2-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, October 9, 1947 EDITORIAL Fire Prevention Week As this U tuTltten a nice shower of rain is (ail ing and It would seem almost out of order to bring up the matter of fire prevention, and per haps the subject would not be under discussion were It not that the calendar says this is "fire prevention w(k." And fire prevention week was Instituted to bring to the public mind the tre mendous annual toll taken by the red demon, a toll In human life and property that staggers the imagination. If fire should strike a town the size of Pendle ton, for example, and wipe out all the human life therein, we would be shocked beyond mea sure. Yet, the number of lives taken each year in this country by fire almost equals the number of people included in the population of Pendle ton. The shock is somewhat lessened by the fact that the deaths are not concentrated in one area but are scattered over these entire United States. Loss of life resulting from fires has averaged 10,000 persons annually for the past ten years. Property loss has steadily increased since 1934, reaching a total of $561,487,000 in 1946, and it now appears that unless prompt action is taken to reduce this needless waste the figures for 1947 will be much greater. Actually the losses for the first three months of 1947 approximate $193, 862,000. A paragraph from the report of the President's conference on fire prevention has this to say rel ative to the national fire losses: "Even a nation as prodigiously endowed with natural resources and with the wealth and econ omic stability of the United tSates cannot con tinue to absorb, without permanent impairment, the profligate loss year after year of a half-billion dollars in Irreplaceable material resources. In an era such as the present, when there is a universal scarcity of nearly every commodity needed to feed, clothe and shelter not only our own people but the starving and war-torn world about us as well, the destruction becomes not only more tragic but completely inexcusable." To combat this fearful waste, the conference incorporated the essentia! features into six com mittees, designated as follows: Building con struction, operation and protection; fire fighting services; fire prevention education; laws and law enforcement; research, and organized public sup port. As these committees get into action the public will be apprised of their plans and pro gress. In the meantime, it is just as well to keep in mind the dangers involved in carelessness about fire and that each and every one of us act as a committee of one to do everything in our power to reduce this appalling loss of life and property. The publishers and staff feel gratified at the interest taken by friends and patrons of the Gaz ette Times in our new office and general shop arrangement. Callers were numerous Monday evening at our little housewarming and observ ance of National Newspaper week, making for a pleasant social occasion. We are sorry that many more did not call during the evening, as prepar ations were ample, and we hope that by next year we will be in position to make a more dis tinct effort in calling attention of the public to the part the newspapers play in our everyday life. To those of our friends who have not visited the office since the "revolution" we want to say that the latchstring is always on the outside and we will be ready to greet you. NATIONAL TAX MEETING The tax problems of state and federal governments were hit from all directions by tax ex perts at a meeting in Chicago last week which Governor Earl Snell attended as a member of the executive committee of the national governor's conference. The state-federal meeting ad opted resolutions, which were endorsed by Governor Snell, rec ommending that the federal gov ernment reduce excise taxes as soon as possible, amend inherit ance and estate taxes to provide more equitable division between povernrient and state, relinquish the states and federal tax on 3Q YEARS A(Q) From Heppner Gazette Times Oct 11, 1917 McCullough Bros, sold their stock ranch on upper Willow Mrs. J. E. Berwick died at the' creek consisting of 5700 acres to Heppner sanatorium Oct 10 atjMyles Martin and Irvin Kuns the age of 39 years. 1 man of Moro. This year's school enrollment shows 315 as against 273 a year ago, an increase of about 15 per cent Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Mrs. W. E. Wal bridge. The teachers' annual institute Perfectly Done! MEN : Your finest shirts are expertly cleaned and pressed . . they have that good-as-new look when we are ready to deliver them. The same thing goes for women's garments -dresses, coats and other articles. And men's suits and overcoats have a freshly tailored appearance when they are return ed to you. That accounts for the fact that we are so busy we can't take a day off to go hunting. Heppner Cleaners r Dyers For Your Winter Wardrobe Count on well-tailored sports clothes to see you smartly through Winter! See them NOW! Pretty wool dresses, smooth suits, coats, warm bright casuals, all so new looking . . . and priced right. 