Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 14, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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6-Heppncr Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Aug. 14, 1947
News About Town
'hospital. According to reports. juhn left Monday lor Missouri (hit the tree behind which Mr. .Center will be closed to all traf
Mrs. Kirk's condition is not tool whore thev recently purchased ! Wilcox had thought to conceal fic. The band is under the dl-
a ranch. Thev will make their himself. Irom damage and in : rection of w llliam tochell, witn
Merle ii-ket motored o er , sausiactory at this time as a
from Moro Saturday tn spend result of the serious burns she
the week end here with Mrs. I received recently when a kettle
Bi-eket who is Main in Hopp-! of boiling soup overturned,
m-r with In r father. J. ;. Thorn-i scalding her body.
"n Sr. Mrs. Lorena Cole returned to
ratricia Kirk and Beverly Far- , her home in Portland Sunday,
rens went to The Dalles' Wed- ?he w as taken to Tendleton by
nesdav to visit Miss Kirk's ' Mr- ard Mrs. Blaine Chapel and
grandmother, Mrs. Mary K!rk,i"k the train from there,
who is a p.iticnt at The Dalles' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petty-
Try our Merchants Lunch. You will
enjoy it. Prepared and served from
our kitchen under the management
of Mrs. Clive Huston.
Meals Served Daily 11:30 to 1:30 p. m, daily except
Heppner Lodge No. 358
Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks
home there in the future.
Mrs. C. C. Van Horn and two
children of Tendleton are visit
ing in Heppner at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Mrs. Harold Hill was guest of
honor at a surprise stork shower
given last week by Mesdames
George Gertson, 1. J. O'Conner,
Carl Bcrgstrom and Roy Quack
enbush. Twenty-five guests were
Mrs. Grace Hughes has return
ed from Cove where she was cook
i for the summer school of the
i Christian church,
j Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary Jr. who
i have been in Heppner visiting
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Irl Clary, are in Wasco at the
' present time where he is work
ing on a wheat treating crew.
I While clearing timber for a
road right-of-way on Wall creek
Ed Wilcox, employee of the
Heppner Lumber company, re-
i ceived a severe injury to his
left hip when he was struck by
a fragment of a stump that had
just been dynamited. The stump
some manner bounced back,
striking him. Mr. Wilcox is stay
ing at Hotel Heppner and is
about town on crutches.
The Heppner school hand is
busy practicing for its engage
ments at the Rodeo and Umatil
la County Fair at Hermiston.
Because of dust conditions at the
Rodeo field. Mayor Conley Lan
ham and the city council have
granted band permission to use
a portion of Chase street for
marching practice. On Tuesday
and Thursday evenings between
7 and 8 o'clock that part of
Chase street between May and
William McCaleb Jr. assisting
with the marching.
Mrs. Hanson Hughes who has
been spending some time with
relatives in Portland and other
valley points, returned to Hepp
ner the first of the week and
will remain for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quacken
bush motored to Walla Walla
Tuesday on business. Wednes
day, Roy and daughter Phyllis
visited the John Wightman fam
ily at the French ranch where
horseback riding was the diver
sion of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McGill
You can't match the "heart" of """"X
E8l j"
l j ' World's Champion vggt' ;
Valve-in-Head C22 Y
I Design! ''
were up from Cecil Wednesday of Mrs. Carl McDaniel.
transacting business in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grady
left Tuesday for Sweet Home,
taking his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Grady of Hermiston to
attend the funeral of a relative.
Boys or Girls Bicycles .39.90
6:00 x 16 Zenith 4-ply Tires
(tax included) 14.06
5:50 x 17 Zenith 4-ply Tires ...13.92
6:00 x 16 Zenith Tubes (tax
included 2.48
Many Other Real Values
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson
and daughter Nancy are spend
ing their vacation at Gold Beach
for which point they left late
last week.
. o
Mrs. Arlett Brock of Portland
is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs.
L. V. Gentry. She arrived here
Tuesday evening to spend sev
eral days.
I Mrs. Jones's brother and HMRT
for many years at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Johnson r-
and daughters of Redwood City.! Mrs. Tom Wilson returned last
Calif., were visitors at the Paul evening from Walla V, ana ai
Jones home from Wednesday to tor visiting there for several
Friday of last week. Johnson is I days with two brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jones of
Washington, D. C, are visiting
Mrs. Jone's relatives in Heppner.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Smith and a sister
On Church Street
3 Bedrooms, 2 Sleeping Porches
Basement with oil furnace
Flamo stove with trash burner
Garage and woodshed, some wood
Shade and lawn, good condition
PRICE $5500
Turner-Van Marter
The new Chevrolet 1$ the lowest-prked
motor car with a Valve-in-Heod Engine
fhe type of car engine which holds all
records for efficiency for giving maxi
mum power from every ounce of fuel.
