Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 11, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    lone News Items of the Week
Meppner Gazette I .mes, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 11, 1947-3
By Echo Palmatcpr
Eugene Normoyle, Ralph
Smith, James Barnett and Lyle
Allyn returned Sunday from the
American Legion convention in
New York City. They reported a
wonderful time. They made the
trip in Ralph Smith's car. On the
way to the convention they spent
two days at Yellowstone park
where they saw Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Lindstrom Carl Troed
son and Mose Lungren. They
spent one day in Chicago where
they took in the "Playland"
which is similar to Coney Is
land. They stopped at Detroit.
Canada and Niagara Falls and
then New York City. Besides at
tending the convention, they at
'ended a welter weight fight at
Mndison S(Unre Garden, the
Rockefeller center, Billy Rose's
Diamond Horse Shoe. Eugene
Normoyle and' Ralph Smith at
tended the commander's break
fast at the Waldorf Astorio h -lel
and Gene and Lyle were in
Matthews' Radio
Sales & Service
"Everything in dio"
Our New Location- .
Marshall-Wells Store
Complete display of
Car Rodios - Floor Combinations
Portables - Battery Radios
Phone 503
a 2 12 mile parade. The big
parade was five miles long.
They visited at Baltimore, Md.,
Roanoke, Va., and Gape Mills,
W. Va., where Gene had rela
tives. They also went through
the capitol, Lincoln Memorial,
nnd the Smithsonian Institute.
They took a number of moving
lone had more delegates ac
cording to membership than
fny post in Oregon. Normoyle,
Barnett and Smith were dele
gates and Allyn an alternate.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bye are
I the parents of a daughter, born
' September 3.
S Sam Crawford and Miss Mel-
ba Crawford are Portland vis-iiors.
Mrs. Ruby Kincaid, Mrs. Ada
Cannon, Rev. Frank Nichols ana
Wesley Russell were Hermiston
visitors Saturday. While there
Mrs. Canon visited her cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Emert are
the parents of a son born last
week at Hermiston.
Miss Barbara Smith left for
Portland Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Voorhees
and baby of Portland were re
cent visitors here. They left their
baby with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Morgan while they made a trip
to British Columbia.
Miss Jane Seehafer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer, re
ceived a badly skinned leg when
the horse she was riding in a
4-H club show at the Rodeo
pushed her against the fence.
She was thrown from the horse.
She is getting along satisfactory
ily and will be able to start to
1 school in a few days.
i Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski of
Portland visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson
and took in the Rodeo last week
Mrs. Gordon White and chil
dren returned last week from
Long Beach, Wash., where they
went clam digging.
Mrs. Ray Buck and Miss Shir
ley Crawford of St. Helens were
recent visitors at the home or
their uncle, Wate Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith re
turned last week from a trip up
in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanstead of
Newberg were visitors last week 'wound $10,000. It Is hoped to son Robert and Enwt returned
of Mrs. Ida Coleman. ; have the dedication by Thanks- home Saturday ewan.i ....... -
n., pi..mnn PVinj. Members ol the build- trip mrougn eoumern uregon
and son Larry and Mrs. Inez v....
Freeland of Portland , left last "'J'T, ' ; ':,,
o anawii, nr.c r iiipctu iirv aiiu
" U1 c.r. Tt. Smi.
They expect to visit Yellowstone, "". "
park and will also visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
and son Stephen spent a few
days In Portland last week. They
attended a reception lor rne
Mrs. Mary Swanson returned
home Thursday of last week
from Salem where she spent a
couple of weeks at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Elmo McMil-
and Portland. They, also, at
tended the state fair.
Mrs. Echo Palmateer returned
Tuesday of last week by plane
from San Francisco where she
spent two weeks visiting her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard J. Stract. She
s accompanied by her sister,
visited friends at Santa Cruz,
4G0 acre park of redwoods on
the Russian river, and attended
the state fair at Sacramento
where 130,000 people attended
that day. They also visited their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Githens. and cousin, Mrs.
Lera Crawford at Berkeley, Cal.