11 Norah's Shop for Morrow county will be held in Heppner beginning next Mon day morning. To our patrons: On Friday of each week, the Palace Hotel will offer a meatless bill of fare, in response to Herbert Hoover's re quest tor one meatless day each week. Mrs. J. H. Cox and daughter, Miss Vivian Cox, departed for Portland Monday where they will spend the week. Fifteen cents a quart for milk is facing Portland and Tacoma. Madras will vote Oct. 22 on a $5,500,000 bond issue for a rec lamation project. Threshing of the 1917 crop in Morrow county is about done. Here and there are a few parties who are somewhat isolated and have been unable to get a ma chine. Dr. A. D. McMurdo returned from Portland Monday evening after an absence of several days. . No little excitement was caus ed in lone on Friday when the barn on the Frank Holmes pre mises was destroyed by fire, of unknown origin. J. A. Troedson of Morgan has purchased a quarter section of land lying adjacent to his place, from J. A. Johnson of California. The consideration was $2500. The entire student body of Heppner high school was taken on a jaunt to the mountains in the vicinity of Slocum's mill on Friday afternoon. Some incon venience was experienced by blowouts and other automobile troubles. THE ALTAR SOCIETY of St. Pat rick's church will hold a food and apron salebeginning at 11 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 11, at the Pacific Power & Light Co. of fice. 29c employers levied to cover expen ses of the state employment se curity programs. The states would assume responsibility for administration of this program. Congress should act quickly to correct the income tax inequities between states which have and those who do not have commun ity property laws. The states should avoid tax fields which are peculiarly adaptable to fed eral uses, and must cease rely ing upon the federal government to do things for them and their citizens which they can do as well, or better than, the federal government. The last resolution was supported by lumber and commercial fishing interests. Representing the federal gov ernment were members of the senate and house tax commit tees. The meeting also endors ed reduced government expenses and reduction of the national debt. LIQUOR BOARD UPHELD The state supreme court, re versing Circuit Judge Frank J. Lonergan of Portland, upheld this week the state liquor com mission's order which suspended the restaurant liquor license of Joseph and Croce Casciato, who operate the Rio Villa in Portland. Judge Lonergan had canceled the commission s suspension or der on grounds that the commis sion abused its discretion. The commission had suspended the license on grounds the establish ment sold to minors and permit' ted minors to loiter about the place. The high court decision, by Jus tice Percy Kelly, holds that the commission acted within its rights in suspending the license. HOUSES FOR OFFFICES That tax return you toiled over so many days and nights may end up in the kitchen sink. Skel etons may come out of closets to grin at your bookkeeping, and because in their day they never had to report much less pay a tax on their income. It is all about the crowded con dition of the state's income tax division. All state offices are crowded but none so elbowroom less as the income tax depart ment. The only relief in sight is to let the department have ex!ra room in two old Salem res idences just across the street from the Capitol. The state owns the houses but can't build just now. The commission is losing many thousands of dollars in tax rev enues each, year because it lacks working space for more auditors and clerical help. STATE AS MEDIATOR In most local labor disputes the Oregon mediation board will, in the future, assume the role of conciliator. State Labor Commis ' sioner W. E. Kimsey reported af ter conferring with federal com missioners on charges in the U. S. service under the Taft-Hartley act. The state board is being re vived by the governor to resume the work taken over ten years ago by the federal agency. Re gional "directors of the federal service informed Kimsey the U. S. office will continue to han dle some rases until the state board is operative. Only cases involving major interstate com merce problems will be handled thereafter. CAPITOL CORRIDOR