4-Heppncr Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Aug. 14, 1947 County Court Proceedings for July, 1947 The minutes of the June 1P4.7 term were read ami approved. The Court orders that starting July 1. !17, the salaries of the following employees will be as follows: Deputy Tax Collector, 11R5.00; Assistant Tax Colloctor, $125.00; Deputy Clerk, $155.00; Deputy Assessor. $153.00; Supt. Assistant, half time until De cember 1, VM7. $77.50. then full time at $155 00; and Janitor. $140.00. As was advertised in the pub lication of the Budfret Estimates, the County Court, as the Levy ing Board for the County of Mor row, met on June 11'. 19-17 at 10: 00 A. M. but as no one came to discuss the Bueipot or any part thereof it was ordered accepted as published, evcept that as the amount of $ltl.S53.00 over the 6 limitation was voted down by the electors of the County on June 17, 1917, it is necessary that the budget be reduced as follows: From the Circuit Court . Appropriation the amount of S 500.00 From the County Court Appropriation, the amount of 500.00 From the County Agent Appropriation, the amount of ... 400.00 From the Home Dem onstration Appropri ation, the sum of 1,500.00 From the rublic Em ployees Retirement Appropriation, the amount of 5.000.00 From the Emergency Appropriation, the amount of 1,000.00 From the Co. Nurse Travel Expense Ap propriation, the sum of 100.00 From the Supt. Assist ant Appropriation, the amount of 3S7.50 From the Rural School Board Expense Ap propriation, the sum of 250.00 From the Rodent Fund Appropriation, the amount of 2.500.00 From the County Hos pital Appropriation, the amount of 7S.000.00 From the Roads and Bridges Appropria tion, the amount of 71,718.00 Total $161,855.50 and the levy is hereby ordered on the tax rolls this 2nd day of July, 1947, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1947, and end ing June 30, 1948 less the above deductions. Inasmuch as it was necessary AdttrtittmmiU From where I sit ... by Joe Marsh 17 Lem's Dogs vs Triad's Chickens Rnnnins newspaper, you get to know a lot about human nature. Thad Fhipps Tvas in the other day, all burned up. Wanted me to run an item on how Lem Martin's dog had raided his chickens again, and ought to be put away by law. I told him: Tern was in on Saturday. Said you shouldn't be allowed to keep those chickens so close to his house and in a resi dential zone, at that." Thad shuts up right pronto then. And that very evening I see him making his peace with Lent at Andy Botkin's Garden Tavern over a friendly glass of beer. From where I sit, anyone can find something in his neighbor to complain about. (Some folks may even disagree with Thad's right to en joy that glass of beer with Lem ! ) But where would we be if every body tried to have a law passed against everything they disagreed with? We wouldn't have many neighbors left! to reduce the roads and bridges appropriation in the amount of S71.71S.00, the Court met on June 25, 1917 and decided as follows: That the work on the Willow Crook road will be discontinued on June 30, 1947. That the gravel roads will be gone over once by the maintain ors but work is not to exceed three weeks, two maintainors to be in the south end and one in the north end of the County. After the above work is com pleted, the balance in the road fund is to be used for emergen cy purposes. No piece of County equipment is to be let out to any private person or persons on any job unless the operator is absolute ly satisfactory to the County Court. The Court orders the following Bangs' Disease claims paid: Fred Pettvjohn, SS.OO; Cornelius N. McLauglin, $24.00. The Court orders the follow ing transfers: From the Motor License Fund to the General Road Fund, the amount of $5,- 