Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 07, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    lone Hews Items of tho Wes!
By Echo Palmateer
A radio program will be piven
over the Pendleton station KWItC
every Tuesday evening between
7:15 and 7:3ft under the aus
pices of the lone Baptist church.
Rev. Frank Nichols, pastor.
Mrs. H. O. Kly fell at her home
at Morgan one day last week,
bruising her arm and head quite
uauiy out is reported better now.
E. P. Dav. dennt a (rent loft
Monday night for Lawrence,
Kansas, on his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond BrLstow
entertained at a dance Sunday
in honor of Mrs. Bristow's bro
ther Gene Grabill's birthday,
Relatives of the family were
Mrs. Lana Padherg and Oscar
Lundell had their homes insu
lated with rock wool.
Rev. Alfred Shirley left for
The Dalles Monday to visit Mrs.
Shirley and his tister, Mrs. Mary
Elizabeth Shipley, who recently
arrived from England.
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Cassel
man will leave for Toledo this
week where Rev. Mr. Casselman
has been called as pastor of the
Full Gospel Mission church.
Guests at the Edmond Bris
tow home last week were Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Hooke and son
Vernon of Nampa, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
and children plan on leaving
for the coast this week.
A miniature cloudburst struck
the Morgan district Sunday af
ternoon. The water ran down
the canvon and washed nut
fields. O. E. Lindstrom reports
that this was the sixth time
since the 12th of June that wa
ter has run In the canyon In
front of his place near Morgan
Mrs. R. L. Casselman, Mrs. Ida
Coleman and Mrs. Delia Corson
were Walla Walla visitors Mon
day. Johnny Rea, small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clcll Ilea, was kicked
in the head by a horse at his
home Friday of last week, re
ceiving a skull fracture. He was
taken to Heppner to a physician,
then to Pendleton where he en
tered the St. Anthony's hospital.
He was given a blood transfu
sion. He is reported to be get
ting along satisfactorily.
W. A. Hayes arrived last week
from Sunny Vale, Calif., where
ne spent the past year at the
Carl Feldman home.
Dates to remember: The Mar
anatha society will meet at the
home of Echo Palmateer, Aug.
13....TheI.M.I.A. will meet at
the Legion hall, Aug. 13, at 8
p.m The regular meeting of
Willows grange, Aug. 1G, with a
pot luck dinner at 6:30 p.m. The
1 1 EC are putting on the program.
...Red Nichols and his Five
Pennies at the Legion hall Aug.
From the lone Independent,
Aug. 12. 1927: "H. O. Ely of Mor
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient servise.
Phone 702
11 fl i Stt ,nkJe$l 1 PAIR DRAPS
Tt tf J 214 Vatii H-58V2 Inches wids
' and 2 EXTRA LONG
Heppner Hardware &
gan was a business visitor in
lone Thursday afternoon. Mr.
Ely ha; s th;,t his harvest will
be completed in about a week
and that the grain yields have
been quite good."
Mrs. Olnar Kietmwiii and I-irs.
Marion Palmer entertained the
primary ' es in the ('opera
tive Sin. day :chool, Sunday af
ternoon, ;.l a wiener roast and
watermelon feed at the Earl Mc
Kinney ranch. There were 22
children present besides Mr. and
Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mr. and
Mrs. MeKi:iney, Mrs. Palmer,
Mrs. L. A. MeCabe and Lola Ann
and Rev. Alfred Shirley.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lundell
of Richmond, Calif., are visiting
at the home of Mr. Lundell's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Algott
Lundell. The Lundell's flew up
from Richmond and will leave
this week for Minnesota where
they will visit with Mrs. Lun
dell's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lundell
entertained at a wiener roast
at their home Sunday evening
the following: Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lundell of Richmond,
Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lun
dell, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lind
strom, Mr. and Mis'. Roy Lindstrom,-
Ernest Lundell, Mrs.
Mary Swanson and daughter
Mrs. Emma Piper and daugh
ters, Mis. Kern Jones and Mrs.
Mildred Chambers of Shreve,
Ohio, visited at the Fred Kly
home at Morgan last week. Mrs.
Piper is an aunt of Mrs. Ely.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denney of
Portland visited friends here
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Daid North and
Miss Ritchie Porter of Portland
were visitors at the Mrs. Ida
Coleman home last week.
A swimming parly was held
at DelDert Lmert s swimming
pool Sunday afternoon.
The 4-H club girls will meet
at the Grange hall Tuesday af
ternoon and cut out aprons. Al
so, they will have a birthday
party in honor of Lola Ann Me
Cabe and Ingrid Hermann.
Miss Franeine Ely, Miss Jean
Coleman, Pete Crawford and
Pelniar Crawford went to Bing
h;tm Springs Sunday.
Little Johnny Rea who has
been in the St. Anthony's hos
pital at Pendleton with a frac
tured arm was taken to Port
land to a specialist in a plane
Monday evening accompanied
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clell Rea. He underwent an op
eration and is getting along sat
isfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe
planned to leave for Wyoming
this week.
