Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 16, 1947, Image 1

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    ; Heppner Gazette Tim
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, October 16, 1947
Volume 64, Number 30
Mustangs Continue
Winning Streak
Tramplig Condon
33-6 Count Tells
Story of Heppner
Scoring Strength
Revealing a scoring attack not
neretofore in evidence in local
teams, the Heppner hich Mus
tangs overran the Condon Blue
Devils at Rodeo field last Friday
afternoon to win by a score of
to b. The Mustangs maintain
ed a fast pace throughout the
game, always lunging towards
me goal.
The hard driving attack of the
local boys resulted in numerous
injuries to the visitors, causing
some of their key men to be out
of the game a large part of the
ume. mis didn't keep Condon
from staying in the game right
up to the last second of play.
With the game going against
them, the Blue Devils kept right
on fighting, ever hopeful that a
break would come their way.
Coach Leonard Pate has his
boys playing the game his way
this season a possible advant
age in having an almost entire
ly new squad. They are good ball
handlers, execute their plays
with skill, and the backfield is
fast. Greenup is one of the most
effective ground gaining full
backs seen around here in re
cent years. Ployhar is a guard
that is rapidly gaining the re
spect of opposing teams, and Kil
kenny is virtually a flying tac
kle when it comes to stopping
plays or breaking up runs. Pad
berg, Rippee, Hammaek and
Bergstrom were all In the pic
ture Friday, carrying the ball
and putting up stone wall de
fense. Bergstrom, new at the
game and a little slow in get
ting into motion, is anything but
slow when he gets going. He
made several runs for long gains.
East, at right end, made several
tackles that stopped the Condon
drive for yardage.
Coach Pate made numerous
substitutions in the final quar
ter but this didn't slow his
team's drive.
Halfback Glen Dcvln was Con
don's best ground gainer, but he
suffered an Injury which kept
him out part of the time. Hud
dleston was taken out in the
first quarter but got back In la
County Treasurer L. W. Brlggs
and daughter, Miss Opal Briggs,
are leaving Friday morning for '
Portland to spend a week.
Mrs. Elsie Stevenson of Port
land and William Driskell of
Pendleton were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Hayes. They are sister
and brother of Mrs. Hayes, and
both former residents of Hepp
ner. Driskell is a passenger con
ductor on the Pendleton-Huntington
Trip To Moose Country
Worthwhile Tho' Luckless
By Ruth Payne :
Dr. A. D. McMurdo and his
son, Charles E. "Ted" McMurdo
of Portland, returned to Heppner
the first of the week following
a hunting trip to Canada. In
Sardls, B. C, they visited with
their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Storey, and from there
continued into the Kamloops
territory where most of the hunt
ing was done. According to Dr.
McMurdo, this is very rugged
and primitive country and it is
necessary to employ a guide for
trips into these mountains. Bo
cause of limited time for hunt
ing and the fact that the man
they had hired previously for
guide work was unable to ac
company them after they had
reached this district, they did not
bag a moose to bring home. De
spite this, however, Dr. McMur
do reports a very interesting and
worthwhile trip in that the scen
ery was magnificent and they
saw various big game animals
during the hunt.
Mrs. Anabel Allison and daugh
ters, Jo and Jan, returned to
their home in Portland Monday
following an extended visit here
with her father, F. W. Turner.
Mr. Turner drove them to the
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine E. Isom
and daughter, Harriet, were call
ed to Pendleton Monday by the
death of Mrs. Isom's father, Hen
ry Slruve,
Mesdames Alice and Ordrie
Gentry and Alta Culsforth mo
lorcd to Pendleton the first of
(he week to attend to business
Week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Claud HuRton at their farm
In Eiihtmlle were their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
William Rawlins of Corvallis
Mr, Rawlins went hunting dur
ing their visit. Mrs. Ben rhlllips,
who has been visiting the Hus
tons for a time, accompanied the
Rawlins as far bb Portland on
their return to Corvallis Mon
The Heppner FFA chapter was
represented at the Pacific Inter
national Livestock exposition by
a livestock Judging team of four
high school "ag" students. The
boys on the Judging team were
Bob Kilkenny, Cecil Kill, Ken
neth Green and Buster Padberg.
They made the trip to Portland
with Francis Cook, their voca
tional agricultural instructor,
leaving Friday afternoon, Oct.
