"Heppner Gazette Ti ES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, Sept. 4, 1947 Volume 64, Number 24 M T. J. Humphreys . Answers Death Call In Portland Friday Was in Hospital For Treatment As Summons Came T. J. Humphreys, druggist in Heppner for nearly halt a cen tury, died Friday morning at the Coffey Memorial hospital in Portland where he had gone ear lier in the week for treatment. Although he had been falling in health for some time, family and friends were not prepared for the news. His daughters, Misses Leta Humphreys of Heppner and Evelyn Humphreys of San Francisco, had planned to Join him in the city and both rushed there as soon as the news came of his death. Funeral services were held in Portland Tuesday, followed by Interment in the family, plot in Hillsboro beside the grave of Mrs. Humphreys who preceded him in death several years ago. The name Humphreys has been 'associated with the drug business in Heppner for nearly half a century. Mr. Humphreys often told how he arrived in Heppner at 3 o'clock one morn ing In the year 1900 and by 7 o'clock had landed himself a Job as pharmacist in the store operated by E. J. Slocum, pio neer druggist. After two years with Mr. Slocum he accepted a position in the Conser and War ren drug store. After working for this firm a year he bought Mr. Warren's interest in the store, making him the proprie tor, in a sense, as George Conser, the partner, was cashier of the First National bank. There were four doctors in the town, Dr. P. B. McSwords, a victim of the Heppner flood of 1903; Dr. E. R. Swinburne, Dr E. R. Hunlock and Dr. D. J. McFaul. In 1904 Mr. Humphreys bought Mr. Conser's share of the busi ness. The store at that time was located where the Gonty Shoe store now stands and included, with the drug stock, the office and switchboard of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany. Later the store was mov ed to the corner of Main and Center streets, earlier location of the Slocum drug store, but lik ing the old location best, he moved back up the street and remained until 1918 when he bought the stone building on the corner of Main and Willow streets from Frank Roberts. Here, in 1932, his daughter Leta joined him in operating the store. A graduate of North Pa cific college in Portland, she had worked as pharmacist in Eugene, Santa Barbara, and Long Beach, C'al., hospitals, gaining exper ience that has proved valuable in developing the local drug store Into one of the substantial businesses of the community. Mr. Humphreys had been a lifelong member of the Chris tian church. He was a quiet, ef ficient man whose reliability and friendliness bound him to a large circle of friends. Surviving are the two daugh ters, Leta of Heppner and Eve lyn of San Francisco, and a Son, Roland Humphreys, whose home is In the east; a sister who re sides in Washington, a grand daughter and several nieces and nephews. o SEEDLINGS, BUT OK Frank Rumble brought a handful of peaches to this of fice last Friday morning, the last of a crop borne by a three-year-old seedling tree. He said he had to pick about half of the crop to save the tree from break ing down. The fruit was of good flavor and supplied further evi dence that good fruit can be grown here. o MAKES NEW DESK Visitors to the county clerVs office in the courthouse are stop ped short at the door by a new desk which has been installed during the past week. The desk is the work of County Clerk Bar low and is a neat Job of the ilnet maker's art. Miss Leta Humphreys return ed to Heppner Wednesday eve ning from Hillsboro where she attended final rlteff- for her fa ther, the late T. J. Humphreys. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Evelyn Humphreys "f S;m Francisco and her broth er, Roland Humphreys of rhila ','lplila, who will remain here several days. The Humphreys ''rug store was reopened this lomlng after being closed for everal days. o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis ent n busy week end some "lug on the order of a bus drlv er's holiday. Scheduled to nt tend three weddings during the brief Labor Day holiday they managed to make two of them, one In Portland and the other In John Day. The Women's Auxiliary of All " '"t" Hnlseonal church will re time meeting schedule Sept. 12 at the parish houso, HE HEADS THE L- ft 7 fs lt:,-r 'V'- Lee Beckner, extensive wheatraiser and stockman of the lone section, has headed the Heppner Rodeo for several yars and long has been one of the most familiar figures at the big show. An expert horseman, he takes great pleasure in helping to stage the Rodeo and devotes much time to making it a success from year to year. lone School Set For Resumption Of Classes Monday With a teaching staff of eight teachers signed up, the lone school will start off the school year at 9 o'clock Monday morn ing, Sept. 8, - announces B. C. Forsythe, superintendent. School will be in session until 12 o' clock, when the students will be excused for the rest of the day to prepare to return Tuesday morning to take up work in ear nest. First and second grades will be taught by Mrs. Ada Emert; third