okLCON lilSTORlCAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND. ORE 1E3 eppner Gazette Times 1 Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 28, 1947 Volume 64, Number 23 Everything Ready For Opening Of School On Sept. 8 Teacher Positions AM Filled, Says Supt. Henry Tetz Everything is in readiness for the opening of school Monday, Sept. 8, Supt. Henry Tetz an nounced Wednesday. The teach ing staff has been completed and renovation work at the school plant will have been fin ished by the time the gone sounds for the assembling of classes. The principal's office will be open Thursday and Friday, Sept. 4 and 5, to permit high school students to check or to change their registration. Throe new teachers have been signed up for the high school. Miss Mary Lou George of Day ville, one of this year's outstand ing graduates of Oregon State college, will teach homemaking and girls' physical education. Miss Marie Haass of Los An geles, Calif., with an AB from the University of Wisconsin 'and an MS from USC, will teach En glish and biology. She has had 18 years experience, 16 in North Carolina and the past two years at Brawley, Calif. Francis Cook, Kansas State Teachers college and Oregon State college, will teach agricul ture, general science and shop. He comes to Heppner from Kla math Falls where he was veter ans agricultural" training in structor. He also has had seven years of farm experience with a 500-acre general farm in Kan-1 sas. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have been in Heppner since Aug. 1 They live in the Case apart ments. Returning teachers include Mrs. Marie Clary history, book keeping, general mathematics, library, visual aids; Mrs. Helena Estudillo geography, commer cial; William Cochell instru mental and vocal music, and Leonard Pate mathematics, sci ence, athletics. Four new faces will be found In the elementary school. In the first grade will be Mrs. Margar et Cason, former teacher In the county as well as former critic teacher at Southern Oregon Col lege at Ashland. Mrs. Vclva. Bechdolt, who taught at Board mi i last year, has been retained to teach the third grade She was educated in California and gained experience in that state before coming to Oregon. Miss Eleanor Ball, with five years ex perience in Virginia, will have charge of the sixth grade. Eighth grade teacher and principal of the grades will be Waldo Jackson of Spokane. He has had 12 years experience in South Dakota and Washington as principal and teacher. He is married and has two children Returning grade teachers are Mrs. Edna Turner, first grade; Mrs. Elizabeth Dix, second grade; Mrs. Beulah Ogletree, third and fourth; Mrs. Byrle Pate, fourth; Miss Margvierite Glavey, fifth, and Mrs Anabel McMillan, seventh. Marvin Wightman, former ag ricultural teacher, will be agri cultural educational instructor, as will William Barratt, in charge of veterans agricultural education in Heppner. Condon and Boardman, all unfler super vision of school district No. 1. Custodian is Hubert Wilson; assistants, Mrs. Jennie Lewis and Mrs. Ora Wyland. Irrigon Is the only county school opening next week. Work starts there next Tuesday morn ing, according to Mrs. Lucy Rod gers, county superintendent. o PIGEONS AND DOVES NOW ON CAME LIST Game bird hunters will have their first chance to go out this year with the opening on Sept. 1 of the season for hand-tailed pigeons and doves. The pigeon season Is open un til Sept 30 in all counties. State regulations have reduced the bag limit to 8 pigeons a day or in possession at any one time. Doves may bo hunted until counties will be open: Lake, Klamath, Deschutes, Jaeksnn, Josephine, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Crook, Wasco, Sherman, Jei Or son, Hood River, Wheeler, Gill: iam and Morrow, All other coun ties are closed. Bag limit for doves Is 10 birds a day or In pos session nt: any on etime. Visitors hero the first of the week were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. "Billy" Bueknum, who came to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bueknum, and to give Mrs. Bueknum an opportunity to see her husband's home town. The young couple make their homo near Los Angeles. Early Monday morning Hilly rented n piano from the Korsytho Flying service and took his mother, his aunt, Mrs. Wm, Bueknum, and