565.53; From the Coyote Bounty Fund to the General Fund, the amount of $4,000.00; From the Road Sinking Fund, the amount of $143.90 together with future amounts collected to the Gener al Road Fund. The Court orders that Ralph Skoubo of Boardman. be and he is appointed a member of the County Fair Board to fill out the term of A. C. Houghton, re signed. By order duly made and en tered in the Commissioner's Journal, the Court appropriates the amount of $2400.00 for use in and about agricultural or farm demonstration and field work in said County of Morrow. The Court orders the sale of the following County property: All of fractional Section 25, Lots 1, 2, and 3, of Section 35 and all of Section 36, less right of way in Township 5 North, Range 25 East of the Willamette Meridian, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the Southeast Quarter, the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the South west Quarter of Section 19 Township 5, North, Range 26 East of the Willamette Meridian all in Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $2375.- 00, cash. The Court orders the amount of $1200.00 from the Rodent Fund to be set aside for match ing with the like amount of State Funds for the Control of Predatory Animals in Morrow County; also the amount of S640.00 to be matched by the State Game Commission for the same purpose. The following levies were or dered on the Tax Roll by the Count v Court: Citv of Heppner $4,530X10: City of lone $1,007.00; City of Lexington $6,469.00; City of Boardman $1,200.00; No. 1 S34.65S.65; No. 2 $1,152.77; No. 10 $41,053.00; No. 11 $2.535 00; No. 12 S9.5SS.03; No. 15C $220.29; No. 19 $1,252.06; No. 25 $34,420.09; No. 26J $7,878.51; No. 31 SI .275. 44; No. 34 $1,138.56; No. 35J $23. 32S.50; No. 40 $3,227.67; No. 41 $929.83; U. H. No. 1 SS0S.13; Non. High $16,870.64; Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District $709.23; Five Cents per acre levy on all taxable property for Fire Patrol Purposes. Warrants Issued on General FUND State Dept. of Agric, District Sealer $ 4.95 Maxine East, Dep. Sal. . 123.60 Frances Mitchell, Dep. Salary 147.80 Lorine Van Winkle, Of fice clerk 55.70 Olive Hughes, Deputy Salary 110.00 Sadie Parrish, Asst 58.00 Tilman Hogue, Janitor .. 119.30 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. 25.00 Susie W. Miller, Court Reporter 41.67 First. Nat. Bk. of Port land, Withholding Tax 158.80 Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen. Asst. $750.00; O. A.A. $1296.; Dep. Chil. $23.25; Blind Asst. $31- 25 2,310.50 Margaret Gillis, County Nurse 199.87 Election Expense: Grace Macom- ber 8.00; Mabel O. Peck 8.00; Daisy E. Gillespie 14.30; Flos sie Coats 8.00; Evelyn O. Black 8.00; Jesse Warfield 8.00; Mar jorie Worden 9.80; Hannah Anderson 8.00; John Bergstrom 8.00; Ben Anderson 8.00; Jess Coats 8.00; Chas. McDaniel 8. 00; Henry Coats 8.00; Cleo Rob inson 8.00; Glen Farrens 10.00; Henry E. Clark 8.00; Mary E. Beckner 8.00; Geo. N. Ely 9.80; Walter C. Dobyns 8.00; Elaine O. M. Rietmann 8.00; E. L. a n p-- - Complete parts and overhaul service for your John Deere Farm Equipment is just as far away as your telephone. If breakdowns come unexpectedly, give us a call. We've equipped our parts department as completely as possible with genuine John Deere Parts to meet your requirements. If it's servicing your machinery needs, a call will bring out our service truck to re pair your equipment right on the spot. If a complete overhaul job is necessary, we'll haul your machine into town for a thorough going-over. Whatever your parts and overhaul require ments may be, it will pay you to take advantage of the economical service we make available. BRADEN TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY Your