and fourth, Mrs. Beulah Lundell; fifth and sixth, Mrs. Gladys Ely, and seventh and eighth, Mrs. Bertha Severin. In the high school, Francis Ely will have charge of athletics and commerce; Elmer Shiffer, science and shop; Miss Mary Bracked, English and girls phy sical education, and Mr. Forsy the, science and mathematics. Henry Clark is school custod ian. All new students other than the first grade will have, their credentials checked with their teachers. Those In the first grade will check with Mrs. Em ert. Mr. Forsythe calls attention to the state requirement that, a child must be six years of age on or before November 1 to be accepted for registration. Those not meeting the requirement wil. not enter school until the follow ing year. 4-H CLUBBERS LEAVE FOR STATE FAIR TO COMPETE FOR HONORS Wilma Dalzell of lone and Jerry Beaver of Boardman left Wednesday for Salem to enter the Judging contest for picking the top 4-H club girl and boy of the state at the state fair. The contest is being held to day and the Morrow county en trants will return home Friday. o UMATILLA PIONEER BURIED TUESDAY Services were held at 2 p. in. Tuesday at Folsom's In Pendle ton for Mrs Eva Amanda Steph ens, 89-year-old Pendleton pio neer woman who had been a resident of the area since 1880. Mrs. Stephens died Friday, Aug. 29. A native of Iowa, she was a member of the Pendleton Tio neer club and of the Pendleton Grain Growers auxiliary. Survivors are two sons, Claude Hanscom of Pendleton and Wil liam Ilansconi of Portland, three daughters, Mrs. Anna Furnish and Mrs. Henry Struve of Pen dleton and Mrs. Henry Hill of La Grande; six grandchildren, Mrs. Blanche Larrabee, Roy Fur nish and Mrs. Myron Ramey, Pendelton; Mrs. Blaine Isom, Heppner; Jack Stevenson, Port land, and Mrs. Ruth Mohl, Guam and three greatgrandchildren, Allison Furnish and Kent Larra bee, Pendleton, and Harriet Is om of Heppner. ' o ENROUTE TO MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. John Fuiten and children arrived in Heppner Motiay evening frojn Bay City, en route to Springfield, Mo., where John will enter a semin ary of the Assembly of God church for one year, and possi bly two. The Fuitens have been engaged in church work at Bay City. Jerry Saylor deputy grand master of the Masonic lodge, was a visitor at the meeting, of Hepp ner chapter No. 69, A. F. & A. M. Tuesday evening. While hern, Mr. Saylor made arrangements for a district meeting to be held in Heppner Nov. 3. His home is In Ilermlston. Ruth chapter No. 32, O.E.S., will resume active meetings Fri day evening, Sept, 12, This will be an Important meeting and an tendance of all members Is urg ed by the worthy matron, Mr. Tom Wells. RODEO -' -j yv- 'i 1 r CLERK'S OFFICE TO REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M SATURDAY Although county officers do not wark on Saturday after noons. County Clerk C. W. Bar low announces that his office will be kept open until 8 p. m., Saturday, Sept. 6 to afford tardy registrants an oportun ity to register for the forthcom ing special state election. The clerk is not anticipating a big rush of voters but the office will be open for whoever may wish to drop in and register. School Program, Regulations Set Up By Supt. Tetz Supt. Henry Tetz has set up the opening day and regular school schedules in the follow ing outline: Opening day: Monday, Sep tember 8, 8:45 School will be dismissed at 2:30 on the first day but at 3:52 thereafter. New ele mentary students entering Hepp ner schools for the first time will report to a desk in the main hallway to be directed to the home rooms. Transferring and new high school students will report to the main office on the second floor for registration. High school students will pay book rental and fees and check out textbooks from 9:00 to 10:00 after reporting to the s'udy hall at 8:45. Short periods of the reg ular classes will be held for the remainder of the day. The regular school day will be from 8:45 to 3:52. The high school will have seven periods as formerly to provide for a wider curriculum offering and a band period with as few conflicts as possible. The noon hour will be from 12:20 to 1:10 with the younger children being dismiss ed earlier both at noon and at the end of the day. Cafeteria: The cafeteria kit chen is being built and new equipment installed to make it one of the finest kitchens. It will be opened about the first of October as in former years. Chil dren should bring their own lun ches or plan to go home for lunch until that time. Change in rooms: First grade room added to provide for a large incoming class and it will be in the former sixth grade room which will be moved to the for mer eighth grade room. The eighth grade will be "elevated" to the high school floor in the room which was formerly the typing room. Typing students will work in the former recrea tion room. Last Rites Held Wednesday P. M. For W. P. Hill Services were held at 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesday at the Phelps Funeral Home chapel for W. P. Hill, a resident of Heppner since 1900, whose death occurred Sun dya at the family residence. Rev. J. Palmer Sorlein of the Methodist church officiated and Interment was in the Heppner Masonic cemetery. Wllbem Paige Hill, a native of North Carolina, was born Ap ril 9, 1870. He came to Heppner In 1900 and had been a resident here ever since. He was married In 1903 to Eva Margaret Phelps. Ho followed carpentering for many years and later took up a homestead on Willow creek about six miles southeast of Heppner where the family resid ed until 1939. The children hav ing grown up he and Mrs. Hill moved back to town. Due to an Injury sustained while farming, Mr. Hill had been an invalid for several years, although able to get around town and look after business matters. ftesides the wife, Eva, he Is survived by six children, Harold of Heppner; Claude of Portland; Virginia Vanderhoof, Auburn, Wash.; Archie. Heppner; Betty Vinson, Kent, Wash., and Rufus, Louisville, Ky.i 17 grnndrMH. ren and three great-grandchildren, Heppner Turns Out In Numbers For Dress-Up Parade By Ruth Payne Heppner was well represented at the dress-up parade in Pen dieton Saturday night. In the parade were Queen Merlyn and Princesses Francine, Laurel, Shir ley and Corabelle of the Hepp- ner Rodeo; the Heppner school band, looking very smart in their new full-dress uniforms; and a mounted delegation of the Wran glers club, some of whom were carrying attractive purple ban ners with the club insignia let tered in gold. Among those from this community viewing the parade from the sidelines were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller, Bob Mollahan, Bob Dobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Gonty, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Grabill, Mrs. Muriel Rice, Harvey White, Mis. Mary Wallace, Terrel Benge, Mr. and Mrs. William Furlong, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne, Roy Quacken bush, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connor. Mrs. Grace Hughes has return ed from Portland where she had been visiting with her daugtiter, Edna Hughes Among those going to Hood River Monday to attend the wed ding of Miss Mary Jean Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Clark of Hood River and formerly of Heppner to Robert Moon of White Salmon, Wash., were Mr. and Mrs. James Farley Sr., Joe Farley, Bill Kenny, Misses Jean Turner, Cecelia and Marie Hea ly and Mr. and Mrs. John Mon ahan of Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gentry and children, Phyllis and Gary, returned to their home In Bend Monday after spending the week end here with his aunt, Mrs. Al ice Gentry and other relatives. They were enroute from Portland where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry. Wally Cross of Coquille and Norman Webb of Tlgard were re cent' over-night guests of Joe Hughes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers made a business trip to Pendle ton the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Clemens and children have returned to their home in San Bernardino, Cal., after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eng kraf. Mr. and Mrs. Engkraf ac companied them as far as Dee. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pierson and daughters have returned from a short vacation at Seaside. John Sutherland who has been working in and around Heppner for the past few weeks left Sat urday for his home in Portland. Miss Betty Lovgren is working at the Heppner branch of the First National Bank of Portland, taking the position recently re signed by Mrs. Norman Berg slrom (Barbara Ledbetter). Miss Doris Schaffer left Mon day for Pendleton where she is entering nurses training at St. Anthony's hospital. She was tak en to Pendleton by Mr. and Mrs. Jess Beardsley and James Or wick who were going over on business. Mrs. Jeanette Huddleston and daughters motored to Portland Saturday to spend a few days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson motored to Pasco to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker: Mrs. Clive Hus ton who had been visiting in Pasco for the past week, return ed to Heppner with them Mon day. Miss Marguerite Glavey has returned from Seattle where she had been attending the summer sessions of the University of Washington. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engkraf were Mr. and Mrs. George Engkraf and son of Yakima who spent the Labor Day week end in Heppner; and Mrs. Harvey Bauman and daugh ters, Marjorie and Caroline, of Nampa, Idaho. Mrs. Bauman was accompanied to Heppner by Bev erly and Nadine Clark who had been attending beauty school in Idaho and who will remain here ifntil after the Rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraters and children of Enterprise were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Brannon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna Jr. and son left Saturday for Mon tana to visit with her parents. Mrs. Laurence Miles was call ed to Boise, Idaho, Saturday by the serious illness of her moth er. Mrs. Miles went from Pen dleton via United Airlines. Mr. and Mrs. Willred Quartar oil of San Pablo, Cal., were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Jr. They were accompanied. to Heppner by Mrs. Sylvia Niekerson who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Don nell Sr. and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Coxen of Chula Vista, Cal., visited In Heppner the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blake. Misses Ceci Ma and Marie Ilea ly of Portland spent the week end here at 'the farm home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henly. Mr. and Mrs. William Kirk of Belllngham, Wash., visited in Heppner the fore part of the week. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scrllsmier. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kelthley and children returned Monday from a fishing trip In the John Local Band Takes Honors At Dress-Up Parade Saturday Award Includes $100 Check Given By Contract Firm Heppner's school band sprang a surprise at Pendleton Satur day evening when the annual Dress-Up parade judges award ed the local musicians first place in band competition. With the award was attached a check for $100, posted by the MeCor mack Construction company of Pendleton a nice bit of change which has been applied to the bands uniform obligation, ac cording to Director Billy Cochell. there were four bands in the parade, McLaughlin high school, Pendleton, Irrigon and Heppner. All were larger bands than the Heppner band but none were quite as well prepared for com petitive marching as the local group. The time put in on prac tice and committing several pieces to memory was the thing that counted when the band marched past the judges' stand. Director Cochell and William McCaleb, drill master, have been receiving plaudits from band suporters during the week. The two leaders were confronted with the task of whipping a group of inexperienced young musicians into shape in a com paratively short time. Attend ance at rehearsals did not reach anything like a full complement until the last week prior to the parade and this gave little en couragement that Heppner had a chance to win. After perform ing at the Umatilla county fair Friday, where the band would have taken first place if there had been awards Cochell began to breathe easier and to grasp at a hope for recognition at Pen dleton. The band will be given an other opportunity to appear in marching formation this week end when it will appear in the Kodeo parade Saturday morning. Day section. Thev returned hv way of Baker where thev visited Mrs. Keithley's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Si ark and daughters arrived Sunday from Hay, Wash., and will visit until after the Rodeo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Furlong. J. C. Owens, who had been in Hay during the summer, accom panied them to Heppner and will remain for a time. Mrs. Ralph Thompson made a business trip to Walla Walla on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Engkraf of Portland are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eng kraf and attending the Heppner Rodeo. Mrs. Bettv Lawrencp has nnr. chased a house in Pendleton and is moving there, having sold her Heppner property to Dr. J. E. Pal mer of Camas, Wash. Dr. Palmer is opening a dental office in the First National Bank build ing. Everett Hadlev who has been working at Pasco for the past several years arrived Saturday to spend a week in Heppner and Hardman before returning to Richland, Wash., where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr. returned Monday evening from Portland where they spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose VV. Chapin. Lawrence Becket made a bus iness trip to Portland the first of the week. He returned, Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Alex Thompson has been appointed secretary-treasurer of the Heppner Public Library as sociation to fill the vacancy cre ated by the resignation of Mrs. Frank Engkraf. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green mo tored to Milton -Free water Sun day, taking their daughter Lou ise who will teach in the Free water schools this year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stuart of Albany and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Elliott and two daughters of Mil ton have returned to their homes after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cleveland who have been spending the summer at the coast returned to their farm on Willow creek the end of the week. Mrs. Lillian Clogston Iras re turned from a short visit with her sister, Esther Harris, in Los' Angeles and brother, Roscoe Johnson, in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nys have returned from a short vacation at the coast. Mrs. Cecelia Dixman and daughter, Ada Irene, of San Francisco are visiting until after Rodeo with her parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Fraters at their farm home in Eightmile. Claude C. Courier of Gibbon Is visiting this week in Heppner with W. L. McCaleb and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Hynd of Ukiah were transacting busi ness in Heppner Wednesday. Miss Helen Dohertv Is here from Vallejo, Cal., and will visit with relativse until after Rodeo. I ?leMeHyn anHer Rojim r - For the next three days Queen Merlyn and her four attendants will reign supreme over the . Rodeo and attendant events. The young ladies have had a busy season with pre-Rodeo dances and attending other shows and now, the moment is at hand for the big event of their young lives the 23rd annual Heppner Rodeo. From left to right they are Princesses Laurel Palmateer, Shirley Wilkinson, Queen Merlyn I, Princesses Corabelle Nutting and Francine Hisler. 