Moreover, Chevroef's Valve-in-Head En
gine is the "champion of champions" on all
these counts: (1) Valve-in-Head perform
ance at lowest prices; (2) billions of miles
of service to owners; and (3) number of
owners served, fri fact, this sturdy Chev
rolet Valve-in-Head Engine has delivered
more miles, for more owners, over a longer
period, than any other automotive engine
built today, regardless of type, size or
Chevrolet gives you the BIG-CAR styling of Body by
Fisher exclusive to Chevrolet tn the lowett-price range.
Chevrolet also brings you the safety of Fisher Unisteel
body construction, the Knee-AcSon Ride and Positive
Action Hydraulic Brakes a combination of safety facton
found only in Chevrolet and higher-priced cars.
You con't match Chevrolet's BIG-
CAR COMFORT at lowest cost.
either - the outstanding com- ii
fort of its Knee-Action V .C
Gliding Ride for xCI
this, too, is exclu- fi TV
sive to Chevroli
In its price range.
Be wise! Keep your present ear in good
running condition by bringing it to us for
skilled service, now and at regular intervals,
until you secure delivery of your new
Chevrolet. Come in lodayl
Chevrolet Company
Heppner, Oregon
Season Is On
Right Now!
This is the season of the best
Place your orders with us for
Elbertas this week. They are
raised on the Columbia river,
which is a guarantee of good
Tomato season will be
over shortly, but they
are just right for can
ning now. Don't delay
Watch our handbills for week-end
Court Street
Sunday Matinee starts at 1 p.m.. Boxottiue
open until 3:30.
Evening shows, except Saturday, start at
7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof
fice open evenings until 9 o'clock.
Friday-Saturday, Aug. 15-16
Olivia de Hav.Uand, Lew Ayros, Thomw
Mitchell '
An absorbing mystery story concerning twin
Mure adventures of Bed Ryder and Little Be,
Sunday-Monday, Aug. 17-18
Dennii Morgan, Jane Wyman, J noil Paige,
Brace Bennett, Alan Hale, Barton MacLane
Nuthing short of excellent in the western fleltl
. . . the lusty story of thise days when there
Admission Prices both Matinee and Evening:
Adulls 50c, Grade and High School Students
12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes In
cluded. Every child occupying a seat must
have a ticket.
waa no law excerjt the gun In your hand in
Choyenne. 1
Tuesday. Aug. 19
Notorious Gentleman
Bex (Anna and the Zing of Slam) Karrlion
and L11U (Cloak and Dagger) Palmer head a
large and extremely capable cast; the story is
of a completely unprincipled cad.
Frontier Frolics
Bob Willi and his Texat Playboys In a Las
Vegas studio ranch setting, provide most of
the music In this good short subject.
Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 20-21
A reissue of the Frank Capra production with
Oary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward Ar
nold, Waiter Brennan, Spring Byington, Jama
Oleaaon, Gene Lock hart. Its still good.
You Want to Look Your Best During
And We Are Right Here to Help You Look
That Way '
Get out your Rodeo wardrobe and bring it to
us right away. We're busier 'n all get out but
we will take time out to see that your favorite
garb is all spic and span for
Beginning at 7:30 and continuing until 10
o'clock Sunday evening Aug. 17, and each
evening thereafter, except on dance nights,
at the
Skating equipment for old and young, big
and little. If you can skate, you'll have a
wonderful timeif you can't skate, you'll
have a wonderful time learning.
See you at 7:30 p. m. Sunday
TOM LOYD, Operator
The Heppner Gw.ette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
single copies 10c.
Publisher and Editor
The use of pure oxygen
and water has proven ben
eficial in the treatment of
many colon diseases.
We can provide you with
the latest developments in
this type of treatment.
Is necessary for the fullest
enjoyment in living,
Physlo-Tharapy Electro
Therapy Hydro Therapy
(Come in and discuss
your health problems
with me.)
Dr. Clyde Dunham
Chiropractic Physician
I.O.O.F, Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
Our statement of policy
We want out cuitameAi and the
entire community to knout
That it is our constant endeavor to raise to the highest degree
the standards, ethics and practices of automobile merchandising.
s That we seek through cooperative efiorts of local, state and
oC national automobile dealers associations, the correction of any
unfair or unbusinesslike practices,
Q That new cars are being distributed fairly and equitably, with
every consideration being given to our community's interest.
. That new cars will be sold at established prices current at time of
T delivery, and no bonus payment or premiums of any kind will be
mm That fair and reasonable value is given for every used car taken
O in trade; while we hope customers having used cars will, as in the
past, trade them with us (so we In turn may supply more people
with needed transportation) we will still make every effort to
provide new or used cars to those not having cars to trade.
s That while we are glad to install special accessories (when avail
O able) which add to the appearance, usefulness, comfort and con
venience of the new car, no customer is required to purchase
any extra equipment which he does not desire.
7 That we are doing everything in our power to help eliminate
black market operations in our industry.
c That despite the continued, critical shortage of new cars we are
O anxious at all times to talk over with you your new car needs.
That regardless of the termination of government regulations,
y affecting our business, we believe the high standards herein
expressed are sound business principles, and we will be guided
by them.
That our business Is being conducted on a basis to merit public
confidence and respect.
Hodge Chevrolet Company
Heppner, Oregon
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