4-Hcp;.ncr Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, August 28, 1947 Cr. f, 4, V : ii-a!l. Sharon dressed in pastel formats and ! P; IJ--. smpfire Girls At -; c-; ;r;r ramily Has . . fs, ir. ,.:. ere rhvUis Nolan, candles where Ed Grant pave a j . T ,i . Lexington Given yss; together at p-rt ,. i ;.:. Oriffuh. Shirley ed and as thev left, soft music; ts j f J Ranks in Ceremony vr wr:S; ooardman Sunday , :',: M-.i-n tutstorth. nir-1 cuisheU lv four Camp ! y !; 11 in V d M.irilvn Mur.kers, o:;p.dle-liphters walk- enter aisle dressed iv.a'.s ; wearing gladiola They lighted their is from one held by the of c.irrp fire who stood e middle of the platform Mn. fir The LeinK' the scrr-p (tf the n.zi-f H.ir.i ; inr'''n C..r.p V,: their ranks. The I':. 11 as Indian lil.inKrts. cladjolas and crossed in regular tamp Mre 7inri)n. The jwram o;ercd ceremonial gown. After lighting ui:h y-.s, r. C. i -nrmirhael y'.i - the eight candles on each side ing t'.o i-.tr.w'ut torv music. Mrs. of iU( stage, they left the plat Veino!) Miirl.c's made a short : form. The spin" of camp fire 1:.!V: ip; iiresi--!od the Blue' as r'3' Buchanan, liirs'c ;:r,d Oxt Fire (".iris with one of the Horizon club girls, their hip.?. The Elite Birds lak-i After this the four remaining int ,-. were IVarina Steacall.' Horiron club girls, Iris Bloods- n,,nn.-i iuaw Janis Haves, liar : worth. Carole Jackson, Elizabeth bara Grant, Doris Grant. Eileen; Edwards mn Fire Cirls. lM'iis No'an, Boverly Nolan,! i-uesis anne bod ana Kusseu Bettv Lou Messenger and Tatrl- I Mlller homes this last week were cia McV.illna, Kev. Moreland led thplr mother, Mrs. Effie Miller, the group in prayer. i who nas sPent tne summer with Vter 1 e ceremony, refresh-1 hpr daughter in Idaho, and Mr. ments of sandwiches," cake and j and Mrs- Mose Harv ey, their son coffee were served. I ancl family of Buckingham, 111. Tho ioa,-r nf these prnuns Sunday the family had a get- are Mrs. Truman Messenger, i together at the Russell Miller and son Keith left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. lor a coupie 01 weens vacation and sons n,.....,,! and Lvn also Gillespie CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thank- in lamornia oey i B" ,,r r.iiinio-. f,tw i-h nm... i.. th .wml of the commun- and Jo McMillan, THE JACT I S S 1 GRASSHOPPER THERMOMETER ! TEMPERATURE CF A GRASSHOPPER IS TAKEN WITH A DELICATE ELECTRICAL DEVICE, ONLY SlCCO INCH IN DIAMETER, DEVELOPED S GENERAL ELECTRIC EN3INEESS, THIS INFORMATION HELPS SCIENTISTS TO CONTROL THESE CSOP-DESTRCYINS PESTS. Blue Birds; Mrs. Moreland, Camp Fire Girls, and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Horizon club. cecums up iSlk(l A R0V20AT ! CS-P,ECl ALL PLASTIC C.'.tSKy 6 MADE T-:s C: ' WEeS ' "SS. "EDy AY - .yso vVVi POUNDS, IVCNT SWELL AND CANT BE HARMED BY SALT WATJ2 02 WZ2MS. GENERAL ELECTRIC MAKES IT PO. THE BEETLE BOAT COMPANY. ill GENERAL W) EOCTRIC 1?,000 students in g-e College".1 12,000 GENERAL ELECTRIC EMPLOYEES ARE GETTING FREE INSTRUCTION IN S-E EDUCATIONAL COURSES. Joe Sevmour Feathers of Clackamas has accepted a con tract to be superintendent of the Lexington schools for the com ing year. He was educated at the Universities of Oregon and Washington. Mrs. Harvev Bauman and children, Caroline, Marjorie and James, were visiting friends in Lexington Sunday. Caroline is recuperating from an operation on her throat. They came from Nampa, Idaho, where Mrs. Bau man operates a beauty school. Joe Clark, who lives with the Ted McMillans, was injured Sat urday when attacked by a young bull. He was taken to Heppner to a physician who found he had a broken shoulder as well as be ing badly bruised. Miss Edith Fdwards returned to her work in Spokane Friday after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Edwards. Franklin Messenger returned Sunday, from The Dalles where he had been working this sum mer. Few and Mrs. Elbert Moreland have announced that they have accepted a church in Montana and plan on moving there soon. The Horizon club girls have started work on a room in the Lexington IOOF hall where they intend to open a rental library in the near future. Mrs. Keneth Marshall reports that she had