his wife for a sightseeing tour of Heppner and vicinity from the air. Dad Ed nnd Uncle Bill refused to leave terra flrmn, be ing content to view the scenery from the ground. Pied Piper Of Oak Ridge Title Given Alden Blankenship From Holland's, the Magazine of the South, we learn that a former Heppner man is referred to as "The Pied Piper of Oak Ridge." That man is Dr. Alden H. Blankenship, former superin tendent of the Heppner schools, teacher at Columbia University, New York, and since 1913 found er and builder of the Oak Ridge, Tenn. .school system, agreed un animously by more than 7,000 authorities oh education as an outstanding illustration of what the schools of tomorrow should be-Hkef It is recalled by the writer that when Dr. Blankenship went to Oak Ridge h werote. this news paper directing that his address be changed to that point, he said something about having a job but no housing or equip ment with which to work. From Holland's we glean an insight to his problem in the following paragraphs:: A story whose opening chap ter began on a sweltering July morning in 1913 when Dr. Blan kenship, freshly arrived in Oak Ridge from his teaching duties at Columbia University, faced Town Manager Captain Samuel A. Baxter and said, with a puz zled frown, "I've come to Oak Ridge to be Suierintendent of Schools. Where are the schools?" "There aren't any," said Cap tain Baxter briefly. "That's your job. To build, equip, and staff them." "For how many children?" Dr. Blankenship asked. "Families are pouring into Oak Ridge in droves. We expect a landslide of 6,000 by the end of this year. Furthermore," said Captain Baxter tersely, "You've got to do the job in three months time because we've promised them that schools will open on October 1st." It was a staggering assign ment, but thirty-four-year-old Blankenship rolled up his sleev- ps and set to work to build the ! school system which today has ! a staff of 350 teachers and 13 schools to take care of its pre sent 8.000 children. And so, Gaylen Goodrich, wri ting of our former fellow towns man, aptly dubs him "The Pied PiHT of Oak Ridge." c A Little Bit Late But We're Finally In On Flying Discs Heppner is a little bit late but this is to serve notice that we're finally in on the flying disc ex citement if there is excitement over the mysterious little sau cers, plates, or what have you. Willie McCaleb, of sound mind and body and strictly sober deposes and swears that at noon on Wednesday, Aug. 27, as he was meandering towards home from his place of business, the post office in Heppner, a glint caught his eye and he looked skyward to behold a tiny disc sailing through the air at a rate he could not estimate. When first seen the object was travel ing eastward and suddenly veer ed to the south. Ho believes this would remove the disc from the category of windblown, or car ried, object and place it in a class of remote controlled or otherwise generated object. McCaleb's seriousness also re moves any notion one may have about sun spots, faulty vision, flying seeds and a few other things mentioned in recent months in connection with the mysterious flying missiles. Among those from out of town shopping and transacting busi-i who will reach his 65th birthday ness in Heppner Wednesday I Aug. 29. were Owen Leathers of Kinzua.i Numerous personnel changes Herbert Hynd of Cecil and Art j will result from the consolida Hunt of Lexington. I lion, Mr. Lynch declared. ...li n ,J.'i,J',", : "Howdy folks, be seeln' you at Fair Season Gets Going in Earnest Current Week End There will be no lack of en tertainment for the people of northeastern Oregon and south western Washington this week end and continuing on through the next two weeks. With the Umatilla county fair at Hermis ton and the Southeastern Wash ington fair at Walla Walla over lapping, and the Heppner Rodeo following on the heels of the Walla Walla fair there is enough going on to .get the populace tuned up for the kingpin event of the year, the Pendleton Round-Up. At Hermiston, the Umatilla county fair opened today. Crown ing event of the day's program will be the coronation of, Queen! Marian I at a style show this' evening. A large fair parade will wind through the streets Friday morning at which at least' four bands and four visiting roy al courts of other