seat.
.-Heavy steel braces for safe
ty. Red and ivory, glossy
enamel finish. Easy way to
keep small fry happy I
Balloon Type Wheels I
Roller Skates
Wonderful balloon
wheels, double row of ball
bearings, streamlined toe
clamps, rubber cushions,
nickel finish I Tops for boy
or girl who loves to skate I
Movable Arms and Legs!
16" Baby Doll
Her eyes move, her head
turns I Her lifelike, wash
able Skin-Tex latex body
won't breakl Dainty organ
dy dress, matching slip,
diaper, shoes, stockings.
Dial Turns I Bell Rings!
Toy Telephone
Black metal. French-style.
Bell rings when ivory dial
returns automatically! Real
enough to delight girl or
boy! Lots of fun pretend
ing to "visit" on the phone!
Zip! Watch it Win!
Plastic Racers
Your youngster will never
tire of winding up the
spring motor and watching
this merry racer. In yellow,
blue, red or green, 8" long
a knockout for your tot!
Tots Love Pull Toys!
7" Dump Truck
The body lifts and lowers.
It's heavy gauge steel two
toned in assorted colors,
with rubber tires. Fun for
your tot as he carts trinkets,
pushes the body up, down!
Mechanical Winner!
Freight Trains
A shiny locomotive pulls a
tender, gondola, coal ear,
caboose nimbly along 120"
of track (4 straight and 8
curved sections). Train Is
15'" long. He'll cherish! tl
Other Mechanical
Freight Trains
Baby Plays and Learns I
Alphabet Blocks
TRAINS 13.75
Including transformer.
15 gayly colored 1 516"
wood blocks with letters,
pictures and names of in
teresting things!
Penney's will be closed during the Football Game Friday afternoon
Mrs. Clarice Mackay and Mrs.'
John Bergstrom.
R. I. Thompson motored to I
Portland Tuesday to spend a few
days attending to business mat
ters. He was accompanied by his
daughter in-law. Mrs. Alex
Thompson, who will visit rela
tives in Portland for a few days
before continuing to Eugene to
attend the homecoming festivi
ties at the University of Oregon
this week end. Mrs. R. I. Thomp
son, who has been visiting in
Portland for the past ten days,
will return with Mr. Thompson
the end of this week.
Mrs. Frank Engkraf returned
to her home in Nampa, Idaho.
Saturday after spending several
days here with Mr. Engkraf. Mrs.
Engkraf likes their new location
very much and finds managing
a motel a very interesting oc
cupation due in part to the many
new people contacted each day.
Mrs. Blanche Brown and Mrs.
Venice Stiles departed for Port
land Wednesday morning to
spend a fortnight visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hud
dleston and daughters returned
to Heppner Sunday from a trip
of several weeks in California.
Mr. Huddleston only recently ar
rived in the states from Alaska.
Wednesday, Mr. Huddleston mo
tored to Condon and Lonerock to
spend the week end with rela
tives in that vicinity. Mrs. Hud
dleston expected to join him
there later in the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters have
moved into the Mrs. Louise Rit
chie house on Linden Way. Mr.
Fraters recently received word
that his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fraters, had arrived in
Fallow, Cal., and are nicely lo
cated. They are spending the
winter with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marlow
Needham, who operate a sawmill
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and her
sister-in-law, Miss Dorris Mc
Murdo of Charlottesville. Va., are
visiting in San Mateo, Cal., with
Mrs. McMurdo's son and daughter-in-law,
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard
McMurdo. They spent some time
with Miss McMurdo's brother,
Col. Charles McMurdo, in San
Jose, Cal., and will visit in Los
Angeles with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Bran (Sibyl Hager) before re
turning to Heppner.
While doing his chores at the
ranch Tuesday, Fred Hoskins Jr.
stepped on a nail, running it in
to his foot. He was treated at
the office of a local physician.
George D. Simmons of Camp
5 was taken to the Mid-Columbia
hospital in The Dalles, Tu
esday, following injuries to his
back when he was struck by a
log which slipped loose from the
choker which he was setting.
He was given first aid in Hepp
ner before continuing to The
John W. and Cletec Ivey of
mot kock were transacting bus
iness in Heppner Tuesday.
Among those from Lexington
transacting business in Heppner
tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Allyn, Newt O'Harra and Mrs. Art
Lexington School
Band Plays Concert
Tomorrow Evening
Mrs. Clarence Hayes
Don't forget the Lexington
school band concert Friday eve
ning, Nov. 21, at the school aud
itorium. A good program is
promised under the direction of
Mrs. Rodney Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer
are the parent j of an 8 pound 11
ounce baby son, Michael Ei'ear.
born Friday, November 14, at the
St. Anthony's hospital in Pendle
Miss Nelda Brown, executive
director of the Whitman area of
the Camp Fire Girls, spent Tues
day and Wednesday here work
ing with the local unit. She was
a house guest of Mrs. Cecil Jones,
Lexington's Camp Fire Girls'
The 4-H club achievement day
party will be held Friday eve
ning at the Lexington grange
hall. A potluck dinner will be
Al Edwards and Hank Stotts
were in Spokane on a business
trip two days last week.
