4-Heppner Gozette Times, Hcppner, Oron, Sept. 4, 1947 IONE ITEMS . ... Thru nd Mr F, nre lter and bro't er. t:i,y Bren'iT. v,n nf Vr and Mr, c'. i: B.".nr. suTfere,'. a f'lchi fiiiii.ivinn of the brain when he fi! trim Ms bicycle Tt.urn.iav err !:.p. Ho was taken o Hrj-p'-.p I.t medical stten ;kn. Tnmrr.v IVhertv. son of Mr. !ts. F;vin and Kenneth John- guests of Mr. uarst s parents. son last . Mr. and Mrs. El-1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, r's in Jo! nson and children of Losj M, anj jIrs pavtd Kietmann ' Anpelos are on a vacation trip j,n(j fariily were Walla Walla throueh Nevada. 1tah. Idaho i v jsjt0!.s Saturday. And Orepnn. Kenneth Johnson's I v. RnrK. cmi,h u rmrir-, home is in Condon. Sunday dinner euests of Mrs. I ! Pa idsnn were Mr. and Mrs ! Harlan M.Vr.rrfy Jr. and Mr. and (Mrs Harlan McCurdy Sr. of ! Herpner. ar.'i Mrs. Wm Iherty, returned. Mrs Larry rreuss ol rortiand ;mp This rek on terminal sicr.t a few days at the home ioave. lie spoilt most of his time 'of her aunt and nuele. Mr. and in lie service in Korea. j Mrs. Lee Beckncr. V-s nia Davidson enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. John Darst and brief visit with two of her keph- ' sons of Corvallis were week-end To the Queen and Princesses of the 23rd annual Heppner Rodeo and Band of Heppner High School We extend hearty Congratulations Alice's Beauty Shop Phone 53 Edith-Alice - Ethel a slightly sprained ankle. The members of the lone Ca tholic church met Wednesday of this week at the Congregational rooms to discuss plans for be cinnirig work on their new church which will be built on a lot at the west end of the Com gregational church block. The Miss Gladys Brashers of Hoi-, lywood. Cal.. arrived last Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pale Ray. The O. E. S. Social club met at the home of Mrs. Sam Mc Millan Wednesday, Sept. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hughes and son of Portland spent the week end visiting Mrs. Ada Can non of lone and Mrs. Grace Hughes of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Math ews left Saturday for Salem to mend the state (air. Mr. and lot will be cleared and work 'Mrs H. O. Elv Unt with thorn will begin immediately. ! Donald Euhanks, son of Mr. and (1) (2) t31 (41 ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL ACCREDITED SCHOOL OF NURSING offers To high school graduates opportunities for study in the basic clinical fields. Three years basic classwork and clinical exper ience. Affiliation in Pediatrics and Psychiatry. Scholarships to deserving students. Full maintenance provided. Full term begins September 2 Register early. For information address Director oi Nurses, St Anthony's Hospital Pendleton. Oregon TRAVELING? Charter the , STINSON VOYAGER for Fast, Safe, Economical Travel. Our safety record- Over one.tenth of a million ACCIDENT-FREE miles! REMEMBER-Ca!l the FORSYTHE Flying Service Lexington 37F3 for reservations when you want a pleasant, safe trip. f- -. , -STTT mrtytmi- - Ajr i PRE-CUT ALUMINUM BUILDINGS PRICED LOW 20x32 $699.00 26x52 1114.00 30x60 1437.00 30x80 1832.00 Writi for illustrated booklet Inexpensive, easy to erect, no maintenance Comes complete. Widths 20, 26 and 30 feet. Lengths In multiples of 4 feet. Ideal for warehouses, barns, milking parlors, machine shops, garages, machinery sheds and manufacturing plants. All parts pre-cuL Sturdy construction throughout with 2x6 bolted wood frames. Roof V4 pitch and 10-foot sidewalls. Ertct n 100 man-hours. Financing can be through FHA for as low as $19 per month. 'mm wii'iii Photo- Studio NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Portraits of Children and the Family Rodeo and Parade Pictures Films Developed Louis Lyons May and Chase St. Phone 2772 Three Things To Remember . . . To attend the Heppner Rodeo and Morrow County Fair -- this week end; To be ready for School Monday, September 8 and To Buy Your Foodstuffs at Court Street Market Mrs. John Eubanks, who has been making a three-weeks vis it in Portland with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mor gan and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith, will return with the Mat thews. Word was received last week that Erling Thompson of Mc Minnville, formerly of lone, had contracted polio, with both leps effected, early in August. He was taken to the Hahneman hospit al in Portland where the doctors .re hopeful for a complete re covery. OCTOBER 25 