Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 28, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Johnny Rea Said j
To Be Improving; j
Coming Home Soon
By Echo Palmatcer I
Mr. and Mrs. Oil Rea rPturn
rd to Portland after a fpw days I
looking aftor tln-lr home here.1
Their little son Johnny Is show-1
ing so much improvement from!
his recent accident that they!
hope to bring him home soon.!
Billy Lundell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lundell of Mihvau-'
kee.has heen helping in his un-i
fie A. C. Swanson's store since;
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warren and '
Heppner Go2ette Times, Heppner, Oregon, August 28,
family returned Friday from a
vacation at the coast.
Guests at the Garry Tullis
home are Tarn and Pete Lybeck
er of Pendleton, children of Mr.
Tullis's sister.
Mrs. C. W. Burton of Portland
and Mrs .Clarence Kruse and
daughter Karen of Oswego re
turned home Sunday of last
week after a week's visit with
their mother, Mrs. Lana Pad
berg. Bob, Billy Joe and Gene Riet-
mann and Tommy Bristow left
last week on a trip through sou-'
thern Oregon and to the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell and
son Alton returned from a few
days trip to Portland. Alton is
now the owner of a new Pack
ard. Oscar Lundell has begun work
Clumnllv Houbigant'i
dclicale-as-luce perfume
with a rare talent for lasting now lends its charms
to a Hnubigant sheer-sifted face powder. Wonderful
on. Gloriously fragrant! In skillfully blende! shade.
Saager's Pharmacy
on a new brick garage just west
of his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Griffith
of Nampa, Idaho, arrived last
Sunday for a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Edmond Bristow.
Mrs. Gene Normoyle is visit
ing a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Hodge, in Pasco, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and
family and Johnny Bristow are
vacationing at the coast.
David Rietmann, Ray and Da
vid Barnett spent Sunday and
Monday picking huckleberries on
Mt. Adams.
Mat Halvorsen enjoyed a short
visit last week with his nephew
and family, the Arthur Halvor
sens, of St. Mary's, Kan.
Mrs. Ella Davidson is much
improved after a recent bout
with the flu.
Rodney (Pete) Crawford re
turned Sunday after a few days
in Portland.
The Lewis Halvorsen family
enjoyed a weeks vacation in the
Wallowa country, returning Sun
day of last week. The rest of
the party, the Roy Lindstroms,
Garland Swansons and Bert Ma
sons and Janet and John stop
ped a few days at Lehman
Springs before returning Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson and
C. W. Roundy were La Grande
visitors last week end.
Mrs. E. B. Balch of Cottage
Grove visited her daughter, Mrs.
Clifford Carlson and family over
Those from lone attending the
Flying Farmers meeting in ("or
vallis Aug. 25 and 2f were Roy
Lindstrom, Garland Swanson.
Jack Forsythe, Milton Morgan
and Raymond Lundell. They all
went by plane.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Everson
of Portland were week-end vis
itors at the Charles O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Berchi of
Lyle, Wash., spent two days in
lone visiting the Gordon Whites.
Mr. Berchi. a fish contractor for
an Astoria cannery, will spend
next winter in Peru, S. A., where
his work takes him.
Mrs. Lee Beckner had the mis
fortune of turning over the Beck
ner station wagon at the "Y"
above the Rietmann grade last
Friday noon. Mrs. Beckner was
bruised and shaken but not ser
iously injured. The car was
somewhat damaged. The acci
dent was caused by loose gravel
on the road shoulder.
E. L. West of The Dalles has
taken over the repair shop in
Lundell's garage. Mr. West is a
brother of Mrs. W. B. Rice of
The Dalles, formerly of lone.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay
spent Sunday at Adams visiting
their daughter. Mrs. Roy Petty
john, and family.
rT -
Y The man i maqrvmust
'( Vou don Y want rcj
-s i 1 1 i IV v :-?' it
You can expect and get the best appliances at the HEPPNER
HARDWARE & ELECTRIC CO. We have appliances to take the
"labor" out of Labor Day. If every day is one of hard tasks and
unpleasant chores, then come in and discover the conveniences of
our G. E. and Maytag appliances.
The 4 H club girls with their
leader. Mrs. Ruth McCabe, met
at the home of Mrs. Victor Riet
mann, Monday. The art of darn
ing was studied.
Henry E. Clark, custodian of
the school, reports the school
house Is being prepared for
school work. The whole building
has been refinished and the kit
chen has been re-equipped with
a larger sink and range. New
kitchen cabinets will be com
pleted before school starts the
8th of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harr and
grandson. Jimmy Fletcher, of
Blackfoot, Idaho, visited Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs.
Harr's brother, Lewis Halvorsen.
The Omeca club held their an
nua) picnic Sunday, some mem
bers going to the "Sawdust Pile'
above the Heppner artesian well
for an early breakfast, and oth
ers going to Lehman Strings,
Those going to the SDP were Mr.
and Mrs. Edmond Bristow and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eu
banks and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Lundell and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Heliker, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Lundell and daughter, Mrs. Har
riett Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Palmer and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl McCabe and
daghter, Miss Mary Jean Bris
tow and Ernest McCabe. Those
going to Lehman Springs were
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner
and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Corley and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Padberg and
The highlight of the week was
the princess dance at Willows
grange hall Saturday evening,
given in honor of Princess Lau
rel Palmateer. The dance was
well attended and was a grati
fying success.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer
celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary Wednesday, Aug. 20
when a number of friends and
relatives surprised them with a
party. A number of silver dishes
and other lovely gifts were pre
sented the Seehafers. Those en
joying the evening were Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Heliker, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Halvorsen, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Heliker, Mrs. Harriet Lun
dell, Mrs. Oscar Lurtdell, Mrs.
