Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 25, 1947-5 Want Ads -NEW THIS WEEK- FOR SALE Baby bed and bas lnette. Call Mrs, Rumble. 27-8p We have six cylinder, Ford V-8 and Mercury motors In stock (or Immediate Installation. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 12 gauge Remington automatic shotgun with two extra barrels, $90. Case Furni ture Co. 27tfc Rosewall Motor Company has employed 3 additional mech anics to speed up car and truck service. WILL PAY top cash price for grain hay. Mrs. B. F. Swaggart. Phone 34F24. 27-28p Let ou paint department restore that show room complexion to your old car. Rosewall Motor Company. IRONINGS competently done. Call 1064. 27c WANTED Good milk goats, young heifer, young sow pig. . Frank Nichols, residence back of lone school; 27-29p WANTED Reliable girl or wo man to keep children Satur day evening and occasionally during week. Mrs. R. E. Bald win, Box 656, or Apt. 5, Griffin Apts. t 27p We have the Alemite under seal machine and can under seal your car and guarantee the Job for the life of your car. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Hamilton player pi ano, very good condition. P.O. Box 497, Ph. 8F3, Heppner. 27tf Don't send out of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR SALE-20 acres, 10 level, 10 hill pasture, between- Grande Ronde river and highway 30, suitable for any business. Also 700 acre stock ranch 4-room house, small barn, located mile from La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Will give good deal for Immediate sale. Tom's Auto Court, Boardman, Ore. 27p We have some good buys in us ed tires. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 40 acres adjoining Boardman; 1-room shack. 80 acres 5 miles southeast Board man, no buildings, good land; price $750. Also 80 acres ad- See us when you need a good used car or truck. Rosewall Motor Company. Joining, well improved, cheap. This land mostly all under ir rigation. Tom's Auto Court, Boardman, Ore. 27p Factory officials say it will be 1952 before new car produc tion catches up with demand in the popular priced cars. Let us put your old car in shape to see you thru. Rosewall Mo tor Co. FOR SALE 94 acres mostly un der Irrigation; large house not finished, grade A dairy barn under construction. Place runs 75 dairy cows. 54 acres adjoin ing 94 acres, no buildings. Price $3,500. Charlie DeVore, Dan Parker place, two miles east of Hermiston, Oregon. 27p We have matched sets in fog lights and sport lites. Rosewall Motor Company. Bring Yonr PHOTOS Pictures and Standard Oil Prints to me for framing. I have a complete modern line of fine framing materials. O. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 2752 or 1483 Across from Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company Heppner, Oregon FOR SALE 30 registered Guern sey cattle, registered Guernsey bull from state experiment station, Astoria, Oregon. 80 acres, new house, new grade A dairy barn. Pete Celoria, Boardman, Oregon. 27p FOR SALE Three Calkins Till vator rod weeders. John Proud foot, lone, Ore. 27-29c Now is a good time to have that heater installed before it turns cold and our present stock is depleted. We have hot water heaters and gasoline heaters ready for installation. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED Dozer and carryall operator or man with tractor experience who wants to learn this work. See Dick Meador or call 2235 after 7 p.m. 27c Have the radiator and cooling system cleaned and new heat er and radiator hose installed before you install anti-freeze. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Four-room house; shower room, new electric cook stove, new electric hot water heater, oil heater. Call Mrs. Shamblin, phone 323. 27c Does your car shimmy? Free safety test in our safety lane. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-40 hens, 1 year old, New Hampshire Reds. Earl McKinney, phone 37F13, lone. 27-28c Hydraulic Jacks priced from $750 up. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 5-foot Frigidaire re Inquire J. O. Turner. 27c frigerator in good condition. Warning! If your transmission gears shift hard these cool mornings you had better have the gear grease changed to winter grade so the transmis sion will have proper lubrica tion. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED Reliable man with car to call on farmers in Mor row county." Wonderful oppor tunity. $15 to $20 In a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. Mc Ness Company, Dept. B, 2423 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Cal. 26-27p FOR SALE Two pair binoculars; ideal for hunting. Bruce Both well. 26-28p FOR SALE 5 International weed ers, $60 each or $300-with hitch. 16 ft. windmill, $50. Telephone Cecil, Ore. Clarence Smith. 26-27p FOR SALE Young gentle saddle mare with chestnut colt sired by quarter horse, carrying the RO brand. Also offering In Shetlands, pinto mare, pinto stallion, black yearling, and a black weanling filly. Silver Star Pony Ranch, Morgan, Ore. 26-27C FOR SALE: Three Calkins 12ft. Tiltivator rod weeders. John Proudfoot, lone, Ore. 27-29c FOR SALE 3-bottom 16-inch InternatlonaT tractor plow, in good condition, new shares. Call E. E. Rugg, 1F11, Heppner. C5-27p FOR SALE 2 International "18 7" double disc grain drills with hitch. B. J. Doherty, 1F11.' 25-27C VENETIAN BLINDS measured and hung to order. O. M. Yea ger. Phone 1483 or 2752. 25-28c SAWS FILED. O. M. Yeager, Main Street, Heppner. 25-28c WINDOW FRAMES made to or der. O. M. Yeager, phone 2752 or 1483. 