Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 20, 1947, Image 1

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    Heppner Gazette Times
J n t i j . 4 H I 3 T 0 H I C A L S 0 C
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 20, 1947
Volume 64, Number 35
Snowfall Blankets
Blue Mts. As Rain
Softens Lowlands
Up to Two Feet
Reported in Hills
South of Heppner
Snow that apparently has
blanketed the Blue mountain
range from one extreme to the
other fell to the depth of aDDrox
lmately two feet In the region
south of Heppner during the past
week. Forest service officials
and hunters report considerable
difficulty in negotiating some of
the roads leading from the high
ways into ranger and lookout
stations and hunters' cabins,
with some of the late elk hunt
ers getting stuck and calling for
aid from town.
Ranger Glenn Parsons and
Assistant Ranger Joe GJertson
made a trip to the Bull Prairie
and Opal guard stations Mon
day in a jeep and negotiated the
roads with little difficulty until
returning when they were tow
ing a trailer house out. Parsons
said the snow, which probably
naa reacned a depth of two feet,
had melted down to about six
inches Monday afternoon, the
snow storm having turned to
Creeks of the region were run
ning at almost flood stage Tues
day, which indicated that the
heavy snow was running off at
a rapid pace. The run-off was
more like a spring freshet and
had the appearance of carrying
a lot of silt and top soil.
Deepest snowfall seems to
have been in the region south
east of Heppner where it is es
timated upwards of two feet lay
on the ground for a short time.
Farther west and south there
was approximately one foot, ac
cording to the forest service
Snow fell in Heppner a few
minutes Saturday afternoon but
soon turned to rain.
Rainfall in October as record
ed by Len Gilliam amounted to
3.11 Inches In Heppner. This is
considerably less than that re
corded in Gooseberry by V. L.
Carlson. Up to Tuesday morning
of this week the Gilliam gauge
showed a total of 1.80 inches.
The record for the month of No
vember in Heppner Is 3.24 inches
in 1942.
Some ranchers report that
while there has been a more or
less steady precipitation this fall
they don't find the ground wet
down as far as might be expect
ed. Others report a good depth
of moisture, far more than nor
mal. To satisfy his own curios
ity, County Agent Anderson took
a soil testing augur into one of
the fields and found moisture as
far as the instrument reached,
Indicating to him that 'moisture
has penetrated to a good depth.
10NE NEWS . . .
lone high school will play
Prescott high school from Wash
ington Tuesday. This will be the
last game of the season.
Floyd Wiles, Ted Palmateer,
Eugene Normoyle and Ralph
Heath attended the district con
vention of the American Legion
at Milton Monday.
Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Mrs. Ray
Barnett and Mrs. Ellis Pettyjohn
attended the fellowship dinner
at the Assembly of God church
in Heppner Monday evening.
The regular meeting of the
lone P-TA will be cancelled for
November and a meeting will be
held early in December.
The Birthday club met at the
home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer on
Tuesday with Mrs. Alfred Shir
ley and Mrs. Harry Yarnell as
honorees. They received lovely
gifts. Birthday cake, ice cream
and coffee were served by the
hostesses, Mrs. Wate Crawford
and Mrs. Palmateer.
Mrs. P. J. Darst and children
and Mildred Carlson visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Carlson, the first of the week.
The Darsts are moving to Eu
gene from Corvallls.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefanl Jr,
moved Into their new home here
in town last week.
Herman Ray of Coberg is vis
iting his brother, Dale Ray. The
Rays spent the week end at Lyle
and Husum, Wash., where they
visited William and Claude Bra
shears and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Goodrich. They also stopped at
The Dalles and visited Mrs. Al
ice Wiles and reported her to be
Mrs. Pearl Stevens of Long
view, Wn., is visiting at the H
O. Ely home. Mrs. Stevens and
Mrs. Ely are cousins.
Jack Bailey is ill at his home
with the flu.
0. G. Crawford, Gazette Times
editor, left Pendleton Tuesday
night on the City of Portland,
Union Pacific streamliner, to at
tend the winter conference of the
National editorial association in
Chicago In his capacity as pres
ident of Oregon Newspaper Pub
Ushers association, He will re
turn the middle of next week.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo attended a
meeting of a medical society in
Pendleton Tuesday night, with
dinner at the country club,
Protestant churccs of Hepp
ner will Join In a united ser
vice observing Thanksgiving
at 10:30 Thursday morning at
the Methodist church.
