Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner. Oregon. Aug. 14, 1947-3 Want Ads - NEW THIS WEEK- We are trading tor usod cars and pickups (hat will make good transportation for you. See us for your transudation needs. Kosewall Motor Co. KOlTALAKG KH "SKLKCTION 1 N HOME FURNISHINGS In stock, 22 Davenos and Daven portssome with chairs; 14 Bedroom sets blonde and dark; 30 Swing Rockers as sorted sizes and prices; 20 Di nette Sets chrome and wood, 4 and 6 chairs; 16 wool Rugs assorted siz.es; 6 Dining Room sets with buffet. Other items too numerous to men tion at L. A. Moore Furniture Company, Phone 2121, Her miston, Oregon. New merch andise arriving daily. 21 -22c Get your GOO x 16, 6-ply tires from Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 5-room house. See Frank Ayers, 412 Gale St. 21tfc Zipper type sleeping bags for that vacation trip. Rosewall Motor Company. TUNE IN to the Bible Hour over KWUC each Tuesday at 7:15 p. m. Rev. Frank Nichols of lone, director. 21 -22p Outside white Supreme quality paint $5.00 per gallon. Rose wall Motor Co. CARPENTRY All kinds repair and finish work. Bob Meek, Phone 2555. 21-22p FOR RENT 2-room furnished apartment. Mrs. Mildred Tuc ker, phone 1482. 21p Let us balance your wheels and make your car safe to drive at all speeds. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Dry Phone 1482. board ends. 21-22p FOR SALE Black, gaited horse; one-horse trailer, newly paint ed and in A-l condition. L. J. Burnside, Heppner. 21-22c LOTS FOR SALE Call O. II Steinke, 1233. 21-24p BOARD & ROOM for two teach- ers. Call 2382. 20tfc LOST Between the Glavy ranch and the school house, Sun., a 6:0016 in. tire and wheel. Finder please return to Cloy W. Dykslra. Reward. 20-21 p FOR SALE New, unfinished house in Heppner. Simpson Hoi Icy. 20-21 p FOR SALE 1935 Chevrolet. In quire at Ferguson cabins, No 4. 20-21p FOR SALE 5-room house in good condition. Terms if de sired. Mrs. W. F. Barkla. Phone 662. 20-21C Edmonds Orchard, 2 miles W. , notice to creditors , hoticb of chabqe of je ! Nr.nre la rierchy given that the tin- J Notice 18 rierny Kivrn ,M.i iisi iihI w.ii ily aiH,lnteil hy the decree- of the County ourt ol me I'rohiite c.iurt of the Stale of OreKon I ,-ilnle of Oregon for Morrow County f'.r Morrow Count v. the executor of . entered on the 8th day of AuKU.it. the construction of county hoipital failure to enter tnto a contract after at not Iww than the minimum price of Umatilla. 19-21 p! FOR SALE Furnished house 1 in the i ity of ffeiipni-r. Morrow Coun-I the b.d la accepted. and four rooms in rear. Priced to sell. Call 772 or 2502. IHtf Legal Advertising -NOTICE TO CKXDIT0&3 Notice is liiiit:iv KiVfii that the un- dtriKiieJ hus bt-vii duly iippuinltui hy the County Coui t tf Morrow County, .State of Oregon, Aflniiii.Mliutor ol tne Kflute of iit.ti WAI1 WOO. dM'eaaei; ami all prist ma having cJniuis aKainl the Haid Kstule ol Haiti ilwca-seij are hereby required to pirrteiil the Hume wim proper voiiciH-ra uuiy vrniH-u aa nnjuired by law to the Haul Admin istrator at the law office of I'. W. Mahoiiey, Heuiiner. Oregon, within uix iiionlhH front tlie dale hereof. Uuted and ftrxt nuhli.-lied Uiia lth day of July, 1917. C. J. D. HAU M A.N, AdinmMtratur. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the AdniiniHtrator, Hep p u e i0 r e o 1 1 . 17-21 NOTICE OP BALE OF COUNT PKOPEBTY JiV VlitTUK OK AN OKI'KR OK THJfl COUNTY COUKT, dated July 9, 1M7, I am authorized and directed to advertise and Hell at ptihlic auction at not- le.s8 than the' imniiuum price here in Bet forth: All of Utu Uonal Section 25, Lota 1, 2, and 3, of Section H5 and alt of Section len right of way. in Townnhip 5 North. Kange 2d East of the Willanu-tte Meridian, and Lota 1, 2, 3, 4. and 5. the South em guarter, tlie South Half ftif the NortheaHt Quarter and the Eant Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Townsinp a Nurth, liange 26 Kiwt of the Willamette Meridian all ill Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of Therefore, I will on tlie IMh day of August, 1947 at the hour of lu:K0 A. M at the front door of the Court Houne in Heppner, Oregon, Ml nn.ni prop erty to the highest ami best bidder. C. J. D. HAUMAN. Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregnn. iiy FRANCES AIITt'HKLL, 17-21 LLthUlyJ t;ile of Agne.s M. Thomson, de- and nil pers having claim ,'tt.uiit s;ii't estate are hereby rwjuir cd to pn vi-iit the name to the under ."icned Willi proper vouchers duly ver fttd a.H nijuired by law at the Law offie of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner, Ore wn wiOun nix tnonttid from the date hereof. Hated rind firt published this 14th day of AiunjHt. 1947. JAMKS G. THOMSON. SR . 21 2.1 Kxerutor. 11(47. trie name of the undersigned wafl rhanged from Shirley Anne Myern to that of Shirley Anne Miller which ih now her legal name. Ialed this Hth day of Augurt. 1947. 21 SHIRLEY ANN3 MILLKU. NOTICE rOB BIBS NOTK'K IH HKRKKT GIVEN that sealed bids and proposal it will be re ceived by the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, on and until September 4. 1947, at 2:00 o'clock F M.. in aeeord anee with plans and specifications for ty. State of Oregon, a copy of the said ,...ili ,( IIiCi.LioM, uihj oiiiro' iioiii to bidders ran h Mitamed from P.'jld, Hchmeer and Ilan-irigton, 1104 Spald ing fctuildirig, Portiaim 4, Oregon, upon a depisit ol JVj W. which said depnit fee u ill be returned to unw ufsf ul bidders upon Uieir return of the said plana anu specifications in giHl con dition. m Each bid must be ftficompanled by a certified check or bidder a oond foi at least five per eent of the tot;d am ount of bid. payable the County Court of Morrow County. State of Ore gon, to be returned If the bidder ia uimuccesHful, and to be forfeited for FOH SAI.lv stoves. L. -Now and used oil E. Dick, Heppnor. 20-21c FOR SALE Small wheat ranch 10 1,2 miles west of lone. 6 room house, lare barn, other buildings. Write Box NJ5, lone, Ore. ??.21p WANTED Custom combining and hay chopping. W. G. See hafer, lone. 19 22p NGTR'lvNly wife having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any bills in curred by her. Otis Young, Morgan, Oregon. 19-21p FOK SALE In lone: 7-room house and four lots; wood and coal range; wood and coal cir culator; dining table and six chairs; washing machine, mangle, crib and mattress; buzzsaw. J. C. Stepens, Hepp ner. Oregon. Itfc FOK SALE Canning peaces, a bushelyou pick 'em. YOU ARE I U U SUFFERING FROM PAINFUL ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM! NUE-OVO literature in froe to nuf fernni of painful ArthritU and Rheu matism. A liquid compound of roots and herbs, Nue-Ovo is clnimed to bring relief by users from mnny states -thouh doctors differ to its merits, just as they differ to the cause. Write today at no cost or ob- lilfalion about Nue-Ovo to Hesearch Laboratories. Inc.. 403 N.W. 9th Ave., I'ortland 9, Oregon. I'd. Adv. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nuttt In hereby fciveji Unit the un- j (lriKiitil was duly appointed hy the ( iSmnly Court tit tlie .Slate ul Oreg.jn, fur Morrow County, A-hnini.-t I ator ol tlie KatatK ot KKKIUNAND LK hoTA ! KMHhlitSKH, cie.ea.ieil, and all ptr- j Hona having chimin UKaiiiht the erflate j of Htt:il de.:ea.seJ are tiereliy required : to nresetit the suine duty verified as ! rivpured tiy law to rtald Adluuilritrator at the law offiee of 1'. W. ilalioliey at Heppner. OreKon. within six mou ths from the date hereof. fluted and fir.t published ttlis 17th day ot July. 1947. C. J. D. RAHMAN. Administrator. 