4-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, August 21, 1947 lone News Items of the Veek By K' ho ralmaicor Trios k-a ine l.r Wallowa ', ;ke Fiiday of Iff Mr ami Mrs. Gariand ?ansnn ; and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindiitrom and son Stephen, Mr. end Mrs. Lewis Halvorson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rort Mason and grandi liiidri'n. Mrs. Mary Pwanson and dauphtor Eva. Mr. and Mrs. CU 11 T.ea return ed from Portland Friday of last week where they had been staying with their son Johnny who is in the Good Samaritan hospital. They rrjwted him to tie improving. Gerald Peterson who has been in the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton has been taken to a hospital in Portland. Frank Engelmans have their house painted and a new roof put on. Erenst MeCabe left for Adams last week to visit his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. In gall. HEC of Willows grange met at the grange hall Friday after noon. August 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and family. Earlene Morgan. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Stefani and son and Donald Peterson left last week for Portland and Seaside. From the lone Independent. Aug. 23. 1923: "Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holiker and children will leave Sunday for Reading. Mich, Mr. Heliker' former home. They will make the trip by auto, stop ping at Yellowstone national park for a week or two while en route. Thev expect to be gone until next June, likely making a trip to Florida in the meantime and returning by way of California." Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and daughter. Mrs. Harriet Lun dell, returned Tuesday of last week froiu an S000 mile trip. They were gone for ten weeks and reported a wonderful time. Among the places of interest that they visited were the Salt flats and Salt Lake City where they witnessed a Mormon sa cred centennial pageant. Green field village at Dearborn. Mich.. the Bad Lands, the Black Hills. Yellowstone park and Soap Lake, Wash. They visited the following relatives: Mrs. Heli ker's sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Thompkins. King Hill, Idaho; her niece and fam ily. Sir. and Mrs. Carel Hurst at Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Mrs. Hurst is the former Lois Devine. Mr. Heliker's sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Penoyer at Read ing. Mich.; his brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Grant at Flint. Mich. Mr. Grant is the superintendent of the junior high school at Flint. And Mrs. Art lEstellel Heliker at Jackson. Mich. The Hclikers stated that the corn crops were very poor in Michigan due to the wet weath er. They liked the northern part of Michigan and Illinois better than any states they visited but were glad to get back to eastern Oregon. The Helikers attended the -20th family reunu n of the Keiiker families jn the 27th of July at Reading. This is the first reunion that Err,c:t ever had the opportunity to Attend. Mrs. Echo Talmateer left Sat urday of last week for Eagle week were J" " ' r.fl.vi ni'ers. i nn win go lo Irancisco Monday by plane to isit Mrs. Palmateer's son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard J. Stract. for a couple of weeks. The 4-H club girls met at the home of their leader, Mrs. L. A. MeCabe, Tuesday, August 12. The Maranathas met at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer Wednesday, Aug. 13. Watermel op was served by the hostess. It was decided to mvt at tl.e home of Mrs. Marion Palmer next meeting, Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews ielt Friday morning for Crater lake. They will also attend a Matthews family reunion at Koseburg and spend a few days at the coast. The Seehafei children, Jane. Billy and Mildred, left this week for Corvallis where they will visit relatives. Guests at the Hershal Town send home last week were Mrs, Townsend's mother, Mrs. Ella Bleakman and her nieces, Erlene and Elene Redding of Vancou ver, Wash Mr. and Mrs. Cla".,rice Warren and family are on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Amil Van Buren and children of Kr.h'otifs. Wash., were guests at the Markham Ba ker home the first of last week. Mrs. Van Buren is a sister of Mr. Baker. The Willows grange HEC pre sented a program at the Grange hall following a potluck dinner Saturday evening, Aug. 16. The program was in the form of a radio program. "Stars of