Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 02, 1947, Image 1

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    Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 2, 1947
Volume 64, Number 28
Prospects For Fall
Sown Wheat Best
In Recent Years
Moisture, Weather
Combine Jo Give
Grain Good Start
Rainfall, upon which so much
depends for Uae production of
Brain In this section, has been
the best in five years up to seed
ing time and prospects are bet
.ter at this time than for several
seasons, according to reports
coming to this office.
Leonard Carlson, weather ob
server for the Gooseberry district,
is one of the most enthusiastic
wheat'raisers at the present mo
ment. He bases his optimism on
two factors: the lawn-like ap
pearance of the fall sown fields
and the weather charts over
which he presides.
Going back to 1943, Carlson
took the months of July, August
and September for comparison.
In that year, .10 of an inch fell
in July, 1.18 inches in August
and none in September for a to
tal of 1.28.
In 1944, .18 fell in July,' none
in August, and .39 in September
for a total of .57. In July 1915
there was no precipitation; Aug
ust saw .37 and September 1.09,
for a total of 1.46.
Moisture was scarce in 1946,
with .4 in July, .15 in August,
and .81 in September, or one
Inch for the period.
Now comes 1947 with 1.82 In
July, .75 in August and 1.27 in
September for a total of 3.84.
"We've had some rather bad
storms in spots but the storms
brought moisture to most of he
growing districts and that's what
it takes to sprout wheal In the
fall. So far as fall prospects are
concerned, I can't recall when
they've been better," Carlson
Students Present
Pro and Con Facts
On Tax Measure
Members of the social econo
mics class of Heppner high
school were featured on the pro
gram of the chamber of com
merce at Monday's luncheon,
their discussion being based on
the proposed sales tax measure
to be voted unon by the people
of the state on October 4.
Corabelle Nutting, taking the
side favoring the tax, submitted
four points In her argument.
First, stability. The tax will pro
vide a stable income because It
is based on commodity transac
tions. Second: If the measure is
defeated, Income and property
taxes will be higher. Third: 27
other states now have sales tax
laws and there Is no inclination
to discard them. Fourth: The
law will set up a reserve "fund,
providing something to fall
back on when times are less
Morgan Connor, taking the
negative, contended that no
emergency exists that we have
ample funds in the state treas
ury: that tax experts Imported
from New York by the Portland
chamber of commerce found our
tax set-up ample; a sales tax
puts the burden on people with
low incomes; the bill is not pro
perly written; does not tax beer
but does tax candy bars and
other small items which the
vouneer generation buys.
Henrv Tetz introduced Don
DuBois, president of the student
body who presided during the
discussion, Introducing the spea
kers. Tctz called attention, to
the fact that it required nine
elections to put over woman suf
fraee. which, he contended, dis
counted the argument advanced
that the sales tax should be de
fcated because the people of the
state have rejected it four times
Ted McMurdo was introduced
as a euest bv his father, Dr. A
D. McMurdo.
Plans for a memorial service
to departed brothers and sisters
whoso deaths occurred during
the past year are being made by
San Souci Rebekah lodge. The
service, which will be held Fri
dav. Oct. 17, will be open to the
nubile. A call has been Issued
to members of the order to be
present at the regular meeting
Friday evening, uct. J, to assist
In formulating the plans. There
will be a meeting of the Past No
ble Grand club at 7:30 p.m
prior to the regular meeting of
the lodge tomorrow evening.
Mrs. 0. G. Crawford dadressed
two meetings of Eplscopa
church women In Pendleton
Wednesday afternoon and eve
nine In the first of her fall visit
to the churches of the diocese In
her capacity as president of the
Church Women s service league
She was accompanied to Pendlo
ton by her daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bulterfleld
of The Dalles were Sunday vis
Itors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C, Rosewall.
Mr. and Mrs. I. H, Cole and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson
drove to Payette, Idaho for
brief visit over the week end,
Lloyd Moyer Bags
Buck At Crack of
Dawn Wednesday
So far as is "known, Lloyd Mo
yer was the first hunter to bring
in a buck at the opening of the
deer season Wednesday. Moyer
was out at the crack of dawn
bagged a two-point buck and
was back at camp by 7 a. m.