celebrations, will be featured. Big event of the fair will be the afternoon junior horse show; on Friday and Saturday, at which entrants from five to 16 years of age' will vie for top honors. El even competitive events are planned, plus drill exhibitions by the Pendleton Junior Mus tangers and the Hermiston Jun ior Traildusters. With assurances of unusual participation in all groups of livestock, the annual Southeast ern Washington fair will ge underway August 29 to continue through September 1. Friday, Aug. 29 will be Kids day at the fair with a 10 a.m. downtown parade and the first of four afternoon running and harness race programs. That night will see the presentation of "Hiyu Wawa," a family type entertainment. In the Chinook language "much celebration" is a literal translation of "Hiyu Wawa." The last three nights of the fair will be devoted to ro- doo, the management's share of nurses belne S5.5O0. Saturday, Aug. 30, has been designated as 4-H club and Fu ture Farmers of America day, business men to be host at a breakfast to the young folk in attendance. The annual "Parade of Progress and Products" will be at 11 a.m. Southeastern Washington day at the fair will be Sunday, Aug. 31. with the final day the official observance of Labor day at the fair. The Heppner Rodeo opens Fri day, Sept. 5 and runs three days. The Pendleton Round-Up opens Sept 10 and continues for four days. U. P. Consolidates Oregon-Washington Divisions Sept. 1 Consolidation of Union Pacific Railroad's Oregon and Washing ton divisions was announced to day by P. J. Lynch, vice presi dent in charge of operations. Omaha. The consolidation will become effective Sept. 1, accord ing to L. A. Collins, general man ager, northwestern district, Port land. Headquarters of the new divi sion, to be known as the Oregon Division, will be at Portland, which was headquarters for the Oregon Division prior to the consolidation. Spokane, headquarters of the pre consolidation Washington Division, will be maintained as a sub-headquarters. At the same time Mr. Lynch announced the retirement of Mark C. Williams, superintend ent of the Washington division -1 Rodeo," says Frank Chltwood Queen Merlyn Will At Final Pre-Rodeo J :' ' s 1 I ', ."kx The Rodeo "Queen's" dance in honor of Queen Merlyn I, striking, dark-haired daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kirk, will be held Sat Junior chamber of commerce. This is the final dance for members urday night at the pavilion in Heppner nuder the auspices of the of the royal court, but rodeo dances will be held every night at the pavilion during the Rodeo. - Practically born in the saddle, Queen Merlyn is an experienced equestrienne, owns a number of saddle horses and this summer has been halter breaking a pair of yearlings. Last spring she purchas ed a purebred Arabian horse, Jaehal, from the stables of Lee Ever ly at Salem. Queen Merlyn was one of the first to join the recently organized riding club, "The Wranglers" A true ranch girl, Queen Merlyn helps with harvest, drives bulk truck, cooks for haying crews, and gardens. An expert marksman, she spends part of the hunting season at her father's lodge near Ukiah and brings in her deer with the best of them. In 1944 Queen Merlyn graduated from Heppner high school where she was first assistant editor and then editor of the school paper, held numerous class offices, belonged to student clubs and received her three year letterman sweater. In 1945 she studied photography in Portland and in 1946 she attended Oregon State college where &he majored in agriculture and minored in art. She was chosen one of the majorettes of the Oregon State band and reported on me scnool paper, tne Barometer. ' Queen Merlyn is a descendant of Eastern Oregon pioneers. Her ' great grandfather, W. Kirk, homesteaded one of the first ranches in the Blackhorse section, and her grandparents, the late Mr. and 1 Mrs. M. J. Devin, came to this section in 1884 and helped in the! development of Heppner i News Items of Interest Around Town . . . . By Ruth Payne New books for children added to the Heppner public library this week include: Sandburg, "Abe Lincoln Grows Up"; Keei er, "Today With Dede" and "To day With Tommy"; Sze, Mai Mai, "Echo of a Cry"; Lanks, "Adventures in Central Ameri ca"; Miller, "Kay and Kim in Wild Horse Canyon"; Untermey- er, "This femging World. JSew ton family reunion dinner at adult books include two for the their home on Baltimore street. Sigsbee Memorial shelf, Richter, Guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Claud "Sea of Grass" and Marqund, Huston, Mrs Jeanne Gaines and "The Late George Apley"; and daughter, Shirlee Anne, Mr. and Hilton, "Meadows of the Moon.", Mrs. William Rawlins. .Tom Hus Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green en-! ton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston, tertained with a wiener roast; Miss Maxine East, Evan Rill, Saturday evening at their home.