Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 13, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, November 13, 1947
Nuptials Slated
For November 20
By draco Shoun
Mrs. T. T. ?!aiit'!i!cr of Tort
land left TiiMi;iy morning after
Kprnriing snmc tnnr w ith her son
Paul ami family. They formerly
lived here
Mrs. Aliie Hnberlpin. Mrs Roy
Mathena and Mrs. Leslie Smith
wpre co hostesses for a bridal
shower honorinp Alone Russell.
It was fit the Haberlein home.
The evening as s;enl with
games and a mock wedding. A
large crowd enjoved lite evening,
then Miss Russell opened the
beautiful and useful gifts and
refreshments of salad, cake and
sandwiches was served. Out-of-town
guests were Alone Russell,
employed in rendielon: Mrs. Ike
Weatherford and Mrs. Marion
Faust of Arlington, and Louis
Rucker of Arlington, the 'oride-groom-to
be. They are to he mar
ried November 20 in the Hermis
ton Methodist church at 8 o'
clock. The carpenters of the Advent
ist church are finishing the
building. They are to plaster it
on the outside. E. S. IYlton is
the head carpenter.
Elmer Collins is home from
North Columbia academy help
ing to care for his mother who is
Glen O'Drien, Vernon Jones
and C. V. Aeock left Tuesday to
hunt elk. C. V. Acock Jr. and
John James have also gone to
The men of Irrigon led by the
firemen have the walls of pum
ice block about up and ready to
finish the building. The fire
Is J h A ' ' .
(fi -v (J: v ! 'J Vf V y v ihl
i iNf 7 frtii ;.;iH v
University of Oregon, Eugene. November 13 (Special) Homecoming back in 19U6 when Virgil
Eail was a student was on a smaller scale than now. but it was held with the "good old Ore
gon spirit" the former Oregon dean of men tells members of the 1947 Homecoming committee.
Dean Earl shows his scrap book, with mementoes of early Homecomings to 1947 Homecoming
Hostess Zata Sinclair, Lebanon; Morven Thomas. Portland. Homecoming chairman, and Bill An
drews. Grants Pass, publicity chairman. Theme of the Homecoming this year is "Return, Recall,
necaprure. vjregon spirn.
truck is setting outside so it is
really needful to get it housed
before a cold night.
The fire ladies had a fireman's
ball in the school house Friday
night. They cleared $40. They
served refreshments.
The Irrigon
football team
From where I sit ... ii Joe Marsh,
Prissy's Got a Man!
Yesterday Sis Martin, our li
brarian, found an article cut from
their file copy of the Clarion. When
she compared it with another copy
that I gave her she found it was my
column on "How to Keep a Hus
band Happy."
Nothing unusual about that Ex
cept the last person seen reading
the paper was Prissy Hoskins (our
town's proverbial Old Maid) !
Well, if Prissy has finally got a
man, more power to her. And nr e
tolerance to both of them . . . be
cause that's what my column was
about: Tolerance of husband's
taste for old hats, old pipes, old
friends, and mellow beer. And tol
erance on the husband's part of
wife's tastes and habits.
From where I sit, nobody b
gnidges Prissy taking that clip
ping from the Clarion. But I'd like
to hint that if she'd jost tubicnb,
she'd get my thoughts on toleranot
firsthand. And in return IH traat
her to a glass of beer.
J asked for 0frS3ji
Pearl Oil f)
Grandma will tell you thai PEARL OIL was a kerosene
leader in her day just as it is now. It doesn't give off smoke,
soot or gases that might smell up rooms. It gives more heat
with bright steady flame that won't creep up to scorch pies,
cakes. And PEARL OIL is pureh all burns no waste!
L'se it in all your kerosene appliances.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
Kinzua Man Badly
Burne dWhen Oil
Heater Explodes
By Elsa M. Leathers
When Oakly Caudell attempt
ed to refill and light an oil heat
er here Tuesday night it explod
ed and he was burned badly
about the face and neck. He was
rushed to The Dalles hospital,
and was able to return home
Friday. Mr. Caudell is the plant
The Kinzua pastime and con
fectionary began this week to
have coffee and sandwiches.
The lunch is the first since Bet
ty Shell left the pastime and
rented the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pierce
and snn Don and Mr and Mrs
Von Dunsford of Camp 5, went!'0 return ,0 their home, but the
to Portland Fridav evening to at-1 lnfant daughter had to be kept
tend the U.C.L.A.-o.S.C. football
ing some time in Newport.
Lillian Schott spent the week
end at home from The Dalles
She will return to school on Tu
esday afternoon.
Harlan Schroder went to Port
land to bring his wife home,
Friday. She had been in the hos
pital for three weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Les Halvorsen
were shopping in The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis
spent the week end at their
home in Lonerock
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wright
spent the week end attending to
ousiness at Lewiston, idano, on
their ranch. Mr. and Mrs. R. R
Wright, the parents, returned
home with them and will remain
for a visit. Mrs. Stanley Wright
and small daughter, who had
been visiting at Lewiston, also
returned home with them.
