1 6-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 11, 1947 BOARDMAN . . Forest Wilcox and family. Pa-, and daughter, Leon and Joan, of i oo , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilcox, i Portland. n, S.-M. 8 - Sunday walla Walla, and Mrs. Lowell Mr and Mrs. R. E. Kasmusson CUeM a, ,hn Pana Avr.Shaituck of Boardman. Visitors ' ' ,r, Mrs. I,ni,,s n,ph- !aM k wore E. I. Burrou8hs. J ZltL Boardm dinner R larm prt .Mrs. ionics ncpn- i.t-t v.n.- t.. ami.a.... . . . k , Vrt T;iarrfw.U ! f i.,rka mas: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Place thls last weeK" alto Mr and Mrs Vrmnn Am' Brown from Suams, Wash., and, Visitors at the Elvin Ely home met of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. ; Mrs. J. M. Laucirica, and son i Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy STAR ess REPORTER Sunday Shows Continuous from 1 p. m. Admission Price both Matinee and i Erening: . Adulta 50c, Grade and High School Students Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 12 ,nd over children 20c, all taxes in- 7:30. Saturday show starts at T OO. Boxof- eluded. Every child occupying a seat must fiee open evenings until 9 o'clock. have a ticket Friday-Saturday. Sept 12-13 Sunday Show Continuous Starting 1 pjn. FABULOUS SUZANNE : Bubu Brttum, Body Taiias, otto xiafr, Tuesday. Sept 16 Bichird DfBatnff. Bill Hsury, Ted iu Borf. . . 1 r FN I A lV 1 Sprightly comedy with good cast. WIvKfcL LA U T PLUS Juut Miaou, XuTuat Lock wood, Patricia Boo, . Griffith J oca. UOngCrOUS YntUre The, huty adventures of a daring highwayman and hi partner In danger, opalonf Caasldy In a fast-moving action picture. Sunday-Monday. Sept 14-15 Wednesday-Thursday, Sept 17-18 Suddenly It's Spring THE SEA OF GRASS Pu)ett Groddvd. Fred BtftcMumy, MftcdonjJd Spenoer Trcy, Katharine Hepburn, Melryn Carey, Arisen Wfcelan, Lillian Fontaine TnnX DoafuUs Robert Walker, Fhyllla Thaxter, Ed- Faylen. gar Buchanan, Harry Carey. Only one complaint is possible for this funfest: Baaed on Conrad Richtar's stirring, rugged nov- laughter will be so loud and continuous that ei. laid against a background of the conflict you may miss some cf the crisp dialog. It's solid between cattlemen and farming homesteaders in all along the line, the great land movement of the Southwest Women's All Wool com 24.75 to 31.75 This year coats are longer, fuller, luxurious looking made of won derful woolens! Choose from suedes, coverts, gabardines needle points, alpaca lined cotton gabar dines! They're dramatic, elegant, practical! Long, Slim All -Wool SUITS 24.75 & 29.75 Fa 8h ion-new l suits with a long, slender look! Rounded hiplines minimize your waist give you the '47 all silhouette. Superb fabrics add luxury, durability to these beautifully tailored suits at 29.75. Duncan of Vale, and Gyla and Wanda Chandler of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Souders left Friday for their new home ln tne aney near LODanon. The Souders have resided on the pro ject for the past several years and will be missed by friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gronquist and family and Mrs. Mary Healy left Saturday for several weeks visit with Mr. Gronquist's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gron quist of Duluth, Minnv " The young people of Board- man and Stanfield community churches met with the young people of Umatilla Friday night and enjoyed a wiener and marsh mallow roast under the leader ship of Rev. Eble of Boardman and Rev. Peterson from Stanfield. Fifteen young people went from here and were taken by Mr. Eble Mrs. Lowell Shattuck and Ver non Russell. Carol, Anna June and Irma Robertson returned home Sun day from Kennewick, Wash. where they had been the last week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gust McLouth celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 7. Many friends wished them hap piness throughout the day. School opened Monday, Sept 8, with a full corps of teachers In the high school are Supt. Ger ald B. Fahey, Ronald Black, Nor man Bergstrom, and Miss John ston; grades, Mr. Geo. Jaross Mrs. Geneva Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and sons, Donald and Lynn, mo tored to Pendleton Monday. Bus drivers for the school this year are Arthur Allen and Le Ion McLouth and in the cafeter ia are Mrs. Grace Macomber and Mrs. 'Flossie Coats. Rev. Chas. Eble of the com munity church left Tuesday for Portland where he will attend a conference for a few days. 0 October 25 Condon. Now! Many, Many New Fall Handbags Expensive-looking dressy and tailored pouches, top-zippers and underarm styles! Shining plastic patents and plastic leather grains! All in important Fall r colors : wine, red, green, black A. -SQ and brown. Plus TdX Y Autumn Brwht! Women's Blouses 2.98 Smart new Fall stylet in soft rayon erepeal Perfect under auiu! Versatile Swelry necklinci and classic type, isses' and women's sue. New Fall Styles! N Women's Shoes 5.50 Youll find shoes for every occasion in this huge collection of CynthiasM Smooth leathers and suede. Tie pumps, closed pumps, sling pumps, sandal. Rf.U.S.P.u OB. J m CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer. 11 a.m. Wednesdays, holy commun ion, 10 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Bar low, supt.; Beverly Yocom, jun ior siHt.; Mrs. Jewett, primary supt. Morning worship, 11; com munion and preaching. The morning message will be brought by Miss Loma May Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones, who will be a senior at Northwest Christian college, Eu gene, this fall. Miss Jones has been serving as supply pastor at the Church of Christ, Suther- lin, during the summer. Upon finishing her schooling In Eu gone she plans to go with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clark to Japan as a missionary. Evening evangelistic service. 