-MHo Huston, Noel Rill, Cecil Rill on Water street honoring their and Mrs. Herman Parker of Pas sons, Joe and Herman, on thelc. Wash. occasion of their birthdays. Mrs. Louise Ritchie arrived Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe! Tuesday from The Dalles to Green and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green and family of Lexington, Mr. audi Mrs. Cornett Green and children and Miss Louise Green. Sundav the family enjoyed a picnic at their summer tamp near Ditch creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom and daughter Marilyn and sonlprso,,. Gerald have returned from a week's vacation at Crater lake and other points in southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake and dren and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Singer left the end of the week for a vacation trip to Kan sas. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nutting spent the week end In Elgin whore Mr. Nutting was announ cer for the Elgin Stampede Al Forbes and Edward Rice made a business trip to Portland the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B:rth - olomew of Butter creek are,0jsco will meet " her father in spending a short vacation at Portland and spend the week John Day and Mt. Vernon end with him there. sprinRS. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorger audi moved to Portland this week cni! children of Walla Walla were In; Heppner Friday to attend the funeral services of the late Flor ence Paul. Mesdames Josie Jones. Soph rona Thompson and Lennie Low den have returned from Ritter springs where they had been va cationing. Mrs. Thompson's daughter, Mrs. Paul Webb Jr.. and family of Walla Walla spent part of the time wllh them. Mrs. Trannie Parker and Miss Dona Barnett of Lexington were shopping In Heppner Tuesday. They had Just returned from a short vacation at Camp Sherman on the Metnulvis river Dr. and Mrs. Joe Causev (Mary Monnhan) of Douglas, Ariz., and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barrio and children of Casper, Wyo., are vis iting at the homo of' the ladies' parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Monahan, They spent some Be Honored Guest Dance Saturday Night i time touring Yellowstone park and came from there to Pendle ton from which point the Bar ries went to Walla Walla to visit his mother before coming on to Heppner. A. C. L. Jet ley motored to the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston were hosts Sunday for the Hus spend a week in Heppner visit- mg friends. While here she is the house guest of Mrs. Ora K. 1 Wyland. Erlene and Eileen Redding re turned to their home in Vancou ver, Wn., Sunday after spending the past few weeks in Heppner with their aunt, Mrs. Alena An- Mr. and Mrs Joe Green and children, Bobby and Joanne, re turned to their home in Portland Wednesday after spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green. Miss Shirley Marciel left Tu esday for her home in San Le andro, Cal., after visiting here for some time with her uncle and anut, Mr. and Mrs Tom Fra ters, and other relatives. L. D. Neill motored to Port land Tuesday. He was aecom- panied by T. J. Humphreys and his niece, Clarice Mackay. Miss lKvclvnHmunhrevsofSenFran. and will make their home there in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Salzman and children of Condon were at tending to business matters in Hcppnor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney and son Robbie are vacationing at Lake Louise. During their ab sence. Mrs. Maude Robison is looking after Shannon. Mrs. Roland Farrens entertain ed with a politick picnic Sunday at the Ditch Creek guard sta tion honoring Mr. Farrens on his birthday. Twenty