Joe Jewett, Church of Christ
minister, will deliver the mes
sage, with scripture by Neville
Blunt. Episcopal minister, and
prayer by Shelby Graves, minis
ter of Church of God.
An invitation has been ex
tended the pubic to participate.
Boundary Board
Considers Petitions
For Consolidation
Petitions for consolidation of
rural districts with school dis
trict No. 1 were considered by
the district boundary board at a
meeting held in the office of
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school
superintendent, Monday. Up to
the present,, four of the 11 dis
tricts sending their children to
the Heppner school have filed
and an election has been called
for Monday, December 1, to be
held from 2 to 3 o'clock p.m. in
the Heppner city hall, to deter
mine whether or not the consol
idation shall be made.
Districts petitioning for the
consolidation are district No. 1,
Heppner; district No. 6, Golden
West; district No. 11, Liberty;
district No. 15, Clark's Canyon,
and District No. 34, Willow Creek.
Mrs. Rodgers announced that
budget blanks are being mailed
out this week. Under the new
rural school district law budgets
must be prepared during the
month of December.
Budget Committee
Named By Rural
School Dist. Board
Budgets were the main topic
of discussion for the rural school
district board in a meeting held
at the court house Friday. It was
the third time the group had
held a meeting since organiza
tion last spring.
Of direct concern to the rural
board was the budget for its op
erating expense. In compliance
with the new law a budget com
mittee' was chosen, one from
each of the five zones. R. K. Mill
er will represent zone 1, Irrigon-
Boardman; George N. Peck, zone
2, Lexington; Henry Peterson,
zone 3, lone; L. E. Bisbee, zone 4,
Heppner, and Barton Clark, zone
5, south end of county. Date for
the budget election has not
been set but this will be taken
care of soon.
The rural board plans to In
vite the various school boards to
a joint meeting some time in
December to discuss budgets and
other matters concerning school
affairs. It is not the purpose of
the rural board to reject any
Items Included by the school dis
tricts but the board will expect
them to Justify the items Mrs.
Rodgers explained.
To Open Meetings
Here Sunday A. M.
Gene Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chamber
lain will begin an evangelistic
meeting at the Church of Christ
here on Sunday. They are a tal
ented young couple. He leads
the singing and Mrs. Chamber
lain plays the piano. They will
also sing many special numbers
Both are native of Oregon, he
having been born at Corbett and
she at Condon. They are em
ployed as state evangelists by
the Churches of Christ in Ore
They have a trailer house and
will live In it during their stay
of three weeks here.
The Church of Christ cordially
Invites the people of (his com
munlty to share the privilege of
hearing this consecrated young
couple In the messages they will
be bringing.
The Gazette Times will be
Issued early next week to en
able the force to have a holi
day on Thanksgiving. Corres
pondents are' asked to have
their copy in a day early.
'' '
Mustangs, Union Play Tomorrow for
E. O. Championship; Beat Grant U.
Patemen Slosh To
1st, 4th Periods to
Heppner high's Mustangs,
tucked the football championship
of district 7 neatly in the pocket
of their mudsoaked moleskins in
the play-off with the Grant Un
ion Prospectors here Saturday
afternoon. No doubt remained in
the minds of the 300-odd game
patrons as to the ability of the
rampaging Mustangs to repre
sent the district after they had
seen the home boys rear, buck
and plunge through saucer-sized
snowflakes, rain and mud to
completely subdue the challeng
ing Prospectors, 13-0.
It was Buster Padberg, playing
despite cracked ribs not com
pletely healed, who twice car
ried the ball into Prospector pay
dirt behind fine blocking. He
first took gold from the Grant
Union mine early In the second
quarter after the ball had been
worked to the Prospector's 2-yard
line. Then just seconds before
game s end, he skirted end and
crossed the line standing up
from G.U. s 5. The added mark
er was made by this same Buster
through the line following the
first touchdown. But Greenup's
attempted point-after-touchdown
bogged down in the mud inches
short of the line the second time.
The sloshing and swashing
which left members of opposing
teams indistinguishable long
before game s end started wtth
Heppner kicking off to the visit
ors. From there it was seesaw
through the first quarter, most
ly In G.U. territory, as only once
did the ball get on to Heppner
ground as one of two 15-yard
penalties against the home boys
backed it up as far as their own
48. The quarter horn caught the
play with the Prospectors on
their own 7, second and 8 to go.