4-H STYLE SHOW TO BE HELD FRIDAY EVENING AT THE DANCE PAVILION Attention of county fair and Rodeo patrons is called to the 4-H club style show to be held at the dance pavilion at 8 p. m. Friday. The clubbers will model clo thes they have made during the course of their projects this season. This event is free and the 4-H clubs will be pleased to greet a full house. o Warning on Polio Issued By County Finance Chairman This is the season of the year when infantile paralysis geis in its hardest licks and it is a time to take every precaution againbt spread of the disease, said Fran cis Niekerson, chairman of the polio committee in Morrow coun ty in commenting on the epi demic at present occupying the attention of medical authorities at Ontario and in the state of Idaho. "People should not wait to see what turn a child's condition is going to take, if the child shows' unusual symptoms of illness, but! should call a physician at once, i If it is a matter of finances there ; is no need to hold back, either, for there is a sufficient fund in the bank to meet doctoring ex pense in case of polio," Nieker son declared. Parents are urged to watch their children closely, particular ly as to diet and rest, the chair man explained. A tired body orj an undernourished body is more susceptible to the polio germ I than is a vigorous, well nourish ed body. If these rules are fol lowed the danger of an epidem ic is largely removed. VAN HORN BUYS WARNER STORE AT LEXINGTON Harry Van Horn took charge of the Warner store in Lexington Tuesday morning following sev eral days of trade negotiations and invoicing. He is being as sisted by his brother in operat ing the new business which is the only mercantile establish ment in the town. Van Horn first entered the store business in the county in the fall of 1912 when he and Roy Quackenbush bought the Hepp ner Red & White grocery from M. D. Clark. He sold his interest in the store to Quackenlmsh in 1916 and since that time has been selling insurance. He and his family will continue to make their home in Heppner as long as the housing situation gets no better. lone News Items of the Week By Echo Palmateer Delbert Emert moved his cat tle out of the mountains last week. This herd which is one of the finest In Oregon is be tween 500 and 600 liead. They were on summer range on Kellev prairie which is owned by Mr. Emert. The trek to and from the mountains is a semi annual ev ent, reminiscent of the old days. The distance covered is approx imately 100 miles and takes about four and a half days. De spite the hard work it is thor oughly enjoyed by all who par ticipate. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kay and Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson spent last week end nt Otitis creek on Mt. Adams picking huckleber- .ies. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Good- ric hand son Norman of Ilustim. Wash., accompanied them. Garland Swanson and young son Johnny celebrated their joint brllhday on Thursday, Aug. 'S. The Birthday club held Its monthly party at the Congrega tional church parlors on Friday of last week. The honor guests were Mrs. Walter Corley, Mrs. Paul O'Meara and Mrs. Elsie Peterson. The hostesses were V McCurdy Outlines Parade Formation Harlan D. McCurdy Sr., direc tor of the Rodeo parade, this morning released an outline for the formation of the big annual feature which will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Leaf lets have been prepared and pass ed out to persons signifying their intention of placing entries in the parade, The formation will be as follows: Baltimore" at Main facing east American flag, state flag, Heppner High School band, Queen Merlyn and attendants, girls with pennants, Heppner Rodeo president and directors, Wranglers. Baltimore at Gale facing east Pendleton Round-Up Queen and attendants, Round-Up pres ident and directors, Mustangers. Baltimore facing east Herm iston queen and attendants, Trail Dusters, John Day queen and her group of riders, any other guest queen, any past queens. Horse entries on Gale below Baltimore facing south. All children meet at old pav ilion. All floats on Church street facing Main street. All floats to be judged at starting point. All queens and attendants are invited to a luncheon at the An na Bayless home, south of the court house, Saturday, after par ade. Trail Dusters. Wranglers and Mustangers luncheon at the Bill Greener home west of Rodeo grounds, after parade. Rodeo starts promptly at 1:30 p.m. Miss Nora Dwyer Becomes Bride of John S. Crawford