guests were present. Mrs. Herman Parker returned to her home in Pasco, Wn., Mon- day after spending the week end hero. She was accompanied bv her mother, Mrs. Clivo Huston, who will spend a fortnight in Tasco. Mr. and Mrs. George Gertson Season's Training Shows to Advantage In Wafer Pageant Young people of Heppner showed their season's training to good advantage Sunday af ternoon when Miss Jackie Tetz presented them in a water pa geant at the municipal swim ming tank. Miss Tetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tetz, took a life saving course at Benbow Lakes, Wash., sponsored by the Morrow county chapter of the American Red Cross of which Jack, O'Connor is chairman, and proved to be a competent in structor in swimming and life saving. First competitive event was for boys 9 to 11, swimming 75 feet free style. Entrants were Billy Hughes, first, and Larry Mollahan. Second, girls in same age and distance, Sandra Lan ham, first, Eleanor Rice, Judy Brown and Darlene Connor., Boys 150-foot race, ages 1215: Garry Connor, first, Jimmy Smith, second. Girls in same class and age: Mary Gunderson, Kathleen Orwiek and Wanda Matteson. j Three teams were entered in the relay race, the winning team including Jimmy Smith, Joan I Bothwell, Wanda Matteson and Eleanor Rice. Billy Hughes took first in diving exhibition, fol-1 lowed by Gary Connor and Jim- my Smith. j Strokes learned during the summer were demonstrated by Gary Connor, Jimmy Smith, Joan Bothwell, Mary Gunderson, Rita Dell Johnson and Kathleen Or wiek. This was followed by a life saving demonstration in which Miss Tetz was the life saver and Kathleen Orwiek the drowning person. The water pageant with mu sic included a duet by Miss Tetz water ballet by Judv ( l"rk "-ie and Rita Dell Johnson and a Lewis, Gary Connor, Jimmy Smith and Rita Dell Johnson. Diving exhibitions were given by Pat Hayes, Darlene Connor. Jimmy Smith, .Gary Connor and Billy Hughes. The the letter "H" in which about 20 participated. Swimming certificates were awarded to members of the be ginner and advanced classes to the number of 50. Judges were Mayor Conley Lanham and Councilman Francis Nickerson. o County Taxes Paid Up 97.14 per Cent By 15th of August Morrow county taxpayers had paid in 97.14 percent of their 1947 taxes as of Aug. 15, accord ing to Frances Mitchell, depiKv sheriff in charge of the tax col lecting department. This may not be the best record in the state, but it is one that will be lieves. hard to beat, Mrs. Mitchell be-1 net over blue satin, with a pic The funds collected in have j hire hat of net and she carried been divided among 37 tavingja nosegay. bodies, with schools getting the ; A reception in the church par biggest portion. . j lors followed the ceremony. Mrs. Mitchell stated that over -Mrs. B. C. Pinckney and Mrs. $10,000 was refunded last fall counts in full. to taxpayers paying their ac- o NEW DENTIST GETTING READY FOR OPENING Dr. Jean Palmer has been busy the past few days getting his office equipment and furnish ings installed in a suite on the second floor of the First Nation al Bank building. Sojne alter ations had to be made, as well as no small amount of plumb ing installations. Dr. Palmer expects to have his family moved here from Camas. Wash., in time for his little girl to enter school. He purchased the Mrs. Richard Lawrence res idence shortly after making his first visit here. He has a wife and three children. have returned from a vacation trip to Havre, Mont., where they I Out-of-town guests at the visited with relatives. I wedding were Jimmie Ledbetter. Howard Gilliam broke the! Miss Paula Berg. Mr. and Mrs. bones in his left foot while , Oscar Bergstrom. Pete Janin and working at the Scritsmier miIIAlhin Anderson, the groom's Friday. He was brought to Hepp- grandfather from Portland, and ncr to a physician. Mrs. Louis Cason of Rock creek and her house guest, Miss Winifred Osten of Seattle were shoping in Heppner the end of the week. Mrs. Mary Sowers of Portland is visiting in Heppner with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins were in town Wednesday from their farm on the Spray high way south of Hardman. Deano Van Home is visiting this week in Boardman with Marlene Fisk. Week-end guests of Mr. ami Mrs. William McCaleb wore Vic toria Wainwright, R.N., of Wis