Want Ads FOR SALE Slabwood. Harry uwens. I'hone 2724. 22tlc - NEW THIS WEEK- There is no place like home for ford service. Rosewall Motor Company. KUK SALE Sewing macliine, writing desk, violin, clarinet, piano with player. H. A. ochulz. 32p Trade in your old tires on De luxe Champion Firestone tires at Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE-Netted Gem potatoes, $3.50 per 100 pounds. $3.75 af ter Nov. 5. C. E. Linder, 5 mi. NE Hermiston. 32-34c Zipper type sleeping bags. Rose wan Motor Co. FOR SALE or Trade Cliev. pick up; Model A Ford coupe, $20; Model T Ford pick-up, $15; 1938 V8 Ford coach, $20. Sell as is or will sell what you need. Also headlights, glass, tubes and car parts. Cafe equipment and some bakery fixtures. Max Schulz, last house behind bank. 32p We have mufflers to fit 90"of all makes of cars on the road. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Black long hair "chubbv" coat: size 14: annii condition; $15. Write Box 707,1 Heppner. 32-33p We have 166 differenFlype and size brass fittings. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-Novelty'bantam pul- lets. Delight Biddle, co V. C. Brown, lone, Oregon. 32-33p We have 750 x 20 dual tirechains and a few other sizes. Rosewall Motor Company. FORS ALECott age in lone. 4 rooms and bath; gas cookstove, coal heater go with house. Also 10x13 weather proof cabin with wood heater, on same lot. All for $2600. Francis B. Nickerson, agent. 32tfc You can have your motor rebuilt and car painted and pay for it In convenient monthly pay ments. Itosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Stacked and baled alfalfa hay. V. C. Brown, lone. 2Utfc FOR SALE 5-room house. See Frank Ayers, 412 Gale St. 21tfc FOR SALE 12 gauge Remington automatic shotgun with two extra barrels, $90. Case Furni ture Co. 27tfc FOR SALE Hamilton player pi ano, very good condition. P.O, Box 497, Ph. 8F3, Iieppner. 27tl CALL FOR BIDS School Dist. No. 1, Heppner, will accept bids on the required amount of No. 5 fuel oil for the school plant, up to and including Saturday, Nov. 8, 1947. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bonnie B. McClintock 32-33 Clerk Legal Advertising KOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT Iwtice i hereby 1riv4.11 tht.1 ia nn. dei-Higued, ailiniiil.itnitur of the estate f Jttlnea O. Archer. de:eantMi hjH filwi his final account with the hrobate uoun 01 the htate uf Oregon fur the County of Morrow, und said Court haa set Monday, the 8th day of December, at the hour uf ll:0u A. M., as the time and the County Court Room of the Morrow County Court House as wie niare lor hearing on and final settlement of said final account. All persons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file the sume with said court on or before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 3uth day of October, 1917. C. K. M'ALISTER. 32-36 Administrator. We have amber seal beam road lamps for the foggy weather. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Wood or coal cook stove, fitted with copper nails; warming closet; in good con dition. S. H. Shannon. 32-33p FOR S ALE SmaTiref rtgerator. MrsAlbert Massey, phone 663. We have fiber and-cloth seat covers in a variety of colors. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Two-wheef" trailer", 1500 lbs. capacity, like new. $150. Oscar O. Brunelle, co J. W. Graves, Rte. 2, Heppner. 31-32p We still have a few hot water and South Wind heaters in stock. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALEFordson tractor with power takeoff. In perfect con dition. $100. Write Avery Camp bcll, Fossil, Oregon. 31tfc Hydraulic jacks from 1 l72to 12 ton capacity. Rosewall Motor Company. FOITsa'LE 1937 Dodg7pickup. F. L. Meek, phone Henuner 25j5. 31-2pi FOR SALE New Hampshire Red! fryers. 2 12 miles on highway south of Heppner. Phone 9F3. Mrs. C. H. Privett. 30-32p We have Ford 6 cylinder and Ford Mercury V-8 motors in stock for Immediate installa tlon. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE '38 ChevroleFl p2 ton truck; bulk bed, stock rack, foot boards. Engine over hauled and in good running order. Tires practically new. $800. W. Wise, Mikkalo, Ore. Phone through Olex. 30-32p NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of David Zlvney, deceased has filed with the Probate Court of the State tif Oregon for Morrow County her fin al account of her administration of the estate uf said deceased, and said court fixed Monday, the lBt day of December 1947, at the hour of 10:(tu o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the lime and place for hearing ob jections tu said final account and the settlement of said estate and all per sons having objections thereto are here by required to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 30lh day of October 1947. CAM1LI.R ZIVNKY. 