Herb Riley was visiting his
I parents, the Frank Rileys, here
'U'oHnocflav Trc Pilatr ti-nc otla
County Court
Proceedings for
October, 1947
The minutes of the Sntpmhpf
1947 term were read and approved.
Warrants Issued on General
Maxine East, Deputy Clk.
salary $136.60
Frances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 168.70
Lorine Van Winkle, Office
Clk. Salary 111.40
Olive B. Hughes, Dep. Sal. 155.00
Sadie Parrish, Supt. Asst. 64.20
Dr. A D. McMurdo, Phys.
salary 25.00
Susie W. Miller, Ct. Rep. 41.67
A. B. Chaffee, Justice of
Peace Salary 45.00
J. O. Hager, Justice of the
Peace Salary 53.70
A. J. Chaffee, Janitor Sal. 131.60
Margaret Gillis, Co. Nurse 275.04
P. W. Mahoney, Dist. Atty.
Cur. Exp. $1.32 ... 31.32
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff ... 265.48
Mid Columbia Typewriter,
Sheriff 45.00
Western Union, Sheriff .... 4.35
Craig Office Supply, Tax
Collections 6.23
Public Employee's Retire.
System, Supt. Sal 20.88
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt.
Mileage $60.97;
Rural School Board
SI 1.00 ' 98.35
Sadie Parrish, Rural Sch. I
Board 5.00
Harold Becket, Ct. House .. 20.00
C. W. Barlow, Co. Clerk,
Current Expense 7.65 1
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur.
Expense 48.71
Lucy E. Rodgers, Institute 150.00
State Dept. of Agric, Dist.
Sealer 4.95
Bureau of Labor, Ct. Hse. 5.00
Pac. Power & Light Co., Ct.
House 35.00
State Ind. Acc. Com., Sher.
$3.65; Sher. Sal. $0.30;
Deputy Salary $0.30 4.25
Bert Johnson, County Ct. 6.79
L. D. Neill, County Court 30.63
Ralph I. Thompson, Co. Ct. 55.06
Heppner Laundry, Jail 1.20
First Nat. Bank of Port-,
land, Withholding Tax .. 241.94
J. C. Penney Co., Jail 2.44
Grace Macomber, Election
Expense 8.00
Election Expense: Mabel O.
Peck, $14.30; Daisy E. Gillespie,
$8.00; Flossie Coats, $8.00; Mabel
Allen, $8.00; Jesse Warfield, $8.
00; Marjorie Worden, $9.70; Han
nah Anderson, $8.00; John Berg
strom, $8.00; Ben Anderson, $8.00;
Walter W. Wright, $8.00; Henry
Knighten, $8.00; Henry Coats,
$8.00; Jess Coats, $8.00; G. A.
Farrens. $10.00; H. E. Clark, $4.00;
Mary Beckner, $4.00; Geo. N. Ely,
$1.00; Elaine O. M. Rietmann,
$4.00; Mabel Cotter, $4.00; E. R.
Lundell, $4.00; P. J. Linn, $4.00;
Carl P. Linn, $4.00; Gladys L.
Drake, $4.00; Juanita Rietmann,
$4.00; E. L. Rueker, $8.00; A. C.
Houghton, $14.00; Sedalia Dex
ter, $8.00; Marguerite Houghton,
$S.00; M. Orlena Suddarth, $800;
E. J. Evans, $4.00; B. H. Peck,
$4.00; Vera B. Whillock, $4.00;
Thelma Smethurst, $4.00; Juan
ita Martin, $4.00; Louise Grant,
$4.00; L. A. Palmer, $5.10; Mary
Edwards, $4.00; Marie Steagall,
$4.00; Cora Warner, $4.00; Mattie
Green, $4.00; R. B. Rice, $4.00;
Flora Nys, $4.00; Elma Hiatt,
$4.00; Bertha Johnson, $4.00; Jo
seph Jewett, $4.00; Ealor Huston,
$1.00; Thelma Pinckney, $4.00;
Lorena Jones, $4.00; Margaret
Miller, $4.00; Phebe Bartholomew,
$8.00; Mrs. Jasper E. Mvers, $8.
00; Bertha Ayers, $10.00; Chas.
Bartholomew, $10.00; Faye Finch,
$800; F. E. Parker, $4.00; C. R.
McAlister, $4.00; Ella Benge,
$4.00; Oma Cox, $4.00; Lola Ben
nett, $4.00; C. N. Jones, $-1.00;
Maxine East, $4.00; Grace O.
Nickerson, $4.00; Sara E. Mc Na-
mer, $4.00; Kathleen Hisler, $4.-00.