consin Dolls. Wis., and Verna Mae Zeigglebauor. R.N., of Chil ton, Wis., who wore In nurse's training at Fon du Lac, Wis., with Mrs. McCaleb a few years ago. They were en route from Burbank. Cal., where they have been nursing, to Wisconsin, for a vacation. Mrs. Clayton Avers was over from Tine City Wednesday at tending to business matters in Heppner. Of Black Maria'll Git Yu Ef Yu Don' Bz Mighty Keerful The old Black Maria, or a fac simile of the old police round up wagon, will go to work along Main street this week-end, ac cording to announcement from the Junior chamber of com merce after meeting Wednesday evening to discuss this and other matters pertaining to the Rodeo and community affairs Desirous of giving the Rodeo J among many adults of the coun all the publicity possible in they, particularly town-folk. tha. remaining days before the op-.entries in the Morrow county ening of the show, the Jaycees two weeks ago suggested adop tion of cowboy attire by the bus iness men and citizens generally as a good type of advertising. This was concurred in by the Senior chamber of commerce and as a result there has been quite an outcropping of cowboy haberdashery within the past few days. The time has now ar rived to put a little pressure on and to emphasize what the dress up is for, and the Jaycees plan to conduct a little round-up of their own gathering in those appearing on the streets sans something befitting the occa sion. Plans were completed for dressing the pavilion floor for. the pueen's dance this week-end and the Rodeo dances next week.) Immediately after the Rodeo, the city council granting permis sion, the Jaycees plan to lay a new hardwood floor and other wise fix up the pavilion for year around usage. o Ledbetter-Bergstrom Vows Taken Sunday At Methodist Church . Amid tall white tapers and baskets of summer flowers, Miss Barbara Ledbetter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Ledbetter Heppner became the bride of Norman Bergstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Bergstrom of lone, at the Methodist church Sunday evening, with Rev. J. Palmer Sorlein reading the ser vice. Miss Clara Sue Ledbetter, sis ter of the bride, was maid of honor and Arthur Bergstrom of Portland served his brother as best man. The tapers were lighted by Misses Estelle Ledbetter and Do rothy Bergstrom. Roland Berg strom and John Ledbetter seat ed the guests. Wedding music was played by Miss Louise Hunt who ac companied Miss Betty Riding of Portland who sang. The bride's goun of white slip per satin was beautiful in its princess style, en train, with a fingertip veil of illusion which was held in place by a cap of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible with shower bouquet of an j orchid and lilies of the valley. I Her sister was dressed in blue Herbert Ekstrom presided at the tea table. Mrs. Jimmie Far ley cut the wedding cake. As sisting about the rooms were Mrs. La Verne Van Marter and Miss Gwcn Coleman. The young couple are enjoying a short wedding trip to Canada following which they will be at home in Boardman where the Sroom will coach athletics in the Boardman school. For going away the bride chose a blue suit with wine col op'd accessories and a cream or chid. The bride and groom are well known young people in the community. Mrs. Bergstrom has been employed in, the First Na tional Bank of Portland, Hepp ner branch, while Mr. Bergstrom. following his release from the navy, has completed his college I course. Boh Cochran of Walla Walla. LIKE INDEPENDENCE A letter from former Supt. Goo. A. Corwin this week asks that the Gazette Times he for warded to Independence, whore he and the family are now lo cated. George says It's a bit nampor down mere man It is in eastern Oregon but that they are enjoying the climate and the greenery. The moisture has had the effect of mildewing the hops and lie fears this will have a tendency to boost the price of beer, m which case more penple will be compelled to drink more milk. ACCEPTED AT E.O.C. Edgar O. East of Heppner has been accepted as a freshman student at Eastern Oregon Col lege of f.ducation for the fall term beginning Sept. 22, I.yle II Johnson, registrar, announced The college anticipates the larg est enrollment in its history, however Increasing facilities make it possible to accept addi