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman re
ported seeing three bucks strung
up' to trees In the upper Willow
creek area this morning, so it
appears that some of the huge
army of hunters stalking the
woods to the south of Heppner
are meeting with success.
Hunters have been pouring in
the past several days and camps
are many up Willow creek and
other streams in the mountains.
County Clerk C. W. Barlow
reports that his office issued
more than 80 licenses during
September, of which 11 were
non-resident. Up to noon Wed
nesday, the clerk had issued 16
licenses to tardy hunters. A to
tal of $767 has been taken in
over the license counter up to
Vows Pledged In
Portland Church
Dorothy Ellen Bergstrom, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F.
Bergstrom of Gooseberry, be
came the bride of Arthur Stef
an! Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Stefani of lone at a candle
light ceremony at Mt. Tabor
Presbyterian church Saturday
afternoon, September 27. Rev.
J. W. Beard, assisted by Rev.
Philip Elman, performed the
ceremony before the altar which
was decorated with palms and
baskets of pink and white glad
ioli and calla lilies.
Miss Eunice Peterson was
maid of honor, and bridesmaids
were Misses Mildred Carlson,
Laurel Baldwin, Mildred Pitman
and Mrs. Lester Engstrom.
Lester Lngstrom served, as
best man and the ushers were
Donald Peterson, Roland Berg
strom. Pete Janln and Alton
Miss Betty Ryding sang "I
Love You Truly" and "Because."
The bride was lovely in a
gown of white lace over white
satin, with seed pearls outlining
the yoke and at the wrists of
the long sleeves. A headdress of
pearls and orange blossoms
held her long lace veil in place.
She carried white roses and
Attendants of the bride were
also dressed In white and car
ried pink carnations.
A reception was held in the
Neighbors of Woodcraft hall at
7:30 p. m. Assisting with the
serving were Mrs. Roy M. Janin
and Mrs. Oscar Bergstrom who
cut and served the wedding cake
after the bride and groom cut
the first slice. Presiding at the
tea table were Mrs. M. E. Bou
ska, Mrs. James Petrone, with
Mrs. Joe Stefani, Mrs. Ernest
Cavalll, Mrs. Gilbert Bertucci,
Mrs. Carlton Groves, Mrs. Pete
Cerrl, Mrs. John Eubanks, Mrs.
May Ekstrom and Mrs. Wm. Berg
strom about the hall. John Eu
banks and James Petrone were
in charge of the punch bowl.
Guests from Heppner included
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Drake; from Lex
ington, Clifford Yarnell, and from
lone, Eric Bergstrom, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Bergstrom and Rudy,
and O. G. Bergstrom.
The young couple are enjoy
ing a honeymoon in Canada. For
traveling Mrs. Stefani wore a
wine colored suit with black ac
cfessories and a green orchid.
Upon their return they wll) be
at home to their many friends
in lone.
Morrow county chapter of De
Moley will resume activities the
evening of Oct. 13, according to
announcement from Blaine E.
Isom early this week.
Edward B. Batty of Portland
has been secured as guest speak
er for the meeting, which gives
promise of being one of the best
since organization of the chap
ter. The meeting will be held at
the Masonic hall in Heppner.
. o
Mrs. R. B. Rice will leave Fri
day for Kansas City, Mo., on an
extended visit. She will go by
rail from Pendleton,
business matters In Heppner.
Thomas Howell has sold his
properly on Water street to Mrs.
Etta Hunt and has purchased the
Fred Loreiizen, Jr., house on
South Main street.
remember Member
Mustangs Overrun '
Prairie City 25-0
In Initial Contest
Pate's Colts Show
Up Well In first
Varsity Encounter
The Heppner high Mustangs
opened their grid season last Fri
day by taking Prairie City into
camp on the Prairie City field
to the tune of 25-0.
Although their play looked
rather ragged at times the lo
cals' clicked- often enough to
score four touchdowns.
East scored in the first per
iod by intercepting a blocked
pass. Greenup's try for point was
wide. Padberg ran left end for
40 yards to score in the second.
Again Greenup's kick was wide.
Greenup passed to East for a
third marker this same period,
then plunged for the extra point.