10, after the football game, and
returning to Heppner Sunday af
ternoon. The local team met up
with some stiff competition in
livestock Judging from some of;
the other high schools, and while
they did not win any of the
judging events, they felt the
trip worthwhile and were im
pressed by the fine livestock on
display at the exposition.
Lack Of Licenses
Brings Fines To
Several Drivers
Overlooking the importance of
having their drivers' licenses re
newed cost two Morrow county
citizens fines and court costs
Monday when state police set up
a checking station along the
highway near the Heppner Lum
ber company plant. The police
were not checking on licenseless
drivers alone but happened to
catch some in the dragnet.
As a result of the checkup,
Garland Swanson of lone and
Ralph Beamer of Heppner were
hauled into the presence of Jus
tice J. O. Hager and left a little
revenue in the county's coffers.
(Drivers who are not sure of
their status should look up the
statement from the secretary of
states office elsewhere in this
issue of the Gazette Times.)
Hershal Townsend of lone and
George Graves of Lexington were
cited for having no tail lights.
Not to be outdone by the state
police, Sheriff Bauman "pinch
ed" Howard Bacon on a reckless
driving count.
During the week four offend
ers felt the power of the city po
lice force in the person of Chief
Jim Morgan. Lowell Bernard
Kleveland, who claims Vancou
ver, Wash., as his address, was
arrested by Morgan on a charge
of driving while under the in
fluence of Intoxicating liquor.
Charles Kleveland got the bad
end of the argument when he
resisted arrest by the former ar
my policeman. Harold C. Ed
wards and James Barnes also
came off second best when the
young officer stopped them on
a drunk and disorderly charge.
The two men are reported to
have been having it out with
the night clerk at Hotel Heppner
when the officer broke up the
A traveling examiner of oper
ators and chauffeurs is schedul
ed at the courthouse In Heppner
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday,
Oct. 21. All those wishing per
mits or licenses to drive cars are
asked to get in touch with the
examiner during these hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schunk
have received word that their
son, Albert Jr., who is in the ar
my, has been listed for overseas
duty this month. His wife and
child will come to Heppner for
a time as soon as he leaves. Ken
neth Schunk Is in Curry, Alaska,
and another son, Herbert, is at
tending school in Monmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson left
the first of the week for Mt. He
bron, Calif., where they will
spend a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Tyndall Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marlatt
who operate a farm in the Kah
ler Basin district were attending
to business matters in Heppner
the end of the week They were
accompanied to Heppner by El
don Gentry who has been work
ing there during the summer.
Earl Rink. and Slacey Potter
of Portland spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman at
their farm on Willow creek. Rink
and Potter were en route to John
Day to spend the remainder of
the hunting season.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl George (Fay
Young) of Portland are house
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Cllve Huston.
Mis. Jack Miller entertained
the end of the week with a chil
dren's party at her home on E.
Center street honoring her daugh
ter, Mnrcla, on the occasion of
her birthday.
Mrs. Victor Rlotmann and Mrs.
Garland Swanson were among
lone visitors shopping and at
tending to business matters in
Heppner Monday.
Mrs. Edna Turner and Mrs
Madge Bryant motored to Arling
ton Sunday afternoon taking
Mrs Mary Edwards that far on
her return to her home in Hills
boro after a visit of several days
in Heppner.
E. O. Lee who has been work
Ing at the Glavey ranch on Rhea
creek is spending a few days'
vacation In town.
Named to Head
March of Dimes
3 I j
Dr. C. T. Hedlund
Appointment of Dr. E. T. Hed
lund of Portland aa Oregon State
Chairman of the 1948 March or
Dimes for bis ninth year In the
position was announced today by
Basil O'Connor, president of the
National Foundation for Infantile
The 1948 March of Dimes, to be
held Jaa. 15-30. marks the tenth
anniversary of the National Foun
dation, established by Franklin D.
Roosevelt to "lead, direct and unify"
the fight against Infantile paraly
sis. The National Foundation la
supported solely by the annual
March of Dimes each January.
Locust And Ruth
Chapters Honored
By Matron's Visit
Locust chapter No. 119 of Ionp
and Ruth chapter No 32 of Hepp
ner, urder ot the Eastern Star,
were honored Friday evening by
a visit from the worthy grand
matron, Mrs. Ben Felger of Sa
lem, who met both chapters in
a district meeting at Heppner.
