Want Ads -NEW THIS WEEK- FOR SALE Large rod fryers, $2 each. Phone 37F21, lone, Or. FOR ROUGH LUMBER econom ically priced see the new Builders' Supply. Will take or ders Jor all kinds of rough lumber to he delivered in Heppner. 22c Zipper type sleeping bags for your vacation trip. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-Quaker oil heater with mechanical draft and cir culating fan, never been used; brand new Frigidaire cabinet sink. See Phillip S. Griffin, lone. 22-2.'ip Hydraulic jacks $7.95. Rosewil Motor Company. TIIK NEW LUMBER YARD by the bridge has 2x1, 2xC and shiplap lumber for sale. 22c Does your car shimmy? Free safety test in our safety lane. Rosewall Motor Company. LOTS FOR SALE-Call O. H. Sleinke, 1233. 21-21p Let our paint department restore that show room complexion. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE My entire flock of Hampshire Red pullets, laying hens. 2 12 miles below Mor gan, on highway. Otis Young. 22c We have good buys in used tires and new tires. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR A LARGER SELECTION IN OMi FURNISHINGS In stock, 22 Davenos and Daven portssome with chairs; 14 Bedroom sets blonde and dark; 30 Swing Rockers as sorted sizes and prices; 20 Di nette Sets chrome and wood, 4 and G chairs; 16 wool Rugs assorted sizes; 6 Dining Room sets with buffet. Other items too numerous to men lion at L. A. Moore Furniture Company, Phone 2121, Her miston, Oregon. New merch andise arriving daily. 21-22c We have new Ford and Mercury motors in stock for immediate delivery and Installation. Rosewall Motor Company. TUNE IN to the Bible Hour over KWRC each Tuesday at 7:15 p. m. Rev. Frank Nichols of lone, director. 21-22p FOR SALE 5-room houe, mod ern; 5 three-room apartments with bath, oil heaters, electric stoves and electric hot water. Modern utility house, on two acres of land. See Phillip S. Griffin, lone. 22-23p CARPENTRY All kinds repair and finish work. Bob Meek, Phone 2555. 21-22p FOR SALE Dry board ends. Phone 1182. 21-22p FOR SALE Black, gaited horse; one-horse trailer, newly paint ed and in Al condition. L. J. Burnside, Heppner. 21-22c FOR SALE On Church Street 3 Bedrooms, 2 Sleeping Porches Basement with oil furnace Flamo stove with trash burner Garage and woodshed, some wood Shade and lawn, good condition PRICE $5500 See Turner-Van Marter BOARD & ROOM for two leach'-. ers. Call 2382. 20tfc FOR SALE 5-rooin house. See Frank Ayers, 412 Gale St. 21tfc WANTED Custom combining and hay chopping. W. G. See- hafer, lone. ' 19-22p FOR SALE In lone: 7 -room house and four lots; wood and coal range; wood and coal cir culator; dining table and six chairs; washing machine, mangle, crib and mattress; buzz,saw. J. C. Stepens, Hepp ner, Oregon. ltfc FOR SALE Slabwood. Harry Owens. Phone 2724. 22tfc FUR SALE Furnished house and four rooms in rear. Priced to sell. Call 772 or 2502. 18tf Legal Advertising NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT Notice ia herthy given that the tin flersiKned A'lrniriiatrHtor of the Es tate of Janit'H t'. Furlong, dre:imjii. hits filed with the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, hit) Final Account of his adrnlniHlration of the estate, ujid that the said Court hat set Tuesd a y , Sptern her 2, 1 947, al the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the forenoon of aaid day at the Coun ty Couitroom at the Courthouse at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for houring object ionB to the said Final Account and the nettlement of Maid estate, and all persona having objections to the Kaid Final Account or the settlement of aid estate are hereby required to file the same with Mind Court on or before the time et for ald hearing. Dated and first published this 3lt day of July, 1!47. SCOTT FURLONG. Administrator, P. W. MA HONEY Attorney for the Admr. Heppner. Orepon. 19-23 NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS ATTENTION ELKS ! Try our Merchants Lunch. You will enjoy it. Prepared and served from our kitchen under the management of Mrs. Clive Huston. Meals Served Daily 11:30 to 1:30 p. m. daily except Sunday Heppner Lodge No. 358 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ffR!lhe Amazin9 ONE Gtuded'M COAT Jutt truth It On It's !ayl DrtM qwlchly to a bcautif uliv hturd-iand plaitof type flnfth that lattt tar fat. WA HFOKI Don't 11 AFTER: PLASTIC PLAS cracks, Jotrtlt, noilhaadi TER eovatt camplataly. mar yaw walUI iatily waihad. ,1 EllM'Tfrig-r.ftl roi EVERT ROOMI Harmonlilng telar combinations arayourt with flHc Plaihw. TIADIMAII 1(0 U t FA1 W New Beauty for Old Cracked Walls PLASTIC PLASTER