Followed an exchange of kicks
resulting in Greenup's boot for
the locals being downed on the
G.U. 5. Again G.U. was forced
to kick, and Padberg set up the
successive series of downs re
sulting in the first touchdown
by returning the ball to G.U.'s
He picked up four off-tackle.
Greenup added three thru tackle,
and Padberg added another yard
thru the same hole. Then, with
the play set to suck the opposi
tion defense in for another line
plunge, Padberg went wide to
the 5 and first down. Greenup
bucked the middle for 1, a quar
terback sneak was good for two
more, then Buster followed with
the initial scoring buck for 6
points, and shortly bucked
again for the conversion point.
Through the remainder of the
second quarter and on thru the
third and fourth up to Heppner's
final score near the end, the
play was forced on to G.U. ter
rain most of the time, with one
Greenup quick-kick grounded on
the Prospector 5 and two of his
coffin-corner boots making it
inside the 5, putting the backs
of the opposition up against
their own goal. .Each time they
fought valiantly out, but the
poor footing and vicious Mus
tang defense stopped the at
tempted end sweeps and passes
which gave the locals so much
trouble in the 0-0 game which
made the play-off necessary, j
There were fumbles and poor
passes from center on each side
resulting from the slippery pig
skin, though Heppner took an
edge on recoveries.
It was a G.U. fumble on their
on nine which the Mustangs re
covered that set up the final
scoring advance. Two bucks by
Greenup placed the ball on the
Prospector 5, from where Pad
berg took it on across. Then the
failure to convert which left the
score at 13 0 thru the few re
maining moments to the final
Officials, selected by Ed El
liott of Umatilla, district presi
dent, and unannounced to the
oposing teams before game time,
were Carl Kllgcl, Pendleton, ref
eree; Norris of Hermlston, head
linesman, and Bowles of Pendle
ton, umpire.
Heppner's starting lineup out
weighed that of Grant Union 2
plus pounds per man. Leonard
Pate, local coach, and Tom John
son, visitors' coach, started their
men as follows;
Heppner Grant Union
East LE Ashton
Kilkenny LT Sproul
Ployhar LG Ingalls
Sumner C Ball
Gabler RG Mulcare
Key RT Hendricks
Waters RE Trafton
Padberg Q Wah, Eddy
Bergstrom HB Sanders
Rlppee HB Cardwell
Greenup F Ford
Reserves, most of whom saw
action, were listed In the offl
clal program, viz; Heppner, ends,
Allstolt, Gunderson; tackles,
Ruhl, Hill; guards, Gammell
Connor; center, Smith; backs,
Hammuck, Orwick, Bell. Grant
Union, ends, Barett, Smith; tack
les, Kimmell, Craven; guard,
Touchdowns in
Take Dist. 7 Flag
Conley; center, Willey; backs,
Larkln, Henry Wah, Rider and
In the season's play, Heppner
and Grant Union each lost but
one game up to the deciding bat
tle, each loss being a non-district,
game. Heppner lost to Hermis-
ton on Armistice day, 13-12, and
G.U. was defeated, by Halfway,
14-0. Their record in other games
played stood:
Heppner-Prairie City, 25-0
Fossil, 34-6; Condon, 33-0; Stan'
field (forfeited) 1-0; Arlington,
13 0; Moro, 2-2.
Grant U.-Crane, 12-7; Prairie,
38-0; Richmond, 25-0; Condon,
18-6; Fossil, 20-0.
Business houses of the city
will close for the Union -Heppner
football game tomorrow
afternoon, starting at 2 o'clock,
and customers are asked to
conduct themselves acording
ly, according to vote oi cham
ber of commerce members at
Monday's! luncheon.
City To Install Tog'
Pump; Improved
Fire Rating Given
A "fog" pump, latest thing in
fire-fighting equipment devel
oped in the war, will be Installed
on the city fire truck by this
week end, announces Blaine E.
Isom, fire chief, who believes that
the modern equipment combin
ed with Heppner's ever-improv
ing fire hazard elimination will
result in a general lowering of
insurance rates in the city an
other year.
A deputy from the state fire
marshals office made an inspee
tlon of the city this week on
a regular inspection tour, and
checked on safety measures
found on recent reports.
