Want Ads -NEW THIS WEEK- There is no place like home for Ford service. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Dozer and carryall operator or man with tractor experience who wants to learn this work. See Dick Meador or call 2235 after 7 p.m.. 26p Zipper type sleeping bags for your hunting trip. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTL'D - Reliable man with car 1o call on farmers in Mor row COUntV. WonHprflll nnnnr. tunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. Mc Ness Company, Dept. B, 2423 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Cal. 26-27p sec you through. Rosewall Mo tor Company. VENETIAN BLINDS measured and hung to order. O. M. Yea ger. Phone 1483 or 2752. 25-28c SAWS FILED. O. M. Yeager, Main Street, Heppner. 25-28c We have mufflers for most all cars on the road. Rosewall Mo tor Company. WINDOW FRAMES made to or der. O. M. Yeager, phone 2752 or 1483. 25-28c News From C. A. Office FOR SALE Monarch coal and wood heater. See Ed Thorpe. 25-26p White outside paint Supreme quainy .35 per gallon. Rose- wan Motor Company LOST Light tan raincoat, silk nnlsh, no belt. Was picked up either at dance Saturday night or at skatine rink. Reward for return to Mrs. Sam McMillan at Heppner school. 26p 650 x 16 Heavy duty All-Traction tires for your pick-up and off the road cars. Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE Two pair binoculars ideal for hunting. Bruce Both well. 2G.28n Radio batteries $6.95. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 5 International weed ers, $60 each or $300 with hitch. 16 ft. windmill, $50. Telephone Cecil, Ore. Clarence Smith. 26-27p New and "rebuilt Ford and Mer cury motors for immediate in stalatlon. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Young gentle saddle mare with chestnut colt sired by quarter horse, carrying the RO brand. Also offering in Shetlands, pinto mare, pinto stallion, black yearling, and a black weanling filly. Silver Star Pony Ranch, Morgan, Ore. 26 27c It is not necessary to go out of town and be insulted by a big store clerk when you can buy what you need for less from Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE A good coal and wood furnace complete cheap. Also a good Thor electric wa shing machine. J. O. Turner, Heppner. 26-27c Let our paint department restore that showrom complexion to your old car. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALETThree Calkins 127t. Tlltivator rod weeders. John Proudfoot, lone, Ore. 27-29c FOR SALE 3-bottom 16-inch International tractor plow, In good condition, new shares. Call E. E. Rugg, 1F11, Heppner. 25-27p FOR SALE 2 International "18 7" double disc grain drills with hitch. B. J. Doherty, 1F11. 25-27c Factory officials say it will be 1952 before factory production catches up with demand on the popular priced cars. Let us put your old car in shape to Large fender flaps for your truck $5.00 per pair. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Three 18x7 Superior grain drills with Keystone hoppers. George G. Griffith, Morgan, Oregon. 25-26p FOR SALE 5-room house. See Frank Ayers, 412 Gale St 21tfc FOR SALE Slabwood. Harry Owens. Phone 2724. 22tfc BOARD & ROOM for two teach ers. Call 2382. 20tfc Cold weather is around the cor ner. Better order that heater now for your car or truck. We have them in stock. Rosewall Motor Company. Legal Advertising SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW, RAYMOND CONYEKS. Plaintiff, PERCY E. JONES and ZELMA JONES, his wife, RALPH S. UAVIS, and JANE DOE DAVIS, hiB wife, whose true name la unknown to plaintiff, the unknown heirs of Percy E. Jones, If deceased, the unknown helra of Zelma Jones. If deceased, and the unknown helra of Ralph S. Davla, If deceased. Also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any light, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described In the compalnt herein, Defendants. To Percy E. Jones and Zelma Jonea, his wife. Ralph S. Davis, and Jane Doe Davis, his wife, whose true name la unknown to plaintiff, the unknown heirs of Percy E. Jones, if deceased, the unknown heirs of Zelma Jones, If deceased, and the unknown heirs of Ralph S. Davla, If dereafed. AlBO all other persons or parties unknown claiming any riuht, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate des cribed In the complaint herein. De fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ukcjuun you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and If you fall to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, towlt: Kir a decree quieting title to the following described real property sit uate In Morrow County, Oregon, to wlt: Lots Four (4). Five (5) and 8lx (6) of Block Two (2) In the Town of Boardman. Oregon, and that It be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff Is the owner In fee simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or claim you may claim to have In said real property be null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parties known or unknown claiming by. through or under you be forever barred and re strained from all right title and Inter est In and to said real property and for such other and further relief as may be Just and equiUble. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published in Morrow County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of the State Tf Ore gon for Morrow Countv. which order Is dated September 16. 1947 and the date of the first publication of this sum mons Is September the 18th. 1947. JOS J. NY8. Attorney for the Plaintiff, Residence and Postoff-ce 26-30 Address. Heppner, Oregon. Morrow county farmers are all invited to attend the weed con trol equipment exhibit and meet ing that will be held at the fair grounds in Heppner on Tuesday, Sept. 23. The weed control meet' i ing begins at 10:30 a.m. with the afternoon reserved for looking over and talking about the equip ment that will be exhibited. The exhibit to be held at Hepp ner is one of several scheduled for eastern Oregon. Mike Huber, extension agricultural engineer, Virgil Freed, assistant agrono mist, and Rex Warren, extension specialist in farm crops, all from Oregon State college, will be on hand to discuss weed problems and methods of control. Both an nual and perennial weed control will be discussed. Weed control equipment to be displayed will include hand dust ers, hand sprayers, power dust ers, power sprayers and fumiga- tor injectors from all of the lead ing manufacturers "and distribu tors. The display will be Inter esting and educational for all. Plan to attend this meeting and exhibit on September 23. The U.S.D.A. has Just announc ed that the price of turkeys will be supported from September 1, 1947 through January 31, 1948. The live weight support prices to Oregon producers for young Grade A turkeys are as follows: Birds under 18 pounds, 35.5 cents per lb.; 18 to 22 pounds, 315 cents; and over 22 pounds, 25.5 cents. If prices are not considerably above these support levels, the margin of profit In the turkey business will be eliminated this year due to the high feed costs. Turkeys raised this year in Oregon number 1,639,000 compar ed with 1,863,000 for the 5 year average from 1949 to 1943. Du Pont has developed a new Ceresan-like smut control chem ical which may go far toward removing the objections to the use of New Imported Ceresan. The new material appears to give fully as good control as the older product, and at the same time is almost non-odorous and non-caustic. It will be on the SOTICB TO CMDITOM Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, executrix of the estate of Florence Paul, deceased, and all persona having claims against the estate 01 asm deceased are nereby rs- aulred to present the Sams to ths un eslgned executrix with proper vouch ers duly verified as required by law at the Law Office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 28th day of August 1947. MILDRED JTOAT. 38-27 Executrix. STOTICB TO CaUrDTTOM Notice is hereby a-lven that the nn, derslgned was dulv appointed by the j ro on ft i nun oi ins mate or Oregon for Morrow County ths sdmlnlstrator of the estate of L. A. Florenoe. de ceased and all pesons having claims against ths estate of said deceased are hereby required to present ths same with proper vouchers duly ver ified as required by law at the law office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner. Ore gon within six months front ths date hereof. Dated and first published this 28th day of August 1947. N. O. FTjORHtTCH, 53-27 ' Administrator. 38 Purebred Si res 3 39 Females 55 Herefords 14 Shorthorn 8 Angus Consigned to the Midco Purebred Breeders HOW& SHERMAN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS MORO, OREGON t September 26-27-1947 SHOW--10a.m.,SEPT.26 SALE--1 :30 p. m., SEPT. 27 Get one of these excellent sires; Several of these fine heifers Write LE ROY WRIGHT, MORO for further information SALE CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHBIST 1 Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Bar low, superintendent; Beverly Yo com, Junior superintendent; Mrs. Jewett, primary superintendent. Morning worship, 11; commun Ion and preaching. Morning mes sage will be brought by Charles Grabeal of Corning, Cal. Evening evangelistic service, 8; message, "Loyalty to Christ by C. Alton Brostrom, evangel 1st of Portland. This evening ser vice is the first of a week's ser ies. Message will be brought each night by Mr. Brostrom. s s s METHODIST CHTJBCH J. Palmer Sorleln, Pastor Morning worship service at the regular hour, 11 a.m. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. .Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, superlnten dent. Thursday choir practice at 7 p. m. You are welcome to come and help us sing. Friday, laymen's meeting at Methodist church at Arlington, Women s Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. s s s ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. Wednesday, holy communion, 10 a.m. s s s ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and 4th at 9:30. lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. On 5th Sunday one mass In Heppner at 9:00. , Holy days of obligation: Man In Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30. Mass on first Friday of month In Heppner at 7:30 a.m. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 18, J 947-5 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin were week-end visitors in Hepp ner from Portland where they moved recently. They are nicely located in the crty. market during the coming year. In the meantime farmers are urged to continue treating all seed grain with New Improved Ceresan and copper carbonate. There has been -an increase of smut In eastern Oregon the past year or two and seed treatment is the way to keep smut percent age down. The price of wheat is now too high to gamble with losing part of a crop to smut. Some of our new varieties of wheat including Elgin must be treated with Ceresan as copper carbonate will not protect it from the smut it is susceptible to. Check on the smut suscep tibility of the varieties you are seeding then treat with recom mended treatment. sea Herman Wallace, Lexington farmer, reports some excellent kills of field mice by the use of poisoned oats applied this sum mer. He estimates that approx imately 7000 mice killed with over two thousand dead mice found in a quarter mile strip. Mr. Wallace made another pur chase of poison oats recently from this office to clean up the rest - of the mice infesting his fields. Field mice, not much of a pest the past few years, have reap peared this season, especially in the lower wheat country along the baseline road. An inspection tour of this area was made by the county agent last May at which time much damage was found in many fields. Nelson Bros, and Sam McMil lan, Lexington, are farmers who have also used poison oats the past season for mouse control and report good results. The poisoned oats bait is available to this office at cost s s s Summer is over, but there still are Jobs to be done in the gar den during September. Here are a few of them: Pull, dry and store the winter onion crop. Give the onions care ful handling or you will have a sunburned and bruised product that has poor keeping quality. Harvest squash and pumpkins before freezing weather. Give them careful handling, too. A little frost or rough handling will start trouble which can spoil the entire crop. Pick the dry beans and see that they are completely dried before the damp weather of the last fall months makes the Job doubly hard. Plant a cover crop In vacant garden ground to maintain the organic matter content of the soil and make for a better gar den next year. If your garden didn't do so well this year, now is a good time to locate a better piece of ground for next year. You can tell more about the soil now than during the winter or early In the spring. It Is much easier to raise a good garden on good soil than a poor one on poor soil. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppnar Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November It, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, aa aeeond class matter. Subscription price, $2.30 year; single copies 10c. O. 0. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor B R I N 6 T B A C K T O C H E V R O L E T P V'rlV PARQ Thre are nof e ,0 suPP(y to 'taMd. II may kt r , uli htmo a long lime before supply will be sufficient to p irouid. YOU MAY HAVE TO DRIVE YOUR CAR LONGER THAN YOU ANTICIPATED ' . Therefore IT IS IMPORTANT TO Keep Your Present Car in Good Condition iXlVf 1irsVsrs7""" ) PROTECT I YOUR THANSPflRATATini' S - i AND INVESTMENT You Can Have Your Car Reconditioned For as low as Per Month s5oo Vsssssssbss-.. pa SssSSsssWSssswlBsnsBsasi OUR i EASY PAYMENT2 BUDGET PLAN i Enables you to Enjoy ECONOMICAL Trouble- I 1 I Free Transportation. Let Ui Give Yea e Free Esti mateWithout Obligation. L NO OTHER PARTS PIT OR WBAR LIKE OENUIHE CHEVROLET Win I J r r I - turt V ksM 1 V.. sc ".....Usd. ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU In order to help you get more economical mileage from your Cherrolet Car ... we carry a BIG STOCK of all kinds GENUINE Chevrolet Parts. NO WAITING NO DE LAY. See us for Body Parts Motor Parts Bearings Clutch Steering Radiator Fenders -Axles and ALL KINDS of GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS NEW POWER FOR YOUR CHEVROLET CAR OR TRUCK Let ot Instill a branl new (not rebuilt) CrhmW Block Assembly in toot Cbcrrolet GIVES YOUR NEW CAS ENGINE PERFORMANCE at low cost. Contain! all nsw working parti NEW crinkihtft bssrinp pistons and Hup . . . Thntnf (ean . . . lonntcanc oas, ttc roc mi7 AST TERMS IF MSIXlO PI iMtatlsstfssM $142.00 Oar Stock of Geeeee CAevrofet Pari It Complete D0NT BE SATISFIED WITH ANYTHING . LESS THAN THE IEST! We invite the owners who do their own repair work to come to us for their parts Chevrolet Parts Is Our Busintss-Not a Sideline Wi An Alwiyt Glid r Supply Independent Gaseget wkh Chevrolet Pens. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Main at May Heppner, Oregon B R I N 6 I T B 0 A C K T O C E V R O L E T e