does a perfect plaster and paint job in one application! A single coat covers and has enduring qualities equivalent to one coat of plaster and three coaf of paint. Dries evenly withor brush or lap marks. COVERS MOST SURFACES PLASTIC PLASTER give, wonderful results over anj wall surface wood, paint plaster, bricks, wallboard glass, metal, etc. Fire resistant too! Insulates and strengthen, walls. Ready-mixed. He sun to see PLASTIC PLASTEH before you decorate either olu or new walls . .. it's matchless! Si Paint , P.orla, 111. Notice ia herehv Kiven that the un- erHipned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the Ktate of Oregon for Morrow County, the executor of the estate of Allies M. Thomson, de ceHned and all persona having claims ugainrtt ald estate are hereby requir ed to present the name to tiie under HiKned with proper vouchers duly ver ified as required by law at the Law office of Job. J. Nya at Heppner, Ore gon within nix mouths from the date hereof. Dated and firet published this 14lh day of Aiurust 1947. JAMKri G. THOMSON, SR., 21-25 Executor. noticiTfob BIDS NOTICE iri J IKK KEY GIVEN that sealed bids and proposals will be re-t-eived by the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, on and until September 4, 1M7, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., in accord ance with plant and specifiralions for the construction of a county hospital in the City of Hfppner. Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, a copy of the said plans, ape ifiratioiis. and instructions to bidders can be obtained from Roald, Shnieer and Harrington, 1104 Spald ing Building, I'oithmd 4, Oregon, upon a deposit of $4tf .00, which Raid deposit fit; will be returned to unwuccs.sful bidders upon their return of the naid phins and specifications in good con dition. lvi h bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bidder's bond for at least five per rent of the total am ount of bid. payable the County Court of Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to be returned if the bidder la unsuccessful, and to be forfeited for failure to enter Into a contract after the bid Is accepted. Bids muft be filed with the County Clerk of the County nf Morrow. State of Oregon, in Hfppner on or before the time hereinabove mentioned, at wiiiih time the bids will be opened by the County Court of the County of Morrow, at a regular meeting inereoi upon the- date hereinbefore specified. The County Court of the County of Morrow. State of Oregon, reserves the right to rejec t any and all bids, bated this 14th day of August, 1947. MORUOW COUNTY. By BERT JOHNSON. Judge. By L. T. RE ILL, Count v Commissioner. Hv R ' I THOMPSON. :M ?4 County Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Or COUNTY PROPERTY HV VIRTCE OK AN OR PER OK THE COIWTY COCRT, dated Aimust 7, 1947. I am nulhoi i.ed and duet ted to advert He and well at public auction it not les.s than the minimum price hen in set forth : Li ts 1 to 4 inrhKve. PWNW'i. SWV SKV b'-s ti t.r wens right of Wiiy to OWRftN Co. in Stvtimi 21. Township fi Nurlh. Range KWM for the minimum price of f2.U0 1 er acre, cash. K. 1 .. of Krai'tional V'L and most Westerly tsi acr'S of lot? 5, 8. 13. in Section HI. Township 5 North. R.-inge 26 KWM for the minimum pr ce of $2fK) per acre, cash. 2 trmts iDr 43-31 & 42-SS) in Section 22. Township 5 North. Range 26 KWM. citiitaining 9o acres for the miiiiinum price of $2.00 per - nc re. cash. The N 1 of the NW4 of Section 27. Township 5 North. Range 2(1 KWM for the mi tit mum price of $2 no rash. Lot S In Rlock 1 of Cluffs Fourth Add lion to the City of lone. Ore gon, for the minimum price of $lti.- THEREFORE. I will on the 13th (lav of September. 1947 at the hour of toiiMi A, M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner. Oregon, sell said pii'peity to tiie highest and best bidder. C .1. P. RAPMAN. Sheriff. Morrow Count v, Oregon, Ry FRANCES MITCHELL. 21-2R Deputy. NOTICE OF ESTRAY Came to mv Diane, thp Jucfnc ranch, southeast of Heppner, one gray mare with colt. Mare about 12 years old, weighs between 900 and 1,000 pounds. Also one bay mare three or fnnr voarc old, weight about 1200 pounds, branded with a cross over quar ter circle on left hip. Party or parties ownine these nnimaio may redeem same by paying feed bill and cost of advertising. 