Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 04, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Want Ads
FOR SALE One 1000-watt light
plant with batteries, two years
old, $250. One air compressor
with tank and new gas en
gine, $7500. Contact Glen Dav
ison, Hardman, Oregon. 24-25c
We can balance the wheels "of
your car and make it safe to
drive at all speeds. Rosewall
Motor Company.
Hydraulic jacks $755. Rosewall
Motor Company.
BOARD & ROOM for two teach
ers. Call 2382. 20tfc
Let our paint department restore
that show room complexion to
your old car. Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE 5-room house. See
Frank Ayers, 412 Gale St. 21tfc
FOR SALE Small cream separ
ator, good working order, $15;
Home sewing machine, $50. If
interested call 2604. 21c
Now is the time to have us in
stall a sport lite or a pair of
' fog lights for safe fall and
winter driving. Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE '34 Ford car with
'36 motor. See Howard Gilliam.
We have new and reconditioned
Ford and Mercury motors In
stock for Immediate installa
tion. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. FOR SALE Residence property
readily adjusted to income
property. Mrs. A. Q. Thomson.
There is no place like home for
Ford service. Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE Slabwood. Harry
Owens. Phone 2724. 22tfc
1 Don't send out of town for any
1 thing automotive until you
first trv Rnsewall Mntnr Pom.
FOR SALE Furnished house
and four rooms In rear. Priced
to sell. Call 772 or 2502. 18tf
Legal Advertising
Notice is hereby given that the un
ersigned was duly appointed by the
Probate Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Morrow County, the executor of
the CHtate of Agnes M. Thomson, de
ceased and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby requir
ed to present the same to the under
siKned with proper vouchers duly ver
ified as required by law at Ahe Law
office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner. Ore
gon within six montlis from the date
Dated and first published this 14th
day of August 1947.
21-26 Executor.
HAVE FOUR 600-16 puncture
proof tubes. Fine for lady driv
ers. Cost $18.65 each; will take
$10.J2.P. Day, lone, Ore. 23-21p
Get your all wool zipper type
sleeping bag at Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
FORSALE 2 good Monarch coal
and wood ranges; 2 30-gallon
hot water tanks; 1 wooden
garden wheelbarrow; 1 new
Premier vacuum cleaner; 3
heavy jacks. Phone 2752 or
J483. ??:245
Cuiside whie Supreme quality
paint $5,000 per gallon. Rose
wall Motor Company.
Docs yoru car shimmy? Free
safety test in our safety lane.
Rosewall Motor Company.
WANTED Two-bottom 12-Inch
tractor plow. Write E. B. Wat
tenberger, Echo, Ore. 23-24p
Let us under seal your car.
Guaranteed protection for the
life of your car. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
FOR "SALE-1935"CnevroletT In
quire at Ferguson Cabins No.
4. 23-24p
Steinke, 1233. 21-24p
TUB COUNTY COURT, dated August
7. 1947, I am authorized and directed
to advertise and sell at public auction
at not loss than the minimum price
herein set forth:
Lots 1 to 4 Inclusive. SW'NWK.
SW'i, SB'4. less 6 46 acres right of
way to OWRftN Co. in Section 21,
Township 6 North, Range 26 EWM
for the minimum price of $2.U0
per acre. cash.
K'i of Fractional W'A and most
Westerly 60 acres of lots 6, 8. 13.
In Section 16, Township 6 North.
Range 26 EWM for the minimum
pr.ce of $2.00 per acre, cash.
2 tracts (Dr 43-360 & 42-88) In
Hectluii 22, Township 6 North,
Range 26 EWM. containing 90 acres
fur the minimum price of J2.00 per
acre. cash.
The N'i of the NWVi of Section
27, Township 6 North. Range 26
EWM for the minimum price of
SJ 00 cash.
Lot 8 In Block 1 of Cluff s Fourth
Add tlon to the City of lone, Ore
gon, for the minimum price of 110.
on, cash.
THEREFORE. I will on the 13th
day of September, 1947 at the hour of
10:00 A. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner. Oregon, sell
said property to the highest and best
C. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon,
21 -25 Deputy.
sealed bids and proposals will be re
ceived by the County of Morrow, State
of Oregon, on and until September 4.
1947, at 2:00 o'clock P. IS., In accord
ance w.th plans and specifications for
the construction of a county hospital
lit the City of Heppner. Morrow Coun
ly. State of Oregon, a copy of the said
plans, specifications, and instructions
to bidders can be obtained from Roald.
Schmeer and Harrington, 1104 Spald-
Wheeler county stock ranch for sale.
3380 acrei deeded 2340 acres outrange controlled.
