Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 25, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Ga2ette finnes, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 25, 1947-3
Oregon Gets First AAA Training Car
Means Better Driveik
Mteh.m cooperation &th
d With actirnuAl n tk.
tablic Imtruclion will soon
mine Courses into
irry High School
Breaking the bottleneck which for 10 yean hai
retarded the national driver education program of the
American Automobile Association lack of dual
controlled can for itudent training, Chevrolet dealen
cross the nation are supplying vehicles for high
schools offering approved AAA courses. Thousands of
young people thui will be able to obtain the benefit
of correct iratruction in safe driving. Fint vehicle to
be delivered under the greatly expanded program was
at Salem, Ore., where Gov. Earl Snell participated in
ceremoniet. Left to right are T. R. Conway, manager,
Oregon State Motor Association; Frank B. Bennett,
Superintendent of Schools, Salem; Governor Snell, and
Douglas McKay, Chevrolet dealer.
lone News Items of the Week
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson, Mrs.
Lana Padberg and Mrs. Sam Es
tcb were Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Wm. Clark Is up and around!
again after being quite ill for
several days.
Mrs. Hershall Townsend Is re
ported to be better after a ser
ious attack of pneumonia. She
Is still in the hospital at The
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray, Miss
Gladys Brashears and Claude
Brashears returned Saturday
from a trip to Yellowstone park
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
XT. V f' I
r i
The Central Ensemble of the
Small Apartment, The Lovely
Complement of the Large Residence
Just imagine what tasty delicious
meals you'll serve often on this
handsome table with matching
chairs and a buffet to complete
the picture of a well appointed
Come in today and choose yours
Case Furniture Company
and eastern Washington. They
reported a fine trip, but ran into
a snow storm on their way home.
Mrs. Omar Rietmann took her
mother, Mrs. Inez Freeland, to
her home in Portland Wednes
day of last week and returned
home the following day.
Miss Virginia Eagle of Seattle
visited at the home of her mo
ther, Mrs. Cecil Thome, last
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman of
Sunnyvale, Cal., arrived in lone
Sunday on business and to vis
it friends.
A "galloping tea" of the East
ern Star was given at the home
of Mrs. iJewis Halvorsen one day
last week.
Mrts. Ruby Kincaid and Rev.
Frank Nichols were married at
the parsonage of the Baptist
church in Pendleton Tuesday at
8 p. m., Sept. 16. with Rev. Ken
neth Nelson officiating. Mrs.
Lana Padberg, an aunt of the
bride, and Matthew Ball were
witnesses. The bride wore a tur
quoise blue afternoon dress with
pink gladioli corsage. Others
present were Rodger, Ralph,
Lindsay and Lyle Kincaid, Wes
ley Russell, and Mrs. John Bry
son. A reception was given them
Wednesday evening, Sept. 17, at
the Congregational church. Cake
and punch were served with Mrs.
Lana Padberg serving the wed
ding cake. Rev. and Mrs. Nich
ols are living at the Burroughs
place which they recently purchased.
gark on -The
north sioe.5
of "the tquwk8,
5tvtRt Cold
Heavy coats that will protect
Mother, Sad and the children
from severe cold, mast be kept
clean to assure them of a neat
appearance. Bend them to the
throng-hont the winter , . , we'll
solve your oleaalna; problems
with onr superior work.
rrxiuri p'i vi
'-'Jack, what ts A ' n VubwhaTIsX
the headquarters for house wiring and all other electrical work. . . ,
ask our customers about our service and Drices. Thev'll tell vou that
r i i .
we are dependable and fair in all our business relations. Visit us
. I I . . r ... '
; . . wnerner you want service or imormaTion.
A Joint meeting of the Amer
ican Legion and auxiliary was
held Tuesday evening, Sept. 16.
Lunch of chili beans and crack
ers, and coffee, was served by
Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Fred Nich
oson and Mrs. Gordon White.
The Ameca club met at the
home of Mrs. Ray Heimbigner
Wednesday the 17th with Mrs.
Hiembigner and Mrs. Lloyd Rice
as hostesses. Court whist was
played. Mrs. Gary Tullis receiv
ed high and Mrs. Gene Nor-
moyle low. Refreshments were
After the regular lodge meet
ing of the Rebekahs Thursday
evening of last week a birthday
party was given to the follow
ing: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke
Mrs. David Rietmann, Mrs. Del-
la Corson, Mrs. Ethel Stewart
and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mrs
Wallace Matthews and Mrs. Mil
ton Morgan were hostesses. Cake
and coffee were served. Those
having birthdays during the
months of July, August and Sep
tember received lovely gifts.