tional students this fall Adults Urged Jo Prepare Exhibits For County Fair Entries Not Limited To 4-H Clubs Say Superintendents A lack of premium lists hi caused the impression to nrevai! fair September 5 and 6 are lim ited to 4-H club members. Such is not the case, superintendents of the various divisions point out and they urge adults of the en tire county to prepare and bring in exhibits. As a matter of fact, there are ten divisions for gen eral entries and divisions 11 is for the 4-H club part of the fair. It has been stated repeatedly that due to the lack of room and housing, the 1'7 ,air will be more in the n tu'e of a 4-H club event. As time has passed, ar rangements have been made for more general exhibits and by the time the premium books were issued it was possible to include a general list. Since 4-H club members have received the premium books and many adults, particularly those in towns, have not received them, -a list of the 10 general divisions is herewith presented: Division I Beef cattle; Donald Robinson, superintendent; Class A. Hereford; Class B, Shorthorn; Class C, Aberdeen Angus; Class D, open. Division II Hogs; Bill Barratt, superintendent; Ctass A. Hamp shire; Class B, Poland China; Class C, Duroc Jersey; Class D, Chester White; Class E, all other breeds. Division III Sheep; Stephen Thompson, superintendent; Class A, Rambouillet; Class B, Hamp shire; Class C, Shropshire; Class D, Crossbred; Class E, other breeds. Division IV Dairy Cattle; John Wightman, superintendent; Class A. Jersey; Class B, Guern sey; Class C, Holstein; Class D, Ayrshire; Class E, dual purpose; Class F, all other breeds. Division V Poultry; Joe De vine, superintendent; Class A, Chickens, light breeds; Class B, Chickens, heavy breeds; Class C, Eggs; Class D. Turkeys; Class E, Ducks; Class F, Geese. Division VI Saddle Horses; Fred Mankin, superintendent; Class A, Saddle horses, all breeds; Class B, Horse and rider; (Horse and rider will be requir ed to perform as directed by the judges.) Division VII Grain and hay; Frank Anderson and John Krebs. superintendents; Class A. Wheat; Class B, Barley and oats; Class C, Hay and grass; Class D. other. Division Villi Fruits, Veget ables and Flowers; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, superintendents; Class A, Fruits grown in Morrow county; Class B, Non-irrigated vegetables; Class C, Irrigated vegetables: Class D. Flowers: Class D, Freak exhibits. Division IX Community booths; E. E. Rugg. superintend ent; The exhibit shall include the best display of products of house, garden and farms of com munity, grange and school. Any organization in the county Is el igible to enter. Awards will be made on the basis of the quality and quantity of products dis played as well as on the artistic arrangement, general appear ance and attractiveness of the display. Division X Women's depart ment; Mrs. Ralph Thompson, su perintendent. All exhibits in this division must be the work of the exhibitor. Class A. Food preser vation, Mrs. Ernest Heliker. as sistant superintendent; AH ex hibits shall consist of 3 jars or containers of 3 varieties of fruit, 2 jars or containers of 2 variet ies of vegetables. 2 jars or con tainers of pickles or relish. 1 jar or container of jam or jelly, an ' 2 jars or containers of mo-t: Class B, Baking, Mrs. W. I'.. Hughes, superintendent; Cl'vs C, Sewing. Mrs. i). M. Biker, su perintendent: All articles must have been made by oxhihi'or within the last two years. Items include needle work, knitting and miscellaneous.. Nelson C. Anderson, secretary, gives the assurance that anyone interested In gettint: a prerni i'n book may do so by calling at the office of the county .-r:eit. upstairs in the First N.itiic.iil Bank building in Heppner, The agent does not have a mailing permit covering items o'her than those coming under the Jurisdiction of thai olfi.e, hence did not feel Justified in spending 10 cents a copy In mail the bookd out of town. His tti.i 1 1 i ri;' If' covers farm conimni! It ies only Entry blanks are Included vinh the books, so that all anyone In terested has to do is go In the office and get a copy of the premium bonk. Phil Griffin of EigMmilr re ceived a severe cut through 'he palm of his right hand while ad Justing an elevator belt Tues day, lie was brought to Hepp ner to a physician. i