Modern 8 -room home nicely finished. Large stock
barn, 2 large hay barns, 2 granaries, wood shed, chick
en house, new fir corrals. This ranch is all fenced and
raises the finest of crops. Has some natural meadow.
Price $27,500. This Is only one of our listings which
Includes some of the best In Oregon.
Shelley Real Estate
Fall's the time when
youngsters are continualy
Indoors and out. This
means that a pair of shoes must
serve more purposes and that's why we make it our
job to offer practical, good-looking shoes whose lasts
and soles speak outer and Inner quality.
ENJOYMENTI Real foot ease
these graceful teen-age
classics. They're made with
sturdy low heels that suit the
coke crowd.
DURABILITY from toe to heel
of this staunch wing-tip ox
ford. Porous lining retards
perspiration. Strong nylon
Gonty's Shoes
J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor
Morning worship service at
the regular hour, 11 a.m.
Sunday school, 9:45 am., Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, superintendent.
We have classes for all ages and
you are welcome.
The Womens Society of Chris
tian Service will meet Wednes
day, September 10 with Mrs. Al
fred Troedson at her home.
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Holy communion, 11 a.m.
Wednesdays, holy communion,
10 a.m.
Schedule of services:
Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd
Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and
4th at 9:30.
lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd
Sundays'at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th I
at 8 a.m.
On 5th Sunday one mass in
Heppner at 9:00.
Holy days of obligation: Mass
in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30.
Mass on first Friday of month
in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 4, 1947-3
A drivers license examiner is
scheduled to be on duty between
the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 9, at the court
house in Heppner. Persons wish
ing licenses or permits to drive
are asked to get in touch with
the examiner well ahead of the
scheduled closing hour in order
to assure completion of their ap
plications with a minimum of
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Deeter re
turned to their home in Seattle
Monday after spending a week
here at the William Barkla
home. ' Mr. Deeter is Mrs. Bark
la's son.
Ing Building. Portland 4, Oregon, upon
a deposit of $40.00, which said deposit
fee will be returned to unscucessful
bidders upon their return of the said
plans and specifications in good con
dition. Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check or bidder's bond for
at least five per cent of the total am
ount of bid, payable tx, the County
Court of Morrow County, State of Ore
gon, to be returned if the bidder is
unsuccessful, and to be forfeited for
failure to enter into a contract after
the bid is accepted.
Bids must be filed with the County
Clerk of the County of Morrow, State
of Oregon, in Heppner on or before
the time hereinabove mentioned, at
which time the bids will be opened by
the County Court of the County of
Moriow, at a regular meeUng thereof
upon the date hereinbefore specified.
The County Court of the County of
Morrow, State of Oregon, reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 14th day of August. 1M7.
County Commissioner.
21-24 County Commissioner.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
tronaie court or me btate or uregon
for Morrow County, executrix of the
estate of Florence Paul, deceased, and
all persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are hereby re-
3 Hired to present the some to the un
signed "executrix with proper vouch
ers duly verified as required by law
at Uie Law Office of Jos. J. Nys, at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this J8th
day of August, 1947.
23-27 Executrix.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
Probate Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County the administrator
of the estate of L. A. Florence, de
ceased and all pesons having claims
against the estate of said deceased
are hereby required to present the
same with proper vouchers duly ver-
iiiea as requirea oy law at tne law
office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner. Ore- i
gnn within six months Irom the date
Dated and first published this 2Sth
day of August, 1947.
23-27 Administrator.
News From Irrigon . .
By Mrs. i. A. Shoun
Billy Allen of Heppner spent
a few days with his mother, Mrs.
H. W. Grim and family.
Mary Bowen Brlcker has mov
ed into one of the Adams apart
ments. She is the mathematics
and science teacher.
Beth and Arlene Russell of
Pendleton spent the holidays
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Russell and family.
The band with their leader,
Supt. Sol wold, played In Hermis
ton in the parade Friday. Many
parents accompanied them.
The band played at the dress
up parade in Pendleton Saturday
night with a nice crowd of peo
ple of the vicinity also going.
Miss Betty Acock of Pendleton
spent Monday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Acock and
Mrs. Glen O'Brien and child
ren returned home from a few
weeks visit at Burns Sunday.
Mr. O'Brien met them at Pilot
Rock and brought them on home.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Smith spent
the week end in Irrigon, leaving
Monday for Mt. Vernon. They
have moved there.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Swar
en are visiting his uncle Henry
Swaren and family. They are
from Portland.
C. W. Acock returned Saturday
from Redmond where he had
been visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Adren Allen and family. Mr. Al
len brought him home and r
turned to Redmond.
