Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 02, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-Heppner Gozettt Times, Heppner, Oregon, October 2, 1947
Calf Scrambles
lo Enliven 4-H
Program at P.I.
Sixtwn husky 4 II youths in
n arena trying to catch icht
calves with ownership as the
prlxe for the most skillful, will
be a daily fraturo apain at the
Pacific International Livestock
exposition in Portland starting
October 3, reports L. J. Allen,
state club leader and manager
of the encampment activities at
the P.I.
Furthermore the results of last
ear's scrambles will be on dis
play, as one requirement of the
contest is that all who win the
calves by catching them, putting
a halter on them and leading
them out of the ring, must feed
them out to be shown the fol
lowing years. A considerable
number of the 400 beef animals
expected to be shown are these
"scramble calves" of last year.
Of the 40o beef animals ex
pected, about 300 are from Ore
gon, 100 from Washington and
probably a few from Idaho. These
will be judged Monday and
then, along with other fat stock,
will bo sold at auction Wednes
day, October 1.
4-H judging teams will swing
Into action early at the show,
with livestock and home econom
ics teams scheduled to start Sat
urday morning following the of
ficial opening Friday night. Sat
urday afternoon the clubbers will
Week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs Merle Kirk were Mr. and
Mrs. R. K. Tyler and daughters.
Hosalie and Cora Mae, of Leb
anon. Other daughters and their
families accompanying them
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart
and children, Helen Jean, Ed
ward and Phyllis, all from Leb
anon. The Tylers lived near
Heppner for many years on what
was then known as the McCarty
ranch, later buying his mother's
farm near Lexington which Is
now owned by Adolph Majeske.
Mrs Tyler is a sister of Merle
Mrs. W. F. Barkla left Tuesday
for Seattle to spend a few days
at the home of her son and fam
ily. She will return Sunday.
compete in beef showmanship,
while judging contests in poul
try crops and rabbits will be
conducted in other sections of
the big show.
Champion demonstration
teams from northwest states will
vie for the coveted O. M. Plum
mer trophy during the show. The
highest combined score made by
the agricultural and home ec
onomics team from any state
takes the trophy. Oregon s en
tries, who were champions at the
state fair, are the Washington
county team consisting of Fran
ces Wilcox and Margaret Freud
enthal demonstrating better dai
rying with better pastures, and
the Portland team of Joanne Per
ry and Janie Rumbaugh who
show how to make a "jiffy dress.
The club members' annual
banquet will be held in Penny
hall Saturday night.
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
Pick Kentucky Derby Winners
For FREE Tickets to See
'Homestretch' at Star Theater
The first ten people submitting correct names of the four
Sentucky Derby Winners included in this list of some of
the turf's greatest thoroughbreds will receive free admission
to see the Technicolor fiim "HOMESTRETCH" showing at
the STAR THEATER. Sunday and Monday, October 5th and
You must bring this advertisement with the correct answers
marked on it and you must be among the first ten to get to
the theater with it in order to be admitted free:
IM m
Com in... see fhe new
with the exclusive
Now you can clean thick- or
thin-pile rugi tnd carpets
without stooping to adjust
knob or lever . . . thanks to
the new Premier Rug-Meter!
2-Spted Motor. Many other
features, too. TY IT
Without Obligation.
fffMr i JcgV L
A powerful, tank-type Premier
complete with 8 ft. ioit and 9
cleaning tools. TRY t"1 1C
IT1 LiktrmUlhu.ne, If'3
demonstrati f Hie Premier
Hitf-Meter takes 91117 few
MCMdt. $ it I
Ao"upright"model with f J It
motor-driven brush, 2- III'"
Speed ball bearing motor f I
and mmr other top Cialtsi
quality Premier features. Snitl
Iiit to use aboTC-tha-Aoor
cleaning set 6ts either upright
type Premier. Cinalils t T Efl
I Gm4 UwawkMpinf W
Hodge Chevrolet Building
Phone 403
Common Problems
In Ag Economics
The economic problems of se
riculture are to worldwide in
their scope that they furnish an
other common basis for interna
tional cooperation that should
add its share to the progress to
ward world peace, reports D. Cur
tis Mumford, head of the depart
ment of farm management at
Oregon State college, on his re
turn from attending the sixth in
ternational conference of agri
cultural economists in England.
The session was attended by
62 delegates from 21 countries
who spent the 10 days from Aug
ust 28 to September 6 in dis
cussing such questions as chang
ing iarm population, land ten
ure, international trade in farm
products, effects of modern me
thods of farming, agriculture in
India and many other subjects.
aii countries have common
agricultural economics problems
providing a scientific bond am
ong specialists in this field re
gardless of political differences
among the various countries,"
said Professor Mumford. Russia
was the principal country not
represented at the meeting. Sov
iet officials sent word that other
pressing matters prevented send
ing delegates from that country.
Professor Mumford said it was
apparent even to the visitor that
England is in the midst of a
crisis which Lord Huntington,
joint parlimentary secretary to
the ministry of agriculture, told
the conference is the most se
vere since the black death stalk
ed the land centuries ago.