Cecila D. Eades. Bangs'
Disease Contiol 8.00
Algy F. Taylor, Bangs'
Disease Control 24.00
Clyde A. Robinson, Bangs'
Disease Control 8.00
Fred Pettyjohn, Bangs'
Disease Control 16.00
Warrants Issued on General
Road Fund
Walter Oilman 95.32
Fred Booker 137.97
Jack Sloeum 125.23
Chas. Williams 98.84
William Cunnineham 129.4S
H. Sherer 178.33
City of Heppner Water
Department 295
Industrial Air Products
Co -62
Jones-Scott Co 52.50
Heppner Lumber Co 557
O. K. Rubber Welders 20.40
E. R. Lundell 283.82
E. R. Lundell 52.30
Pacific Power & Light Co. 1.13
First Nat'l Bank of Port
land mo
State Ind. Acc. Com 18.49
Jack Allen Supply Co. 1130
J. P. O'Meara 15180
Owens Hardware I ll
State Highway Com 30.00
Warrant Issued on Coyote
Bounty Fund
William H. Nichol 3.00
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Samples
and children, Fred and Darlene,
and John Green were shopping
in Pendleton Saturday.
Mrs. Ralph Moore and child
ren returned home after spend-
played Pilot Rock, the latter win
ning, 35-21.
Mrs. Nettie Sparks has moved
to Umatilla where she has a du
plex. Miss Lois Markham of Spo
kane spent the week end with
her mother, Mrs. Harry Smith
and family. She moved to Rich
land Monday and is in the Gen
eral Electric hospital nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haddox and
daughter Sara are moving to
Sunnyside to join Mr .Haddox.
The Irrigon Assemby of God
church members went to Her
miston to a young people's rally,
Thursday. Irrigon, Stanfield and
Hermiston made up the rally.
The same crowd went to Grand
view Friday to hear Rev. Wayne
Faeerstrom preach in a revival
Wayne Fagerstrom was in Ir
rigon Monday on his way to his
home at Grandview. Mrs. Emma
Steward accompanied him to vis
it with friends the rest of the
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Seites have
given possession of the place
they sold to Mr. Cooley and have
moved to Hermiston where they
have Durchased a home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dennison of
Spray were visiting Mrs. Dennl
son's sons Gene and Lyle and
family over the week end. They
went on to Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mulkey and
children went to Pendleton Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Tilley, the new
owners of the Sparks service sta
tion and tavern were here Sun
day and Monday.
at the hospital for some time
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lovgren
Marshall and Bob Lovgren of
Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Dew
ey Mercer were visiting the Ow
en Leathers' Wednesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Loughlin
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Green left Friday night for Mis
souri where they will visit over
A drivers license examiner
is scheduled to be on duty from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.
18 at the court house in Hepp
ner. Persons wishing licenses or
permits to drive are asked to
get in touch with the examiner
well ahead of the scheduled clos
ing hour in order to assure com
pletion of their applications with
a minimum of delay, according
to Earl T. Newbry, secretary of
C C "f"l J Cur 1
All entMx to
Speaking of being kissed . . . that's just what will happen to you
when you bring a new radio home to the family. They'll swarm you
like bees! Let them thrill to the superb entertainment of the radio
world. You'll enjoy any of our radios for both the pleasure it gives
and the piece of fine furniture it is. Stop in, soon.
Transferring Cr
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Is one of the many aids to
scientific diagnosis. It Is
of particular value in Chir
opractic diagnosis of ail
ments of the spine.
Did you ever really and
truly live? Do you recall
the surge of power you en
joyed in your youth? Re
member when all the
world seemed in tune?
permits the free expression
of Nature's finer forces.. It
keeps you In tune with
life. It recreates that dy
namic buoyancy that en
ables you to conquer all
obstacles. It brings again
the Golden Hours of Youth.
Physio-Tharapy Electro
Therapy Hydro Therapy
(Come In and discuss
your health problems
with me.)
Dr. Clyde Dunham
Chiropractic Physician
I.O.O.F. Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
in i
To the Music of
Jimmie Whetmore and His
Orchestra, of Portland
lone Legion IHIall
Saturday, November 15
$2.00 per person Tax included
If you plan to buy anything on time
we want you to read this...
"Regulation W, the war time gov
inunent regulation which deter
mined the amount of down-payment
and number of monthly payment
you made on purchases of many ar
ticles, waa officially discontinued as
ti November L
!The First National Bank' of Portland
trongly feel its responsibility to
Org that if you plan to purchase an
automobile, borne appliances or any
major items, you give serious thought
to the terma of payment offered.
Because of our 'desire to help the
people of Oregon to buy and have
modern conveniences for their
Eomee, new automobile! when they
Eeoome available, and all the other
things that make for good living, The
First National Bank is the leader in
Oregon in financing time purchases
and we Intend to continue to be
the lead. However, we feel, as you
Ho, that you will not want to buy and
pay for any article on an impractical
payment plan.
Therefore, we have determined the
following terms as being the most
V sensible and practical for the aver
age individual. These terms are leni
ent and generous, yet present a plan
. for payment that is "good business'
for you in your personal financing.
ManhHNm N
f Monthlf
offered by your dealer thru the
Firtt National Bank of Portland
nw nf iiMd) II 11 24
1940-1941-1942 IS 11 IS
1939 and prior . . , A0 II
Houxhold Appllancn
and Fumiturt . , . 10 24
Radios and Radio
Combination ... 21 S II
(Minimum monthly payment $5.00)
of Portland
42 tranche"! and 11 affiliated Bank!
located conv:nlantly throughout Oregon