lone," with Gene Rietmann acting as M. C; song and guitar number by Donald Heliker, 'That's How I Got My Start"; vocal solo, "Al ice Blue Gown." by Delight Bid die; reading. "Fergeson's Cat," by Elaine Rietmann; vocal duet, "I Wonder." by Delores Drake and Joann Coleman; a skit, 'The Major Operation," by members of the Home Ec club, Maravine White, Geneve Palmer, Eulanna Corley. Barbara Heliker and Viv ian Wentworth; reading. "Song of the Lazy Farmer." by Winnie Bailey: piano solo. "I Love That Man." Gene Rietmann; reading. "Breakfast," by Eulanna Corley. The program was concluded by the audience singing "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile." The regular grange meeting fol lowed. The 4-H club girls met Tues day at the home of their leader, Mrs. Ruth MeCabe. Mr. End Mrs. Lloyd Rice and son are vacationing at Seaside. Guests at the Walter Roberts hon:e last Friday were his bro ther, Clarence Roberts and dau ghter, Mary Catherine. Mrs. Doo ley and two sons and daughter. Leslie, Stewart and Barbara, all of Chehalis, Wash. The party was returning from a trip thru Yellowstone park. Mrs. Frank Engelman return ed home Tuesday of last week I after a two month stay at the 'J "'W' Mark Weatherford ranch near Arlington where she assisted Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn through har vest. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heimbtgner took their two children. Linda and Tommy, to The Dalles last wtek for treatment for tonsilitis. Mrs. Etta Bristow also isited The Dalles iast week where she was a uest at the W. B. Rice home. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow and sons Donald and Jerry and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan and children Marilyn and Gary re turned home Monday after a two wteks vacation at the coast. The BrUtows were at Depot Bay and the Morgans were at Newport. While on vacation the two fam ilics chartered a boat'and tried their luck at deep sea fishing. Jerry Bristow came out the win ner with a 10 pound silverside On the return trip the party vis ited Mr. Morgan's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bar tlemay of Salem, and in Port land Milt and Edmond attended the football game between the Dodgers and the Los Angeles Dons. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns returned Tuesday from Gresham where they were assisting in the caie of Mr. Dobyn s mother, Mrs. Herbert Olden who recently un derwent an operation. Mrs. Ol den is now convalescing satis factorily. The Dobynses visited briefly at the Victor Peterson home in The Dalles. The Peter sons had just ielurned from a visit with Mrs. Petersor's broth er and wife, Mr and Mrs. Robert Rietmann, and other relatives in La Habra, Cal. Sunday guests at the David Rietmann home were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wade and family, Mr. and Mis. Walter Svvenson and Fhyllis. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Atcheson, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Swenson and baby, all of Walla Walla and Mary Jean, Tommy and Johnny Bristow and Mrs. Etta Bristow of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstom and sons returned Tuesday from a trip through Yellowstone park. E. P. Day, lone station agent, returned Tuesday from a two weeks vacation trip to Lawpence, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Parks, re lief agent, will leave this week. o Wf to 04? W .1,? fc- w VV ' .'"1 A driver who wat not breaking any lair, and lira pattcngert with him, burned lo death in (hi inferno then a reckleu overtaking moloritt tried to pan their ear where the tray teat loo narrow. Hit engine rammed into the gasoline lank, letting it afire, and the ear teat knocked off the road, end over end into a field, where it quickly . turned into a molten furnace. The lawbreaker himself teat not injured tuch it the irony of highway accidentt. National Conterration Bureau tafety tpecialistt report thai improper patting ranked fifth at m caute of motor vehicle deatht last year; most often it teat com bined with excessive tpeed which accounted for at leatt 8,000 fatalities, , a stork shower for Mrs. David MeLeod at the Ladies Aid room August 14. Many useful gifts were presented, but the guest of honor was absent as she was in the St. Anthony's hospital where a baby daughter, Frances Kay, was horn August 13. , Mrs. Alonzo Henderson and Mrs. Cecil Jones spent the week end in Portland. Barbara Grant was guest of honor at a party on August 12 with 13 young people present. The occasion was her seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hibbard of Portland were visiting friends here Saturday. Mrs. Hibbard is the former Betsy Asher who for merly taught school here. Mrs. A. W. MeLeod of Grass Valley has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Randall Martin, and her family for the past three weeks. Other house guests of the Martins are Mrs. Martin's sister, i Mrs. Arnold Robertson and two sons of Portland. They all mo tored to Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Jones of Mosier were week-end guests at the Cecil Jones home. Lexington folks attending the professional football game in Portland Sunday were Harry Dinges, Roy Campbell, Judge Carmichael, Ralph Jackson, Alex Lindsey, Bill and John Kilkenny. Maude Pointer of Corvallis is visiting her son, Don Pointer and his family. She was accompan ied on the trip by Mrs. Josie Frederickson and Mrs. Lota Cal leway who are visiting friends and relatives here. Dona Barnett, Trina Parker and Ina Nichols are vacationing at the Alva Leach ranch at Sher man camp on the Metolius river. Douglas Ross, 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross of Umatilla, was drowned In the Columbia river Sunday. The Rosses lived here a few years ago. Newt O'Harra is confined to his home suffering from asthma. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding and family left this week for a vacation trip to California. Mrs. David MeLeod and Infant daughter returned from the St. Anthony s hospital in Pendleton Wednesday. Her mother, Mrs. Lester Farrar of Junction City, is here to help care for her and the baby. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe cialist formerly of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HO TEL on SUNDAY, AUGUST 24. Hours 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Let us balance your wheels and make your car safe to drive at all speeds. Rosewall Motor Company. ll.iL.j'ij' mn'tm -X ..- t.r " ' - " . -. ' j Speeding through an intersection flop sign, one of these driven collided with another car. The force of the crash entangled the two tart and they skidded together across the intersection and slammed Inlo a stone stall. Roth drivers and a patsenger were killed, two were rrioUA'v inurcd. National Conservation llureau reports that disre. turd of tra'fic control devices ranks third at a cause of death in motot tMhide accidents. ttle spray ) l, 1 ;d repellent L 74XA kley, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hinkley, August 11, by Rev. Wal ter Fleser of the First Methodist church of Walla Walla in the presence of a few relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cosner had a re ception for them the evening of Augurt 12. Mr. Hinkley is in the army and has gone to his post at Port Flagler, Wash., and she w.ul be at heme timing his ab sence. Dean Acock was up to Hepp ner at his uncle Roy Stamp's place Monday, returning home Tuesday. The Loyal Ladies league met in the church basement and worked on a quilt Friday afternoon. Ray Cosner went to Yakima Monday Troy Grilfin has finished drill ing the John Allen well, and has moved farther west and is drill ing one theie. Factory officials say production will not catch up with demand on the popular priced cars un til 1952. Better phone us for an apointment to have your old car put in condition to see you through. Rosewall Motor Company. News From Irrigon . . By Mrs. J. A. Shoun The young people of the As sembly of God church are at tending a young people's rally at Hermiston Tuesday evening. The Adventist members are working on their church and school building that they have not been working on during the busy harvest season. Betty and Luella Acock return ed Saturday night from a trip to Spokane. Betty went on to Pendieton Sunday. James C. Shoun of Walla Wal la was in Irrigon Sunday morning. David Rand, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand, will attend Whitman college this fall. He has half of a scholarship for the coming year there as he was the valedictorian of the Irrigon high school. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and daughter Donna spent a week in Portland, on the beaches and at Eugene visiting Mrs. Isom's bro ther, Earl Leach and family. Mr and Mrs. Mack McCoy and baby of Island City are visiting his parents, Mi. and Mrs. R. M. McCoy and family. Charles Markham and Miss Mona Roberts of La Grand6 spent Sunday with Mr. Mark ham's mother, Mrs. Harry Smith and family. C. W. O. and Wiley Benefiel and sor. Wiley of Portland are visiting the E. A. Stephens fam ily and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus re- L turned from a week's trip in Northern California and south ern Oregon. They visited at the Rev. V.'infuist home in Arbuckle, Cal. Superintendent Salwold came down from Freewater Sunday and returned Monday evening. The school board met at Robt. Smith's. Mary Bowen Bricker will be the science and math teacher. Mr. Salwold said he would have a good faculty of teachers lined up by school time. Miss Esther L. Cosner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cosner, was married to Mark Elmo Hin- HOUSE FOR SALE Holly. Simpson 22-24p LEXINGTON . . . Mrs. Cla-enee Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and j family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munkers and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and family are vacation ing at Couer d Alene lake. Mis. Harry Dinges has return ed from Grants Pass where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ger ald Acklen, and family. Her granddaughter, Ruthann, ac companied her home for a visit. Mrs. A. W. Hanson and daugh-1 ter Joanne who have been visit-1 ing Mr. and Mrs. Emery Burn-1 sl.-t- for the last three weeks have returned to their home in Spokane. Mr Kason came after' them Sunday. Kenneth Jackson is ill at his, home suffering with pneumonia, j Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Warner of The Dalles were visiting friends' and relatives here Tuesday. They were on their way to Wallowa lake for a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant of Prineville were visiting at the Oscar Breeding home over the week end. Hack Bloom of Union was at tending to business here Tues day. Mrs. Ed Grant and Mrs. Ran dall Martin were hostesses at NOT A STONE HAS (Seem touched, not hin ALTERED. NOTHING RE PLACED' I TC YTrtlS ANCIENT 1 W 11 f- Mfr.ttUL HAS A Y n -jWaiDoD FOB 1 ( SIX HUNDRtU I k Tgosh. thev must Keep your home up to date! Does it have WIRING? You can diaq nose this disease by watching for symptoms . . . slow-working el ectrical appliances, flickering lights and frequent blowing of fuses Such danger signs are symptoms of inadequate wiring. Let us check your house . . . rewire it, if necessary. Call us, today! Slantlard Animal Fly Spray contain! the highest-rated fly repel lent! It kills and shies off fleas, lice, ticks. Penetrates deep, but won't burn or blister the skin when used al directed. And to keep poultry bright, lively and producing, mix Standard While Oil So. 'J VSP with feed. It's non-irritating mineral oil an excellent conditioner. L. E. (ED) DICK Phonp 622 Heppner, Oregon rrrmnfTKniinrmxzniWt' I SPINET PIANOS Three of America's Outstanding Pianos . . . Now Ready for Immediate DELIVERY Baldwin Acrosonic Wurlitzer Betsy Ross FREE DELIVERY and EASY TERMS of PAYMENT Liberal allowance for your old piano. PENDLETON MUSIC HOUSE I it k This advertisement is presented In the public interest by the President's Highway Safety Conference and the daily and weekly newspapers of the fiction through their Press rfsid Publisher Associations.' a U Yes, here's how more than 5,500 people died and thousands more were in-, jured last year because someone took one or two drinks, and then drove. If you think you can drink and then drive safely you're simply courting suicide or murder. You're drinking a toast to Death! Statistics show that one out of every six drivers involved in fatal auto mobile accidents had been drinking. Drinking drivers are three or four times more likely to be involved in accidents. Tests have proved time and again that a couple of drinks are sufficient to lower a driver's reactions to the dan ger point. When quick action and alert judgment are demanded, the driver who has been drinking fails. If it were only the drinking driver himself who paid the penalty, that would be bad enough. But when he cuts short the lives of other innocent people riders in his car, occupants of other cars, or pedestrians caught by his erratic driving that's manslaughter! Don't smile when you read this, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen. The law operates with a heavy hand on drinking drivers. It is going to be even tougher in the future. It's serious business! When you drink, don't drive. When you drive, don't drink! Morrow County Creamery Company