8. Fina.1 announcement for the evening speaker will be made Sunday morning pending the minister's recovery from his ill ness. Mid-week bible study and prayer service Thursday at 8 p m. ... The Church of Christ is spon soring a week of training for her Sunday school teachers and officers, Sept. 21-28. C. Alton Brostrom of Portland will lead in this training period. The tea chers and officers will meet each evening for dinner in the church basement at 6. Immedi ately following the dinner there will be an inspirational, edu cational message to the group then there will be a period of discussion. At 8 tvm. each pvp. ning there will be an evangel-1 istic service to which the public is invited. Make plans now to attend these services. Full an nouncements will appear in next week's paper. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and 4th at 9:30. lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. On 5th Sunday one mass In Heppner at 9:00. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30. Mass on first Friday of month in Heppner at 7:30 a.m. From the lone Independent Sept. 10, 1920: "J. E. Swanson has moved his family from the ranch into town and will here' after be a city dweller." I0NE NEWS ... Dates ta remember: HEC of Willows grange at Mrs. Marion Palmer's Sept. 19.... Study meet ing of the Topic club Sept. 20 at the home of Mrs. Mary Swan son. The book, "The Farmer Takes a Wife," will be review ed. ...The regular grange meet ing Sept. 20 with potluck sup per around 6:30... The P-TA teachers reception the evening of Sept. 19 at the school house. ...The Ameca club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray Helmblg ner Wednesday, Sept. 17. The social club of the O.E.S. met at the home of Amabel Mc- of Pendleton were week-end Mr and Mrs. Guy Bryson of 1 i,M,r cal.. were Buests at the Paul O'Meara home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ball have nK.nn nn mwratine the Victory cafe and Arthur Stefanl has tak en over. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain Millan, Wednesday of last week, guests at the Edmond Brlstow home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson and son Carl went to The Dalles Saturday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Howard No.ttage of Portland and had a picnic din ner. Mrs. Nottage Is a daughter of the Troedsons. 1 I ! Fall Garden Care Now Will Assure Early Prepare your ground now for fall plantings of the hardier bulbs and roots. Choice Peony roots in popular shades will be available the last of the month. Fall bulbs will be here soon. Flowers for All Occasions IT'S THE CUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS fifed SEMI-ANNUAL TAILORING DISPLAY OF CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 The answer to your clmhing prnhlcm! There will be ft repre sentative here from the House of Ed. V. Price & Co. to show A complete line of new quality woolens for men and women, in large swatches and lengths. Select your material and be scientifically measured for clothing that will be hand cut, superbly needled and made for you to your measurements! Come in and make your selection during our Semi-Annuai Tailoring Display. Wilson's Men's Wear THE STORE of PERSONAL SERVICE f . rTT m,-T The regular meeting of the. Morrow Countv Shrine chih an,,0 auxiliary scheduled for Sept. 13 has been postponed until Satur day evening, Sept. 20. Visitors from Milton Saturday to view the parade and attend the Rodeo and county fair were Mrs. Mabel Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lutcher and chil dren. They were week-end guests at the W. E. Hughes home. Here for the fair and rodeo' were Mr. and Mrs. Don Turner and daughter of Portland, who were guests of Mr. Turner's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner. o October 25 Condon. Trimz Wallpaper For Every Room In The House Ready Pasted,Washable, fade-proof, guaranteed to stick. Trimz and Clopay Paper Drapes Ready to hang, style-tested, flame-resistant, fade proof, cleanable, no ironing needed Plastic Table Cloths New, sparkling, work savers. Protect your linen cloths, or use alone. Plain, checked, flowered. Case Furniture Co. 0 Mfg7 i Durkee's Genuine Mayonnaise gives salads that extra-, touch . . . because it's made from finest ingredients, in cluding eggs as fresh as those you buy for table use. Use Durkee's Genuine Mayonnaise oo fresh vegetable salads, fruit salads, as foundation for many special sauces and dressings However you use it, you'll ' agree that Durkee's Genuine Mayon naise truly is so smooth, so fresh, so flavorful. Cry (Piquahl California 0)reain(j on zjmh Slice? omaloti I Here's iust the dreiftng to bring out til th goodnett of htm rip toroktocl and cropr, tender lettuce. CALIFORNIA DRESSING Blend together I cup Durkee'l Genuine Mir onnaite, I tabletpoon lemon juice end H cup maehed ripe ivocido with 1 teaspoon Dnelv chopped onion. Arrange ilicet of tomatoes oo lettuce leaves; garnnh with dressing and anelr chopped green portion of onion. NOTE: This dressing with, out the onion is also ona on fruit salads. fit genuine MAYONNAISE Distributed by Carden's Frozen Foods Pendleton, Oregon FOUND Fountain pen. Owner may have same by identify ing. Phone 1013 or call at 110 Church St. 25p Good Heallir (a All h FROM RffllL Without on ixpt ri-ifU-H, ikiltful phormociit your prtKr'ption 'ould do you no good. Quality Meats and Produce The foods you eot daily-meats and vegetables-should be of the best qual ity . . . they should retain the rich vitamins so essential to maintaining healthy bodies. Our method of handling only the choicest meats and veg etables assures you of the best values your money can buy. How about a thick slab of top quality beefsteak for your dinner tonight or a prime roast of beef for your Sunday dinner? We are pleased to serve you for we are proud of our products. See Our Handbills for Special Prices Court Street Market I n tw -glTTl mm inn HUMPHREYS DRUG CO.