The auxiliary of the Ameri
can Legion met Tuesday. Sept.
2. This was their opening meet
ing. Their next meeting will be
September lfi In the evening
with the legionnaires.
Alton Yarnell, Rollo Crawford
and Matt Doherty left Monday
morning for Seattle.
PeefTV SUt, IRE.CE.lVtD 1
1tACHR 10-DAV.'
I POP? Lbreathe A WORD OF
It's no secret where to get the finest electrical wiring in town. You'll
be wanting many of the new, labor-savinq electrical appliances at
the HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC CO. . . and to operate
them you'll need an adequate, up-to-date wiring system. Don't over
tax your present wiring system! Call us!
On the old Farr Ranch 16 miles south of
Arlington on John Day Hiway or 21 miles
north of Condon and 3 miles cast of Olex.
Avo!d Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
Come in and see
Inn ShP trinlf in tho ctta f-r TlTro Ha?ol Rnors nf k!jitvi i iN'iC.
worthy grand matron of the Eas-1 while there Besides seeing all the interest-
tern Star of Oregon while there Mr and Mrs c(,0 Drake and jng p,aces m San Franclsco they
Mr. and Mrs. Fraklin Lind
strom and sons and Mrs .Ethel
Stewart returned last week from
a trip to Yellowstone and to
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker
and Mrs. Harriet Lundell left for
Los Angeles by Car Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Heliker plan on staying
a week, but Mrs. Lundell will
remain In Los Angeles.
School opened Monday morn
ing with all the feachers except
a music teacher.
Miss Mary Brackett, English
teacher of Rufus, arrived in
lone the first of last week and
is staying at the Oscar Lundell
Mrs. Bertha Severin. 7th and
8th grade teacher of Paisley, ar
rived Friday of last week and
will stay at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Heliker. Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Ely arrived
from Salem last week. They
were in an auto accident and
received some bruises. Their car
was badly wrecked.
Rodeo guests at the Wallace
Matthews home were Mr. Mat
thew's brother, Otto Matthews,
and wife and daughter of Rose
burg. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers
of Hermiston were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Beckner during the
Willows grange received first
prize on their booth at the fair
at Heppner.
returned home last week from a
retruned home last week from a
trip. They visited relatives at
Nampa, Idaho, and in Kansas,
stopped at Denver and Salt Lake
City, and visited their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lundell at Richmond,
Cal., and son Wallace at Oak
land, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews
attended the state fair last week.
Recent guests at the Ernest
Heliker home were Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Van Orsdall and daughter
Janus of Pendleton and their
niece, Miss Phyllis Ingram of
Seward, Alaska, and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Thompson and daugh
ter Marcia of Pendleton.
Frank Lundell and children of
Milwaukie were visitors here last
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
returned Saturday from a trip to
the coast and Salem where they
attended the fair and visited Mr.
and Mrs. Laxton McMurray.
The digging of the basement
for the new Catholic church on
Main street began Monday. The
grounds were cleaned off Wed
nesday of last week by a group
of members and dinner was
served at noon by the ladies.
The building will be a stucco
California mission type with a
full basement and will cost
Glorious 100th Anniversary Pattern
"To honor your table on their Centennial, the
world-famous silversmiths of 1847 Rogers Bros,
have created this magnificent new design,
REMEMBRANCE' It stems from graceful
tradition, yet its clean long lines are truly modern
in feeling. That's why it will go so well with your
furnishings no matter what their period.
Come in and see REMEMBRANCE. Hold it
in your hand. You'll say no other silverplate ever
felt so much like solid silver.
including the handsome
Anniversary Chfst
This popular starting
servire includes the essen
tial pieces for right place
settings plus four serving
pieces. (No Federal Tax )
There's excitement in these crisp, early autumn
days zestful days for a trip East New York
. . . Washington . . . Boston . . . Chicago . . . any
place you want to go whether for business
or pleasure.