Rev. and Mr. A. B. Turner
and Mrs. Emma Steward went
to Pilot Rock Saturday.
Mrs. Vivian Finer started for
Portland Snday night where she
is to take the plane to continue
her trip to her Texas home by
way of San Francisco. She has
been assisting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McFall, with
their melon stand.
Lt. Glen Poulson and family,
his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Koehn and son Billy,
and Mr. and Mrs. James Phil
lips went to Sequlm, Wash., Sun
day to visit Glen't siskr, Mrs.
Robert Sprague, and family.
They are here from Iowa visit
ing me james Fnlllipses.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paul went
to Pendleton Monday.
Joe Stephens returned from a
weeks visit in Portland with his
sister, Mrs. Wiley Benefiel and
family, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Green and
daughter of Hermiston were
Sunday dinner guests at the- C.
A. Miller home.
' Mrs. Mildred Haney and son
Wesley left for Spokane Mon
dav after snenriincr a fpu rlnvc
with her daughter, Mrs. Calvin
Alien ana tamily here and a
short visit in Portland with rel
atives. James C. Shoun of Walla Wal
la snent Mnnrlav tvith hi nar.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun.
MISS Harriet Smith snent a
few days in Spokane with her
ITI, 1 I 1 U 1 1 . B1IU 14
Ephrata with another sister, , Wilkinson during the Rodeo.
Mrs. Wilbur Wiegand and fam- j u
ily. She got home Monday eve- OCTOBER 25 CONDON
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Minnlck
of Ordnance spent Sunday with
his mother, Mrs. Dolly Minnick
and family.
Mrs. Nina Harris returned to
her Portland home Tuesday af-!
ter spending a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Martha Farrelli
and family. j
Mrs. Effie Godwin of Parma,'
Idaho, is making a longer stay
with her mother, Mrs. Martha'
Farrell. j
Miss Rhoda Peck of Portland'
is a guest of. Princes, Shirley ter with whom
Mrs. Olla M. Stanton, 67 years
old, and widow of Omar Stan
ton, died Friday night, August
29 at a Walla Walla hospital.
She had been making her home
with a daughter, Mrs. Wallace
Young, near Walla Walla.
Mrs. Stanton was born July 12
i DeMoss of Walla Walla and
Miss Christina Stamon m
kane; two sons. Fred Stanton
who recently went to Spokane
to make his home and Dnrreli
Stanton of Walla Walla, and
four grandchildren.
Mrs Stanton, who was a mem
ber of Grace Methodist church
Walla Walla, grew to woman
hood and was married in Mor
row county. She was a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Tash and
a sister of Fred Tash. formerly
in lowa aria naa uvea in a msici ... .
... , . , . , . . on1 - unr,nnnf Tho Stantnns farm
wana wana ior ine past ou, ui nt.-yp..".
years. Her husband died there, ed many years In the Eight m e
several years ago. section before moving to Walla
Survivors besides the daugh-1 Walla.
Economy -wise home makers are
headed for a real value in these lux
'urious 3- and 4-piece Davenports and
Corner Table combinations. They
will fit any room and will add a dis
tinctive atmosphere wherever these
smart groups are placed.
See them here today!
The Store of Quality with Everything
Distinctive for the Home
Case Furniture Co.
Attention Farmers, Home Owners
Have obtained plenty of crushed rock and reject
gravel, ideal for driveways, roads and yards.
Place orders now before it is too late.
We Still Haul Concrete Gravel from Umatilla
Rates Reasonable. Special Rates for Large Orders.
Phone 4111
You Will See-
At the Morrow County Fair, Sept. 5-6
And the North Morrow Co. Fair, Sept. 19-20
'One of America's Outstanding Bloodlines of
Hampshire Swine recently purchased
from C. E. Tuttle of Baltimore, Maryland
Registered weiner pigs to go to Morrow County
purchasers on a waiting list basis-write or phone
Ph. 16F2
Heppner, Oregon
Wx Sale
Good Going Business
The OK Rubber Welders franchise in Morrow County
A good tire set-up with Montgomery Ward Cr Co.
Heppner Motor car agency
General Petroleum gas and oil service
Building and equipment
The doctor says no more work for me for awhile
and I was due at the hospital by the first of Sep
tember. If you are interested in a well-developed
recapping and tire sales business, a car
agency with a waiting list, and a popular gas
nd oil service-plus the building and equipment
to operate the business, see me today.
Frank Engkraf
to th
e music 01
and His Orchestra
Thursday, Friday and
Saturday Nights
Under supervision of Junior Chamber
of Commerce on behalf of
Heppner Rodeo Assn.