Degree work of the ordpr was
exemplified by Locust chapter,
eliciting praise irom the worthy
grand matron as well as from
the members of Ruth chapter.
Officers of the two chapters
sponsored a dinner in honor of
Mrs. Feleer and her husband at
the Lucas place prior to the meet
ing. Kum cnapter served refresh
ments to me entire assemblage
following the lodge meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee
Spray of Kinzua are the parents
of a son born October 8 at the
Corda SaLing home in Heppner.
The child has been named Ken
neth Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hodge
and Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van
Marter motored to Spray, Fossil
and Condon the first of the week.
Over-Sunday guests of Mrs. A.
D. McMurdo and Miss Lulu Ha
ger were Mrs. David Baum and
Miss Anne Lumsden of La
Grande and Misses Jacqueline
Holder and Florence Sims of Pen
dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bergstrom
have returned home after spend
ing a few days in Portland vis
iting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Glaesmer
of Red Bluff, Cal., and Mrs. Flora
DoGcorge of San Francisco de
parted the first of the week for
their homes after visiting with
relatives in Heppner for several
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pierson and
daughters motored to Hermiston
the first of the week to meet his
brother, Jeff Pierson, of White
Salmon, Wash., who came to
Heppner for a visit.
Lee Scrivner who farms in the
Democrat Gulch section was at
tending to business matters in
Heppner Monday. Mr. Scrivner
reports considerable moisture in
that vicinity with the fall grain
showing up nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monahan
and sons returned to their home
in Condon Monday after spend
ing tho week end here with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Farley and Mr. and Mrs.
John Monahan.
Harry Jacobsen left Friday by
plane from Pendleton for his
home in Hobokcn, N. J. Mr. Ja
cobsen spent the summer in
Heppner working with Robert V.
Turner of Portland.
Week-end houseguosts of Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Miller were Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bosley of Seattle
and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hern
don of Spokane. Mr. Bosley
spent part of the time hunting
with Dale Brown of Elghtmlle.
Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Sr. mo
tored to Portland Sunday to
spend a week vacationing. Mrs.
Frank Ayers has returned to her
work at the O'Donnell cafe after
a short leave of absence.
Scott McMurdo, Paul Hedmun
and Miss Rosalind Leffordlnk of
Portland were week-end guests
of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo.
They spent Sunday hunting.
Charles E. McMurdo returned
to his home In Portland Monday
after spending a fortnight here
and in Canada, hunting with his
father, Dr. A. D. McMurdo.
According to an announcement
the past noble grands' dinner
which was to have been held on
the evening of October 20, has
been postponed until Monday,
November 3, because of a con
flict In dates. The dinner will
be held at the home of Mrs. Cor-
nett Green and Is scheduled fori
6:45 p.m.
Question Of Road Refunding
Agitates Farm Bureau Group
To bond or not to bond seems
to be the issue agitating farm
ers and other taxpayers of the
county in considering the finan
cing of road funds. The issue was
discussed last week at the regu -
lar meeting of the Morrow coun
ty farm bureau but no decision
was reached by that group and
the matter is still under study
by the special road funding
committee appointed during the
Sentiment appeared about
equally divided on the matter of
voting a bond issue and financ
ing the road funds by direct tax
ation on a pay-as-yau-go basis.
It was unanimously agreed,
however, that eventual payment $1,065. Office supplies requisi
for roads and equipment would tions, stationery, etc. $101. Lum
be by taxation. ber for bridges and culverts, $12,-
Failure to pass the budget last
spring has placed the county on
an emergency basis so far as
road work is concerned. The re-
suit is that road work is at a
standstill. The county no longer
has a road crew, supplies are low,
and equipment is in poor condi-
Slash In Federal
Aid Reduces Work
In Conservation
"Naturally, with less assist
ance from the federal govern
ment we can expect less conservation,-
but every effort should
be made to get the most conser
vation possible for the funds we
have," says Henry Baker, chair
man of the Morrow county agri
cultural conservation committee.
Under the 1948 program, far
mers will have more leeway in
adapting program practices to lo
cal needs. The provision for a
local practice not included in the
national outline will be contin
ued this year. Last year funds
for this practice were limited to
10 percent of the county alloca
tion. There are now no such lim
its. This year the county com
mittee may also select a prac
tice from the national outline
but which is not in the state
handbook. This will mean two
local practices instead of one.