Sam Esteb. Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Ekstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Corley. Sandwiches, cake and
coffee were served by the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Town
send returned from Portland last
Saturday after a few days bus
iness trip. Fred Jenkinson, a rel
ative, drove back with them.
While they were gone Brenda
was guest at the E M. Baker
home, Mansel was at the Lewis
Halvorsen's and Sue Carol was
with her aunt in Heppner.
The Valby church held ser-
Sometimes Lack of Action Will Enliven Show
V innvnaAi
Labor Day means that Children
will soon be traveling: back to
ichooL It'i tinie to get their
clothe ready for echooL Call
for pick ap and delivery ser
vice at the MORROW COUNTY
CLEAN ESS for expert clean
ing;, pressing' and dyeing.
Morrow County
Heppner Phone 8632 Oregon
-tvi. ' - "
. iiATvwa co s. - . cva- I
. V
V u. '
1 ' - V.
Frank Chitwood and his trained "donk" are Rodeo attractions.
vices Sunday. Aug. 21, conduct
ed by Rev. Hokinson. Mrs. Ho
kinson and friends accompanied
him from Portland. Sunday
school will start Sunday, Aug.
31, and continue through the
Mrs. Henry Peterson is leaving
this week for McPherson, Kan.,
for a visit with relatives. Henry
and son's Robert and Herbert
plan to attend the state fair in
Salem, which begins September
Many lone friends and rela
tives attended the Bergstrom
Ledbetter wedding at the Hepp
ner Methodist church Sunday
Oscar Peterson, home for a
few days, reports that Gerald is
improving steadily but is rest
less and uncomfortable during
the process of necessary skin
grafting following his recent ac
cident. From the lone Independent,
Aug. 23, 1923: "The local Amer
ican Legion boys will hold a
Harvest ball at the hall Satur
day, September 8, at which over
alls and gingham gowns will be
considered full dress. Dancing
will begin at 9:30 and a good
time promised all."
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake left
Monday for a weeks trip through
southern Oregon. Their sons
Robert and Ernest accompanied
eompanied them home for a vis
it. Mrs. James Phillips is expect
irg her son Lt. Glen Poulson
of the air corps and Mrs. Poul
son and baby and her family,
William Cohn and son Billy who
are all coming out from Atki
son, Iowa.
Troy Griffin is drilling a well
on the William Henry farm.
This is the founh well in that
vicinity in the last few weeks.
Superintendent Solwold is get
ting the band ready for the Her
miston fair and Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heibert and
two daughters left Monday for
Sand Point, Idaho, to visit his
brother and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilding Piarson
have moved into the Henry'
Swaren trailer home. He is em
ployed at Umatilla.
C. W. Acock and sister Betty
went to Bend Thursday, return
ing Friday to Redmond to visit
their sister, Mary Allen, and
family, and then on home.
Mrs. Walter Dodge was called
to Tillamook Tuesday morning
on hearing that her small grand
son had been badly hurt under
a car.
Miss Norma Schlemmer of Sa
lem is visiting her aunt, Mr
John James and family
Calvin Allen was in Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Strausor
and Donald Dweak are up from
Tortland for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompion
and son Ronald spent from Sit
urday until Monday at John
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mulkey and
children spent the week end at
Spray with his mother, rs. Bill
Mart Abken is spending a fe v
days with friends at Mayijer
Mrs. Mart Abken and. Mrs F.
A. Stephens were shopping in
Tendleton Monday.
Roy Stamp of Heppner was nn
Irrigon visitor Friday.
The Ivan Cox family moved
the first of the week into the
house recently purchased from
Roy Thomas. It is a new house,
built last year, and heretofore
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thomas of
Stevenson, Wash., were Heppner
visitors Tuesday and Wednesday,
stopping by to see some of their
friends on their return from a
vacation trip to Canada.
Vows Spoken At
Bend August 11
By Mrs. J. A. Shoun
Miss Paula Haberlein and
Bruce Houck of Bend were mar
ried Friday in the Bend Catholic
church. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ha
berlein went from here and met
Mr. Haberlein's daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clin
ton Day of Oswego at The Dalles
and all went on to Bend to the
daughter and sister Paula's j
wedding. Paula Haberlein was!
graduated from high school herel
and from Marylhurst college at
Portland last spring. Betty Acock
also attended the wedding from
Mr. and Mrs. Adren Allen and
two children of Redmond came
over to visit their parents, Mrs.
H. W. Grim and C. W. Acock
and families. C. W. Acock ac-
Mrs. Gordon White and chil
dren, Tommy and Lena, left Tu
esday morning for Portland and
Long Beach, Wash., for a visit
and to bring home another son,
Garry, who has been visitimj
Who's More Important Than
''V'i ri n ';., - .. -jyiiiTiiiirg nii"-inii-"-"-"i-i---" : c
For the "mitey" Baby World we
are featuring all the furniture
designed for his comfort and
convenience. . . We suggest you
devote time to check over Baby's
necessities . . . then come in this
week and every week.
Bathanettes - Baby Brigs
Strollers - High Chairs
Jumpers - Trainers
Buggies Beds
Case Furniture Co.
Ride 'im Cowboy!
Make the 1947
Heppner Rodeo
The Biggest and Best in the History of the
Your Attendance Will Help Put It Over
Well be seeing ya
Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
23rd Annual
September 5-6-7
Heppner, Oregon
$31800 in Cash Frizes
Entry Fees Added
Saddle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding,
Bulldogging, Calf Roping
Wild Cow Milking
An Approved RCA Show
Reserved scats will go on sale at 2 p. m. Saturday, August
23, in special booths on Main Street, Heppner. Make
Your Reservations Early!