A baby son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Wallace at the
Corda Saling home in Heppner
Tuesday morning, Nov. 18 The
young fellow weighed 6 34
Orville Cutsforth spent this
week in Hood River attending
the state Farm Bureau conven
tion. The Bind Boosters club met
Monday evening at the school
house. It was decided to serve
doughnuts, cookies, punch and
coffee after the band concert Fri
day evening.
Lon Edwards was a business
visitor In Portland the fore part
of the week.
Mrs. Donald Campbell and in
fant daughter arrived home last
week end from Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsythe
flew to Ashton. Idaho, last week
to visit Mrs. Forsythe's mother
who has been very ill. They ran
Into lots of snow and other bad
flying weather. They spent Sat
urday evening on the return trip
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt
in La Grande.
Tom Barnett, who has been
quite ill at his home for the past
few weeks, has been reported to
be much improved.
Archie Nichols was in Portland
the latter nart of last week con
sulting a physician.
' nnH Mru Orri PnHhprl
spent the week visiting in Kim
Miss Alice Nichoson spent the
week end in Corvallis. She ac
companied F. W. and Bob Tur
ner to Portland Friday evening
and returned with Mr. Turner
Tuesday. Robert Turner flew
from Portland to Chicago to
spend a few days attending to
business matters.
Mrs. Ewing Hynd of Ukiah
spent Tuesday in Heppner visit
ing friends. Mr. Hynd is bring
ing their cattle from the summer
range near Ukiah to the Luck
man ranch near Freezeout where
they will be wintered.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Irwin and
son and daughter visited Satur
day with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bennett. The Ir
wins are en route from Casper,
Wyo., to Salem where they will
make their home. Mrs. Irwin will
be remembered locally as the
former Miss Esther Neel.
Mrs. Laurence Becket who has
been ill at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Becket, returned to
her home in Eightmile Sunday.
Mrs. Nellie Smith has been en
gaged to look after her for the
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erwin
spent the week end in Walla
Walla visiting his mother, Mrs.
May Erwin, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Happold
have returned home after spend
ing several days in Portland.
Mrs. E. O. Ferguson entertain
ed the members of the American
Legion auxiliary Tuesday eve
ning at her home on N. Main
street. Further work was done
on their project, "Gifts for the
Miss Patricia N. Laxton of
Portland was transacting busi
ness in Heppner Monday.
Carl Troedson of lone spent
Monday in Heppner looking af
ter business matters.
t&lp tdA a
Fall Flowers
For the Table
Your dinner table
will be te center of attraction on Thanks
giving Day. Make it as lovely and as
festive as possible with a well-chosen
centerpiece of fall blooms. Call us soon
to place your order.
It isn't an occasion . . . without flowers!
The Flower Shop
Thanksgiving Eve
B. P. O. E.
Elks and Ladies Only
ChrUtma 3dea
Pandora from California Lingerie . . .
tailored or lace
Corde and Plastics
Earrings, Pins, Neck-
New Rhodium finish
Marvella Pearls
Good Weather
for Bad Colds
Time to doctor a cold
is at the first symp
tom. . . . Our shelves
are well stocked for
your needs.
Vacagen Oral cold
Nyal a-b-d-g, $1.59
per 100
CoVim, multiple vi
tamin $2.98 a 100
Vitamaster, $1,98
for 100
Halibut Liver Oil,
47c for 50
Vita-Vim, fortified,
$1.95 for 60
all vitamins with
Lmtrn to fly! Quitllfind fllngle men bfl
twpen the awH of 20 and 26Mj yearH
may leiirn to fly under the world's fln
et InHtiii-rlorH U, 8. Army Air Force
Filers. JiiHt think, you'll he well paid
and In addition be comrnlHHloned a a
2nd Lieutenant In the mont exf-ltlng
branch of nervine The U. 8. Air Force,
You must have either at leant one-half
the credits for a college degree or be
able to pass the equivalent air force
examination. Inquire at
V. 8. Poitoffloe Bldg.,
Pndlton, Oregon
Plan Your Thanksgiving Dinner Now!
Everything good demands a little planning in advance.
Make this Thanksgiving a real holiday-form your plans
now for the turkey dir-r-with all the good trimmin's
you can get at our store. . . Combined with a top-quality
turkey, which you can also get here, you will have a din
ner long to be remembered.