6-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Aug. 7, 7947 TROEDSONS ENJOY TRIP TO CALIFORNIA AND OREGON COAST POINTS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson returned Thursday from a trip to California. They wont as far as San Jose, whore Mr Troedson was born and lived until lie was 13 years old. when ho came to Orrgvn with his parents. Ho vis ited many cousins in San Jose ! and called on a schoolmate he I had not seen since he left Cal I ifornia. j The drying of prunes and ap ricots was in full swing and the Troedsons wore fortunate in get I ting some to bring home. On their way home, Mr. and ATTENTION ELKS ! Try our Merchants Lunch. You will enjoy it. Prepared and served from our kitchen under the management of Mrs. Clive Huston. Heppner Lodge No. 358 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks 4 Our statement of policy We want owi cult&mete and the esitisie. comnuuutif to. know j That it is our constant endeavor to raise to the highest degree . the standards, ethics and practices of automobile merchandising. That we seek, through cooperative efforts of local, state and oC national automobile dealers associations, the correction of any unfair or unbusinesslike practices. O That new cars are being distributed fairly and equitably, with " every consideration being given to our community's interest. . That new cars will be sold at established prices current at time of Tr delivery, and no bonus payment or premiums of any kind will be accepted. 5 That fair and reasonable value is given for every used car taken in trade; while we hope customers having used cars will, as in the past, trade them with us (so we in turn may supply more people with needed transportation) we will still make every effort to provide new or used cars to those not having cars to trade. That while we are glad to install special accessories (when avail U able) which add to the appearance, usefulness, comfort and con venience of the new car, no customer is required to purchase any extra equipment which he does not desire. 7 That we are doing everything in our power to help eliminate black market operations in our industry. c That despite the continued, critical shortage of new cars we are O anxious at all times to talk over with you your new car needs. That regardless of the termination of government regulations, y affecting our business, we believe the high standards herein expressed are sound business principles, and we will be guided by them. That our business is being conducted on a basis to merit public confidence and respect. 10 Hodge Chevrolet Company Heppner, Oregon Mrs. Troedson cany up the coast highway, making several stops along the way, including Coos Bay. Waldport, Newport, the Lookout and Ocean Lake. At Newport they stayed overnight at the tourist camp of Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, formerly of Boardman. Mrs. McFarland is well known in this vicinity as she was Pomona master of the grange for 12 years. Mr. McFar land is much improved in health and they are very happy in their new home. After leaving the coast, the first stop was at Salem, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray. The cordial hospi tality given them here was greatly appreciated, as they were tired from their trip along the coast, which had taken about a week. From Salem they went to the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. R. C. Putnam at Clack amas. While there they visited several places in and around Portland. One day was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ukinson. This was really a gathering of the Troedson fam ily, the following being present: Mrs. Sophia Troedson, Mrs. Lil lian Troedson Wilkinson, Mrs. Anne Troedson Smouse, Mrs. Frances Troedson Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson. . The two Putnam children, grandchildren of the Troedsons, accompanied them home for a visit before school starts. o NOTICE TO PARENTS Attention is called to parents of children possessing bicycles that the city ordinance pertain ing to the riding of bicycles on sidewalks will be enforced. The ordinance provides for seizure of bicycles when riders violate the ruling and the police have been instructed to enforce the ordinance. Please avoid trouble by instructing your children to keep off of the sidewalks with their bicycles. CONLEY LANHAM, Mavor. JUNIOR HORSE SHOW TO HIGHLIGHT FAIR A junior horse show, exclus ively for Vounp" ririitra nf IK years and under, will highlight tins years imatilla county fair at Hormiston, according to Jack McClard, Hermiston. orpsiiipnt of the Traildustors Riding club, which will direct the show. Dates for the junior event are Friday and Saturday, Aug. 29 and 30. George Corwin drove down from, Pomeroy, Wash. Monday to bring his daughter Joan here for a visit. Joan will stay at the lookout station with her brother Lauren who said he had grown tired of visiting with himself. Mr. Corwin, former superintend eTit of the Heppner schools, is highly pleased with his new job as superintendent of schools at Independence, to which point he will go shortly to get ready for the opening of school. Mrs. Jack Hynd Sr. has been visiting relatives and friends in the county for several days. She returned to her home in Pen dleton this afternoon. M. D. Clark and daughter, Mrs. Frank ltiggs, and her son Clark came up from Eugene the first of the week to look after business affairs for a few days. Mrs. Mabel Hughes siient Sat urday and Sunlay at the home of her son W E. Hughes and family at Lena. She returned to her home in Milton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George McDuf fee of Portland were visitors in the county this week. This of fice acknowledges a pleasant call from Mrs. McDuffee this afternoon. o FRESH CORN will be ready by Aug. 14 at my place in North Heppner. W. P. Prophet. 