6-Heppner Gr.rrHP T.ps, Heppner. Oregon, August 23, 1947 J A Uru.,' : c! V, i V U VlMtttif? ht ! ;.::'!' t.f and Vt J li I';!?:; t'-.. '. He It Mrs. I.. . erfr'i t - USED LUMBER PREWAR QUALITY From $30.00 Per Thousand All lengths end scs of 1 x 6 to 10 x 10. Must move in 30 dc s; first come first serscJ. Scrap wood for haul ing it away. See Ailen Kotera ct old Condon Grain Growers warehouse, Condon, or phone S3 MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER i I Friday evening 16 friends of Miss F.u'oar.i Ledbotter gather-1 ed at !he home of Mrs. La Verne j Van Marter for a miscellaneous shower for the bride-elect. Cake! land runch were served at the! n-othrroofing wool conclusion of a pleasant eve-j if ;iU on the sheep,' t'.ing. I to ;ho Vmversitv of! On Saturday evening the Lu-; Hp tv.thod in DDT 'fas Tlace was the scene of a kooI which remained' stag dinner "honoring Norman! News From C. A. Office :r. : r two ears in stor- ;ca; rs though there are ..sun.icrstandings regard - j i-ar s Morrow County '.'.anv people are of the Fergstroin. Ten men were pre sent. ci'inio:i that this fair is but for 4 H i :,;. moT.bers. This is not true as Ml dub exhibits will be, Iv.-.t a s :--.a 11 part of all the exhi l its or .-la -..ses that are open to as good as your neighbor's ex hibit if you had brought it in. Tropare it now and exhibit at the Morrow County Fair, Sep tember "i and 6. Wo especially urge all wo jven to t :an to exhibit canning. tvkir.: ,.r.d sewing, fancy work a 1 other, roultry and grain CX' 1.:: :-s .-rre.'.r to be slow in be- ; irg Ii.-'ea. Lveryone snouia no i nr.erc .; enough in our county ! f.:ir check through the pre ! ' .- you recently received ! and make exhibits this year. ; I . : - r. ; po heme from the fair saving that yon had something Ur M- H0T OFF THE PRESS KEEP OREGON BREEH a. b (1 3 (. Fff) 'I Sic's Wi'W Heppner Rodeo September 5-6-7 Fun for Young & Old Children's Cowboy Hats 1.49 Men's & Women's Cowboy Hats ? . 1 .98 Child ren's Cowboy Boots 5.50 & 6.50 Men's Rayon Rodeo Shirts .4.98 Men's Stockman Pants 10.90 Misses' Western Slack Suits 13.75 ttjrj8 iT.tfM--i vftiq.-i And what do u e mean by a sensible price? The lowest price that still assures you good quality. We never, never sacrifice quality to price. That wouldn't bt sensible, for quality plays the Kumber One role in VALUE. Our prices give you the qualities you want, need, should have-- -t prices I find it hard to match anywhere else. And that makes sense, especially woen you have big school-clothes shopping ahead of you! Gfrk! Hundreds of NEW Hil Skirts and Blouses! Misses Blouses at Penney's are colorful as Fall itself! Y'ou'll 6nd all the lalrM styles in soft, washable rayon crepe! Peter Pan and jew elry necklines! ( : 2.98 Misses' Skirts make hig news this Fall! Torso styles, hipline pleats, slim fly-front models! Favorite nannies, 100! All-wool and rayoD fjlirics. Plaids, solids. 3.98 Big Girls' Blouses. Wonderful, washable cottons and rayons! Long or short sleeves, classic or frilly styles. Bright peasant embroidery trim! 7-11. -j r0 l.yo Big Girls' Skirts. A huge variety of all-wool and corduroy skirts! Lots of new styles full flares, nov elty pleats, low yokes, trim belts. Plaids, solids. 7-14. Little Girls' Blouses. Crisp cottons, dainty ray ons. 3-6x. Little Girls' Skirts. Cor duroy and wool suspender skirts. 3-0x. 1.98 1.98 2.98 CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CHUHCH Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and 4th at 9:30. lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. On 5th Sunday one mass in Heppner at 9:00. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30. Mass on first Friday of month in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.- o METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorleln, Pastor Sunday school meets at the regular hour, 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Lucy Fodgers, superintendent. Classes for all ages and all are welcome. Morning worship at the regu lar hour, 11 a. m. Womens Society of Christian Service meets the first Wedies day of each month. REVIVAL MEETING The Cole evangelistic party is conducting revival meetings in the Assembly of God church ev- MARCIE PIPER WEDS ROSS HOLUDAT AT RENO. NEV. Announcement has come of the recent marriage of Marcie Piper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Piper of Lexington, and Ross Hollidav, son of Sam Holli- day of Hollister, Mo., at Reno, Nov. The bride is a graduate of Heppner high school, class of 1917. The groom served in the army three years and is a Pur ple Heart veteran. The young couple are making their home at 6313 S. E. 92nd Ave.. Portland, where Mr. Holli dav is employed. Mrs. Frank Engelman of lone was a business visitor in Hepp ner Tuesday. Mrs. Harlan Adams of Kinzua spent Wednesday in Heppner, Frank Howell, rancher in the Top area, was transacting bus iness in Heppner Wednesday. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner G.tette, established March 30. 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18. 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor low TO SELL 'EM, TELL 'EM- With An Ad Good HeiTfli7 01, . by our qualified, FROM ROUL - i.i tirrl ,111 1 HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. ery night at 7:45 (except Mon day). Specials in music and songs. A prize of a nice full view camera will be given to the one bringing the most new ones to these services. A hearty welcome extended to all. Pastor, S. E. Graves. ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL ACCREDITED SCHOOL OF NURSING offers (1) To high school graduates opportunities for study in the basic clinical fields. Three years basic classwork and clinical exper ience. (2) Affiliation in Pediatrics and Psychiatry. (3) Scholarships to deserving students. (4) Full maintenance provided. Full term begins September 2 Register early. For information address Director ol Nurses, St. Anthony's Hospital Pendleton, Oregon Owens Hardware Your Local MARSHALL-WELLS STORE ZENITH wood and coal range. Full white enamel finish, with porcelain lined oven. Attractively priced at $149.50. COLEMAN oil-burning hot water heater -30-gallon tank, $131.40. NOW IS THE TIME FARRA'S IS THE PLACE it to get your Cowboy Boots repaired before Rodeo. Boots Polished while you wait FARRA'S Shoe Service Tailored Clothes We wish to announce that we have added the KLING TAILORED - TO -MEASURE line to our clothing service and are prepared to take your orders for suits and overcoats. You will find this an exception ally popular line of clothing, with a wide assortment of patterns in Gabardines, Serges, Twills, etc. Two to Three Weeks Delivery, and all garments guaranteed to fit. We invite you to come in and look over the samples and patterns. We know you will be pleased. Morrow County Cleaners PlcuUic IliM HO V I Ml OH mi Hey, Kiddies! If you want to ride a Shetland Pony, be on hand Saturday, Aug. 30, at the vacant lot next to Loyd Bros. Saddle Shop. Several of the Bauernfeind ponies will be at your disposal there. NOCHARGE FOR RIDES Plasters and Paints In One Application ; ..Si.fSSW5. -L.ll -n io "(ME COAT Plasters and Paints Beautifies, Insulates, Covers Cracks, Nailholesl Save time and money with magic "PLASTIC PLASTER" thecolor ful cextured-sand type of finish thai brushes on with ordinary paint brush, dries overnight! Now you can modernize every room in your homel Cover up cracks, joints, nailholes, quickly, easilyl No mixing, no bother! Fire Resistant Over Old Wallboard, Paper, Paintl "PLASTIC PLASTER" makes wails fire resistant. Strong. Ideal over brick, plaster, wood, metal. Dries Overnight! No Ex perience Needed to Apply! Anyone can brush on "PLASTIC PLASTER"! Dries hard, durable, washable. May be denned repeat edly with soap, water and brush. Perfect finish for any room. Sicca Soya Paint Co. Peoria, III. Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. Maybe it's travel you want in exotic foreign lands. Or thrilling adventure along new frontiers in electronics, aviation, medical science. Perhaps the chance to learn a useful, modern skill. If you are 18 to 34 (17 with parents' consent) and otherwise qualified, you can get them all in the Regular Army. Yes, it's true: only 3 out of 5 appli cants are good enough to make it. That means you'll serve your country with an outfit you can be proud of. Study the pay chart below. That pay is clear. You don't pay a cent for food, lodging, clothing. Sound good? Then get the full facts today at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station. NEW, HIGHER PAY FOR ARMY MEN In Addition to food, lodging, Ctorhoi and Mdital Car Matter Sergeant or Fint Serneant Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant . . . Corporal . . . Private First Gaai Private .... MONTHLY tOi?r. "NCOMSAFTH: for 20 feori' 30 feori' Month Service Service $165.00 $107.25 $185.65 135.00 87.75 151.88 , 115.00 74.75 129.38 , 100.00 65.00 112.50 , 90.00 58.50 101.25 , 80.00 52.00 90.00 . 75.00 "48.75 84.38 In addition to polumn one of the ebovp: 20 increste for iervire onreit 50 increase, if member of flying crew. 50 increase, up to $50 maximum per month, if member of glider crrw. S.50 per month for parachutists (not in flying-pay statu.) while engaged upon parachute duty. S increase in pay for each 3 years of service. lrmswlwff,iirigi U. S. ArmY Recruiting Service Room 360 P.O. Bldg. Pendleton Or. ii:B!ii::;'i"i!ii:i:ii ii:ai,;jiM Our statement of policy We woit QUA. utiiameAA, and the etitisie cottwiunUy to- knota That it is our constant endeavor to raise to the highest degree the standards, ethics and practices of automobile merchandising. ' n That we seek, through cooperative efforts of local, state and oC national automobile dealers associations, the correction of any unfair or unbusinesslike practices. O That new ears are being distributed fairly and equitably, with every consideration being given to our community's Interest. . That new cars will be sold at established prices current at time of f delivery, and no bonus payment or premiums of any kind will be accepted. j- That fair and reasonable value is given for every used car taken O in trade; whilo we hope customers having used cars will, as in the past, trade them with us (so we in turn may supply more people with, needed transportation) we will still make every effort to provide new or UBed cars to those not having cars to trade. That while we are glad to install special accessories (when avall 0 able) which add to the appearance, usefulness, comfort and con venience of the new car, no customer is -required to purchase any extra equipment which he does not desire. 7 That we are doing everything in our power to help eliminate black market operations in our industry. G That despite the continued, critical shortage of new cars we are 8 anxious at all times to talk over with you your now car needs. That regardless of the termination of government regulations, y affecting our business, we believe the high standards herein expressed are sound business principles, and we will be guided by them, That our business is being conducted on a basis to merit public confidence and respect. ' 10 Hodge Chevrolet Company Heppner. Oregon