He found much Improvement
in the general fire hazard sit
uation, except for small trash
piles. These will be eliminated
ere another year rolls round, Is
om firmly believed.
It was found that some build
ings are already enjoying low
ered insurance rates through el
imination of hazards previously
The school plant was given a
good record with all fire hazards
removed. School extinguishers
have been refilled and replaced
and the fire escape was found to
be okeh.
Justice J. O. Hager heard sev
eral cases during the past week,
including game law and motor
vehicle violations.
Harold Whitman Sellards of
Kinzua was brought before the
justice upon a. charge of killing
a spike elk. The charge was pre
ferred by Officer W. L. Lobhart.
Justice Hager assessed a fine of
$125, plus $4.50 costs.
Clifford Parshall, Heppner, de
posited $10 plus $4.50 costs when
Officer Lobhart found him oper
ating a motor vehicle without
clearance lights.
Mary Ledbetter, Lexington, will
have a hearing next Monday on
a charge of operating a motor
vehicle without an operator's li
cense preferred by Officer Joseph
G. Wark of the state police.
Pleading guilty to a count of
operating a car sans a muffler.
Grant Irvin Fry of Fairbanks.
Alaska, contributed $10 and $4.50
costs to the county coffers.
A delegation of members from
the Jasmine, Condon and Locust
chapters of the Order of Eastern
Star visited Ruth chapter 32 of
Heppner last Friday evening. In
eluded among the guests were
the worthy matrons of the Con
don and lone chapters, Mrs. Lo
vena S. Palmer and Mrs. Roy
Lindstrom. Ruth chapter initia
ted two candidates and refresh
ments were served following the
lodge session
Mrs. James J. (Louise) Farley
chairman of junior activities of
the American Legion auxiliary
is desirous of organizing a group
of girls within the auxiliary and
will hold her first meeting at
the civic center Tuesday, Nov.
25 at 4 p.m. Any girl under the
age of 18 who is a daughter or
sister ot a member of the Am
erican Legion Is eligible to join
Dues are one dollar a year.
C. R. Maddock, field manager
of Loyalty Insurance group In
Portland, spent Tuesday In Hepp
ner In the interests of his com
pany. A former resident of
Heppner, "Cres" always enjoys
an opportunity to visit with his
old frlendi.
Farm Crops Group
Urges Treatment Of
Seed Where Used
Agricultural planning sub-committee
meetings were held dur
ing the past week when sub
committee members of the Farm
Crops committee met at the Lex
ington grange hall on Tuesday
afternoon, November 11, and at
the Irrigon water office on Tu
esday evening.
E. R. Jackman, farm crops spe
cialist, Oregon State college, met
witn the arm Crops committee.
Among the committee's recom
mendations was the encourage
ment for farm treatment of seed
wheat by privately owned farm
treaters. The committee recom
mended this due to the mixtures
of seed wheat brought about by
commercial treaters moving from
one farm to another. An alterna
tive to this plan would be the
recommendation that farmers be
urged to demand all commercial
seed treaters to be clean before
entering the farm.
Committees were selected to
make surveys with Fred Nelson,
Sam McMillan and David Baker
appointed to contact all grain
elevators to obtain figures on the
amount of smutty wheat and per
centage of each variety of wheat
marketed. This information along I
with other recommendations'
made at this meeting and to be
taken up at later meetings of the
Farm crops committee will con
stitute a report of the committee
to be given at the agricultural
planning conference to be held
during the winter of 1948.
The Conservation committee
met with Art King, soils special
ist, Oregon State college, on
Wednesday, November 12, and
during the course of their meet
ing recommended that state and
federal funds be requested in
carrying out experiments with
equipment suitable for handling
trashy fallow from first opera
tion through seeding. At the
fcext meeting of this committee
the group plans to review the ag
ricultural conservation associa
tion committee docket, for rec
ommendations of practices that
are to benefit in bringing con
servation practices to the farm
ers in Morrow county.
The Land Use committee, head
ed by J. R. Beck, land use spe
cialist, Oregon State college, with
Dick Wightman as local chair
man, met on Wednesday, No-!
veml er 12, also. Some time was
spent in discussing the tax prob
lem in Morrow county with tax
assefsments studied for timber
land, wheat land and grazing
land. This committee recom
mended that wheat lands be re
appraised for tax purposes ac
cording to yields for the last ten
Recommendations were made
concerning Mormon cricket con
trol methods and a committee
of Julian Rauch and Russell
Moore was selected to attend a
meeting of the Cricket Control
associations and bring back their
findings to the next meeting.