Travel the fast, comfortable way by Union
Pacific. You'll enjoy the miles of colorful coun
tryside as you roll swiftly along. Air-conditioned
comfort, cheery lounge cars, excellent meals,
unsurpassed service all these are yours when
you go Union Pacific! Choose whichever Union
Pacific schedule suits your traveling conven
ience. Then relax . . . enjoy the scenery by day
and a comfortable bed by night.
Daily Union Pacific Passenger Train Schedules
to the East
"City of Portland"' "Portland Rose" "Idahoon"
Lv. Portland 5:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. 8:10 a.m.
Special Centennial Chest, $17 50 Extra,
Mr. Conboy, having recently purchased this ranch, is
disposing of the entire dairy herd and milking equipment.
24 of these cows are descendants of the Mount Angel
Holstein herd. 29 head arc milking now and balance are
to freshen soon. All cows are double tested.
35 - Dairy
24 Holstein Cows
12 Yearling Holstein
Cows - 35
1 Polled Holstein Bull
1 1 Guernsey Cows
7 Heifer Calves
29 Cows, Milking Now
1 Bay Gelding, Well Broke,
6 yrs. old
1 Black Mare, Well Broke,
7 yrs. old
3 Brood Sows
8 Weaner Pigs
1 Grey Saddle Horse, 6 yrs.
Many Other Articles Too
19 Feeder Hogs
'36 Chevrolet Pickup
2 Mowing Machines
2 Bottom Tractor Plow
1000 Feet 1-inch Pipe
' Vind Mill
Numerous to Mention
Free Lunch
Sale Starts 1 :30 p. m.
O. L. Conboy, Owner
FRANK WINK, Auctioneer
A limited number of these
World Famous
to be sold at the 1939 price
Complete with attachments
Factory Representative
Phone 1483
For complete travel information, consult
FLOYD TOLLESON, Heppner, Oregon, Local Agent, Phone 133
"R.xad t&e "Daily StreawlcncrL
engines... long tms
mean lower cost to you !
8ut union eacers want hf-trains -douhe crews
Is one of the many aids to
scientific diagnosis. It is
of particular value in Chir
opractic diagnosis of ail
ments of the spine.
Did you ever really and
truly live? Do you recall
the surge of power you en
Joyed In your youth? Re
memher when all the
world soemed in tunc?
permits the free expression
of Nature's finer forces.. It
keeps you in tune with
life. It recreates that dy
namic buoyancy that en
ables you to conquer all
obstacles. It brings again
the Golden Hours of Youth.
Physio-Tharapy Electro
Therapy Hydro Therapy
(Come In and discuss
your health problems
with me.)
Dr. Clyde Dunham
Chiropractic Fhyslclan
I.O.O.F. Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
Big locomotives are built to do a big job
in the big country which is America a
big job in peacetime as in wartime. They
are built to pull long trains.
Long freight trains can handle more
goods at less cost to you than short
Long trains mean fewer trains fewer
chances for accidents fewer interrup
tions to traffic.
But a few railroad union leaders op
pose long trains among their current 44
demands for changes in rules is one limit
ing the length of freight trains to 57 aver
age cars. Why do they demand this?
.xvw& wi few-a rzzzz
For "safety," they say. But is it?
Government figures show definitely
that long trains mean greater safety t
railroad employes and public alike.
Then, if safety is not the reai reason
what is the reason behind this demand?
It is to make more jobs which are not
needed to get more pay! This "mad
work" would be sheer waste. Think of big,
modern locomotives using only half their
For this waste, you the public would
have to pay. Higher costs mean a lower
standard of living for everybody. No
body u-ants that!
Here's the record . . .
In lh quarter century . . . I92W944 . . .
Average length of freight trains ha
gone up
Average speed of freight trains hat gone up.. 39,0
The rale of Injuries to railroad employes has
gone flown
Average wages paid railroad workers have
gone up
Price of railroad materials and supplies has
gone up
Raiiroad taxes have gone up.
But the average charge by railroads
for hauling a ton of freight one mile
has gone down
Wo nrp pulilixliinR this and other advertuwrnenta to tulk with you
at unit tiium Biraiii mniiere wnicn are unwruuu ui vrjiuuu7.