CONDON Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and daughter Dorothy returned home Wednesday of last week from a two weeks vacation trip in northwestern Washington. Billy Lundell accompanied by his grandmother, Mrs. C. Swanson, drove to Milwaukie last week end. Billy's mother Mrs. Frank Lundell, returned with them Sunday. Mrs. Lundc is convalescing from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe re turned Saturday from Storey, Wyoming, where they spent their summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Calkins of Hillsboro made a short visit with Mrs. Calkins' mother. Mrs, Sam Esteb, over last week end George Ganger of Pendleton visited from Tuesdav to Thurs day with his daughter, Mrs Henrv Clark. Lowell Clark of Umatilla Ordnance also spent several days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and sons recently returned from trip to Crater lake and the Ore gon coast. Among 'the lone people attend ing the "Dress Up" parade in Pendleton Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Grif fith of Nampa, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John Brvson and Mrs. Lana Fadberg spent Mon day in Hermiston visiting Mr. and Mrs. Huston Brvson. Last Sunday Mary Hill castle was the scene of a family pic nic wnen Mrs. Fannie Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and J. Linn of lone and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Howk and family of Troutdale met for a day's outing, i Elmer Sniffer, lone high school instructor, returned Monday from his vacation in Louisianna and other southern states. He savs he is glad to be back in lone after all the floods and torna does he has experienced this summer. , P. J. Linn left this week for a two weeks visit with his son ' Walter and family of Vernonia and his daughter, Mrs. Joe Howk ami family of Troutdare. , OCTOBER 25 CONDON TREES DO TALK! . , - j A km 5j SOMtBOttir' Heppner Turns Out Don Gilliam has returned from Ukiah where he spent thel summer working for the forest' service. health nurse, and Joe Hughes Jr. Mr- ant Mrs- J- A- Troedson ing, they vUted relatives of Mrs. drove to The Dalles today where returned home Wednesday eve- Banker In Utah. They report a Hughes was to have a check up ning from a trip to White Sal-! nice trip although the weather at the tuberculosis hospital. A 7 12 pound daughter was I born Sunday, Aug. 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stamper at their home on Jenkins street. She has been named Freda Mae. I Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo mon, Wash., where they visited i was much less comfortable than motored to Portland Wednesday . their parents, who took them on JUST ARRIVED! Several patterns in Oil Cloth Colors to match any kitchen 98c Yard TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. afternoon to attend a medical meeting and visit their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McMurdo and another son, Scott McMurdo. Bob Pinckney is here from Eu gene to spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney. Mr. and Mrs. Osmund Sever son of Vancouver, Wash., are visiting here this week with her brother, Harry Sherman and family at their home on Willow i creek. i Mrs. Jeanne Gaines spent the week-end holiday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hus ton at their farm In Eightmlle. I Joe Yocum of Wasco is visit-1 Ing at the home of his aunt, Mrs. j Bert Kane, and grandparents.! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yocum. I Jay Anderson of Hollister, Cal., I arrived Sunday for a brief visit ; al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vir- j gll Fisher. Mrs. Anderson and children who have been visiting here for the past three weeks will return to California with him the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gentry re turned to their home In Baker Monday after a week-end visit here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meadors. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. that they are accustomed to here and they breathed a sigh of re lief when they crossed the bor der into Oregon. FOR SALE Baby clothes, high chair, crib mattress, chest of drawers, night stand, desk. Lorraine Hams, t laiy Cabins, Heppner. 21p Paul Balslger. They took their grandchildren, who have been visiting them, as far as Hood River where they were met by to their home at Clackamas. W. O .Dix and Frank S. Par ker drove to Portland Tuesday to attend the funeral services for the late T. J. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banker returned the first of the week from a trip to New York where they visited Mr. Banker's fath er and other relatives. Return- FOR SALE 5-room houya with bath, concrete foi.n;':;',! n, half basement, full vacant lot ad joining. In process of remod eling. Priced to sell. See Fran cis B. Nickerson. 21c Come next Monday-September 8-every boy ond girl knows vacation is over. School takes over and the business at hand from then on is reading, writing and arithmetic with variations. Make our store your headquarters for School Supplies A good workman must have tools. We have just that . . .everything but the apple! Saager's Pharmacy There" i increased opportu nity for higher education in the Regular Army through the LSAH and Technical Training schools. NEW Veterans of any of the Armed Forces may now enlist for direct as lignment to a unit within th 6ih Army Area. This assignment U for minimum of one year. The Regular Army offers many excellent opportuni lies for advancement thru Officer Candidate School and the Air Cadet program. NEW A limited number ol Vrrana mav nnw enlist tot assignment to the E.T.O. An exciting opportunity to visit Europe in peace time, plus a 20 increase in pay. Former members of the Armed Forces may now en list for initial direct assign ment to the AAF instil la . tioo of their choice. SPECIAL NOTICE 10 HIGH ' 20L GRAL. Now you ran :nin to at tend the Army Air Forces Technical rIhkjJ of your choice. NOW THE ARMY IS A BETTER CAREER... THAN EVER Poat Otftc. Bldff. Pfjndlaton. Oregon HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner G.ette, established March 30. 1883. The Heppner Times, established November IS, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor REPUBLIC SEA6EE& ERCOUPE DEALERS or LEXINGTON AIRPORT Rentals - Charter & Instruction Demonstrations Specializing in hunting and fishing trips to out-of-the-way lakes in Can ada or any place in the U. S. Round trips to McKay Dam for the Pendleton Round-Up, $20 (3 passen gers). BOB HULSE & JOE DELAMETER Phone 2542 Have your Furnaces Cleaned by Power Vacuum. Will be in Heppner again beginning SEPT. 8th PHONE 682,HEPPNER R. A. Pringle Walla Walla, Wash. Have YOU thought of your coal for next winter? Place your COAL ORDER NOW so you may be assured of comfort when that cold weather docs come. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. STAR ED REPORTER Sunday Shows Continuous from 1 p. m. Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof fice open evenings until 9 o'clock, Heppner Rodeo - Sept. 5-6-7 SADDLE PALS Friday-Saturday, Sept. 5-6 Owe Aatry, Lynn Roberts, SUrlinff Holloway, Cms County Boys. Action, music and a daKh of comedy. PLUS BANJO Sharyn Moffet, TJna O'Connor, Lottlss Beavers, Jacqnelin Wells, Walter Heed. The story of a Klrl and hrr dog, Shows Friday and Saturday start Immsdlataly following performances at rodeo field. Sunday-Monday, Sept. 7-8 TRAIL STREET Randolph Boott, Bobert BylMi, dabby Hayog, Anna Jeffroyl, Madtft Meredith, Bteva Brodia, Billy Honia, A'.tlnn-pru'knri atnry of Burt Mim ternon, the nin who tamod Doiljce City.,, then took on the touRhrnt town in Amorlca , , , Liber al, Kunflufl. Atao a rminlriil fralurette with Tex Beneka and tha Olenn Millar Oroheatra, Walt Sliney oar. toon In Toohnloolor, and NewareaL Admission Prices both Maflnee and Evening: Adults 50c, Grade and High School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in cluded. Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket. Sunday Show Continuous Starting 1 p m. Tuesday, Sept. 9 Affairs of Gcraldine Jimmy Lydon, Jane Wlthern, Raymond Wal. burn, Donald Meek, Cliarlea Qultfley, Grant Wlthera. Comedy drama with muflloul lium bera, pltia THE MARCH OF TIME: TURKEY'S 100,000,000 and other nhort muI)JiLh IncIiuIIiik Community Blntr, Comedy and Bport Rnnl. Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 10-11 The Best Years of Our Lives Myrna Loy, Frediio March, Sana Andrews, Te resa Wright, Virginia Mayo, Cnthy O'Dcmnell, Koagy Carmlchael. Winner nf nliifl Annlriny Awunia including Kent Picture of the Ycnr, UohI AHnr and Bt Sup porting Actor, "Tha BphI Yfnrn of Our Uth" Is a triumph nf licmuty nnd liumnn wurinth. Program starts at 8 p.m. One showing each evening' AdmlBHlnn prices this prngrnm: Adults und students 12 yenr or over, $1,20 Children under 12 yearn rtfc All tuxes Included Wsss btasaai