22-24C Npje TIlctiio RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY II is with profound sorrow that Sans Souci Rohpkah lodge No. 33 of the Independent Order of Oddfellows adopts the following resolutions: Whereas, the Almighty Fath er has seen fit to call our helov ed sister, Mrs. E. J.. Currin, to her eternal rest, and whereas, her presence and help will hp sorely missed; Therefore, lie it resolved, that SanssRouei Rehekah lodge No. 33, In testimony of its loss and in expression of its love, drape tin charter, no It further resolved, the.t the deepest "sympathy of the lodfTO ho extended to the family of our departed sister, and lie it further resolved, that a copy of th.ese resolutions lie spread upon Hie minutes of the lodge and that a copy ho sent to the hereavod family. Let ha Archer, Verna Hayes, Alice Gentry. Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. Lack of Splash Guards Will Get Motorists in Bad Fines and Jail sentences await drivers and owners of cars not equipped with fenders or splash guards by the end of August, motorists are being reminded by Robert S. Farrell Jr., secretary of state. The only exceptions to the re quirement are vehicles such as log trucks which cannot prac tically be equipped with fend ers, according to an opinion by Attorney General George Neu r.er. Passed by the 1947 Oregon leg islature, the legislation applies to all personal or business cars, motorcycles, trucks, busses, or trailers. Guards or fenders must be constructed so as to prevent mud and similar matter from being splashed or thrown on to other vehicles which may be fol lowing. 'The rule Is a protection ' not only to motorists from mud and rocks," Farrell sa'd, "but also to pedesf-ians. A person who might otherwise be drawn un der the car when hit by a bare tiie could be brushed aside by a fonder." Safety men have lauded the iaw. Violators are subject to a fine of as much as $100 and 30 days in the county jail. Ing and died about 15 minutes later. Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and Coroner A. D. McMurdo of Heppner were called to the scene. Coroner McMurdo called the cause of death coronary thrombosis. The body was taken to John Day. Mrs. Elaine S. George has pre sented several new books to the Heppner public library for use on the Bert G. Sigsbee memorial Heppner Gazette Times. Heppner, Oregon, August 21, 1947-7 shelf. These include: Kantor,,who attended the professional "Glory for Me" from which the iootDan game in ran ui. picture "Best Years of Our Lives" (day night between the Los An was made. This picture is to be shown at the local theater in the near future. Thompson. "Joe, the Wounded Tennis Play er," the screen version of which was called "My Brother Talks to Horses," and Busch, "Duel in the Sun." Among those from Heppner geles Dons and the Brooklyn Dodgers were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hodge Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lindner, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Car michael, Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Lindsey and Hany Dlnges. David and Will Hynd motor ed to Cecil Wednesday to take care of business matters. Mrs. Elbert Cox returned Tu esday from Portland where sh recently underwent a major op eration. Mr. and Mrs John Houston and daughters of Pendleton wen Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. S. P. Devln. They were ac companied to Heppner by th Misses Suzanne Lleuallen and Erma Jean Casteel who spent the day with the Hynd family. News About Town A new wooden fire escape is being constructed on the Hiatt apartment building in accord ance with an order from the state fire marshall's office in Salem, according to Mrs Hiatt. William Everett Shank. 44, died at about 6:45 Tuesday morning in the timber near Camp .5. Mr. Shank, who was felling timber, had just started to fill his gasoline motor from a large can, according to the report of his partner. He sat the can down and began moan- mm Join the merry throng and get a real thrill out of roller skating The fun starts at seven thirty and runs until ten-thirty each evening except on dance nights. at the FAIR PAVILION IN HEPPNER Skating equipment for old and young, big and little. If you can skate, you'll have a wonderful timeif you can't skate, you'll have a wonderful time learning. See you at 7:30 p. m. Every Night Except Dance Nights TOM LOYD, Operator 0) will be sold at cm? o u LI W n at HEPPNER, OREGON mm Beginning at 1:00 P.M. Sharp Lot includes Fat: Cows and Steers, and Feeder Stock of All Kinds BRING IN ANYTHING YOU MAY HAVE TO SELL PREVENT FOREST FIRES! Bt iur your match is out Transportation slips must accompany stock when brought to the yards. Slips may be obtained at Heppner Sales Yard or at the sheriff's office. Terms : Cash Heppner ciles Yard HARLD ERWIN, Operator JOHN VARNER, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk