6-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, November 6, 1947 News From C. A. Office Dates to Remember Friday, Nov. 7. 1 p.m. Court room. Heppner: Agricultural Planning Livestock sub-committee rrwetlngs; Boardman school gymnasium, 7.30 p.m. November 10. 8 p m.. county gent't office, Hoppner Soil Con servation district supervisors' meeting. November 11, 1:30 p.m., Lex ington Grange hall: Agricultur al Planning Farm Crops sub committee meetings. Irrigon, West End Extension office. 7:30 p.m.: Agricultural Planning Land Use and Economics sub-committee meetings. Bring Your PHOTOS Pictures and Standard Oil Prints to me for framing. I have a complete modern line of fine framing materials. 0. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 2752 or 1483 Across from Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, Nov. 121:30 p. m.: Court house. Heppner, Board man Grange hall, 7:30 p-m.. Ag ricultural Planning Land L'se and Economics, as well as Con servation, sub committee meet ings. A. G. Edmondson, Heppner, is the first farmer to place an or der for a dairy heifer calf from the Tillamook County Dairy Herd association, this season. These calves become available on November 1, when cows on association test began freshen ing. Every one of these calves is from a dam with guaranteed high production and is by a purebred registered sire. Jerseys and Guernseys are the only breeds available this year. Now is the time to order a dairy heifer to be growing up to replace your milk cow that is getting old. Morrow County Agricultural Planning reports and recommen dations to be gathered by sub committee groups for the various farm commodities will get un der way this week. On Friday afternoon, Nov. 7, H. A. Lind gren, extension animal husband man, Oregon State college, meets with the livestock group at the county court room to assist in outlining problems for consider ation by this sub committee. Dr. T. H. Reed, assistant state veterinarian, will be on hand to discuss animal disease problems. The North Morrow Livestock group will meet Friday evening at 7:30 at the Boardman school gymnasium Harold Cohn, Hepp ner, is chairman of the livestock sub-committee with Willard Jones. Irrigon, acting as chair man of the North Morrow group. () Club New and Old Floors Sanded and Finished WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES PRICE and EVANS 204 West 2nd SL Phone 2061 HERMISTON, OREGON At a meeting of the Morrow County 4-H Club council held in the county agent's office, Wed nesday evening, Oct. 29, plans were made for the Annual Achi evement party to be held at the Lexington Grange hall, Friday evening, November 21. The program for the evening All livestock sub-committee members are urged to be present at these meetings. Next week's schedule of agri cultural planning conference sub-committee meetings gets un der way with the Farm Crops group meeting at the Lexington Grange hall Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 11, beginning at 1:30. A meeting with the North Morrow county will be held Tuesday eve ning at the Irrigon Irrigation of fice beginning at 7:30. E. R. Jack man, extension specialist in farm crops, Oregon State college, will meet with the farm crops group. On Wednesday, Nov. 12, the Land Use and Economics sub committee will meet at the coun ty court room in Heppner begin ning at 1:30 The north end group will meet that evening at the Boardman Grange hall. J. R. Beck, land use specialist, Ore gon State college, will meet with these groups. On this same day, November 12, Art King, extension special ist in soils, Oregon State college, meets with the Conservation sub-committee. These meetings are to be held in the judge's of fice, court house, 1:30 pjn. and at the Boardman Grange hall 7:30 p.m. These sub-committee meetings are very important to the agri culture of Morrow county. Thru these meetings, reports and rec ommendations will be made that will determine the extension pro gram to be carried out .in Mor row county in years to come. All committee members are urged to make every possible attempt to attend these meetings. will get underway after a pot-' luck supper is served at 6:30.' Selections from the 4-H club band, musical numbers, talk by Mrs. Winnifred Gillen, assistant