These committees will meet In
the near future to further devel
op and report for the agricultur
al planning conference.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill re
turned Thursday from Hartville,
Mo., where they spent several
weeks visiting. On Sunday, Octo
ber 26, they attended a Neill
family reunion at the home of
Mrs. A. C. Curtice in Hartville.
The reunion was occasioned by
the return of L. D. Neill and his
brother Dee who left Missouri for
Oregon 50 and 49 years ago, re
spectively. This was their sec
ond return visit. ,
An account of the reunion in
the Dallas County Republican of
Buffalo, Mo., gave the Neill bro
thers' ages as 98 and 97 and
thought it quite remarkable that
they made the trip by car, do-
1 !.! ...... j t r j
i L V no M r.. . Mr- and Mrs- A- A- Scouten re
nies that hes 98, but it made a turned Monday from PortIand
good story.
Sale of the Thomson Bros, store
building by J. G. Thomson to
Jimmie and Madge Thomson as
of November 1 was announced
this week. The young Mr. Thom
son purchased the grocery store
In 1915. He started to work for
the firm In which his fattier was
senior partner, in 1925. It is ex-
pected the building will be re-
modeld later but will stay as is
for the present.
Walter Barger, public account
antant and city recorder, was
busy passing out the cigars the
first of the week In honor of the
arrival of the Barger's fourth
child, a 7 12 pound girl born at
St. Anthony s hospital In Pendle
ton at to o clock Monday morn-
ing. Mother and child were re-
ponea aoing wen.
Winner to Meet
Champs for State
Union high school's cham
pion football team from dis
trict 8 will invade the Mustang
corral tomorrow afternoon at
2 o'clock to vie with Heppner's
district 7 champions for the
"B" championship of eastern
Oregon. The winner of this
game will be entitled to play
the western Oregon champions
in their division for the state
"B" title.
Coach John Comisky brings an
undefeated team to Heppner. In
the season's play Union defeat
ed the La Grande Wildcats, 25-6;
St. Francis-Baker, 77-0; Joseph,
79-0; Wallowa, 24-0; Elgin, 20-0;
Enterprise, 18-7; Richland, 45-6,
and North Powder, 18-12.
While Heppner suffered but
one defeat and two tie games,
the defeat by Hermiston, 13-12,
and the ties with Grant Union,
0-0, and Moro, 2-2, their season's
scoring is not quite so imposing
as that of tomorrow's visitors.
However, word from the Mustang
stables is that they will be out1
P-TA Fun Evening
At Civic Center
Slated for Tomorrow
Heppner Parent-Teachers as
sociation is planning an evening
ot Jun, ,at,tlLe.new civi?
at 8 'clock Friday evening (to-
Admission will be by member
ship card or paying the price of
a membership card at the door.
These cards will entitle the ow
ner to attend all other P-TA par
ties during the year.
Bridge, pinochle and Chinese
checkers will be the order of the
evening with refreshments at
the close.
Isabella Corrigall,
Long A Resident
Of County, Passes
Mrs. Isabella Corrigall, 80, pio
neer resident of the county died
at the Schwarz cabin apartments
at 7 o'clock last night following
a lingering illness. Widow of the
late M. S. Corrigall, for many
years president of the First Na
tional bank of Heppner, Mrs.
Corrigall was mistress of the Cor
rigall ranch on Butter creek
where the family home was made
for many years and where she
reared her family.
She was the mother of Mrs.
Fred Hoskins of lone and Mrs.
Harold Wilkins and Mrs. Wilbur
Gourley of Heppner. Two child
ren, Rubina Corrigall, for many
years assistant cashier of the
First National bank of Heppner,
and Ralph Corrigall, preceded
her in death, as well as two chil
dren who died in infancy.
No announcement of funeral
arrangements were made at
press time today. Further obit
uary will be published next
The grand jury for the Decem
ber term of circuit court met
this week. Publication of its re
port was withheld by county of
ficers upon inquiry at the court
News About Town . .
Mrs. Muriel Rice was hostess
for dinner Wednesday evening
at the Lucas Place honoring her
son, LaVerne Van Marter Jr., on
his birthday. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mrs. Sad
ie M. Sigsbee, Mrs. W. O. George.
Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter, F. W.
Turner, Robert V. Turner and
Bob Hughes of McMinnville.
Mrs. Jack Hughes entertained
Thursday afternoon at her home
on Linden Way with a stork
shower for her granddaughter,
Mrs. Archie Nichols.
where they spent the week end
visiting relatives and attending
the wedding of Mr. Scoutens
Miss Nancy May Terry
Miss Terry visited the Scoutens
here during the past summer.
Harry O'Donnell has returned
from Portland where he spent a
week vacationing and attending
to business matters.
Mrs. Dewey Britt entered The
Dalles hospital the first of the
week. She was taken to The Dal-
es by Mr. Britt Thursday.
Mrs. George Thompson of Mil-
with her sister, Mrs. Jeff French,
who is a patient at the Lucy
Wright home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adkins,
who are living at the former
Hayden mill site near Hardman,
were shopping in Heppner Sat-
urday. They report considerable
snow on the higher levels south
of Hardman.
Western Oregon
'B' Pigskin Title
there to give a good account of
I themselves and may the best
team win.
Officials for the game will be
Carl Kligel, Pendleton, referee;
Ron Walk, La Grande, umpire,
and Charles Bowes, Pendleton
head linesman.
Union's starting lineup will
average 159 pounds, and will
contain six seniors, four juniors
and one sophomore. Their ad
vance dope sheet shows the po
sition, name, weight and height
of the starting team as follows:
Left end, Alva Roberts, 165, 6
ft.; left tackle, Wes Wallis, 160,
5 ft. 10in.; left guard, Johnny
Wulf, 160, 6 ft.; center, Darrell
Turner, 160, 5 ft. 11 in.; right
guard, David Galle, 160, 5 ft. 10
in.; right tackle, Roy Rinehart
190, 5 ft. 10 in.; Dick Westen
skow, 170, 6 ft. 3 in.; quarter
back, Carl Hudson, 130, 5 ft 8
in.; right halfback, Larry Wilson,
140, 5 ft. 9 in.; left halfback, For
rest Turner, 155, 5 ft. 11 in.; full
back, Jack Rinehart, 145, 5 ft 7
Navy Officer Killed
In Auto Accident
Near Boardman
A navy recruiting officer, Dale
W. Pettit of Seattle, was killed
and a fellow officer, Donald L.
Clements received superficial in
juries in an automobile accident
two miles east of Boardman at
1:30 Wednesday morning. As the
accident happened in Morrow
county, officers were called from
here and Pettit's body was
brought here awaiting orders for
Clements was taken to Pendle
ton for treatment
Clements was driving, and the
car went off the road on a
straightaway, striking a sand
dune, overturning and throwing
both men from the car, accord
ing to report of the officers, Sher
iff C. J. D. Bauman and Coroner
A. D .McMurdo. The accident
was first discovered by a high
way patrolman.
Pettit's head was badly crush
ed and facial bones were brok
en. An ankle bone, unbroken,
protruded through the skin, in
dicating the car was probably
going at a high speed, according
to the officers.
Pettit, aged 30, leaves a wife
and one child.
Infantile Paralysis
Work Told Chamber
The state of Idaho, with be
tween 230 and 250 cases of in
fantile paralysis poses a serious
problem for health authorities
and physicians of the region,
said Felix A. Montez, represent
ative of the infantile paralysis
movement in Oregon who ad
dressed the luncheon group of
the Heppner chamber of com
merce Monday noon. Malheur
county in Oregon, in the same
area, has had 60 some cases this
year and health authorities have
their hands full.
The speaker used Idaho and
Malheur epidemics as examples
in bringing up the need for gen
erous contributions to the March
of Dimes campaign. As much as
$15,000 has been spent on a pa
tient in following through until
he is ready to go on his own,
Montez said, and the average is
52,000 per patient. He said that
in 1946 Morrow county was the
fourth county in the state ana
Oregon was the third state in the
Union in the March of Dimes
Henry Tetz made some point
ed comments on Saturday's game
and complimented the high
school team on its fine record
this season. He reported that the
broadcasting station at LaGrande
will broadcast Friday's game be
tween Union and Heppner.
Frank Davis reported that the
civic club room is now in oper
ation and that at the time he
was speaking the Morrow county-
unit of the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league was In session
Schedules for the Girl Scouts.