Small farmers will be favored
under the 1948 program, for al
though conservation funds have
been cut in half, payments to
individual farmers are limited
to 500. This means less of the
county allocation will be going
to large operators, and the avail
able funds will therefore go to
assist small operators. Farmers
should begin now to lay plans
for carrying out conservation
practices under the 1948 pro
gram. In general, assistance
through the program will con
tinue to be about 50 percent of
the cost of the practice. Farmers
are asked to talk their plans
over with members of the coun
ty committee or see community
committeemen, Baker advised.
The Bookworms club met Tu
esday evening at the Lucas
Place with Mrs. Lucy Peterson as
hostess. Mrs. James Thomson Jr.
reviewed the book, "Blue Buck
et Nuggets," by Kathleen De
Moss. Other members present
were Mrs. Cornett Green, Mrs.
Fred Parrish, Mrs. Frances Mit
chell, Mrs. Floyd Jones, Mrs. J.
O. Turner, Mrs. Edwin Dick, Miss
Lulu Hager and Miss Leta Hum
phreys. Joe Green arrived from Port
land this week to accompany
Cornett Green, Floyd Jones, How
ard Bryant, Paul Jones, Edwin
Dick and Marcel Jones on a hunt
ing trip into the mountains of
the John Day region.
Mrs. Milton Morgan of lone
was a business visitor in Hepp
ner the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs." Floyd Worden,
John Bergstrom and son Gerald,
motored to Adams Wednesday to
attend the Hereford sale.
Ready for Their
T iiwmiiim in iliif ntiif-" tl inn T I li kmm mim iiimi.mJ
(U. A, Public Health Srow fhoto)
These workers are linod up for their chest X-rays to make sure
that they haven't tuberculosis. Periodic chest X-rays, to And TB before
its outward symptoms are apimrent, are advocated by tuberculosis
associations. The campaign ot the associations against the disease Is
supported by the sale ot Christmas Seals.
Some idea of the amount of
money needed for one year's op
eration may be gained from fig
ures given by Judge Bert John
son when discussing the road
, situation at the June Pomona
grange meeting. The figures
were taken from the records and
will be expressed in approxim
ate numbers here.
The county had $75,000 to use
on road work in 1946. Of this
amount, $16,000 was used in
purchase and repair of tires and
repairs to equipment. Gas and
oil, including diesel, cost $7,200.
Shop .tools and supplies about
$.t00. Accident insurance, in-
eluding state Industrial accident.
000, including $5,000 for gravel.
Miscellaneous items lights, wa-
ter, truck rental, etc. and repairs
on lone-Gooseberry road, $1,200.
Labor $34,000 for 11 months.
The budget was overrun by
$10,000 which had to be paid out
of the 1947 fund. In addition,
the new county shovel cost $10,-
Henry Struve Was
Lifelong Umatilla
County Resident
Final rites for Henry Struve,
64, who passed away Sunday at
St. Anthony s hospital in Pen
dleton, were held at 2 p.m. Wed
nesday from Folsom's chapel in
that city. The Rev. S. Darlow
Johnson of the Methodist church
officiated. Burial followed at the
Olney mausoleum.
Mr. Struve had lived all his
life in Umatilla county. He was
born July 28, 1883 on the Struve
home ranch eight miles north of
Pendleton. On Dec. 2, 1906 he
married Winifred Hanscom. Sur
viving are the widow, a daugh
ter, Mrs. Blaine E. Isom of Hepp
ner; a granddaughter, Harriet
Winsar Isom of Heppner; a sis
ter, Mrs. Marie More of San Di
ego, Cal., and three brothers,
Marcus of Portland, and Hans
and Gilbert of Pendleton.
The United States Marine band,
"the President's own," is sched
uled to give two concerts at
Walla Walla on Oct. 29, one at
3 p.m. for school students only
and the other, open to the gen
eral public, at 8:15 p.m.
Proceeds from the concerts
will be given to the veterans
memorial park in Walla Walla.
This is one of the great bands
of the world and it makes a lim
ited number of appearances each
tour. People interested in hear
ing the band should contact L.