Hammock finished the scoring
in the fourth with a 30 yard run
around right end. The kick for
point again was wide. Later
Heppner carried the ball to the
Prairie 4 but lost the ball on a
The locals showed a tight de
fense, holding Prairie City to two
first downs. Greenup was the
leading ground gainer for Heppner.
Nineteen boys made the trip
and all saw action.
Heppner lineup: Left end,
East; left tackle, Kilkenny; left
guard, Ployhar; center, Sumners;
right guard, Gabler; right tackle,
Key; right end, Waters; quarter
back, Bennett; half back, Pad
berg; half back, Rippee; full
back, Greenup. Substitutions:
Allstott, end; Ruhl, tackle; Gam
mell, guard; Connor, guard;
Smith, center; Bergstom, Ham
mock, Orwick, backs.
Heppner plays at Fossil Fri
day, Oct. 3, and tangles with
Condon in their first home game
on the 10th.
Greenfield Grange
To Be Pomona Host
Greenfield grange at Boardman
will be host to the Morrow
county Pomona in an all-day
meeting Saturday, Oct. 4.
Following the business meet
ing in the morning there will be
election of officers, .lunch at
noon, and in the afternoon the
lecturer's hour to which the pub
lic is invited.
Salvage Logging
Subject of New
Forest Bulletin
Prelopglng, clean logging and
relogging are processes advocat
ed in Bulletin No. 1 of the Ore
gon Forest Products laboratory
at Oregon State college entitled,
"Salvage Logging in the Douglas-Fir
Region of Oregon and
Washington." The authors are
Elmer E. Matson, forester with
the L'SDA forest and range ex
periment station in Portland,
and John B. Grantham, associate
professor of wood products at
the college.
The timber Industry has for
many years been aware of the
enormous volume of forest waste,
but efforts to salvage it proved
uneconomical until the present
favorable markets developed, the
authors point out.
While good progress has been
made in salvage logging since
then, the surface has only been
scratched toward utilizing the
approximately 27 percent of net
board feet volume of standing
timber being left to rot or burn.
This waste material now aver
ages about 10,000 board feet of
sawlog type timber and 10 cords
of small stuff per acre.
The bulletin is devoted large
ly to describing latest and most
economical methods of carrying
on the operations of prelogglng,
clean logging and relogging. To
date only relogging can provide
information on actual practice.
Prelogglng and clean logging
are slill in the experimental
Present use of salvaged ma
terial is about evenly divided
between pulp mills and saw
mills. Some cedar also goes into
shingles, posts and poles. Doug
las fir, which makes up the bulk
of the logging waste, is usable
In the sulphate paper mills but
not In the sulfite mills. Sulphate
mills are increasing but the ca
pacity is as yet such as to limit
(he market for Douglas fir for
paper making.
This and other possible mar
kets for salvaged material are
discussed in the bulletin which
adds that even with markets, the
biggest factor Is low cost pro
duel Ion which means finding
more economical operating me
thods In the woods and at the
Wade Bothwell and Jackson
Holt have joined the ranks of
college students from Heppner
and are now enrolled at Oregon
College of Education at Mon
mouth. Both boys, most serious
ly injured of those figuring In a
car wreck near Tendlcton last
winter, have shed their casts and
are quite themselves once more,
The newspapers of America, ever since colonial days, have
performed outstanding service to freedom by the publication
of news without fear or fervor. Today, m 1947, it ii an accepted
truth with all who have enjoyed the privileges of citizenship in
America, that freedom of the press is an indispensable and
necessary support to democracy and to a free people.
In some parts of the world, however, this fact is disputed,
y and only lip-service is given to the ideal of a free press as a
servant of the people.
Lasting peace among the nations of the world will become
possible only through a sound, alert and informed world opin
ion, based on a mutual regard and understanding. A free
world press is a necessary corollary to this ideaL
These facts are being brought to our attention once again
this year through the observance of National Newspaper Week.
October 1 to 8. the theme of which is "YOUR NEWSPAPER
Serving Freedom by Serving Tow."
Because of the importance of newspapers, and their service.
I am glad to designate this period as National Newspaper Week
in Oregon.
EARL SNELL. Governor.