25-28C FOR SALE 5-room house. See Frank Ayers, 412 Gale St. 21tfc FOR SALE Slabwood. Harry Owens. Phone 2724. 22tfc BOARD & ROOM for two teach ers. Call 2382. 20tfc Legal Advertising SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREC.ON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW, RAYMOND CONYKRS, Plaintiff, vs. PERCY E. JONES and ZEI.MA JONES hl wife. RALPH 8. DAVIS, and JANE DOE DAVIS, his wife, whose true name fa unknown to plaintiff, the unknown helra of Percy E. Jonea if deceased, the unknown helra of Zelma Jonea. If deceased, and the unknown hetrs of Ralph 8. Davis. If deceased. Also all other persona or In fCJ a FOR SALE-1947 CMC 3-ton ( truck and new Kruehoii log ging trailer, $1,600 less than cost. 1001 Oak St., Sandpoint, Idaho. 26-27p FOR SALE 10-foot Case disc plow. Also McCormick-Deer-ing grain drill. Phone 122. 26-28c parties) unknown claiming any right, title, eUte, lien or interest In the real Ute described In the com paint herein. Defendant. To Percy E. Jonea and Zelma Jonea, hia wife, Ralph 8. Da via, and Jane Doe Da via, hia wife, whoae true name la unknown to plaintiff, the unknown helra of Percy E. Jonea, if deceased, the unknown helra of Zelrna Jonea, If deceased, and the unknown helra of Ralph S. Da. via, if deceased. Alao all other person or par Ilea unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate des cribed In the complaint herein. De fendanta: IN THK NAME OF THB STATU) OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed agulnat you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeka from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fall to ao appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In his complaint to-wit: Fur a decree quieting title to the following described real property sit uate In Morrow County, Oregon, to wlt: Lota Four (4), Fire (6) and Six (6) of Block Two (2) In the Town ef Boardman. Oregon, and that it be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or claim you may claim to have in said real property be null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parties known or unknown claiming by, through or under you be forever barred and re strained from all fight, title and inter eat In and to said real property and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeka in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of gen-1 eral circulation published in Morrow 1 County, Oregon, pursuant to an order; of Honorable Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, which order is dated September 16, 1947 and the date of the first publication of this sum-l mons la September the 18th, 1947. JOS. J. NYS. I Attorney for the Plaintiff, Residence and Postofftce 28-30 Address, Heppner, Oregon. FIELD OFFICE PERSONNEL . NEEDED BY PORTLAND DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS The Portland district, corps of engineers, is in need of field and office personnel for temporary and permanent appointments in 24 different categories with wage scales ranging from $1954 to $4902, according to Col. O. E. Walsh, Portland district engin eer. Vacancies in the field include: survey aides for rod, chain, lev el and transit work; exploration miners, general construction in spectors, geologist, engineering computer draftsmen, drillrun ners, dredging barge operator and jackhammer operators. Needed in the office are struc tural engineers, civil engineers, hydraulic engineers, hydraulic engineering aides ana civn en gineering aides. Vacancies also exist for plas terer, plasterer tender, sheet metal workers, mess attendants, deckhands and carpenters. Persons unable to call for personal interviews should sub mit standard form 57, which is obtainable at all first and sec ond class post offices, to the Portland district, corps of engin eers, 628 Pittock Block, Portland 5, Oregon. HOTZCB TO CBEDITOBfl Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, executrix of the estate of Florence Paul, deceased, and all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby re- 3 u I red to present the same to the un signed executrix with proper vouch ers duly verified as required by law at the Law Office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 28th day of August 1947. MILDRED JUDAY. 28-27 Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County the administrator of the estate of L. A. Florence, de ceased and all peeons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly ver ified as required by law at the law office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner, Ore gon within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 28th day of August N. O. FLORENCE. 23-27 Administrator. NOTICE OF 7 IN AI HEARING) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Administratrix of the Estate of CLARENCE T. HARRIS, deceased, has filed her Final Account and report in the said en t ate with the ;ierk of tnls court ana mat tne Judge thereof has fixed Monday, October 20, 1947. at the hour of lo so o'c ock a.m. as the time In the County courtroom in the Courthouse In Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, aa the place of hear ing objections to said t tnal Account and the settlement thereof. BERNICE L. HARRIS, Administratrix of the Estate of Clarence T. Harris. Dee d. P. W. MAHONEY. Attorney for Admx,, ePPner- Oregon a-3U NOTICE TO HUNTERS I Notice is hereby given that hunting is prohibited on the properties of the undersigned and that any violation of this order will be due cause for pro secution. Jim Hayes, 27-29p Larry Gentry. NOTICE I I have acquired the services of a first class carpenter in the person of M. W. Sigado, a new arrival in the county. Anyone needing carpenter work done ana wanting rvir. aigaaos ser vices, please contact me. 22c N. D. Bailey. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un derslgned has been duly appointed ad ministrator C.T.A. of the estate of Thomas J. Humphreys, deceased, by , the Probate Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow and has accepted such trust, ah persons having claims against said estate are required to file the same with the ad ministrator, with proper vouchers at tached, at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner. Oregon, on or before six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published at Heppner, Oregon, this 26th day of September, 1947. FRED ROOD. 27-31 Administrator eta. within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer paintiffs will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their complaint to-wit : For a decree quieting title to the following described real property sit uate in Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: The West half of Lots 1, 2, and 8 and all of Lots 1 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. Lots 17, 18. 19, 20. 21. 22, 23, 24. 25, 26. and 27, and Lots 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, and 33 in Block 18 In the town of Irrlgon, County of Morrow, State of Oregon, and that it be adjudged and decreed that plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or claim you may claim to have in said rea property be null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parties known or unknown, claiming by. through or under you be forever barrred and re strained from all right title and inter est in and to said real property and for further relief as may be Just and equitable. Thi! summons is served upon you by fiubtlcatioii thereof once a week for our successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette T'mes. a newspaper of gen eral circulation, published In Morrow County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, which order is dated September 24. 1947, and the date of the first publication of this summmons Is September 25. 1947. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for the Plaintiffs, Residence and Post Off'ee 27-31 Address, Heppner, Oregon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For the Coun ty of Morrow. WILLIAM B. DEXTER and SEDALIA DEXTER, his wife. Plaintiffs, VS. W. L SUDDARTH and M. ORLEANA SUDDARTH. his wife. FRANCES F. KFBSLER. and JOHN DOE KESS LER, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, R. S. HOW ARD. Receiver, CHARLES C, QUIM BY and JANE DOE WUIMBY. his wife, whose true name Is unknown to plaintiffs, WILLIAM H. PIERCE and JANE DOE PIERCE, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs, and the un known heirs of W. L. Suddarth and M. Orleana Suddarth, if deceased, the unknown heirs of Charles C. Quimby, if deceased, and the un known heirs of William H. Pierce, if deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described In the comolalnt herein. Defendants. To the above named defendants and earn and all or you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby-required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS By having me mea sure and install beautiful Venetian blinds Any Color Tape and Slats O. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 27S2 01 1483 Heppner, Oregon HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies -10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Learn To Fly IN A CIVIL AERONAUTICS APPROVED FLIGHT SCHOOL COMPLETE SCHOOL COURSES OR INDIVIDUAL STUDENT INSTRUCTION One lesson will be given FREE to the first ilve people who present this advertisement to the Forsythe Flying Service Phone 37F3 Lexington Airport P V! U PA HQ T!"ere ?.re no enough supply the demand. II may be hi w in! .cnj uric cs.ore supply win ne sunicieni re go aruunu. YOU MAY HAVE TO DRIVE YOUR CAR LONGER THAN YOU ANTICIPATED Therefore IT IS IMPORTANT TO Keep Your Present Car in Good Condition B R I N 6 PROTEC1 YOUR TRANSPORATATIO. AND INVESTMENT You Can Have Your Car Reconditioned For as low as SfJOO Per Month I 4 P 1 1 OUR EASY PAYMENT 2 BUDGET PLAN Enables you to Enjoy ECONOMICAL Trouble Free Transportation. Let Us Give You a Free Esti mate Without Obligation. 1 Is T B A C K T O C E V R O L E T hO OTHER PARTS FIT OR WEAR LIKE GENUINE CHEVROLET JHs parts H Taj 1 chevron oo ,te 1 jrri s yA , r LIZ 1 m$iLmmmmir ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU In order to help you get more economical mileage from your Chevrolet Car ... we carry a BIG STOCK of all kinds GENUINE Chevrolet Parts. NO WAITING NO DE LAY. See us for Body Parts Motor Parts Bearings Clutch Steerinr Radiator Fenders Axlea and ALL KINDS ef GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS NEW POWER FOR YOUR CHEVROLET CAR OR TRUCK Let ui install brand un (not rebuilt) Crtindcr Block Assembly in your Chtvrolct GIVES YOUR NEW CAR ENGINE PERFORMANCE at low cost. Containi- all new workinf parts NEW crankshaft bearing pistons and rings . . . Ttnaisf gears . . . Connecting rods, etc rnce niv EASY TERMS I DESIRED hstaluAM $142.00 Our Stock ef Genuine Caevreiet Perfs is Complete DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH ANYTHING LESS THAN THE BEST! We invite the owners who do their own repair work to come to us for their parts Chevrolet Parts Is Our Business-Not a Sideline Wt Art Alwtys Clad f Supply Independent Ganges with Chevrolet Parts. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Main at May Heppner, Oregon B R I N 6 I T B A C K T O C E V R O L E T