2-Heppner Gaiette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 4, 1947 EDITORIAL Now for the Fair and Rodeo It't l'.o.i' a tin.e n;.i:n. only t1 ;s year we have omrthlnc more In think abo..t --the county fair. It haS born a number of years since a fair was held in Heppnei a:i.i it rrrr.v.r.s to be seen to what i-xtrnt th.t part cf the week-end entertain ment will auract people to Heppner. Interest diiplayed to date indicates that the fair will play no small part in creating interest in at tendance at both the exhibit of products and the wild west performance just over the corral fence. As for the Rodeo, there is reason to believe that fine show is in prospect. If preparations have any influer. it should be the best show ever. The d! rectors and others interested in the wel fare of the Rodeo have been putting in some hard licks to get the grounds in shape and it can be said the arena, grandstand and all features connected with the staging of the show have never been in better condition. As time goes on it Is hoped the fair and rodeo will be under one management. Some duplica tions of effort can be eliminated without detract ing from either and eventually there will be one good big show with backing of a larger number of people. Preparations for the fair are going on just as fast as workmen can put them through. The ex hibit hall is ready to receive the products of soil and hand, and the livestock quarters were rapidly nearing completion Wednesday evening. Inqui ries about exhibit space have led fair officials to believe that the space provided will be no more than ample. This is a good trend and one that will eventually make the Morrow county fair nn event of annual importance. To visitors to the fair and rodeo Heppner ex tends the hand of welcome. Stote Loses Good Citizen In fie pr.ssir.g of Merle E. Chessman, publisher of the Astorian Budget of Astoria, the state of Oregon has lost a valuable citizen. His talent for getting things done will be missed in his home community where he took the leadership in nu- 3 merous civic enterprises; his accomplishment in making Tongue Toint a major naval base, and otherwise strengthening the defenses at the mouth of the Columbia river, as well as service on the state fish commission, the state highway commission, and as state senator, all mark him as a man of real service to his community and to his state. It is a notable fact that Mr. Chessman's career as a newspaperman was spent with but two pa persthe East Oregonian at Pendleton and the Astorian Budget. He was an outstanding pub lisher, a past president of the state editorial as sociation, now the Oregon Newspaper Publishers association, and at the time of his passing was a member of the board of directors of the associa tion. Band Spirit Renewed For a number of years the Heppner school boasted one of the best bands in the class B div ision. With the coming of the war and a general disruption of school activities, the band all but disappeared. That nucleus which was sustained throughout that trying period has been surround ed by a new group of aspiring young musicians and under the guidance of Billy Cochell we have a school band once more that is going places. In fact, the band has already been places within the week and returned home with laurels seldom at tained by a group with such short preparation. Winning of the award in the Dress-Up parade at Pendleton Saturday night was no mean achievement for the Heppner band. Larger bands from larger schools were in the parade also, but none of them, in the opinion of the judges and a large segment of the spectators, quite measured up to the showing made by the Heppner band. It is also reported that the same opinion prevail ed at the Umatilla county fair last Friday-that had there been awards made for bands the Hepp ner band would have captured first place. These are pleasant words and should encour age our young musicians to strive for greater awards. Nothing will be gained by resting on laurels already won. That is just the starting point ior greater things to come. WW lift ijsd From Heppner Gazette Times Sept. 6. 1917 Jas. Covins, veteran ice mak er and manufacturer of soda water, will cease to be a famil-! iar figure with his horse and j wagon. Beginning Sept. 1, his' Woodson, H. H. Hoffman and Os car Bor; left Sunday for Lang don lake to spend a week in re creation. George Hendry sold his Hepp ner bakerv last week to A. W. grandson-in-law, Joe Snyder, has. Kb elan and A. C. Coffev. Thev taken over the business. j will take over October 1. the upper end of town to J. H FYnrI tnct wool- lf. I, I . "CA1W Munkers. w itiu a nuuatr lur ine scnocu LEXINGTON . . . Mrs. Clarence Hayes Harry Van Horn of Heppner has purchased the Warner's i General Merchandise store from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner. He took over operation of the store Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van Winkle are attending the state fair in Salem and visiting rela tives and friends in the Valley. Joe Delameter has purchased a new seaplane and has it sta tioned at the local airport. Lyle Allen attended the Na tional American Legion conven tion held in New York City this last week. He was a delegate from the lone legion post. Miss Winifred Zinter of lone was honored at a bridal shower last Friday afternoon at the La dies Aid room. The hostesses were Majo Marquardt, . Audrey Majeske and Rena June Messen ger. Miss Zinter is the bride elect of Truman Messenger Jr. Ronald Ansted of Medford is a guest at the Adolph Majeske home and will be here for the