state 4-H club leader, present a ticn of completion pins and rec ognition to leaders and members- and a candle lighting cere mony are program numbers plan ned to date. Everyone is invited to attend. Don't forget the date. 4-H record books were due it this office November 1.. If you do not have your record book in yet, do so at once. A record book must be completed and turned in if you are to attend the- achi evement party and receive rec ognition for this year's work. ... Several 4-H clubs are being re organized and new clubs organ ized this week in keeping with National 4-H Club week. Mrs. Ruth McCabe, Jone, was the first leader to reorganize her 4-H clubs for the new club year. Mrs. McCabe organized a room im provement project club with In grid Hermann, Ruby Ann Riet mann, Lola Ann McCabe, Car- letta Olden and Patricia Drake as members. She also organized a clothing III club with the same members. On Sunday, November 2, a re organization meeting of the Mor row county beef club was held at the Lexington Grange hall, with 56 parents and children pre sent. Four-H club record books were completed, Pacific International Livestock show checks for fat beef sold presented and the club reorganized. Due to the increasing number of members of this club, it was necessary to divide the club into two groups. Officers were elect u SflojljlE,X will welcome the opportunity to find that "just right" some thing among our new gift ware in Pottzxij and CUxamici. Come in and make your selection while our stock is complete. These vases, pin-up lambs and figurines have just been received. They are attract ive. We urge you to choose early. Case Furniture Company UM 1 T We Pause To Do Honor To Our War Dead In these busy days we are inclined to over look important dates, but we are reminded that TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 11, is ARMISTICE DAY, a day. to pause and do honor to those who gove their all in two World Wars that our way of life and the rights of ail peoples to live a life of freedom might be preserved. rre nave a red-hot special on Uranges jl Qft Nice illirv nnt fnr sitinn nr iniinn I ' ' which we are selling by .the half ease; while they last WE WILL BE CLOSED ARMISTICE DAY ed with Elmer Palmer selected to lead a club with Allen Hughes as president, Pat Cutsforth, vice president; Peggy Wightman, sec retary, and Neil Beamer, club re porter. Jimmy Wightman, Jimmy Green, Eddie' Brosnan, Johnny Brosnan, Ronald Currin, Roger Palmer and Sally Palmer are members. Another group led by Mark ham Baker elected Lewis Ca-1-son, president; Ingrid Hermann, vice-presidont; Barbara Sherman, secretary, and Betty Graves, club reporter. Members are Jane See hafer, Nancy Sherman, Ronald Baker, Duane Baker, Dean Grav es, Kenneth Cutsforth, Fritz Cuts forth, Janet Howton and Rieta Graves. John Graves was selected as assistant leader by each of these clubs. National 4-H Club week is be ing observed this week with win dow displays at the Swanson's grocery store, lone; Van Horn grocery, Lexington, and Heppner branch of the First National bank. Talks are being given by several 4-H club members. Louis Carlson spoke on his 4-H club experiences at the chamber of commerce luncheon Monday, HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established Novamber 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor mm T wf tttt (life fro Warm Plaid Cossacks I BOYS' JACKET 3.98 Sturdy, zipper front Jack ets in wool (see tag) plaid rossack style boys like! Three slash pockets, con vertible collar. Blue, green, red, brown. G-18. MEN'S PLAID JACKETS 4.98 Zipper front wool plaids with three pockets. Sizes 36 to 48 Juvenile Boys' Sizes 3-4-5 3.29 Wool and Leather I MEN'S JACKETS 9.90 Wool (see tag) melton cloth with caps leather sleeves, pocket trim! Part wool knit bottom and wristers, zipper front. Blue, green, brown, maroon. 36-42. MEN'S WORK COSSACKS ' Sizes 36 to 46 3.49 Warm lined covert work Jackets with slide fastener. 5 1 Come in and check over our Clearance Values 5 only Young Men's TWEED SUITS Reduced To Clear All wool suits for the young man. Sizes 34 up. Not all sizes. 