The Gazette Times will hold open house between the hours of 7
and 9 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6, in observance of National Newspaper
week. The latchstring will be out to all who care to drop in and
there will be light refreshments.
4-H Beef Animals
Sent To Portland
For PI Exposition
Headed for Portland to com
pete in the Pacific International
exposition's 4-H club show, a
carload of Morrow county stock
left the Heppner yard of the Un
ion Pacific Wednesday morning
under the care of John Graves,
4-H beef club leader and Nelson
Anderson, Morrow county agri
cultural agent.
Included in the shipment were
18 head of fat beef, six calves
purchased from Luke Bibby for
the calf scramble, and five
lambs. The beeves and lambs
were prize winning stock at the
recent Morrow county fair.
Results of the 4-H competition
will be available by the next is
sue of this newspaper, accord
ing to Nelson, who plans to re
turn to Heppner no later than
Wednesday evening, Oct. 8. The
4-H club show is staged during
the first four days of the exposi
tion and the last four days are
devoted to the Future Farmers
of America.
News Items of Interest Around Town
By Ruth Payne
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lawrence
of Portland and Mrs. Ralph A.
Brown of Goldendale, Wn., re
turned to their home Sunday af
ter spending the week end here
with the ladies' sister, Mrs. Nel
lie Anderson.
A. C. L. Jetley motored to
Burns Friday evening to spend
a week's vacation with his fam
ily. Recent houseguests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles D. Hodge were Don
Hatfield and Teresa Burgett of
Mrs. Richard Wells returned
from Portland Saturday after at
tending a conference of the Am
erican Legion auxiliary in the
city last week.
Mrs. Jessie Batty and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Batty of Kimber-
y were w-u
Heppner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Ogletree.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dick were
week-end visitors in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine E. Isom
and daughter Harriet were call
ed to Pendleton Friday by the
serious illness of Mrs. Isom's fa
ther, Henry Struve.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Scho-
iack were visitors in Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Farrens
are moving their household ef
fects this week from Ditch creek
ranger station to Ordnance where
they have secured housing for
the winter. Mr. Farrens who is
employed in the forest service
will commute to his work in
Mrs. Minnie Furlong departed
for her home in Portland Mon
day after a two months visit
here with her daughters, Mrs.
Frank Anderson and Mrs. Dale,
Brown at their homes in the
Eightmile section. Before leav
ing, Mrs. Furlong spent the past
week end with Mrs. Emma War
ren. Robert Turner, Henry Jacobsen
and Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van
Marter returned Sunday evening
from Portland where they at
tended the University of Oregon
Texas football game last week
end. Mrs. Muriel Rice who had
been visiting for the past two
weeks in Victoria, B. C, and Tort
land, returned to Heppnor with
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burkhnrdt
have returned to their home in
Ontario after a week's visit here
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, county
health officer, and Miss Margar
et Gillls, county health nurse,
were In Boardman and Irrigon
the last of the week giving ty
phoid Inoculations to school chil
dren. Ed MrDaniel was over from
Kitraia Saturday attending to
Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Neill
will go to Wasco to attend the
wedding of her granddaughter,
Miss Eileen Scolt, daughter of
mr hmo mrs p n jx-mi u.,
ronmno. 10 naroio mson ui
School Poulation
Of County Now 859
Figures released this morning
by Mrs. Lucy Rodgers show the
school attendance in the county
as 859, based on figures sub
mitted to her office up to Sept.
Broken down to grade and
high school attendance, the fig
ures are as follows: Heppner
grade, 270; high school 114. Ir
rigon, 91 and 31. Lexington, 58
and 18. Boardman, 82 and 37.
lone, 100 and 36. Two rural
schools having grade students
only Pine City 10 and tlardman
Mrs. Rodgers reported that
three rural districts, Clarks Can
yon, Willow Creek and Eight
mile Center, have filed petitions
for an election to vote on con
solidating with district No. 1,
Heppner, A petition is being
prepared by district 1 to vote
on accepting consolidation with
these and other districts which
it is hoped will follow the lead
of those named.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cowins
are expecting their daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ray,
and daughter Sandra from Sa
lem this week end.
Mrs. Ada Cannon is moving
from lone into the house she re
cently purchased from Mrs. Alma
Morgan. For the time being, Mrs.