rodeo and Pendleton Round-Up. Word was received here of the birth of a 6 lb. 10 oz. son, Wll- liam Jay, on Monday, August 25 at t'endleton to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matthews. Mrs. Matthews is the former Frieda Breeding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison and sons of Cascade Locks vis ited last week at the L. A. Pal mer home. Clarence Buchanan burnt his arm quite seriously on a burn ing oil pot while working on the highway one day last week. Mrs. Sam McMillan drove to Pendleton Tuesday. She was ac companied by Barbara Slocum of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dinges of Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Trump and family of Enterprise spent La bor Day week end with Mrs. Trump's sister, Mrs. George Graves and family. Mrs. Alonzo Henderson has re cently received her pilot's li cense. Many Lexington folks attend ed the dress-up parade in Pen dleton Saturday. Among those going were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Leon- Mr. and Mrs. Ar chie Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. Rov( Martin. Mr. and Mrs Bill Sme- thurst and daughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McFadden and Harry Dinges. The Horizon club girls opened their rental library Wednesday in a room at at I.O.O.F. hall. After this week, it will be open to the public on Tuesdays from 4 to 6 and Saturdays, 2 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hechtner of Walla Walla were week-end guests at the Gus McMillan home. Jo McMillan was hostess at a chicken feed Sunday. The guests were Roger Campbell, Iris Bloodsworth, Ida Buchanan, Har old Hoffman, Beth Edwards, Stanley Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hender son attended the air show in La Grande Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McFadden and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mar shall spent Labor day week end in Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan and daughter Patricia are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pomeroy in Kelso, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones drove to La Grande Sunday to visit his father who is in the hospital there. They were accompanied by Jo McMillan and Ida Buch anan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchan an and son spent the Labor day holidays In Lllensburg, Wash. A wedding of interest to peo-! pie of this community was that 1 of Gladys Standifer of Klamath Falls to Bill Van Winkle, son of , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van Winkle of Lexington. The marrigae was solemnized in Klamath Falls last week. j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green and family spent Sunday at Rit-l ter. i their son who has been visiting here for some time, returned home with them. Mrs. Owen Leathers and son Junior visited at Hardman and her father, Ed McDaniel, at his mountain camp. LaVelle Moores returned this week end to her home here for school. She spent the summer at Lonerock with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers. Mel Wham returned from Portland where he had spent the last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Irene Matson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and daughter are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Boyer, from Bremer- 1 ' year but finding no houses fori home which he recently purch- rm uib torcea to buy. The ased on Water street. Wells family will soon move to Jack DeVore, Rhea creek far- Countv Clerk Waters issued a mer, was seriously injured Tu-1 marriage license Wednesday to, continue to live on the Rhea the ranch just below town. E. N. Gonty, the shoe store man. this week purchased the Jas. Haves property situated on upper Gale street. The Gonty family has made its home in the Pin yes property for some time. The Hayes family will esaay wnen a header he was driving got away with him and rolled down the hill. Roy E. Ball and Luda Jakes, j creek ranch. popular young people of the lone section. A party consisting of Osmin j Jake Wells, county assessor, E. R. Huston, manager of the Heppner Milling company, is moving his family and his Hager, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, C. E. 1 sold his residence property in , household effects into his new Born on Tuesday, Sept. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adkins of Rhea creek, an eight pound boy. ' Born, on Monday, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Will Howard. Emmett Carpenter, the Eight Mile postmaster, was a Heppner business visitor Monday. M. L. Case returned Sunday from Portland where he spent ten days attending classes in a school for embalmers which is held there each year. r V WITH THE NEW And you can use "standard" appliances! Those "standard." "city type" appliances thai operate on universal current thai is. on either 110 volt A.C. or 110 volt D.C electricity, such as radios, vacuum cleaners, toasters, food mixers, corJee makers, lor .example can be operated on the new 110 volt Winco Power Wincharger. Also, most motor-driven appliances, such as washing mach ines, water pumps, milkers, separators, drills, grinders, etc., can be bought ior 110 volt D.C. operation. No longer do you have to buy speriaL "farm-type." appliances, except ior hermetically-sealed refrigerators and automatic, thermostatically-controlled heating appliances. And even In the case I these appliances, refrigeralors with "open-type" compres sors and non-thermostatically-controlled iions are available. Simple provision