D. Felch, general chairman,
chamber of commerce, Walla
Walla, immediately.
Stanley Robinson was in from
the Hardman section Tuesday at
tending to business matters.
Mrs. James Valentine entered
Emanuel hospital in Portland
Jack Van Winkle has returned
to his position as teller in the
First National Bank of Portland,
Heppner branch, following a va
cation of several days spent in
the mountains hunting.
Guests this week of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Ogletree were Mr.
and Mrs. Van Lennan, Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hennigan of
Maupin, and Gilbert Batty who
has just returned from a sum
mer in Alaska. They were en
route to Kimberley where they
will spend the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Batty,
hunting in the John Day coun
try. Mrs. O. G. Crawford left Mon
day for La Grande on the first
leg of a trip which will take her
over the eastern Oregon district
of the Episcopal church In her
official capacity as president of
the Christian Women's Service
league. She will return Oct. 26,
Health Exam
486.50. The road sinking fund
for machinery, road work and
maintenance amounted to $45,
000 at the end of the war. The
six percent tax limitation caus
ed a reduction of the estimated
$55,000 road fund to $30,000,
making a total of $75,000 for the
year. Commitments on equip
ment and other items this year
exhausted much of the road fund
coming from regular sources,
leaving only a relatively small
fund for maintenance work.
Faced with this situation the
citizens must decide which course
to pursue vote a bond issue and
build roads for the future or con
tinue on a pay-as-you-go basis,
building a few miles each year.
O. W. Cutsforth was re-elected
president and Oscar Peterson,
secretary-treasurer. Milton Mor
gan and Frank Anderson were
elected first and second vice
presidents, respectively. Garnet
Barratt was named delegate to
the state convention, with Ken
neth Smouse as alternate. Hen
ry Peterson was named chair
man of the membership commit
Sportsmanship Is
Regular Part Of
Athlete's Training
Athletes should be taught to
win as part of their training, but
teaching sportsmanship is an
important part of a coach's Job,
too, in the opinion of Supt. Hen
ry Tetz. The young athletes
should be taught to win as an
incentive for training, and they
will be better athletes by learn
ing to win in a sportsmanlike
manner Win or lose, sportsman
ship is a valuable asset to the
players, the school and the com
munity, Tetz told some 30 early
rising Heppner folk last Friday
morning at the kick-off break
fast for the home football sea
son at the Elkhorn restaurant.
Francis Nickerson emceed at
the breakfast and called upon
Garnet Barratt to recite some of
the difficulties with which foot
ball teams of earlier days had
to contend with. Barratt took
most of his time telling about a
trip the high school football team
made to Moro in 1917. This was
prior to highway days and the
going was rough for cars that
attempted to negotiate the rocky
route connecting the two towns.
The Heppner boys arrived there
too late to play the game on the
date scheduled but the Moro
folks were accommodating and
they played the following day.
Although Heppner was beaten on
the football field, the boys man
aged to strike up acquaintances
with the Moro girls, which brot
about complications with the
girls at home.
Leonard Pate never predicts
victory. He may venture so far
as to say that when the game is
called his boys will be right out
there fighting, but he won't drop
any "info" for the benefit of the
betting public. The coach gave
a brief resume of his squad and
before he was through it was
plainly evident that he placed
much confidence in the boys to
make a good showing this year.
Gordon Grady gave a brief re
sume of the Softball season be
fore presenting the cup to Bill
Blake, manager of the American
Legion team. Grady also stated
that the Junior chamber of com
merce will present a plaque to
the student displaying the most
outstanding sportsmanship.
Mr. and Mrs. Aston E. McMur
do and Miss Doris McMurdo of
Charlottesville, Va., arrived in
Heppner Monday for a visit at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. D.
McMurdo. They came to Hepp
ner from Vale where they visit
ed at the A K. McMurdo home
The visitors came west to San
Francisco with Dr. Percy F. Mc
Murdo and then headed north to
Shortly after arriving here,
Mrs. Aston McMurdo received
word of the serious illness of her
brother in Charlottesville and
she and her husband will leave
Pendleton Friday by airliner for
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow
spent the week end visiting at
the home of their daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil War
ner, at Central Point, Jackson
county. Barlow found plenty of
use lor his camera and returned
with views of interesting points
in southern Oregon and on the
way. One point of interest visit
ed was the House of Mvsterv
below Gold Hill where a picture
was taien ot a broom standing
in mid-floor without support of
any kind. Mr. Warner is coach
at Central Point high school
where he also teaches some of
the classes.