Morgan will reside with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Al Massey.
Mr. and Mrs. John McRoberts
of Portland visited briefly with
relatives in Heppner Wednesday.
They were enroute to Kimberly
where they will be hunting
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers
returned Sunday evening from a
week-end trip to The Dalles.
They encountered considerable!
delay at Deschutes Junction
where a slide stopped traffic on
the Columbia highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith
and P. W. Mahoney returned
from a business trip to Portland.
,.... r.rnoj ,rnm
Tom Wilson has returned from
New Jersey where he was called
recently by the death of his mo
ther. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Neve left
the end of the week for their
new location in Sacramento, Cal.
Mr. Neve was employed locally
by the Pacific Power and Light
company as a lineman and will
continue in the same work in
Ilynd Brothers have complet
ed the construction of a two-car
garage and cement driveway at
their residence on Gale street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Schaffer of
the Butterby Flats ranch near
Cecil were transacting business
In Heppner Monday.
Edward "Puff Rice was a bus
iness visitor in Pendleton Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Cox
have returned from a motor trip
to Portland and coastal points.
In Portland, they attended the
fall style show presented last
week by Meier and Frank and
in which their son, Clair Cox
ailed as one of the models. Mrs
Cox states that Clair is employ
ed in the music department of
Meier and Frank and expressed
a wish to be remembered to all
his friends in Heppnor.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunning-
ton (Sibyl Howell) of Portland
are guests of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Lee Howell.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker
were over from Pasco to spend
the week end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson
have returned from Kalispel,
Mont., where they visited with
their nephew, John Hays, and
family. En route home they vis
ited In Spokane with Mrs
Thompson's sister, Mrs. Ella
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snyder left
the end of the week for Ashton
Mo., where they will visit with
his brother, Charles Snyder and
Week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Huston at their coun
try home in the Eightmile sec
tion were Dr. and Mrs. Ben I
,,,, nd rh ,,,, of Port
,andi Mondny thp rhillps were
Continued on Fa Bix
Steen Billed For
Speech at Meeting
Of Farm Bureau
Road Issue Slated
For Airing Monday
At Grange Hall
Lowell Steen, president of the
Oregon Farm Bureau federation,
will be the principal speaker at
the regular meeting of the Mor
row County Farm Bureau Mon
day evening at Rhea Creek
grange hall. Steen has not indi
cated what his subject will be.
but in view of the approaching
special state election, he may be
expected to devote part of his
time to a discussion of the sales
tax measure.
Other officers of the state or
ganization signifying their in
tention to be present are Marsh
all Sweanngen, secretary and
Sam Hunter, membership secre
tary. Swearingen will outline
the resolutions to be prepared
for the state convention in No
vember, and Hunter will have
something to say on member
ships. It is expected that a large part
of the evening will be taken up
with discussion of local matters.
Foremost of these will be the tax
situation, especially with refer
ence to road improvement. Some
difference of opinion exists rela
tive to the merits of bond issues
and straight tax levies and it is
expected the special road com
mittee will make some pertinent
observations on these mooted
A matter of business to come
before the meeting will be the
election of officers for the ensu
ing year. Present officers are O.
W. Cutsforth, president; E. E.
Rugg, first vice president; Henry
Peterson, second vice president,
and Oscar E. Peterson, secretary-
Refreshments will be served
following the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
and Mr. and Mrs. George Graves
were visiting in Sparta over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Vester Thornburg
are the parents of a 10-pound
baby girl, Linda Fay, born Fri-
day morning, Sept. 26, at the ! cipals, and superintendents if
Riverside maternity home in they choose to attend.
Pendleton. I it is expected this county will
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding I be fully represented, with the
and family drove to Spray over j following administrators going:
the week end. Mrs. Breeding! Alf Solwold, Irrigon; Gerard Fa
went on to Prairie City to consult j hey, Boardman; B. C. Forsythe,
a physician and at present shej-Ione; Joe Feathers, Lexington,
is a patient in the hospital at and Leonard Tate and Supt.