20p BOARD & ROOM for two teach ers. Call 23S2. 20tfc FOR SALE On Church Street 3 Bedrooms, 2 Sleeping Porches Basement with oil furnace Flamo stove with trash burner Garage and woodshed, some wood Shade and lawn, good condition PRICE $5500 See Turner-Van Marter Good Health to Jill FROM REXUL ex The Rexall Drug gist carries out your doctor's or ders to the Utter. HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner G.iette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor BEAUTY LOOKS AHEAD Let us help you to relax and not be hot and bothered about your hair. . . . Busy daps are in the offing. We will be glad to style your hair in becoming lines that you can keep looking lovely yourself with Just a swirl of the brush. You'll want a new permanent before the Rodeo-September 5, 6, 7 or a Tint, or a Scalp Treatment Our complete beauty service is at your command. Just give us a ring... 33... and we will give you an appointment to suit your pleasure. ALICE'S BEAUTY SHOP Edith . . Alice . . Ethel VISIT Your Marshall-Wells Store for Hardware Values See our new fully automatic POP-DOWN TOASTERS We have a wide selection of GARDEN HOSE VALUES. (With each length 'of hose sold we will give a 65c pack age of Weedust, to control those gar-' den weeds.) K M ELECTRIC FANS will make warm days more bearable. $8.50 Plan low To Exhibit At The liorrow County Fair Heppner, Oregon, September 5 and 6 Substantial premiums are being offered for the following products of the county: Grain and Hay Beef and Dairy Sheep and Swine Fruits, Vegetables & Flowers Saddle Horses 4-H Club Work Home economics exhibits open to all Canning, Needle Work, Knit ting and Baking. Community booths for Granges, Farm Bureau and other organizations. Morrow County is a good place to live. Let's show our neighbors that we grow excellent agricultural products here Prepare your exhibits now and make this the best County Fair Morrow County has had yet. Special This Week -End Local Garden Grown Roasting Ears 59c per dozen Also Home Grown String Beans FREE BALLOONS Each child accompanying his or her parents to our store Saturday will be given a balloon. Watch our handbills for Every Day Value Quotations Court Street Market Girls Want Lots of Jhjf Penney's Low ?.'- 31 2.98 ond 3.98 a V. "4 .flt ? 9 f i AW Fall dresses that combine both quality and style! Cham brays, poplins, ginghams from the finest mills in Amer ica and every one wash able. Vivid colors in new combinations! 3-6, 7-14. " JIiIm lfHF- i-ii ITS ffria MALE GROUSE USE.&H4E. -TWO BRIGHT ORANGE BALL OONS OKI HiS NECK 10 DRUM U)uo blasts that attracts HIS MATE The men of Heppner profer the MORROW COUNTY CLEAN. ' EES. They art conitantly talk ing ond and favorably of our lat lervioe. We pnt the crease where it itiould be, and make it deep enough to hold. When you bring your olothei to ut . yon're aeeured of a pefect clean ing and precelng service. Morrow County Cleaners Heppner Phone 8633 Oregon STAR GS REPORTER Sunday Matinee starts at 1 p.m., Boxottiue open until 3:30. Kvenlng shows, except Saturday, start at 7:30. Saturday hIiow starts at 7:00. Boxof fice open evenings until 9 o'clock. Admission Flees both Matinee and Evening: Adults 50c, Garde and High School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in cluded. Every child 'occupying a seat must have a ticket. Friday-Saturday, Aug, 8-9 Unexpected Guest fino of the- populnr Hopalong Caeiidy urtlon TilrnH Willi Bill Boyd and Band Brookl. I'I,UH Blondie Knows Best Ponny Singleton, Arthur Lako, Larry Slmi, Bhemp Howard, Denny Mununert. 1)hkwoimI gptfl ttuiKli'd up 111 a Horlrat of cvnntH that mmiltii In fun for everyone. Sunday-Monday, Aug. 10-11 - DEAD RECKONING Htrlrtly top-Bliolf, llm n:tlon In nwlrt, tlio dluloK hard, thn at moHphpre lomlwl with unplHon, tho t pnrfwt hwiilwl hy Humphrey Bogart mid Lliabeth Scott. Thvro Ih u nlco mmg "Either It'i Love or It Iin't." -11 Tuesday, Aug. 12 Return of Monte Cristo Lottie Hnywurd, Barbara Brltton, Oeorne Ma. oready, Una O'Connor, Hnnry Btepheneon Alexandre Dumas' falmloim hero lives nnow In hlH Hwu;lil,ui UIIiik heir! Alno on ihlH priiitruiti uro n Throe Stooffee Comedy iinrl n Community Sing. Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 13-14 BOOMERANG A welcome mid Hurtling new lei linliim tlmt keeps you on Ihn piIko nf ymir sent llin.iiKli sheer exi'llemoiit, with Dana Androwe, Jane Wyatt, Lee J. Cobb, Sam Lavene. ri,us New March of Time vr