10.00 5 only SPORT COATS TO CLEAR AT SEE THEMI 5.00 8 only WOMEN'S Leather Jackets To Clear At 10.00 An Ideal coat for colder dayi ahead. . . . Lined for warmth. Green or Brown 4 only MEN'S OVERCOATS Reduced To 10.00 A value right in style with the season. YOUNG MEN'S 3A Length COATS TO CLEAR AT 3.00 & 5.00 Interlined for warmth. while Ronald and Duane Baker will present a question and ans wer skit at the lone school and Rhea Creek grange this week. Betty Graves and Barabara Sher man are also giving a question and answer skit for the Heppner school assembly and Lexington grange this week. You do not have to leave the kitchen to give first aid to that sudden spot on your dress from popping grease. Corn starch or corn meal are excellent for tak ing up fresh grease spots. Wheth er it be on that clean blouse or the dining room rug, corn starch or corn meal poured on the stain immediately will absorb most of it. This is true also of liquids. For some food stains, blood stains on upholstery, mattresses or blankets, make a thick paste of corn starch and water. Allow the paste to dry, then brush, re peating until all of the stain dis appears. For grease spots that aren't en tirely fresh, make a paste of corn starch and cleaning fluid Apply in the same manner. BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS By having me mea sure and install beautiful Venetian blinds Any Color Tape and Slats O. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 27S2 or 1483 Heppner, Oregon Guy Chapin of Hardman was attending to business matters in Heppner the first part of the week. Among those attending the so cial and dance at Hardman Sat urday night were Mrs. Walter Farrens, Mrs. Harvey Harshman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waggoner. LOST My golden cocker spaniel puppy, answers to Clem. Re ward. Lois Johnston. 33p REMEMBER the Birthday Party at Valby parish house. Goose berry, Nov. 16, sponsored by the missionary society. Admis sion: Your age in pennies. Open to members and friends. Dinner at 1 p.m. 33-34c CALL FOR BIDS School Dist. No. 1, Heppner, will accept bids for materials and construction of a building to house the heating plant of the Heppner school. Particulars may be obtained from Harold Becket, chairman of the board. Bonnie B. McClintock, 32-33 Clerk. Come In And Ask Us how you can spray your cattle at the small cost of 3c per head We have in stock DDT EMULSION the type of spray that is recom mended by Oregon State College. Now is the time to spray your stock for ticks and lice. Heppner Hardware Cr Electric STAR Da REPORTER Sunday Shows Continuous from 1 p. m. Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof fice open evenings until 9 o'clock. Admission Prices both Matinee and Evening: Adults 50c, Grade and High School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in cluded. Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket FRI.-SATv NOV. 7-8 TRAIL TO SAN ANTON E Om Antry, Cluunplon Jr., Tegfj Stewart, Star, ling Holloway, William Henry, Can County Boye The rldin- Is high, the hlttin' ia hard, the elngln' la swell! PLUS DANGER STREET Jane Withers, Robert Lowery, Bill Edward. Lyle Talbot, Elaine BUey It's a one-way street and leads to mystery and adventure. SUN.-MON NOV. 9-10 THE UNFAITHFUL Ann Sheridan, Lew Ayr, lachary Scott, Eve Arden, Jerome Cowan A drama of walloping excellence, based upon one of the domestic tragedies brought about by war-born separations. Bnnday show continuous from 1 p.m. Phone the ater for starting times. Football: H.H.8. vs. Rermiston, There. Nov. U TUESDAY. NOV. 11 THAT'S MY MAN Don Ameche, Catherine McLeod, Kosooe Kama, John Bidgely, F rankle Darro, John Mil J an A fast-moving drama of love and the excitement of the racetrack. SONG OF A NATION The story of "The Star Spangled Banner told in Technicolor, WED.-THURS NOV. 12-13 THE RED HOUSE Edward O. Robinson, X.on McCalllster, Judith Anderson, Kory Calhoun, AUene Roberts A splendid adaptation of George Agnew Cham berlain's mystery novel and .Saturday Evening Post serial. Plus a gay musical story BXMEMBEK WHEW? with the souk, dances and comedy deluxe of Music Hall days. 3C The Holiday Season Is Just Around the Corner It is time now to make your selection for that gift box of Personalized Stationery the kind you get at the Gazette Times Printery Make your selection early and assure delivery for timely holiday mailing.