can be readily made ior operation oi radio phonograph combinations. Furthermore, you can use standard 110 volt house-wiring with the r.ew 110 volt Winco Power Wincharger. Same wire, at the same cost, as in town. The 110 volt Winco Power Wincharger provides sufficient electricity ior a well electrified farming operation much more electricity than the average R.E.A. customer uses (based on latest R.E.A. annual statistical report). And economical no monthly "electric bills" power bom the free wind. (1) "Standard" appliances. (2) Standard wiring. (3) Plenty oi electricity. (4) Economical. (5) Available nowl So Why wait? SAV3 On Your 11 IIO Yort Battery JL For a limited time only while Oils new 110-volt Wincharger U s , - !. i j . . i)n. tin t,n w.nt.rtn GICCSLLlIultbW Wincharger battery when buying your 110-volt Winco Power Win-OtililEWSiiy--" - rKrrmo. T...I mn In this eourion at the left, to the address listed below, and a representative oi your Wincharger distributor will call on you to tell you about the new 110-volt Winco Power Win charger and show you how you can nave 30 on the 110-voll battery. CftAOUJM ' on Matthew's Radio Sales & Service Heppner, Oregon KINZUA NEWS . . . . By Elsa M. Leathers ! As customary the local union and Kinzua Pine Mills company gave the annual Labor day pic nic Sunday at Pioneers park. A very large crowd attended, also Camp 5 coming over. Lots of good hot dogs, pop and water melon were enjoyed, and lots of laughs from tug of-war, fat man races and many other games. Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel spent the vacation at Lonerock, Heppner and Hardman, return ing home late Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Wham went to Bandon on Saturday where they will spend several days, and will then go to Cres cent City, Cal., to spend the re mainder of a two-weeks vaca tion. Both are employed at the local store. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green and small daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Green and small daughter and John Green all motored to San Francisco to visit a sister over the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Norris of The Dalles were visiting at the homes of her sisters, Lillian Searcy and Mrs. Roy Davis. The Morrises used to be here for many years, so were also visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. King and daughter Joyce of Portland were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Slip Wright. Mr. King is a brother of Mrs. Wright. Clyde, USED LUMBER PREWAR QUALITY From $30.00 Per Thousand All lengths and sizes of 1 x 6 to 10 x 10. Must move in 30 days; first come first served. Scrap wood for haul ing it away. See Allen Kotera at old Condon Grain Growers warehouse, Condon, or phone 83 The Giant Cactus or ARlZOWA, LIVES TO BE HUNDREDS OF StAHS OLD, AND CAN THRIVt ON PRACf ICALW NO MOISTURE AT ALL Ara yon aware that oooler wea ther will aoon be here? Ara your fall olotbaa ready to ba worn? Vary aoon . . . thara'U ba a great nun to hava coata and othar fall clothaa oleanad. Why not beat tha ruin? Bend yonr fall olothea to tha MORROW COUKTY CLEANERS today for axpart olaanJng and preaalnff. Morrow County Cleaners Keppnar Phone 1632 Oreffoa Make your car RIDE tO AN D RUBBERIZED PROTECTIVE COATING absorbs underbody squeaks and rattles . . . shuts out rust Most car noise comes from underneath where rust and corrosion rot fenders, make care noisy before their time. Protect your car now with "UNDERSEAL," the amaz ing new Bprayed-on coating that protects against rust and wear, mu fries under body noises with a inch thick "hide." Keeps any car new and quiet-riding longer. It's guaranteed to protect for the life of your car. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. ton over the Labor day vacation. I U Mrs. Kate Sudar was visiting , . U.flfir'j 8nd f here from The Dalles, staying i uOOQ IICail J tin, olik hov with Kate Jelllck. Mrs. Sudar i ta ill confidence in " t RenallPreicriplic FROM REXML D"""m-- .6223.! only recently moved to The DallPS where she is employed. Red Henderson was attendinp tO bllSlnpKS hfrp this U'pplf frnm bisters. He is state forester. 1 HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. We extend to you and yours GREETINGS and a WELCOME to the 23rd ANNUAL RODEO MORROW COUNTY FAIR The Flower Shop ( LIKE TO CUT 4J& f DieSELHSPAIJtSi.W J Folks using RPM DEI.O, the Dicst! JSngine Lubricating Oil that stri u lies time between overhauls, say it cut! repairs as much as 50. And that's right, neighbors RPM DELO OU protects your Diesel, gives it longer life. Compounds in RPM DELO Oil make it stop ring-sticking and cor rosion, cut carbon and sludge, stick to hot spots. The Navy uses it, too. Try it today 1 L. E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon vmT, 3 .t-m t.nninki'-r 1 i ivy rvwuLivn i K fcKJItNllbTS,-- ;,; OKKANtj FROM LIONS, yi J According to authorities . . . Americans have always been waste ful. Are any of your home aids gathering dust on the shelf for want of a little cleaning, adjusting, or on inexpensive part? We will completely renew it for you. Call the HEPPNER HARDWARE & EL ECTRIC CO., today. , . We have a full service department for May- tuy pruuuLtb. C , Fall Outlook! Significant Fall Styles! S. ROTH OF CALIFORNIA SUITS AND COATS MARJORIE DRESSES Dressy and Casuals NEVY FALL MILLINERY HANDBAGS Corde -.Plastics - Leather NYLONS in New Fall Shades COSTUME JEWELRY There's a new elegance in our Fall Wearables. ' Choose yours now. High Fashions. Low Prices for your Around the Clock Wear, Norah's Shop