32-36 Administratrix. NOTICE OP EXECUTRIX'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATU OK ORKiiON KOK THE COUNTY OF .MULTNOMAH. Probate Dept. No. 5723;; IN THE MATTKK OF TUB ESTATE OK: Crlssle A. Freeman Nellson. also known as Crlssie June Neilson, Defeased. Notice Is hereby given that under authority and by virtue of an order and license to sell duly made and en tered i.n (he 22nd day of October. 1947 by the above entitled court in the above entitled mailer, the undersigned execilrix of the estate of Crissie A. Kieemun Neil.mw. also known as Crls sie June Neilson, deceased, will sell at private sale, and bids will be re ceived at the office of Krnesl Cole. 414 Postal Ruildlng, Portland, Orepon, from and alter the 4th day of December. 1947. all the right, title and interest and eslate of said deceased In and to the following described real property idtiiHtcd in the county of Morrow, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section seventeen, township four north, range twenty-five east W.M. The said real property will be sold for cash and subject to the confirmation and approval of the court. Date of first publication October 30. 1947. hate of la-st publication November 27, 1947. MARJOHIE LUCILLE CUNNINGHAM, Kxecutrlx. KRNEFT COLE, Attorney for Executrix. 32-36. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of W Ci Paluiateer. deceased, has fil ed with the Probate Court of the State of on gou for Morrow County her final av.iunt of her administration of the est.' t; of said deceased, and said Court fixed Monday, the 1st day of Divemls r 1917. at the hour of 10:lK) o'( lot k in the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said final account and the settlement of said estRte and all per sons having objections thereto are "KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD" 1 0i SSS3 Ipaying tellek III nnsu far fip 5 f i f "You wan your money when due so does the other fellow. WHEN VOU Duy gouas 01 --vuin uiv o demonstrating a friendly trust in you by extending credit. When - i -- vkA thin tvii at uind i n V 1 r r nreA you pay promptly, you p'"" ........... - j.. WHEN you OO no i umci jwm. -"J "-j -'- ' .. i .. . . , you are not only abusing this friendly confidence you are retarding .. ..-Mnpnl rvrln fnr von urnhnrraRH thn nnllrir in hia ine wnoie "" -i - ta meet nil obligations promptly. THE whole credit Idea is interwoven. It can only be continued to . . . 11 J m maa Mil oVlllrtrMnna rtVAtn fit 1 V the degree max nn 01 w" "j"''"1' BE with the majority pay up and keep your credit goodl Merchants Credit Bureau, Heppner, Ore. Cooperating with PIONEER SERVICE COMPANY State Office-McCarthy Bldg.( Stale and Division Office Boise, Idaho Eugene, Oregon hereby required to file the name with (or Haiu h-urlnx. Dhi.I an -1 firttt puMiflhed thia Jth any ui utiouer iwi. CLETA J ONE 3. 32-36 A'jmmiBtrtilrir. KOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby iciven ttiat the un deiHigned executur uf the estate of Millie Aiken, dbceaMeu, filed hit) final mxuunt of hm tidiiiiritHtration of the etute of said deceased with the Pro hate Court of the .Stale of Oregon for Morrow County, and Bald Court fixed Monday, the 24th day of November li47, at the hour of lu:0u o'clock A.M. of said day at the Court House at iieppner, Oregon a the time and place for hearing object long to Maid final account anu the settlement of said es tate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file uie same wun nam court on or be fore the time fixed for said hearimf Oated find firm published this 23rd uay oi uciooer iih. HOWARD BRYANT, 31-35 Executor.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of ttie ISlate of Oregon for Morrow County. adininlHtratur of the estate of Ueorge Patterson, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned administrator with proper vouchers duly verified, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the uaie nereoi. Lated and first published this 23rd aay oi October mv. , ELMER PALMER, 31-35 Administrator. SUMMONS IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR- KUW L'UUNTV. C. D. McCabe and Winona R McCabe. mm wne, Plaintiffs, vs. Walton Young, Ernest Rice, Oliver W. Young and Portia Young, his wife, Madge Mudie, and James Mudie, her husband, Herbert Young and Maxme Young, his wife, and Maud Lee and James R. Lee, her husband. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate describ ed in the complaint herein, Ilpfonilnntfl To the above defendants and each and an oi you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof, plaintiffs wil apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint, to-wit: ror a decree quieting title to the following described real property sit uate in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit; Commencing at a point 60 feet South of the Southwest corner of Block two (2) in duffs Fourth Additfon to the town of lone, Ore gon, thence running South 200 feet, thence West 30 feet, thence South 132 feet- thence East 130 feet, thence North 332 feet to the South line of Third Street as shown by the recorded plat of said Cluff's Fourth Addition, aforesaid, thence West 100 feet to the place of beginning. and that It be adjudged and decreed that plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of said real property and that whatever claim you may claim to have in said real Dronerty be null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parses Known or unKnown claiming by, through or under you be forever barred and restrained of and from all right title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property and for surh other and further relief as may be just and equitable. ' i his summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for lour successive weeks in the Hepp ner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Mor row County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of tne County court ot the Btate of Ore gon for Morrow County, which order is dated October 16th. 1947. and the date of the first publication of this summons is October Kith. 1947. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Residence and Post Office address, Heppner, Oregon. 30-34. NOTICE TO CB. EDITORS Notice is her el. y given that the un dersigned wa duly appointed by the Probate Court of the blate of Oregon for Morrow County, the administratis of the estate of William T. Ooherty, deceased, and all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present th same to the undersigned administratrix with proper vouchers, at the law office uf Job. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, with in iix mon t lis from the date hereof. Dated and first published thu 2nd day of October, 1947. ROSE DOHERTY. 28-32 Administratrix. SUMMONS IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Oi OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. BERNARD P. DOHERTY, Plaintiff, vs. OTTO CONRAD and JANE DOE CON RAD, his wife, the unknown heirs of Otto Conrad, deceased; ARTHUR W. SPENCER and MARY ROE SPENCER, his wife, the unknown heirs of Arthur W. Spencer, deceas ed; BYRON M. THOMSON and HELEN ROE THOMSON, his wife, the unknown heirs of Byron M. Thomson, deceased; MICHAEL SE PANEK and MARIE DOE SEPANEK, his wile, the unknown heirs of Mi chael Sepanek, deceased, also ail other persona or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate des cribed herein. Defendants. To: Otto Conrad and Jane Doe Con rad, his wife, the unknown helm of Otto Conrad, deceased; Arthur W. Spencer and Mary Roe Spencer, his wife, the unknown heirs of Arthur W. Spencer, deceased; Byron M. Thomson and Helen Roe Thomson, his wife, the unknown heirs of By ron M. Thotnson, deceased; Michael Sepanek and Marie Doe Sepanek, his wile, the unknown heirs of Michael Sepanek, deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter est in the real estate described here in, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON : You are hereby required to appear and answer the comDlamt filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of first publication of th; sum mons and if you fail to appear and an swer ior wain inereoi, me piaintiti will apnly to the court for relief as prayed for In the said complaint to wit; For a Decree that the plaintiff is i the owner in fee simple of the follow- j ing described real property, to-wtt: i tie Boumeasi quarter ana tne North half of the Northeast quar ter of Section 28; the South half of the North half; the West half of the SouthwetJt quarter; the East half of the Southeast quarter; of Section 30, all in Township 2 North of Range 26 East of the Willam ette Meridian. And that the nlaintiff la the owner in lee simple of the above described land, free from any right, title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the said land, or any part thereof, and perpeually restrain and enjoin you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from asserting or claiming any ngni. tine, estate. lien or interest in the said lands, or any Dart thereof. adverse to plaintiff. mis summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four con secutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said Order was made and en tered on the 8th day of October, 1947. f. W. aiAliUl, Attorney for the Pluintiff Postofflce Address: Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un derpinned administratrix of the estate of Walter T. Gerard, deceased has fil ed with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County her final account of her administration of the estate of said deceased, and said court fixed Monday, the 10th day of November. 