Delegates were asked to limit
themselves to two baths per week
and to turn off all electric lights
except when absolutely needed.
The explanation was made that
every time a hot water tap is
opened or an electric light is
turned on coal is used of which
there is a critical' shortage.
English agriculture is now en
thusiastic over the launching of
a national agricultural advisory
service which is functioning on
smewhat the same plan as the
federal cooperative extension ser
vice in this country, Mumford
found. Under this program it is
hoep to boost food production
even beyond the high levels of
the war years. All European del
egates agreed that getting Ger
many on her economic feet is
essential to any lasting recovery
of western Europe in general.
OSC Has Record
7400 Enrollment
Oregon State College With
registration reaching a new all
time high of exactly 7400 before
the end of the first week of col
lege, a fall-term total of 7500
or more is deemed certain. Grad
uate students have additional
time to enroll while many oth
ers are registering late despite
the regular penalty. Highest
term registration last year was
The expected total of 7500 is
about 500 under the number for
which facilities were planned
this fall. Shortage of housing for
married couples and for women
students kept many away who
had applied and had been ac
cepted, officials point out, though
some dormitory space for single
men at Adair Village, eight
miles from the campus, Is still
available. The college also re
jected applications of hundreds
of out-of-state students to take
care of a maximum number of
Oregon applicants.
All classes are larger than last
year with the exception of the
freshman class with 2303. Soph
omores number 3075, juniors,
817; seniors, 915, and the gradu
ate school, 279 with many yet
to sign up. Veterans number
Mrs. Ray Appling of Walla
Walla was a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barkla the
first of the week.
News From Irrigon . .
By Mrs. Grace Shoun
The deer season Is on again
with Clarence Rucker, Mart Ab
ken and Wayne Swagger leav
ing for the Wallowa mountain!,.
James Henderson, Paul Haber
lein and Fred Cruthers also went
to the timber to hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sparks
were called to Portland on ac
count of the illness of his fath
er, Floyd Sparks, in a Portland
Mrs. Wayne Swogger and
small son, Robert Gene, are home
from the hospital and are stay
ing with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Roberts, at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graybeal, J.
E. McCoy and Jay and Hugh
Berry of Portland are hunting in
the Deschutes country.
Mrs. Flora Aldrich has her
new home completed and is mov
ing into it.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kimes of Stock
ton are visiting her sister, Mrs.
Lester Seits and family, 'and her
mother, Mrs. Flora Aldrich and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dodge
have Mr. Dodge's daughter and
husband. Mr. and Mrs. Smith,
visiting them.
James Shoun of Walla Walla
and Betty Acock of Pendleton
visited their families Sunday af
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand spent
Saturday with their son David
in Walla Walla. David has spent
a week at Whitman college.
The women, headed by Mrs.
Fred Houghton, had a reception
for the teachers and other new
arrivals. The ladies that had liv
ed here over two years were to
bring a cake that was served
with coffee after a very success
ful evening spent in getting ac
quainted and short musical pro
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mohler
and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hayes
spent Sunday at Freewater help
ing Supt. Alfred Solwold cele
brate his birthday there.
The Loyal Ladies league met
in the church basement and
worked on a quilt. They also
had. a missionary meeting Fri
The missionary circle of the
Assembly of God church met at
Mrs. Emma Steward's home Fri
day, working clothing and quilts
for missionaries.
Mrs. Earl Watson was an Ir
rigon visitor Saturday. She was
Ella Mae Grim and lives at Her-miston.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gurdane of
The Dalles are visiting the Carl
Knightens. Mr. Knighten and
Mr. Gurdane left Monday for the
timber to hunt deer.
Troy Griffin is drilling a well
on one of the Archie Nut places. J
Delos Knighten and Clara El- j
len Fraser are both attending
E.O.C.E. at La Grande, Clara is
In her second year and Delos the
first year. i
Joe Paul, seaman 1 'c, of Sand
Point, Wash., spent the week end
with his family at the Fred Dav
is home. He returned to his sta
tion Sunday afternoon.
Billy Allen of Heppner was al
so here. He and Adren and fam
ily visited their mother. Mrs.
Jane Grim, at Pendleton Sun
day. Don Evans, Elmer Collins, Nor
man Simmons and Sylvia Pelton
are attending school at the Up
per Columbia Boarding academy
near Spangle, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hayes
have purchased the John James
acreage with the house on it,
and are taking possession as
soon as the James get moved to
Umatilla. Mrs. Homer Hayes
teaches the fifth .and sixth
The Irrigon football team play
ed the lone team at lone Friday,
lone winning 21 to 6.
Roy Smunk ad Vera and Ver
na Freeman have gone to Col
lege Place to college. Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman and the girls have
been visiting the Ottostroms.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Seits have
sold out to Mr. Dooley of Yaki
ma and are moving to Hermis
ton soon.
Mrs. Clara Gertson of Heppner
was in Irrigon Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sparks
and daughter Clair spent Sat
urday in Redmond.