ECHOES Property valuations in every county in Oregon were raised j this year and will be used fori tax levying purposes. . . . Rep. I Harris Ellsworth who Injured aj heel bone while touring Germany' will arrive home next week....! Entry permits are still required in Rogue River, Ochoco and Des chutes national forests and small tracts in Jackson, Klamath, Des chutes, Crook and Wheeler coun ties Former Georgia Gov. Ar- nail's stand for lowering the vot ing age to 18 years started a let ter writing campaign from Eu gene where he spoke last week. . .Oregon property assessments, exclusive of utilities, for the year 1947 topped the billion dollar mark for the first time in the state's history, aggregating $1,-057,421780 Rom where I sit - ly Joe Marsh How to Tell You're Getting Old Doc Walters gave me this for mula: It's a sure-firs sign you're gettlnf old when you resent other people htvinf a good time. And the Doe means it hasn't much to do with age. There are old. folks in our town who get a big kick out of aeeing other people en joy themselves seems to keep them young in spirit, with a twinkle In their eyes I And there are some others who resent the young folks going fish ing; who feel that community games snd dances sre just a waste of time; or who criticise temperate people for enjoying a mellow glass of beer with friends. They're often well-intentioned folks, too. But from where I sit, the minute we criticiie our neighbors for enjoying wholesome pleasures like a game pf horseshoes, a glass of beer, or an afternoon's fishing it's s sure sign we're growing old (in spirit anyway) no matter what our age is. High School Graduates, Can You Qualify To Write Your Own Ticket For A Lifetime Career? Under The New Army And Air Force Career Plan You Now Can Select The Kind Of Career You Want BEFORE ENLISTING! If you're between 17 and 34 you may choose from a Hat of more than 125 specialties: engine mechanics, radio op erator, photographer, aircraft welder, control tower operator; to name Just a few. Then If qualified, you're assured of being sent to the appropriate spe cialist school after enlisting and upon completion of your basic training. Your course at the specialist school will equip you for a rewarding career! It puts you in line for rapid promotions with higher pay, advanced technical training, and perhaps a commission. SELECT THE KIND OF CAREER YOU WANT BEFORE ENLISTING. DETAILS iAILABLE AT YOUR U. S. ARMY & AIR-FORCE RE CRUITING STATION. V. 8. POST-OFFICE BLDO. PENDLETON, OREGON IONE American Legion Dance OCT. 1 1 THE SERENADERS Admission $1.00, tax included AUCTION SALE of Cooked Foods, Farm Products and miscel laneous articles, OCTOBER 25 8:30 P. M. Rhea Creek Grange Hall A dance will follow the sale. Electric Heaters The ideal way to add the necessary warmth to the bathroom, or breakfast nook these chilly fringes of the day. ... We offer you an interesting choice of heaters, ranging in price from $7.50 to $37.35 Trilmont no-glow black heat . . . Kord . . Hytemp . . Norma and Electric Steam Radiator A size and price to fit your needs. Case Furniture Company Perfect Ti mmg The owner of a Croton watch, wherever timing is of the essence, has faith in the Jeweler who has sold it . . . and for excellent reason. The Jeweler has developed good faith in Croton-a' name on many wrists in many places-where style and perfect timing are appreciated. Croton Watches Nationally Advertised in leading magazines. - f ! CURLEE I (clothes 8 So Much Distinction When you se. th. new Curie. Suits ior fall and winter, you will agree that so much distinction could only result from superior skill in styling, in workmanship, in the careful selection of ma terials. We know you are going to like these suits that you will want to select from our offer ings th. clothing for your fall and winter ward robe. Her. ar. smart masculine styles modern without being extreme which give you th. com fortable assurance of always looking your best. Her. ar. fin. quality woolens, selected in the season's latest patterns. Here is workmanship such as you'r. been used to seeing in clothing of considerably higher price range. And work manship whiph builds comfortable fit and lasting wear into .very garment and you have totalled up the reasons why each successive season finds more American men choosing clothes that carry the Curie, label. Com. in and see th. n.w Curie. Fall and Winter Suits which we're recently placed on display. You will find that every suit in th. line is mod erately priced. For style, fit and quality for real distinction you'r. bound to be right if you choose a Curie. Suit Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service trnmffitmmttmmmmmmtfmmmtmmmrctftftitta