1947 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at liunniier. Oreuon as the lime and place for hearing objections to said iinai account and tne settlement oi said estate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file same with said court on or be fore the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 9tb day of October, 1947. MYRTLE GERARD. 29-33c Administratrix. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Elbert D. McMillan, deceased, filed with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, his fin al account of his administration of the estate of said deceased, and said Court fixed Monday, the loth day of No vember 1947 at the hour of 10:00 o' clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at HeuDtier. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Iinai account ana tne settle ment of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Da ed and first nub shed this atn day of October 1947. W ILLIAM fJ. MCM1L.LAN, 29-33 Administrator. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DiATIS OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW- FRANCES CURRAN, BERNARD DO- HKRTY. WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, KATHERINE MONAGLE, JOHN E. DOHERTY, ROSELLA LINDSAY. LAURENCE P. DOHERTY. DORO THY DOHERTY, BERNARD JO SEPH DOHERTY and CATHERINE DOHERTY. Plaintiffs, vs. WILLIS LEAVIT and JANE DOE LEA- vi r. his wife, the unknown heirs of Willis Leavit, deceased, also all oth er persons or parties unknown claim ing any ngnt, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described herein. Defendants. To: Willis Leavit and Jane Doe Leav it. his wife, the unknown heirs of Willis Leavit deceased; also all oth er persons or parties unknown claim ing any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause within four weeks from the date of first publication of this Summons and if you fail to ap pear and answer the Complaint for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief as prayed for in said complaint to-wit : For a Decree that the plaintiffs are the ow ners in fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of Section 32 in Township 2 North of Range 26 East of the Willamette Merid ian. And that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simpe of the above described land, free and clear from anv right title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land, or any part thereof, and perpetualy restrain and enjoin you and each of you. your heirs and assigns from asserting or claiming any right, title estate, lien or interest in the said lands, or any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiffs. This summons ib served upon you by publication thereof for four con secutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of Morrow County. State of Oregon, which said order was made and enter ed on the 8th day of October. 1947. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Postofflce Address: Heppner. Oregon . 29-33 OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMat FAMILY MONEY FAMILV HAPPINESS, EXPERIENCE SHOWS, IS 6EST SERVED WHEN FAMILV MONEV IS REGARDED AS OUR MONEY - AND THE QUESTION OF VWAND MINE. DOES NOT ENTER. . . .ti.l AGREEMENT ON SPENDING MEANS MORE PLEASURE IN OUR HOME, OUR CAR AND OUR VACATIONS. LIKEWISI, WHEN WE LOOK ON LIFE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS AS PROTECTION FOR OUR FAMILY WE BUILD 6R CATER FAMILY HAPPINtSS. fcteppner Qozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, October 30, 1947-5 T ime to Think S About Your Christmas Shoppiog! Right now we have on display numerous hard-to-get electrical items which we arc offering First Come - - First Served For Christmas or for everyday requirements see us for G. E. Pop-up Toasters, Zenith Radios, A.B.C. Washers, Frigidaire Refrigerators, Delco Light ing Plants, Floor Furnaces, - Delco Heating Equipment Kohler Light Plants Nu Tone Door Chimes Quaker Oil Heaters Floor Lamps Duo-Therm Furnaces Sun Kraft Sun Lamps Clark Hot Water Heaters Electric Heaters Duo-Therm Oil Hot Water Heaters Frigidaire Hot Water Heaters Webster Wirt Recorders H Steam-O-Matie Irens Bed Lamps Zenith Radio Batteries Apex Vacuum Cleaners Premier Vacuum Cleaners Custom-Aire Furnaces Proctor Irons Table Lamps Electric cords for any appliance We Have Complete ELECTRIC Service Radio Repairing Houso Wiring Home Appliance Repairing See us for your Electrical requirements Heppner Appliance Co. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg. Phone 403