From the lone Independent,
Sept. 23, 1921: 'The big blast in
the cliff below town was fired
last Saturday. The noise was
very slight, but the result was
highly satisfactory. Hundreds of
tons of stone wereJoosened and
now are being fed to giant
crushers and prepared for road
The study meeting of the Top
ic club met Saturday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Mary Swan-
son, with Mrs. Milton Morgan,
Mrs. Fannie Griffith and Mrs
Swanson as hostesses. There
were 18 members and four guests
present. The book "Farmer Takes
a Wife" by John Gould was re
viewed by Mrs. Griffith. Lunch
of vegetable salad, hot rolls and
coffee was served.
Mr. arid Mrs. Cleo Drake and
family and Mr; and Mrs. E. R.
Lundell went to La Grande Sun
day where they took Robert
Drake over to enter college.
Matt Doherty is going to the
University of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bockius
and Mrs. Maude Hale are living
in apSrtments in the Ernest Hel
iker house.
Mrs. Peter Borree of Hayward,
Cal., and Mrs. Betty Olson and
son of San Leandro, Cal., are
guests at the W. R. Wentworth
home. Mrs. Borree is the moth
er and Mrs. Olson a sister of
Mrs. Wentworth.
Guests at the Henry Clark
home over the week end were
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin of
Hermiston and Lowell Clark of
Ordnance. They also went to Ce-
lilo fishing.
Mrs. Harriet Lundell and Ger
ald A. Bolman were married on
Sept. 16 in the chapel of Rob
ertson Methodist church in Bev
erly Hills, Cal. Mrs. Bolman is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Heliker and Mr. Bolman is
a native of California. They will
make their home in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Cleo Drake and Berl Ak-
ers attended the school clerks
and directors meeting in Hepp
ner Friday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hooks of
Walla Walla were guests at the
Edmond Bnstow home over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Bristow enter
tained at a turkey dinner Sun
day in honor of the birthday of
Darrell Padberg. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Padberg, Mr.!
and Mrs. Hooks, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Morgan and Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Lundell.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heald
and children of Olympia visited
relatives here last week. Mrs.
Heald is the daughter of Ralph
Among those going to Port
land the past week were Oscar
Peterson and daughter Eunice,
Miss Laurel Palmateer, Miss
Mary Jean Bristow, Ernest Mc
Cabe and Pete Cannon.
The HEC of Willows grange
met at the home of Mrs. Marion
Palmer Friday, Sept. 19, with a
potluck dinner at noon. Mrs.
JJerl Akers assisted Mrs. Palmer.
The club decided to give a din
ner, bazaar and dance at the
grange hall November 22. Wil
lows grange had a potluck sup
per at their hall Saturday. After
their regular grange meeting a.
program was given which con
sisted of games and talks were
given by Mrs. Ernest Heliker and
Jack Bailey and Mrs. Echo Pal
mateer on the trips they took
this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Ekstrom became members
of the grange.
Real estate is still changing
hands here. Mrs. Echo Palma
teer purchased Mrs. Ada Can
non's house, Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford McCabe bought the Mrs. C.
H. Botts house, Mr. and Mrs. M.
W. Sigado of Texas bought the
Joe Stevens house on Main
The Newton Millers have pur
chased a house in Arlington.
Mrs. Forbes will move into her
house when vacated by the Mill
ers. Mrs. Bernice Harris and Larry
Fletcher were married at Gold
endale, Wash., Sept. 8. Mrs.
Fletcher is the daughter o Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Ring. Mr. Flet
cher is from Arlington. They.
will make their home at West
Linn for the present. They spent
a couple of days last week at
the Ring home, and took Mrs.
Fletcher's children, Bernita and
Tommy to West Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker,
Mrs. Bertha Severin and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Buschke went to Celilo
Sunday after salmon.
The lone public library has re
ceived 50 children's books from
the state library. The book,
"South Moon Under," by Raw
lins, was given to the library by
Mrs. Gordon White.
The lone P-TA gave a recep
tion for the teachers at the school
house Friday evening of last
week. The following program
was given: A talk welcoming
the teachers and parents by Mis.
B. C. Forsythe; two piano solos
by Mrs. E. M. Baker; introduc
tion of the teachers by Supt. B.
C. Forsythe. The following gave
talks: Francis Ely, Mrs. Algott
Lundell, Mrs. Franklin Ely, Mrs.
Bertha Severin, Mrs. Ada Emert,
Miss Mary Brackett Elmer Shif
ter, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs.
Francis Ely, Algott Lundell and
Omar Rietmann. Two vocal so
los by Eugene Normoyle accom
panied by Mrs. Normoyle were
followed by a buffet luncheon
of open-faced sandwiches, cook
ies, tea and coffee, served from
a table decorated with white
candles and pink and white as
ters. Mrs. Leonard Carlson and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann poured.
Those present had the privilege
of inspecting the new stove and
sink in the lunch room.
Mrs. Walter Corley is in The
Dalies hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Decker
and children were Umatilla vis
itors Sunday.
A bridal shower was given Tu
esday afternoon for Miss Jean
Coleman at the Legion hall with
Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mrs.