a letter from her son Bud telling her that he's now in Tsingtao, China. Carl Breeding is the new rep resentative in this district for the Kawleigh 1'roducts. He made his first trip over the route on Monc ny. Mrs. Josie Frederickson, who has been visiting here, left on the stage Monday to return to her home m Salem. Elmer Hunt drove to Pendle ton Saturday evening to meet his wife and son who are spend' j ing a few days here before re i turning to La Grande. Several families are away on ! vacations now. Among them are the Kenneth Peeks, the Ver non Munkers and the Art Hunts. Among those returning from vacations are the Bill Smeth ursts, Ed Grants, Leonard Mun kers, P.oy Martins, Archie Mun kers, Frank Munkers, Ed Mc Faddens and Dona Barnett, Tri na Parker and Ina Nichols. Joe Way spent the week end here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way. Word has been received here of the birth of a son, Jack Ervin, on August 17 to Mr. and Mrs. George Markle of Chatanooga, home. Those attending the din ner, besides those mentioned, were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Disbrow of Burke, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs Ralph Baker, Fred and Dean Griffin and Bill Baker, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Phillips and daughter of Ord nance; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller. Evelyn and-Bill Miller of Board man. Mrs. Miller and Mr. Har vey are brother and sister. The Harveys, with Mrs. Miller, left Monday for Portland where thev expected to spend a few days and then return home by way of California Mrs. Geneva Jackson and chil dren arrived Sunday and have moved to the Murchie apart ments. Mrs. Jackson is the 5th and 6th grade school teacher this coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Robert -Parker returned home Tuesday after a week end spent in Seattle. Guests at the Nathan Thorpe home this week are Mrs. Thorpe's mother, Mrs. Paul Smith of Union, and Mrs. Potter and son Orvin of California. Lar ry Thorpe who has been with his grandparents for a few weeks returned home with them. Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Smith are sisters. This is the first time they had been together for sev eral years far south as Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kble will occupy the house while they are gone, while they are awaiting com pletion of the manse. Dewey West s Chevron station was entered by way of breaking a window, Friday night. Two tires were taken as was candy, cigarettes, cigars, and some pen nies. The two young fellows were caught in Arlington that same night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and son Bobby and Alta Stevens of Hardman were calling at the home of Mrs. Stevens's brother-in-law and, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson. Mary Young of Hinkle was a dinner guest at the Lee Pearson home Friday night. Virginia Roach of Long Creek spent this week visiting with Carol Robertson. Diane Van Horn of Heppner is spending a week at the home of Miss Marlene Fisk. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Simcox mo tored to Portland Friday, return ing Saturday. Mrs. Flora Schroeder of Port land returned home Saturday af ter spending a week with her brother. Earl Briggs. Bonnie Bell returned home this week after a month's vaca tion spent with her grandmoth er, Mrs. Anna Bell at Boise. Mrs. Annie Hooper left for The Dalles Saturday to enter the hos pital. On Sunday she underwent an operation for gallstones. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker motored to Portland Saturday to spend the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pool were in charge of the hardware during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Harter and family came from Beaver ton Saturday for the week end pie of Exeter Cal motored to:ity for their tenders of sympa Friend Saturday to visit a bro-',thy, kindly assistance and beau-ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and1 tiful floral offerings to the mem Mrs. John Martin. lory of our beloved sister, Flor- If. I ikf... t- T f, Mnn.'Ar)no Pftlll u. itnu iui:. i. i. mc&si-iiK. -i i -'-- "--. left Saturday for The Dalles to spend Sunday with their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Willett (Lois Messenger) Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Juday, Mrs. Hanson Hughes. returning from The Dalles where before they leave for Eugene he had spent the summer worK where Mrs. Willett will teach, ing for his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. Willett will enter the and Mrs. Frank Hammell. University of Oregon. Pendleton callers Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ora Merritt of ' were Mrs. Lee Pearson, Mrs. Tim Centralia, Wash., former resi dents here where Mr. Merritt was depot agent, called on the Lee Pearson family Sunday, en route to Pendleton to visit Mr. Rippee and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eble. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Souders have purchased a home near Leban on and expect to leave nere ter, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Martin, about the 7lh of September. The Dinner guest at the Claud Souders have been long residents Coats home Sunday was Mrs. of Boardman and have made Coats' nephew, Franklin Messen-1 many friends who will miss ger of Lexington. Messenger was them very much. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT It fs with profound sorrow that Sans Souci Kehekah lodge No 33 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows adopts the follow ing resolutions: Whereas, the Almighty Father has seen fit to call our beloved sister, Florence Paul, to her eter nal rest, and whereas, her pre sence and help will be sorely missed; Therefore, be it resolved, that Sans Souci Rohrkah lodge No. 33 in testimony of its loss and in expression of its love, drape the charter. Be it further resolv ed, that the deepest sympathy of the lodge he extended to the f:.milv of our departed sister, and be it further resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge and that a copy he sent to the bereaved family. Let ha Archer, Alice Gentry, Ruth Bergstrom. with friends. Mr. Harter was Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill formerly school superintendent They stayed with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner while here. Mrs. Fred Smith returned home Saturday after spending a few weeks visiting with relatives and friends at Tacoma, Wn. Lt. cousin of Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Mc Millan of Lexington are grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family moved from here this week to their recently pur-! Col. Carl Grandling, chased home in The Dalles. Mrs. Smith who has been here J. F, McMillan and son Denny for the past few weeks, left Mon are spending a week in Portland : day for Washington, D. T., to on a business and shopping trip, i 'enort for duty. To My Friends in Heppner and Morrow County: I wish to announce that my new cabinet shop and build ers supply store will be opened to the public SATURDAY AUGUST 30 We are prepared to take your orders for corner cup boards, modern kitchen built-ins (designed and built), picket fences, trellises to order, any and all kinds of wood work. There will be a modern stock of picture framing material and we will frame pictures to order; Vene'tian blinds and roll screens . . . and for your convenience we will do saw filing and tool sharp ening. O. M. Yeager BUILDER'S SUPPLIES and CABINET SHOP Attention Farmers, Home Owners Have obtained plenty of crushed rock and reject gravel, ideal for driveways, roads and yards. Place orders now before it is too late. We Still Haul Concrete Gravel from Umatilla Rates Reasonable. Special Rates for Large Orders. LEXINGTON SAND & GRAVEL Phone 3311 Special On Glads K'cxt Week, September 2-3-4-5-6 LOCAL GLADS Our Choicest Blooms, Cut Daily -- Fresh and Beautiful -- ?l.50 per dozen 50c of each $1.50 taken in we will contribute to the Gold Star Memorial fund. The Flower Shop and Rachel and Edwin Dick, Growers die ft i TL y n nnnr rrff ii W 1 ft. ' jf-" I r t,r fr it i Scl Honoring Queen Meirlyn turday Evening, Aug. 3 Toe Tingling Tunes by Mel Masters and his Oichestra of The Dalles Admission $1.25 Tax Enclude Fair ' Pavilion - Heppner