Prairie City. Henry Tetz, Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith Mrs- Lucv Rodgers, county
and family have moved into the
aDartment rerentlv vacated hv
the Bob Davidsons. Mr. Smith
will teach in the local high
school and Mrs. Smith will have
charge of the school band.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and
family went to La Grande Tues
day, called there by the serious
illness of Mr. Jones' father, Char
les Jones. He died while his son
was there and was buried in Un
ion Saturday.
The Horizon club girls rental
library has received books from
the traveling library in Salem
I hey just recently received 75
dooks so expect to have selec-
tions to please everyone.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael
have returned home from Seat-
tie, bringing their small niece
Susan Davis, back with them for
a few weeks visit.
Many hunting parties are
leaving for the mountains this
week. Among those going up are
Lon Edwards, Albert Edwards,
George Peck, Emery Burnside,
Earl Warner, and Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Carmichael.
Mrs. Ed McFadden, Mrs. Ken
neth Marshall and Mrs. Alonzo
Henderson drove to Pendleton
Tuesday to visit Mr. McFadden
in the hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges
have returned home from a va-1
cation trip spent in Grants Pass,
Lorane and Portland. They re- rolled.
port that their son Dan is now Late registrations are still be
attending the Portland univer-, Ing accepted until Saturday. Oct.
sity. '
Several out-of-town hunters
made a short stop-over at the
C. C. Carmichael home on their
fray to the mountains Sunday.
They were Mr. and Mr Otto
Leathers, Mrs. Joy Tower and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner, all
of Vancouver, and Curt Coleman,
John Smith, Claude Smith and
Carl Smith of St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Padberg
and son are spending the week
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Winkle
and family have moved Into the
Palmer house two miles below
Lexington recently vacated by
Lyle Allen.
Mrs. Frank Davis of Heppner
has been hired to teach the up
per grades In the Lexington
schools for this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pomeroy
and Mrs. Joyce Robbins of Kelso,
Wash., spent the fore part of the
week visiting friends and rela
tives here. They were house
guests of the Ted McMillans.
John (Bunk) McMillan, a for
mer resident of Lexington, and
two friends from Elko, Nev flew
into Lexington Tuesday to trans
act business here.
Man Loses Hand In
Moulding Machine'
At Box Factory
Ed McFadden of Lexington
employe at the Heppner Lumber
company box factory, suffered
an injury to his right hand
about 9 o'clock Monday morning
which resulted in loss of that
member by amputation later in
the day when taken to the hos
pltal in Pendleton.
McFadden was working with
a molding machine and got his
hand caught in the lower cylin
der, resulting in the loss of the
thumb and the severe laceration
of the lingers. He was taken to
a local physician who gave him
emergency treatment and direc
ted that he go to the hospital.
The unfortunate man had pre
viously suffered partial loss of
two or three fingers on his left
o ,
P-TA Announces
Buffet Supper and
Teacher Reception
Resumption of activities by the
Heppner Parent-Teacher associ
ation comes in the form of an
announcement this week that
the group will serve a buffet
supper at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday,
Oct. 8, at St. Patrick's hall.
Sponsors of the affair wish to
make it known that the supper
is open to the public and they
are urging all teachers and par
ents,( as well as anyone inter
ested in meeting the new in
structors, to attend.
That the committee in charge
of arrangements may know ap
proximately the number to pre
pare for, it is requested that those
wishing to attend call phones
322 or 723 by Saturday, Oct. 4,
and make reservations.
Mrs. Conley Lanham is in
charge of the supper and respon
sibility for the program rests
with Mrs. Harley Anderson.
Meeting of School
Administrators To
Be Held In Salem
School administrators of Mor
row county will be off duty at
home next week due to the an
nual meeting scheduled at Sal
em. The conference is for prin-
scnoo superintendent, may at
tend part of the conference.
which is followed by the county
superintendents' convention.
Supt. Tetz is scheduled to at
tend a meeting of the executive
council of the Inland Empire
Educational association at Spo
kane Saturday and will go from
there to Salem.
EOC Enrolls 650
For Opening Term
Registrants at the end of the
first day, September 24, totaled
6o0 students at Eastern Oregon
college, La Grande. Of this num-
ber 341 are freshmen, 249 soph-
omores, 41 juniors. 14 seniors.
and 5 special students.