Mrs. Jack Browning's mother,
Mrs. Maggie Walker of Pe Ell is
visiting the Brownings.
Mr. and Mrs. Adren Allen ot
Redmond and children, Dona and
Freddie, spent the week end in
Irrigon with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Acock and family.
Supt. Alfred Solwold, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Mohler and Mrs.
Joy Smith, Mrs. Lora Stratman,
Mrs. Homer Hayes and Mrs.
George Russell, teachers of the
Irrigon school, attended the lone
banquet and association meet
ing there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry came
up Sunday to visit her mother,
Mrs. J. E. McCoy. '
Charles Cox, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Cox, left Pendleton
Thursday evening by plane for
Philadelphia on a short business
trip. He was due to return to
Pendleton Monday evening.
is one of the many ai-'s to
scientific diagnosis. It is
of particular value in Chir
opractic diagnosis of ail
ments of the spine.
Did you ever really and
truly live? Do you recall
the surge of power you en
joyed in your youth? Re
member when all the
world seemed in tune?
permits the free expression
of Nature's finer forces.. It
keeps you in tune with
life. It recreates that dy
namic buoyancy that en
ables you to conquer all
obstacles. It brings again
the Golden Hours of Youth.
Physio-Therapy Electro
Therapy Hydro Therapy
(Come in and discuss
your health problems
with me.)
Dr. Clyde Dunham
Chiropractic Physician
I.O.O.F. Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thorpe,
Ray Smith and Miss Ruth Wil
kinson of Sandy were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Thorpe. Lester and
Nathan are brothers.
Nels Kristensen and son Ken
neth and daughter, Mrs. Morris
Trarbaugh, returned from Port
land Saturday, where they spent
several days. Returning with
them was Mrs. John Fisher of
Milwaukie'who stopped over for
a couple days visit with friends
before going on to Baker to spend
some time with a daughter there.
Martin Anderson left for St.
Paul, Minn., to spend a month
with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parker have
Mrs. Parker's mother of Portland
visiting them for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow and
daughters Carma and Bonnie of
Renton, Wn., came Friday to
spend the week end with rela
tives. A brother, Charles, with
Mrs. Barlow and daughter, Mrs.
Robert Walker and her son, came
over Saturday, and they with Mr.
and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and sons
Donald and Lynn were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Coats Saturday eve
ning. Sunday there was a pot
luck dinner at the Leo Root home
in Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow's hon
or. Present besides the Barlows
and Roots, were Mr. and Mrs.
Nate Macomber, Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J.
Gillespie and sons Donald and
Lynn, and Grace Miller of Board
man, Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomb
er and son Lee of Spray, Franklin
and Truman Messenger of Lex
ington. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chapin of
Pendleton-spent Sunday after
noon at the Claud Coats home.
Regular meeting of the Rhea
Creek grange will be held Fri
day evening, Oct. 3, according to
the grange master, Francis Nick-erson.
Dr. Frank B. Kistner, 73, died
Sept. 25 at Astoria, according to
news dispatches in the state
press. Death was attributed to
a heart ailment. He was one of
the founders of the Portland
clinic, beading its ear, nose and
throat department for a number
of years.
Dr. Kistner located in Hepp
ner about 1900 and was a resi
dent here for about 10 years. He
was Instrumental In establish
ing the first hospital in Heppner,
which was operated for several
years in the residence property
now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ru
fus Piper at the corner of Main
and Baltimore streets. His hear
ing becoming affected, he gave
up general practice for special
work and moved to Portland.
There! nothing average about
the lervice or the workmanship
CLEANERS . . . tt'e really at the
top of the list. We keep elothea
looking fresh and new with ex
pert cleaning, preaainff, dyeing.
Cal today for pick-up and deliv
ery aenrlce.
to your
Com In TODAY and see
our selection of charming
lockets, bracelets, crosses,
rings and sett ia the
FAMOUS patented;..
i i
I : I .
Just in the ten years from 1930 to '40
average horsepower of cars increased
99 per cent! That means a lot tougher
job for motor oil. And that's why
RPM Compounded Motor Oil has
extra ingredients to solve all the prob
lems of today's high-powered engine
problems that a straight mineral
oil just can't handle. Compounds In
RPM Motor Oil end carbon trouble;
protect hot spots that other oils leave
bare, exposed to wear; prevent cor-,
rosion, sludge, foaming.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
The Star of Africa was the biggest dia
mond ever found. This flawless stone,
weighing 1 13 pounds, was discovered
in the Premier Mine of South Africa in
1905. It was purchased by the Transvaal
Government and presented to
King Edward VII, who had it cut
into several small diamonds, the
largest of which is in tfie King's
scepter. The others are in the
royal crowns.
. . . is low-cost electricity. Other prices
are up, but Pacific Power & Light rates
are the lowest in history-
less than half the national
average. Our electric service
is so popular, and the area is
growing so rapidly that the
power. load on our system
has nearly doubledsince 1940.
dt) mamo urn umm in am