Cliff Aalberg and Bob Wiren
of Portland are week-end hunt
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers was call
ed to Fresno, Calif. Friday by
the sudden death of her son,
Victor H. Buchanan, who suc
cumbed to a heart attack. Mrs.
Rodgers was in Salem at the
time and left from there- Mr.
Buchanan was alone in a motel
in Fresno when the attack came.
Mrs. Sarah McNamer left Sat
urday for Fresno, Joining Mrs
Rodgers's other son, Eugene Bu
chanan of Seattle, at Portland
for the trip south. Funeral ser
vices were held at 2 p. m. Mon
day. The deceased leaves a wife
besides his mother and brother.
4-H Beef Clubbers
Select Calves For
Feeding Projects
Morrow county agricultural
club members have all sold their
past year's projects and this
month are securing livestock
projects for continuing their 4-H
club work. Club members Bar
bara Sherman, Nancy Sherman,
Betty Graves, Rieta Graves, Jane
Seehafer, Ronald and Duane Ba
ker selected Shorthorn beef cal
ves at the Sherman-Ferguson
ranch last Sunday afternoon,
when the club met for a lesson
in beef selection. Jimmy Green
had selected his Shorthorn calf
from this herd a few days be
tore, wen Beamer selected a
Shorthorn calf from the Steve
Thompson herd several days ago
and Johnny Brosnan has his
Shorthorn calf from the Brosnan
Ingrid Hermann has three
calves on feed at present, these
calves being on feed for the past
month. They were selected from
the Frank Anderson, Tucker and
the Hermann herds. Betty Graves
has in addition to the Shorthorn
purchased from Sherman-Fergu
son a Shorthorn on feed from
the herd of Jo Anne Graves. Lew-
is Carlson is feeding out the
Aberdeen-Angus steer caught in
the calf scramble at Pacific In
ternational last week. Ida Lee
Chapel is continuing feeding out
of two Hereford steers that have
been on feed the past summer.
Other club members will put
calves on feed as they are secur
ed. New club members this year
who have calves on feed at pre
sent are Johnnie Brosnan and
Jimmy Green. Others will be re
ported when their project is be
gun. Record books of home econ
omics club members continue to
come in. The cooking I club, led
by Mrs. Flossie Coats, Boardman,
completed their projects the past
week with Bonnie Bell, Sharon
Fussell, Donald Gillespie, Wilma
Hug, Carol Hamilton, Marie Potts
and Anne June Robertson turn
ing in record books.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bucknum
drove to Portland Tuesday af
ternoon to spend the remainder
of the week attending a flower
school conducted by some of the
larger greenhouse and flower
shop operators. Mrs. Frank Con
ner is in charge of The Flower
Shop in their absence.
American Woman In Austria
Appeals for War Orphan Aid
Merlie Gilliam of Corvallis
has forwarded to Mrs. E. E. Gil
liam of Heppner a copy of the
following letter written to Miss
Ruth Hilborn by her sister, Mrs.
Hubert S. Miller, who is a col
onel's wife now stationed in Aus
tria. The leter follows:
Kum, would you and your
friends or church groups like to
do one of the kindest and most
desperately needed good deeds
of your life? Over here it is
heartbreaking to see the plight
of the children, and especially of
the little warorphans. They have
nothing. The women who take
care of them have nothing and
no way to get anything. A lit
tle scrap of left-over woolen ma
terial is a godsend to them that
brings tears into their eyes. A
pencil can thrill a little under
nourished child into wide-eyed
silence. A scrap of soap, a dog
eared picture book, a box of era
yons, a pair ot worn shoes, a
shabby little sweater, a pair of
whole socks, anything at all is
desperately needed. If you and
your friends would like to pro
duce happiness all out of pro
portion to the gift, you could
send me a box. I will take it to
one of the orphanages myself
and I'll write and tell you the
name or your orphanage and the
names of the children and tell
you how they looked and what
they said and did.