CATERPILLAR Dealer SfaCCUttluten-Wn Of PORTLAND flit, comfortablt and luxurious travel to Chicago daily . . . fea turing atewardeii service, excellent mealt, club lounge f acilitiel for both ileeping car and coach paasengeri. Bath and barber service available. All typet of ileeping car accommodationi. Leave Portland 5:30 p.m. Arrive Chicago 12:10 p.m. Portland Rose Through sleeping carf and coachea to Denver, Omaha and Chicago with direct connection for Kansai City, St Louis, Texai and Southweitand Eat. Leave Portland 9:10 p.m. Arrive Denver 8:10 a.m.; Chicago 8:15 a.m. Idahoan A comfortable, well-appointed train with through ileeping car and coach accommodationi for Denver, Kanaaa City and St. Loula. Dining and lounge car lervice. Fat achedule connecting with "City of St. Louie" itreamliner. leave Portland 8 :10 a.m. Arrive Denver 8 :45 p.m.! Kaneot City 8:45 a.m.; St. Louii 1 :50 p.m. For complete travel Information, consult FLOYD TOLLESOH, H.ppn.r, Oregon. Local Agent, Phona 133 Rucker $.00; A. C. Houghton 14.50; Mrs. Sedalia Dexter 8.00; R. V. Jones 800; M. Orlena Suddarth 8.00; E. J. Evans 4.00; B. H. Peck 4.00; Louise Grant 4.00: Thelma Smethurst 4.00; Iva E. Way 4.00; Ceeile Jack son 4.00; L. A. Talmer 5.10; Mary Edwards 4.00; Mary Steagall 4.00; Cora Warner 4. 00; Alex Green 4.00; Laura Lee1 Rice 4.00; Flora Nys 4.00; R. B. Rice 4.00; Bertha John son 4.00; Joseph Jewett 4.00; Ealor B. Huston 4.00; Margaret Miller 4.00; Lorena Jones 4.00; Coramae Ferguson 4.0O, Fhebe A. Bartholomew 8.00; Jasper E. Myers 8.00; Bertha yers 11. 50; Chas. H. Bartholomew 8.00; Faye Finch 8.00; F. E. Parker 4.00; C. R. McAlister 4.00; Ella Benge 4.00; Oma Cox 4.00; Lo la Bennett 4.00; Edna Coxen 4.00; Marcel Jones 4.00; Grace O. Nickerson 4.00; Sara E. Mc Namer 4.00; Kathleen Hisler 4.00; Humphreys Drug Co. 3. 55. Circuit Court: J. J. Wightman 9.40; W. Howard Cleveland 6. 40; Robert Grabill 6.10; Frank lin Ely 8.80; E. R. Schaffer 9. 50; Paul Hisler 8.50; Edward Rice 7.20; Doris Gollvhorn 2. 10; Al Fitch 4.50; William A. Lozier 8.30; R. M. McCoy 8.30; Mary McMurtry 2.10; Susie W. Miller 3.06. Court 24.55 First Nat. Bank of Tort land, Withholding Tax (Salaries! 26.87 S. C. Russell. Sheriff SS. OO; Election $9.95 12.95 State Ind. Acci. Comm., Sher. $3.04; Slier. Sal. $.30; Deputy $.30 . . 3.64 Bert Johnson, County Ct. 4.40 Marchant Calculating Mach., Court House 412.50 Cornelius N. McLaugh lin, Bangs' Disease Control 24.00 Warrants Issued on General Road Fund CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted us dur ing the illness and death of our beloved wife and sister; for the many beautiful floral offerings, and the people of the Hardman country for their many kind nesses. L. J. Burnside and grand daughters; Mrs. Bert Ward, Mrs. Harvey Harshman, Mrs. Walter Farrens, Mrs. Roy Thomas, Mrs. Lorena Cole, Mrs. Blaine Chapel and families. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur. Expense .' 61.50 C.W.Barlow, County Clk. Clerk's Office 2.73 Central Market, Jail 25.73 Saager's Pharmacy, Jail 7.50 Heppner Laundry, Jail .. 2.44 Heppner Lumber Co., Jail 9.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 80.52 Kilham Stationery & Pr. Co., Sher. $3.65; Tax Coll. S43S.S4 142.49 Gazette Times, O. Pub. $S7.40; Tax Coll. $10.- 60; Rur. Sch. Board $245; Elec. $20.05 . 142.90 Pacific Power & Light Co., Lights & Power .... 36.73 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt.' $19.65; Supt. Mileage $53.70 73.35 Fred Pettyjohn, Bangs' Disease Control 8.00 Inland Empire Water- Assn., Publicity & Adv- 250.00 Bert Johnson, County Ct. 19.67 L. D. Neill, County Court 20.93 Ralph I. Thompson, Co. A. J. Chaffee Jack Slocum W. Cunningham Wm. Harrison William C. Heath Chas. Williams Austin Wilson Ray Bailey Darold Hams Roy Bookman Donad Munkers H. Sherer Walter Gilman Fred Booker Robert Taylor Howard Cooper Corp Harold Wilson Shell Oil Company General Petroleum Corp. Hodge Chevrolet Co Jack Allen Supply Co. . Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. E. R. Lundell Wyatts .. Industrial Air Froducts Co City of Heppner Union Oil Co Columbia Equipment Co. I Montgomery Ward & Co. I Newport, Kern & Kibbee Lexington Implement Co. I Pacific Power & Light Co. Braden Tractor & Equip ment Co First Nat. Bank of Port land State Industrial Acc. Com. Paul Bunyan Co Howard Cooper Corp Roscwall Motor Co. 220.39 175.67 191.95 152.09 205.57 92.96 179.15 171.19 182.36 153.26 76.29 246.25 174.46 119.21 172.07 750.00 187.64 80.651 ' 477.00 ' 63.51 66.49 I 2.00 123.34 92.30 6.47 2.65 63.34 53.40 145.01 4,092.40 20.30 4.85 26.76 183.50 64.13 100.95 18.62 292.16 4 H 1A REPORT The members of our club met with our leader, Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, at her home to dis cuss the making of our table mats and pincushions, which are the remaining articles in our project. We have been de layed because of the difficulty in omrinc the monks cloth for the table mats but hope to have them all completed in time ior our exhibit in September. Gloria Orwiek, Reporter. ATTEND FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Durward Tash and Jack Edmondson attended a reunion of the L. L. Nichols family Sunday, Aug. 3, at Red mond. At that time the seven daughters and one son of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols were present, accompanied by their children and grandchildren. The child ren are Edith Lyon, Redmond; Elma Freels, Edgmore, Tenn.; Delia Tash, Heppner; Gladys Rammin, Medford; Jessie Tycer, Central Point; Derris Brown, Sis ters; Tommy Darron, Redmond, and Lawrence Nichols Jr., Redmond. I Warrants Issued on Rodent Fund Carl McDaniel 223.22: Leslie M. Scott, S. T. .. 1.200.00 Oregon State Game Com. 320.00 I We have mufflers for most all I makes of cars. Rosewall Mo I tor Company. ' AQUAMATIC IS RIGHT FOR YOU! RIGHT en the dot . . because it winds JtselYI RIGHT for a bath or swim . . . because It sheds water (ike a duck RIGHT for carefree use . . . because the crystal can't shatter n was shock-nasi un umm mi 57.50 fd. tax Iwluchd ' CGME BlfiHT TO OS Wt FEATURE CROTON WATCHES FAMOUS SINCE 1171 Peterson's ggiyii sE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD b$ iptc-io -Union Pacific' JhTTadvertisement is presented ln the "public interest by the President's Highway Safety Conference' and the daily and weekly'newspapers of the nation' through their Press end. Publisher Asso- -ns.'. There you have it in black and white the way to avoid many a fatal accident. And this is equally true it's not "safe to be a smart driver!" The young driver who slouches over the wheel and goes twisting and roaring through traffic for his own self-satisfaction and the adulation of others is as out of date as a 1910 flivver. More and more, new drivers-to-be are enrolling in driver in struction courses, to learn how to be safe and intelligent drivers. They are taught how to operate and control a car. They become familiar with traffic rules and regulations and the penalties for violating these established rules of the road. They learn that it is really smart to be considerate and courteous to others. Many communities are making these courses available through their schools today. If your son or daughter is coming of driving age, see to it that they take a driver instruction course. If there is not one available in your town, ask the school or police authorities how you can obtain instruction material. Make young drivers safe drivers right from the start Turner - Van Marter & Company