Three hundred and eighty-six
students are enrolled in the two-
year lower division program
which provides the first two
years work in practically all pro
fessional fields. One hundred
sixty-four are enrolled in teach
er education and 100 students in
the two-year semi-professional
courses which include training
in radio-electric service, secretar
ial science, merchandising, nur
sing, and medical and dental as-
Three hundred forty-seven stu-
dents are on the Eastern Oregon
colleee canmus for the first
I time. There are 279 veterans en-
11, and it Is exDected that the
final enrollment will exceed 700
Community Chest
Campaign To Open
Here October 10
Early Wind-up of
$1800 Quota Urged
By Chairman Isom
Announcement was made Tu
esday by Blaine E. Isom, chair
man, that the annual campaign
for funds for the Oregon com
munity, chest will open in Mor
row county, Friday, Oct. 10. The
chairman said plans for the
drive have been completed and
that it is expected the funds will
be raised by the end of the
Morrow county's quota for
1947 is $1800. This is less than
in recent years and although the
public is not as "drive" minded
as during the war years, Isom
feels confident the fund will be
oversubscribed as in the past.
The task of raising funds in
the rural districts has been as
signed to the granges, that is,
in their areas. Heppner will be
solicited by either the Girl Scouts
or the Boy Scouts. In the mean
time, the First National bank
will receive subscriptions, either
directly or by mail.
Charles A. Sprague, publisher
of the Salem Statesman, writes
this newspaper that while he is
no longer chairman of the chest
organization he is still interest
ed in its success. The director,
Irl McSherry, has been ill sev
eral weeks with a heart attack
and Mr. Sprague has been giv
ing a little help where he can.
"October as you know is the
month for the general campaign
and we hope everything is set
for it in your county It is im
portant that we provide for the
care of the orphans and aban
doned children, etc., in these pri
vate institutions," the former
governor said.
tolling Places
Unchanged For
Special Election
No changes have been made in
polling places in the several
precincts of the county, Sheriff
C. J. D. Bauman announced to
day. He called attention to the
North Heppner polling place,
which is in the Braden Tractor
and Equipment company build
ing in Heppner. This is the same
place used in the last election
but may be new to a good many
people who did not turn out to
vote at that time.
There is little indication as
to which way the vote will go
in Morrow county and neither is
there anything to draw on rel
ative to the size of the vote. The
main campaign has been to in
terest property owners in voting
for the sales tax, the sponsors
feeling that a strong favorable
vote by the farmers would be
sufficient to pass the measure.
Daniel Chinn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Chinn of Heppner,
and Henry Chinn, nephew of Ed
ward Chinn, left Monday for San
Francisco, where, on Friday they
will embark for China. Henry
Chinn, who has been a guest In
his uncle's home for several
weeks, is a teacher and will en
gage in the profession in the old
country. He also contemplates
entering into business over there.
Daniel will make an indefinite
stay, depending whether or not
he becomes homesick.
Oregon State College Finan
cial reasons have caused more
veterans to drop out of Oregon
higher educational Institutions
than any other one cause, ac
cording to an informal survey
made by Richard Mengler, Vet
erans administration training of
ficer stationed at O.S.C.
Mengler's survey covered O.
S. C, U. of O., Vanport Extension
center and University of Port
land which enrolled about three
fourths of all ex-service colleg
ians last year in this state. His
study showed that withdrawals
among veteran students totaled
15 percent, only one percent
higher than among non-veterans.
Of veterans who did drop out,
two out of five did so for finan
cial reasons, with only one out
of five quitting for failure to
make passing grades. In general
veteran grades have been above
average, his inquiry showed.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill re
turned Tuesday from a ten-day
motor trip to Portland and other
points In the valley. In Portland
they visited with their daughter,
Mrs. Ralph Scott, and family
and in Salem with another
daughter, Mrs. Eldon Kenton and
family. Thoy also spent some
time with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer
Akers who have Just purchased
a home In Aumsville near Sa
lem. Melvln Harrington of Vancou
ver, Wn., arrived Wednesday
evening and will accompany W.
Scott Furlong on a hunting trip.
Mrs. Melissa Howell came ovtr
from Redmond Sunday after hrr
father, Roy Roggi, who will make
his home with her In the future.