Boy Scouts and other groups are
oeing wotKed out.
M. E. Harris, district represen
tative of the Standard Oil com
pany was a guest and was in
troduced by Edwin Dick, local
representative of the company
Fred Pigg who has visited Mor
row county for the last 23 years
in nis capacity as deputy collec
tor of Internal revenue at Pen
dleton, has resigned the oosl-
tlon, according to announcement
this week. He Is a patient In the
veterans hospital, Vancouver.
Wash., and has not been In good
health for the past year, it was
state a.
EO Wheat League
Committee Cons
County Problems
Will Be Made At
Baker Convention
The Eastern Oregon Wheat lea
gue county committee meeting
was held at the new recreation
center at the dance pavilion on
Monday, November 17, with a
representative group present
During the course of the day,
committees on production and
transportation, taxation and leg
islation, federal agricultural pro
grams and land use, wheat lea
gue disposal and marketing, and
young peoples' activities consid
ered county problems and made
recommendations that will be
discussed and action taken on at
the Eastern Oregon Wheat Lea
gue annual meeting to be held
in Baker, December 4. 5 and 6.
Don Heliker, executive com
mitteeman, called the meeting
to order at 10:30 a.m., with Ken
neth Smouse, chairman of the
production and transportation
committee, considering such
problems as soil conservation,
weed control, production of clean
seed wheat, and transportation
problems on freight rates and
Columbia river developments.
Taxation and legislation fol
lowed, with Henry Peterson as
chairman. One of the recommen
dations that this committee
made was that any group who
submits a proposal for increas
ed expenditures from state funds
also be required to submit a so
lution as to how such funds are
to be raised. The committee en
dorsed the Taft-Hartley labor bill
in principle.
The main item of discussion
of the federal agricultural pro
grams and land use committee
was methods and steps that
should be taken to Improve the
present crop insurance program.
The committee with Henry Baker
as chairman declared that they
were not interested in the pre
sent crop insurance program un
less changes were made. This
group also recommended that
price supports be continued thru
crop loans.
The discussion of the wheat
disposal and marketing commit
tee centered around the dates
for experiments to find new and
better uses for wheat produced
in the Pacific Northwest
There was much discussion on
young peoples' activities. This
committee is headed by John
Graves. The committee was in
favor of continuing a spring 4-H
show and sale in eastern Ore
gon, with the place for it to be
held selected where facilities
were available.
A committee recommended
that at least 50 percent of the
ration, and 60 percent if possi
ble, of wheat be fed the live
stock that would be exhibited
and sold at the spring show.
During the meeting discus
sion was held on whether or not
the Eastern Oregon Wheat lea
gue should be invited to hold
their 1948 annual meeting In
Heppner. All committee mem
bers present were in favor of the
annual meeting to be held here
next winter and further investi
gation will indicate whether or
not suitable accommodations
can be offered.
Don Heliker, executive com
mitteeman, closed the meeting
by urging all wheat farmers who
plan to attend the annual wheat
league meeting to get their
room reservations made through
C. D. Conrad, secretary, at Baker
Christmas Seals
Support Local Service
Completion of plans for the
opening of the annual Christ
mas Seal sale was announced by
Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, county seal
sale chairman. The sale, to
raise funds for the tuberculosis
control program of the Oregon
Tuberculosis association, will be
gin with the mail delivery of
seals this week to residents thru
out the county and will continue
until Christmas. Mrs. Omar Rlet
man of lone and Mrs. Orvllle
Cutsforth of Lexington have
again been named chairmen on
the 1947 sale committee.
"Of the total money raised In
this county, 75 percent will be
used within the county to fight
tuberculosis," said Mrs. Pinck
ney. "while the remainder will
be forwarded to the state asocla
tlon. The state sends five per
cent to the national association
to help finance its services. Thus
of the total raised, 95 percent
will be used within the state"
Three local women, Mrs. Irl
Clary, Mrs. Lewis Cason and Mrs.
O. G. Crawford, have been ex
tended an Invitation to become
honorary members of Delta Kap
pa Gamma, national honor soci
ety for women educators. The
invitations were extended thru
the state organization of Alpha
Rho. Mrs. Crawford will be In
itiated Into the society Satur
day evening at Pendleton, and
will be accompanied by Mm Lu
cy E. Rodgers, a member of the
society for many year.