1'. W. Mahoney. Attorney for Adm.. , Hep purr, Oregon, 111 SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATK OK OHKCON FOK THE COI NTY OK MORKUW. EL1IER 1-AI.MEll. l'laintiff. A I'e.riTA AVl)l.'.w.c;o' DAT.E C. JIOV.SK and JAN E hoK Hol'.SE, his j wife, the unknown hens of t LYIjE V. KOYSE. de ea.ed. also all oilier persons or parties unknown elaiui- Mil! any riKlit. title, e.-lale. lien or Interest in the real estate described herein. Defendants, j TO: Augusta Anderson. Dale C. Roysej and Jane Doe Royse, his wife, the j unknown heirs of Hyde V. Royse. deceased, also all other persons or I parties unknown ilaiinliiK any right, j title, estate. Urn or interest in the real estate described heroin, De- i'n't'he'nAME OF THE STATE OF ORKliON: You are hereby rispiired to i appear and answer the complaint filed j against you in the above entitled .,.u,t ..ml cause w il hut 4 weeks from the date of first publication of this summons and if you fail to appnar an. I answer for want thereof the pla n tiff will apply to the court for relief un nrayeo for in the said complaint, to-wit: For a Decree tout me plain tiff is the owner in fee simple of the ; following described real property, to- j WTiie West hr.lf"of the Northeast I quarter !inl the .Southeast quarter j of the Northeast quarter of Sec- tion 13. Township 4 South of Range 24 East of the Willamette Merid- I Ami that the plaintiff Is the owner' In fee simple of the said land, free of any right, title, estate. Ilea or inter- , est of you an. I each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, II- ' tie, estate, lien or imeresi in toe s.ou and, or any part there. -I. and perpet ually restrain anil enjoin you and ; 'act! oi you, vour neos ami ussik.is, , from asserting any rght. title, estate, lieu or interest in the said land or . any part thereof, udverse to the plaintiff. This summons Is served upon you hy publication thereof for four cm-i seclitive weeks ill the Heppner Gazette Times hy order of tlie Itotiorame Bert Johnson. Judge ol the county Court of Morrow County, State ol Oregon, winch said order was made and entered on the lfilh day of July. 11147 and in first date ol una publi cation Is July 17. l'.l 17. 1'. W . rti , in r. , . Attorney for the l'laintiff. r.Kstoffi'ce Address. Hepp ner. Oregon. 17-21 NOT iCEOr FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that Hie un dersigned Administrator of the Es tate of James F. Furlong, deceased has filed with the C.niiitv Court of Morrow County, Stale of Oregon, his final Account of his' administrat on of the estate, mid that the said Court has set Tuesday. September 2. 1!H7. at the hour of lil-fai ..clock A. M in 'he forenoon of said day at the Coull tv Courtroom at the Courthouse at Ueppnerr Oregon, as the time mid place for h.viriiig objections to the said Final Ac-omit and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objection to tlie said Final Account or the settlement of said estate are hereby required to file the same Willi said Court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 31st day of July. 11147. SCOTT Fimi.ONO. Administrator, P. W. MAHONEY Attorney for the Admr. Heppner. Oregon. 19-23 Wheth er YOU ride a horse or are a spectator at the HEPPNER RODEO, SEPT. 5-6-7 We Have the Right Togs for the Right Occasion Wilson's Wens Wear The Store of Personal Service Rids must b filed with the County Clerk of trie County of Morrow, State -I Oregon, in Heppner on or before tlie time hereinabove mentioned, mt which tune the bid will be opened by li.e Cour.tv (''Sirt of the County of Morrow, at a regular meeting thereof upon the date hereinbefore spe, .f.e'l The County Court of the County of Morrow, state of Oregon, reserves the right to rej:t any arid all bids. Dated this 14th day of August 1947. MORROW COUNTY. By BERT JOHNSON. Judge. By L. D. NEILL. County Commissioner. Bv R I. THOMPSON 21-24 County Commissioner. NOTICE 0 SALE OT CODTTTT PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated AuBUst 7. 