The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ho bart M. Lovett in Berkeley. Cal.. was the scene of a quiet wed ding ceremony Sunday, August 24, when Miss Nora Dwyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dwyer of Gleneden Beach. Ore., was united in marriage with John S. Crawford, son of Mrs. Lera Crawford of Berkeley, the Rev. B. C. Watson, pastor of the University Christian church performing the ceremony in the presence of relatives of the groom and the two brothers of the bride. After a short honey moon the young couple will make their home in Portland. The groom is a native son of Heppner, a graduate of Heppner high school and of the Univer sity of Oregon. He attained the rank of ensign in the navy dur ing the war and is now engaged as an accountant with a Port land firm. Mrs. Win. Seehafer, Mrs. Vernon Christopherson and Mrs. Alfred Shirley. Friends will be glad to know that little Johnny Rea recover ed sufficiently to return home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hietmann and daughter Ruby Ann spent a few days In The Dalles last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith took a 10-tlay vacation trip through eastern Washington. Billy and Mildred Seehafer, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Seehafer. returned from a visit in Corvallis last Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Bergstrom was honored with a bridal shower Saturday. August 30, at Willows grange hall. The hostess was Mrs. John Eubanks. Miss Berg strom received many lovely and useru! gifts, fake,' ice cream and coffee were served by the hostess. Mrs. Berl AUers received a painful Injury Sunday when a Jar slipped from a cupboard and broke in her hand. It was nee essary to take ten stitches to close the gashes in throe fingers. - j"4u ' A- . v - j - 4 4 l. in " CLOSING HOURS FOR BUSINESS HOUSES SET BY C. OF C. COMMITTEE Hours for closing during the Rodeo have been set by the merchants' committee of the Heppner chamber of commerce. The schedule was announced this morning by Jack O'Con nor, chairman, as follows:: All business houses will be closed during the time o! Ro deo performances and will op en immediately following the afternoon shows. All places of business will close during the parade Satur day morning. Everything is in readiness for opening of the 1947 Hennner Ro deo. The stock is on hand, the Meeker carnival is set up, cow hands are arriving and Mel Masters and his orchestra are here from The Dalles to "strike up the band" at 9:30 this eve ning at the dance pavilion. The old town presents a gala spirit, with streets and buildings decorated and concessions of one kind and another set up along the Main drag. The water de partment has leveled off the dirt piles along the water line to make it easier for cars to park and while some difficulty has been experienced in making connections of new mains it is expected that the water supply will be up to normal by this evening. During the past week much Rodeo finery has been in evi dence, due to the efforts of the Junior chamber of commerce. Numerous citizens have been ob served wearing peculiar garb as a penalty for not living up to the rules and there has been a lot of fun. Look out the Jaycees are not through with the kan garoo court. You may be the next victim! RITTER MAN DIES AT McMURDO CABIN WHILE ON FALL CATTLE DRIVE Burial services were scheduled for 2 o'clock this afternoon at Ritter for William F. Hodge, Rit ter cattleman, who iv Sunday evening at the McMur do cabin in the Potimtt district. The body was brought to the Phelps Funeral hone in Heppner which made funeral ar rangements. Hodge, in company with three other cattlemen of Ritter. eigh Weaver, Warren Constant and Sam Woods, was riding for cattle in the Potamus area. The men camped at the MrMurdo cabin and all had retired before 10 o'clock. Shortly after 10 Hodge left the cabin .-t ' body was found about an hour later. Word was sent to Hcpp. ner and Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and Coroner Dr. A. D. McMurdo went to the scene and ir,,. i thp body to Heppner. Hodge came to this section from Montana and oftic;ls v.er. endeavoring Wednes1 , tact relatives thought to reside at Havre. lone, in common with the country generally, is in t'.e midst of a building pr"i'" m-i provide needed romu. W. R. Went worth has practically com pleted his new I1 tc';sn:ith machine shop. The new plant will enable Mr. Wentuonh to C.'irrV Oil V,.r 'r.iim.l , i r. 1 1 1 .' it.,,. on his bale-loaders anil oilier specialties. Mat Hal' i , well along on a new frame :cs trienee and despite In; s i -i. years is doing nwst of 'he build ing himself. Go.-ilun White i.i completing bis re iiiei-c per Main street. This nh t -t-i onstrates the iim nf ee.-i ent blocks in home b-iiMnu: .mil i : creating a lot of Interest. The Kietmann .slum building li now completely roofed. 'I his nl is unique in that the new con-, 'rue lion goes over ami around the old and business Is i rr n ' ! on as usual. Guests a I the v,i 'mme are Mr. and Mrs. FAnr Synolil of Spokane an ! i ! of DeSmet, Idaho. Mn. SytioM 7N