Variety And Fixit Shop Come to lone; Grange Elects By Echo Palmateer Mr. and Mrs. Al Huit are put ting in a variety store In the Swanson building which will be called "Dot and Al's Variety Store." Also Mr. Huitt has a "fix it" shop in the back of the Swan son store and will specialize in fixing washing machines and be equipped to fix all electrical ap pliances. Mrs. Oscar Lundell was elected master of Willows grange at the meeting Saturday. Other offi cers elected were, overseer, Ver non Brown; lecturer, Jack Bailey; steward, Wate Crawford; asst. steward, Donald Heliker; chap lain, Mrs. Walter Corley; treas urer, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen; Sec retary, Maridn Palmer; gatekeep er, Oscar Lundell; Ceres, Mrs. Marion Palmer: Pomona. Mrs. Hershal Townsend; Flora, Mrs.1 Sam Esteh; lady steward, Mrs. I Donald Heliker; executive com- Heppner Gazette Bmes, Heppner, Oregon, November 20, 1947-3 mlltee, Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Ed Buschke, Mrs. James Lindsay. Visitors at the John Ransier home at Morgan are Mrs. Ran siers uncles, Gust and Dan .el Bjerske, and cousin, Henry Bier ke, all of Hatton, N. D. They are on their way to California to spend the winter. Charles (Shorty) Shaver of Bend is visiting at the Henry Clark home. Jacky and Sally Bailey ly underwent a tonsilector.-.y at The Dalles hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fletcher are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring. Initiation of candidates was held Tuesday evening, Nov. 11, by the Eastern Star. Visitors from Ruth chapter 32 of Heppner wrre present. Refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Walter Roberts, M'S. E. M. Baker, Mrs. Bert Mason and Mrs. Francis Ely. Miss Alice Nichoson and Miss Eunice Peterson went to Corval lis for homecoming last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Normoyle are the parents of a boy, Dennis Lugene, born at Pendleton Nov. 12. The IMIA held the regular meeting Nov. 12 at Ihe legion hall. Treating of the soil and fix.' V' t, : For your "Family Silver" YOWL BE GLAD YOU CHOSE INTERNATIONAL STERLING you may begin with just few pieces, but youll " want the finest. Ai birthdays and anniversaries roll around, youH be surprised how soon your set will be complete. Come in soon and see our exquisite International Sterling patterns. For International lives up to your dreams ... in its weight of solid silver, its hand finished workmanship, its rest-of-your-life value. And hear this welcome news: Prices on famom International Sterling have not been wised! An in dividual place-setting can cost as little as $11.38. The lovely pattern shown above is Minuet. reseeding part of the project to lawn was discussed, also haul lng of gravel for the swimming pool. lone high school played foot ball at Echo Armistice day and were defeated 4 to 34. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray enter tained the following at a din ner one evening last week: Miss Julia Marion of Patterson, Wn. Mrs. Archie Bechdolt and Mrs. Maude Hayden and son of Hepp ner. The Maranathas met at the Congregational church Wednes day, Nov. 12, with Mrs. Hershall Townsend as hostess with Mrs. Dixon Smith assisting. Articles for a layette were brought and sent to Goodrich hospital in New Orleans. Plans for a Christmas party were made to be held Dec. 9 at the Congregational church with potluck dinner at noon and an exchange of gifts after the business meeting. The study meeting of the Top ic club met at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer Friday, Nov. 14. The book, "How Green Was My Father," by David Dodge, was reviewed by Mrs. Bert Mason. Refreshments of ice cream, cook ies and coffee were served by the hostesses, Mrs. John Ransier, Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Palmateer Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. of Portland spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman. Week-end guests at the Ed mond Bristow home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain of Pen dleton and Miss Anita Hooker of Nampa, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason left for Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Benton of Dufur are moving into a house on the Holmes Gabbert ranch. The junior class sponsored a basket social at the schoolhouse Friday night of last week. Am ount of $100 was cleared on the sale of the baskets and pie and coffee served in the lunch room. A movie, 'The Sullivans," was shown before the social. An el ectric blanket was to have been sold at Dutch auction but owing to the small crowd it was held back until later on. Jimmy Whetmore and his or chestra from Portland played at a dance at the legion hall Sat urday night. Ann Hayes was the vocalist. The auxiliary served supper. Lynn Goodhall of Spokane Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Elmer Griffith. Miss Laurel Palmateer of Port land spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and daughters returned Satur day from Portland where they visited a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan. Fifty-three , people attended the birthday dinner at the Val- by parish house in Gooseberry Sunday. The sum of $41.25 was taken in which goes to the Valby Missionary society. The society wishes to thank everyone who made this affair a success. Tom my Haines of Kodiak, Alaska, a nephew of Ben Anderson, was present at the dinner. The Jenson well drilling com pany struck a good flow of wa ter at the Oscar Peterson ranch at a depth of 63 feet, 20 gallons or more per minute. Michael Wirtzfeld of Anacortes, Wash., located the well, also located the Nit- NOW -Medical and Hospital Care at Modest Cost. 2 Plans. ..use coupon PLAN 1 . MIDICAl, 1UROI. CAL AND HOSPITAL toveroge for the employed Individual $3.50 per month. SUKOICAl, IIMITEO MEDICAL and HOSPITAL coverage tor fomlllti pome, $2.00 per monlhi lit child, $1.33 par monlhi 2nd child, 75 cenll per month) 3rd child, 50 cantt per monthi no chorge for additional children. PLAN 2. , SURGICAL, LIMIT- ID MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL cor- rag lor Iht employ.d Individual $2.25 ptr month. SURGICAL, LIMITED MEDICAL and HOSPITAL coverage for famlll.i tome al Plan t. Theie plant art avollobl. In moil Ortgon countlai to ampluyad Indi vidual! whoie nat taxable Income doai not exceed $6,000 par yaor. OREGON jAKr PHYSICIANS' 47! Knack Slock, Portland t, Ora. 4SS Parry Street, solam, ora. IIS Mad(ara) id Modfard, Ora. The Oregon State Medical Society through its sponsored and approved Oregbn Physicians' Service now offers to employed residents of the state and to their families prepaid medical and hospital protection at reasonable cost Two Plans ar Available Both are developments of O.P.S. employe group contracts under which some 70,000 Oregon workers have had protection for several years. The new contracts are backed by experience and professional responsibility. More than 900 physicians and surgeons belong to O.P.S. in excess of 90 of medical so ciety affiliated doctors in Oregon. Under either of the plans you select there is a wide choice of Cooperating physicians, surgeons and hospitals. For literature and application blank please send coupon to your nearest O.P.S. office. Nolti O.P.S. (roup cavaroga It tllll available. If you and follow emplayti wish tha savings that are possible undar a group policy we will furnish Information gladly. I I 1-IDtr.nM PHYSICIANS' SERVICE j Pleait mall literature and application blank. I Nome I I AddroiL. I I City News From C. A. Office Date, to remember: 4-H club Achievement party, Lexington grange hall, potluck supper at 6 p.m., program at 8 p.m. ..AAA elections, Boardman school, 10: 30 a.m., Irrigon Water office, 7:30 p.m., Monday, November 24; south end communities at Hepp ner, 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 25, court room, Heppner. ... Eastern Oregon Wheat League annual meeting, Baker, Dec. 4, 5, and 6. a a e Roy Robinson, Hardman, Is the first livestockman to order his rotonone for this year's grub control In his herd. Mr. Robin son treated his entire herd of cattle for grubs last winter and reports excellent results. Two treatments about one month apart were made. He stated that although there were but a few live grubs to kill on the second treatment, all cattle were treat ed to insure the least possible hatch of the heel fly for reln festation of grubs. While Mr. Robinson believes that there will be but a very few grubs in his cattle this year, he plans to spray with the hope in mind of eventually ridding his herd of grubs. He says "for the very small cost of spraying, a livestockman cannot afford not to spray for grubs." Probably most costly of all in sect pests affecting cattle are the grubs. Through losses in hides, loins that have to be trimmed, losses in weight gains and de creased milk production, it is es timated that the market value loss can be conservatively set at $3 to $5 per head. This loss can be prevented by spraying or dusting rotonone into the backs of cattle when grubs first make their appearance and before they break through the hide, a a a All wheat farmers who plan to attend the Eastern Oregon Wheat league annual meeting at Baker on December 4, 5, and 6 are urg ed to make room reservations with C. D. Conrad, secretary, Ba ker, at once. a a e Selling fat cattle when they reach a grade of "good" rather than finishing them out to choice" or "prime" grades is a Moll hi O.P.S. al Port'ond, Salem or Medfoni wells for Leonard Carlson and Harley Anderson. From the lone Independent, Nov. 21, 1924, from Cecil news: "A heavy rain fell on Tuesday, Nov. 18, and more than delighted all stockmen and wheatmen. Ev eryone is marking against time since the sandstorms are a thing of the past." Dates to remember: The tur key dinner from 6 to 7:30 p.m., bazaar, carnival and dance at the grange hall Saturtfay night, Nov. 22. . . HEC of Willows grange potluck dinner at noon at grange hall Nov. 21 Social meeting of Topic club Nov. 29 at the Ma sonic hall at 8 p.m. The HEC of Willows grange will have quite an assortment of fancy work at their bazaar Sat urday night and suggest that people buy their Christmas gifts there. Cement was poured last week for the basement of the Cathol ic church. The ladies had a pot luck dinner for the workers on Thursday and Friday of last week. Roy Lindstrom, twin son of Mr. nd Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom, underwent an appendectomy at the St Anthony hospital in Pen dleton Monday evening. Clyde Ritchie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ritchie, returned home Sunday from St. Anthony's hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis Wednesday of last week. An elk hunting party among whom were Alley Peck of Crab- tree, Harry Yarnell, Louis Busch ke and Jimmy Barnett were stalled In the mountains Friday of last week as their truck broke down. Yarnell and Peck walked nine miles through the snow to another camp where they were brought into Heppner. A. C. Swanson then brought them to lone. They went back Satur day and brought out the two elk that Yarnell and Buschke killed. and their camp equipment, but had to leave the trucks. They ar rived home around midnight Saturday night. Several from here attended the football games at Echo and Her- miston Armistice day. Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell were Portland visitors over the week end. Mrs. Roy Lindstrom taught the 3rd and 4th grades Friday afternoon during Mrs. Lundell's absence. Most of the wheat farmers around here attended the pre Umlnary wheat league meeting in Heppner Monday. Donald Hel iker is county chairman. DEVELOP ARCTIC TACTICS ARMY GROUND FORCES WILL IN "EXERCISE YUKON' "Exercise Yukon," a special four-month program designed to develop tactics and techniques for Arctic warfare and to train combat troops for operations in snow and extreme cold, started November 1 at Big Delta, Alaska, 100 miles southeast of Fairbanks, according to Gen. Jacob L. Dev ers, commander of the army ground forces. Advance detachrr.ents of arpiy ground forces units will partici pate in the exerciss already are setting up a maneuver base at Big Delta, General Devers said. They include Arctic clothing and housing experts, transportation and communication specialists, and photographers. Four successive maneuver el ements, each consisting of an augmented rifle company of the 2d infantry division at Fort Lew is, Wash., will rotate in carrying out "Exercise Yukon." Some of these troops already are under- practical way to save grain dur ing the current emergency, as serts H. A. Lindgren, OSC exten sion animal husbandman. It takes more grain to put a pound of gain on a highly finished ani mal than on an animal that is not so fat, Lindgren points out. And part of the grain that goes into those final pounds of gain is wasted because excess fat has to be trimmed from the carcass. For that reason, an animal grad ing "good" often yields a higher percentage of edible meat than one of higher grade. Future activities of the newly created Oregon Whert commis sion will be determined largely by decisions reached at Baker December 4 to 6 during the an nual meeting of the Eastern Ore gon Wheat league, Ed Bell, ad ministrator, announced recently. The law permits wide discre tion as to activities, and the com mission itself had adopted the general policy that, "It shall be the policy of the Oregon Wheat commission to promote the pro duction, marketing and utiliza tion of Oregon wheat to the end that producers maintain a per manent agricultural production and that thetcrop be utilized to the fullest development of the area. going rigorous cold weather training in Ranger Creek camp. Snoqualmie National forest, 40 miles from Fort Lewis. The main purposes of "Exer cise Yukon," General Devers said, are to develop air-transportability methods for the Arctic, to evolve training and indoctrina tion procedures for ground com bat units in Arctic operations, and to make observations and prepare records which will fur nish a basis for further develop ment of doctrine, tactics, techni ques, and equipment for future Arctic operations. The preliminary training now being given In Ranger Creek camp includes survival methods in extreme cold, familiarity with Arctic clothing, and cross-country hikes on snow shoes and skis. Following this training, the troops will be flown to the Alas ka exercise area. JQ. Rom where I sit.. Joe Marsh Metropolitan Papers Please Copy I ! Pirl Howell, Union Oil mana ger, returned the end of the week from a 14-day elk hunt his longest and most luckless. -?"---:-:-.--: FoBci here were burned ip erer aa article on Onr Towa I reprinted from city paper. Made as sound like (ranch of "hicks" who whit tled sticks and wore coin whisker. (Last peraon I saw with ehla whiskers was pausing through ea his way east) So I ran an editorial on how we spoke of city "slickers" as orer dressed wiseacres, only Interested in making money, and spending it in night el aba. Fact is, if we got to know each ther we'd probably And we're not tKh different, underneath. City folks work hard; like to come home at nirht to their famine ; and re lax with a moderate glass of beer like we do. From where I ait, It doesn't mat ter if you live in an apartment house or on a farm work in aa office or a cornfield the Americas tradition of quiet home life, tens perate habits, and neighborlineae is common to all of us. Shop Al's Fmifc Now Open For Business SPECIALIZING IN WASHING MACHINE and ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Parts available for almost any and all types of washing machines. GENERAL ALL-ROUND FIXIT SHOP Located Next Door to Postoffice lone, Oregon Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 BW Dorion Avenu Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. JjTHE mmitA im Tiir urn Din I "t"' I mi m m mm m n mrm at" a BIGGEST CHURCH IN THE WORLD St. Peter's, the Cathedral of Rome. Started in 1506, it took 274 years to build this magnificent edifice. Michael Angelo was architect for 20 years, and designed the famous dome, 195 feet in diameter. The floor covers five acres. It is built on the legendary site of St. Peter's martyrdom. THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN YOUR HOME . i is low-cost electricity. Other prices are up, but Pacific Power & Light rates are the lowest in history less than half the national average. And more people are using this power every day. During the past twelve months we connected 7,380 new customers to our lines. c, a