Earl McCabe, Mrs. Walter Cor
ley as hostesses. Miss Coleman
received many lovely and useful
gifts. Ice cream, cake and coff
fee were served.
Mr. and Mrs. George Aldrich
of Minnesota are visiting their
sons. Ed and Ralph Aldrich.
Dates to remember: The PNG
of the Rebekahs are having a
I mar 1
m m m ft? 1 -
tfi JY4 L. ' : 4 .SI
SEPT. 27
Willows Grange Hall
Adm. $1.00 (tax included)
By Elsa M. Leathers
Klnzua had its first snow of
the season last Wednesday a. m.
There had been snow at Snow
board and the higher peaks but
this was the earliest In several
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright are
the parents of a 7 12 pound
baby boy born September 16, at
The Dalles hospital. He was
named Michael Don.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Davis
of Lonerock were visiting In Kin-
zua Monday afternoon at the
home of their son, Homer Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Butler and
potluck dinner at their hall Fri
day, Sept. 26.
The social meeting of the Top
ic club will be at the home of
Mrs. Milton Morgan Saturday
afternoon, Sept 27.
Football game here with Irri-
gon Eastern Star galloping
dinner at noon at Mrs. James
T.inrtsav'K. Oct. 1. also Eastprn
Star social club at the Lindsay J
home in the afternoon of the
same day. I
The grange dance at Willows i
grange hall Sept. 27. I
daughter of Redmond were vis
iting in Kinzua Saturday, tak
ing home with them some fur
niture that was stored here. The
Butlers lived here and at Camp
5, too, last year.
Jack Owen is spending sever
al days at The Dalles hospital
for infection in his legs.
Lee Leathers had the misfor
tune of breaking a leg at Camp
5 on the landing Thursday. He
was standing on some logs when
they rolled on him. He was tak
en to T.:e Dalles hospital by
Chas. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sande have
gone on their vacation.
Mrs. Harlan Adams went to
The Dalles to consult a doctor.
She had been suffering for sev
eral weeks.
Miss Ramona McDaniel left
Saturday for Monmouth where
she will enter college on Mon
day, Sept. 22. She was a Hepp
ner graduate this spring, and
was an honor student, also rp
ceiving a scholarship to this
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Samples
-nd children returned from Ft
Lewis, Wash., Thursdav. where
they had gone to meet their son,
Fred Samples. Fred had just re
turned from Japan wher h haul
spent the last two and a half
years. He is on terminal leave
and will report back to Ft. Lew
is. Mr. and Mrs Herb Wright
took their small dauchter Patti
to The Dalles Wednesday, wher
she was operated on Friday a.
m. for appendicitis. She had
been ill for some time. Mr.
Wright came home Friday after
noon. Froyd Thomas Jr. of Portland
arrived in Kinzua the first of the
week to spend a part of his va
cation here with his father.
Dean Harrison was home on
leave from Astoria where he is
now stationed in the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham
and children visited at the R.
Stevens home near Spray, Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers
visited the Charles Roaches near
Kimberley Sunday.
Elizabeth Henorix and Fred
Beard were united in marriage
at Fossil Saturday p. m A bro
ther Wallace, and a cousin, Mrs.
Oakley Candel were their atten
dants. A party was given at
Jeffmore hall where they entertained.
Attention Farmers, Home Owners
Have obtained plenty of crushed rock and reject
gravel, ideal for driveways, roads and yards.
Place orders now before it is too late.
We Still Haul Concrete Gravel from Umatilla
Rates Reasonable. Special Rates for Large Orders.
Phone 41 11
Your property taxes will be reduced about 22 if the Sales Tax
measure is adopted. (One-half tb Sales Tax revenue MUST be used
(or that purpose.)
Income tax revenue shrinks as muchas90 during depressions,
and the tax load falls back on property. The Sales Tax insures property
owners against such disaster.
Tourists will contribute $2,000,000 annually to our treasury if
a the Sales Tax is adopted. Otherwise, YOU will help pay this amount
Your income taxes are automatically lowered if the Sales Tax
is adopted. This law is already on the statute books.
Your income taxes are automatically increased if the Sales Tax
is rejected.. A more severe schedule reaches down into low income
brackets now exempt. This law it already on the statute books. It
applies to this year's 1947 income taxes.
Farmers will benefit most of all from the Sales Tax. since almost
90 of Oregon farmers own their own farms, and thus head the list
of the state's property taxpayers.
Every school district in Oregon will be aided by the Sales Tax.
One-sixth of the Sales Tax revenues go direct to school districts,
.vhich enables each district to vote special levies in like amount with
out increasing the present property tax.
The Sales Tax Cuarantees old age assistance, by making up
whatever is lacking from declining liquor revenues. One-sixth of Sales
Tax revenues is earmarked for that purpose.
Pais Ad. OREGON SALES TAX COMMITTEE 411 Dfkum Building. Pwlluid. Or.ioo W. A, JolinMfl. Chsitmsa