1947. I am authorized and directed to advertiae and aell at public auction herein set f.-th: Ix.ta 1 to 4 Inclusive. SW'.NW1,. HW'i. SEV less 6 46 acre right of way 10 OWR1N Co. In Section 21. Township 5 North. Range as EWM for the minimum price of 12.UU per acre, cash. E'i of Fractional WH and most Westerly W acrea of lota 5. 13. in Section 16. Township & North, Range 28 EWM for the minimum price of (2 ij per acre. cash. 3 tract IDr 43-3M 42-) in Section 22. Township & North. Range 2 EWM. containing 90 acres for the minimum price of $2 Uu per acre, caah. The Nsj tit the NW"4 of Section 27 Township 6 North. Range 2 EWM for the minimum price of $2.0U. c&ah. Lot 8 in Block 1 of Cluffe Fourth Addition to the City of lone, Ore gon, for the minimum price of $10.- Oii. cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 13th day of September ltM7 at the hur of 10 HO A M.. at the fr.ni dor of the Court II.Hise In Heppner Mid property to the highest and he bidder. r J l HtrMAN. Sheriff. Morrow C.flintv oreg .n. By FRANCES MIT. It KM. J1-2S IVputy. cv. hnnd in kar J 'rith FROM REXiLL Good HfiTlb ti Jill HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. Our favorite letter to you HOW CHILDRtN Wt WIU HAVE OUR 6L0GRAPHV. LESSON.', f3Effy sUE( WSI WEUL 6UE.SS "THt- f whv is The touAToR 'map maker had "To k WHERE If IS ? DRAW A LINE S0ME- &r tit i ' f Starts like this: "We will soon have facilities to care for your telephone service" ... So far this year we were able to send out these letters to thousands of peopleprovide 125,000 more telephones for Western homes and businesses. But meanwhile thousands of new orders came in, which await their proper turn. We never draw the line on service and high quality merchandise. You can depend on the HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC CO. for the best in electrical appliances .... farmer's hardware . . con tracting and repair service. We'll be happy to add your name to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers. ""Ha"" '. Ir yZ ..'-j-jtZz'''-- Xf c" ." ' '2 Sk 4 n nest up H you'r waiting for such a letter, we want you to know we're speeding this year's record breaking construction program for the Pacific Coast States . . . new buildings, central office equipment, wires and cables . . . about two hun dred million dollars worth of the things needed to bring service to everyone who wants it. New Working Dollars . . . Millions of oew dollars needed to build buildings and buy new equipment to meet the public demand for more telephones and more service do not come from tele- Thert will still be a delay in some cases a long delay before we can take care of all who want telephone service. But we are hurrying the day when our Service Representatives will again be able tcromise you a telephone the day you want it That's our goal . . . and we're working all-out to achieve it. phone bills. New dollars come from people who are willing to put their sav ings into the business. Vi e must earn enough to attract these new working dollars. AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Mora than 60,000 people working together to furnish ever-better telephone Semite to th Wett 6 West Willow St, Heppner, Oregon Princess Dance MERE -The Last Word in Recording Come In for a Demonstration On the New WEBSTER WIRE RECORDER -Orders Now Being Takcn Limited Quantities Heppner Appliance Co. Rhea Creek Grange requests presence at The Fair Pavilion HEPPNER in honor of PRINCESS CORABELLE "Corky" Nutting Music by Farrows Orchestra Admission $1.00 including tax - " "V, k . . " - - -38 r , ' ' VV. -1 ' , atardayo Aungo