If your friends would look
through old boxes and drawers
they might come across pieces
of material left from things they
have made. Anything warm and
targe enough to make a pair of
pants or a mile jacket or dress
or scraps to be pieced Into blan
kets would be welcome. Any
thing their own children have
outgrown that is still in pretty
fair condition especially shoes,
any sire warm mittens, caps,
sweaters, any size. Wool leggings,
socks (especially long ones)
pieces of elastic, bits of bright
ribbon, long anough. to tie up
Deer Season Near
Ending; Hunters
Prepare For Birds
Waterfowl Slated
21st, Pheasants
And Quail 22nd
While there remain four more
days in the current deer season,
hunters are looking forward to
the opening of the waterfowl sea
son Tuesday, October 21, follow
ed by the pheasant and valley
quail season on Wednesday, Oct.
22. The migratory waterfowl
season opens at noon and the
pheasant-quail shooting starts
one-half hour before sunrise.
While the deer season did not
open too auspiciously In this sec
tion, numerous carcasses have
been seen coming Into town the
past few days, indicating that
the change in the weather has
boosted the hunters' chances.
The deer season will close Oct
The pheasant season will ex
tend to Nov. 9 in Malheur coun
ty but only to Nov. 2 in Douglas,
Coos, Josephine, Jackson, Klam
ath, Deschutes, Crook, Hood Riv
er, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam,
Wheeler, Morrow, Umatilla, Un
ion, Wallowa, Baker, Grant, Har
ney and Lake counties, except
Summer Lake valley. The bag
limit is three cocks a day but
not more than 10 in possession
or in any seven consecutive days.
Ducks and geese may be hunt
ed through Nov. 3 during the
first period and then again from
Dec. 23 to Jan. 5. Bag limit for
ducks is four a day but not more
than eight in possession, includ
ing not more than one wood
duck at any time. Up to five
geese may be taken in a day
provided at least three are snow
geese. Not more than two of the
five may be Canada geese, white
fronted geese on brant The pos
session limit for geese is the
same as the daily.
The game commission is oper
ating two waterfowl public shoot
ing grounds this year in Lake
county, the department-owned
Summer Lake management area
and the Chewaucan Marsh area
leased from the Chewaucan Cat
tle and Land company. Water
fowl hunters are required to pay
a fee of $2 daily in addition to
their hunting license to hunt on
either of these two areas. This
fee partially helps to pay the
cost of administration.
Federal regulations require all
hunters 16 years of age or over
to possess a migratory waterfowl
stamp costing $1, which may be
purchased at post offices. Hunt
ers are asked to buy their stamps
at their home post offices, since
the small post offices in vicinity
of Summer Lake are not furnish
ed with a large supply of duck
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. George mo
tored to Portland Wednesday on
a combined business and plea
sure trip. Mrs. Maude Robison
is looking after Kit and David
during their absence.
some little girl's hairleft over
yarn, enough to knit a little pair
of mittens, or a cap, or to em
broider a few bright flowers on
some little girl's dress; outing
flannel anything for warm
night clothes.
Goodness! If I could get into
our things in storage I would
find a hundred things of no val
ue to me, which would bring
tears of Joy to people over here.
Everything can be used. A
handful of odd safety pins, nee
dles, thread, hooks and eyes,
snaps, zippers, etc., would be
priceless treasure over here odd
buttons bits of pretty paper to
wrap things in and pretty string.
Pretty ties that boys have out
grown, pencils, cravons, drawing
paper or cutouts for children.
Soap, and worn out bath towels
cut up and hemmed into wash
It's hard to think of all the lit
tle things that one could put
into a box. but anything Is ap
preciated over here. A candle or
two, for cold dark nights when
there is no electricity, any old
woolen materials that have
shrunk and could be cut down
for smaller folk. It wouldn't be
necessary for anyone to buy any
thing new. Even soft rags are
scarce for cleaning. We don't
have any fur ourselves and I
have to cut up good bath towels
to use for scrubbing.
I will take personally any
packages that I receive from you
and your friends and will add
candy and some food from here,
myself, and see that they get to
the most needy cases. Address:
Col. Hubert S. Miller, C.E.
01-IGti-l, Engineer Section,
Hq. U. S. F. A, A IM). 777,
New York, N. Y.
Note Merlie Gilliam U per
sonally acquainted with the Miss
Hilborn to whom the letter was
written and assures anyone de
siring to send a package that It
will be given the personal atten
tion of Mrs. Millvr,