Miss Laveda Hurd of Bremer
ton, Wash., is visiting relatives
here. She is a granddaughter of
Mrs. Addie Salter.
Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason ar
rived home from Portland Mon
day evening, where they had
been visiting for the past few
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow
and sons Jerry and Donald left
Wednesday morning for the
Wallace Coleman Injured his
wrist while loading some oil
.arrels at the Ray Helmblgnet
ranch. He mashed his wrists be
ween two barrels. No bones
w 're broken.
At the regular city council
meeting Tuesday night Gordon
While was named as council
man to fill the vacancy of P. 1.
Linn, who resigned.
Paul Barnett and Lindsay Kin
eaid left Tuesday morning for
the mountains with a group of
boys to camp for a few days.
A pot luck dinner will be given
Tuesday evening at the Congre
gational church parlor in honor
of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Cassel
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and
daughter Dorothy are leaving the
last of the week on a vacation
trip. .
The Miller Bros., Bob and
Russell, finished their early po
tato harvest and netted a splen
did yield. They shipped 16,000
sacks from approximately 65
acres, and with only a very
small percentage of seconds.
This is one of the best crops the
Millers have had in their sever
al years of raising potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meinen and
(laughter Rozella of Albuquer
que, New Mexico, were visiting
on the project this week. The
Meinens are former residents of
Hoardman, leaving several mon
ths ago for Mr. Meinen's health.
They also visited with Mr. Mei
nen's sister at Prosser, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball motor
ed to Pendleton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Berger of
Portland were at the J. M. Allen
home Wednesday and also look
ing after property interests.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ransier
and family spent Wednesday at
the home of Mr. Ransier's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ransier.
KFA teacher, Ronald Black,
and Mrs. Black left Saturday for
Klamath Falls where he will
attend a conference for a week.
From there they will start on a
two weeks vacation, spending
their time with Mr. Black's mo
ther. Mrs. C'lyda Black of Ferron,
Utah, and Mrs. Black's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Oveson of
Tooele, Utah.
Veterans instructor Don and
Mrs. Stewart also left to attend
the conference at Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Leroy Fussell, who has
been a patient at St. Anthony's
hospital in Pendleton, was able
to return home Saturday.
Friday found many Boardman
residents in Pendleton. Among
those going were Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Miller and son Jimmie
and Mrs. Miller's father, Ralph
Akers of lone; Mr. and Mrs. Na
than Thorpe and daughter San
rira, Mrs. Claud Coats, Mr. and
Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie, and Mrs. Os
ear Veelle who was calling on
Mr. eelle, a patient at the St
Anthony's hospital.
Miss Dagmar Skoubo will re
turn to her work in Eugene on
Sunday after spending a few
lays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Skoubo.
Mrs. M. McReynolds of Pilot
Rock is visiting at the home of
her son-in-law and daughter,
.Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber.
Gary, Beverly and Pat Petteys
let t fririay to spend the week
rjid in Pilot Rock with their un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
' ; i 1 liert.
The manse for the community
church pastor is rapidly being
erected under the supervision of
Leo Root and Clyde Tannehill
Anyone wanting to donate help
.'or a day or two please contact
these men.
Oscar Veelle returned home
Monday from the St. Anthony's
nospitat in Pendleton where he
had been for ten days due to a
fall from the freight car while
working for Miller Bros, in the
potato harvest. Mr. Veelle Is
much improved but is getting
i round with the aid of crutches
, Tale the oil fillen for imtanc.
"Caterpillar" lubricating oil filterj were
developed ipeciflcally (or "Caterpillar"
Diesel Enginet and play an Important
part in prolonging life. They are a com.
binalion metal edge and abiorbent
The outer metal element! are cleaned
and replaced when the oil ii changed
while the low-coit inner element! are
discarded and new onei Installed.
Come in and see us. We'll be glad to
show you first hand how efficiently the
"Caterpillar" oil filler! keep oil clean.
Braden Tractor &
Equipment Co.
r? "
A eareleu ptinlrlan m to blame for the tcretklng of iMi truck
tnd A death of ill driver. At the pedettrian tuddenly trotted the
rood, directly in front of the truck, the drher ueerted off the road
may and hit machine overturned in the ditch tchere it immediately
taught fire. Driver teat pinned in the front teat and burned to death
before ho could bo extricated.
News From Irrigon . .
By Mrs. J. A. Shoun
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning
and daughter Delores went to
Pendleton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith re
turned from a month's vacation
at Hayfork, Calif., Wednesday.
Mrs. Smith's daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Calvin Whitney, and two
for the time. Russell Miller brot
Mr. Veelle home.
Mrs. Guy Ferguson left Thurs
day for Portland and will spend
a few days with her son-in-law
and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood
and family were shopping in
Pendleton Saturday.
Crystal and Chloe Barlow of
Pendleton were dinner guests at
the Elvin Ely home Sunday. Al
bert Ball was home Sunday from
his work with the signal main
tained. They are stationed in
Baker at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood
and Nate Macomber returned
home Sunday from a weeks va
cation spent near Packwood,
Wash., fishing.
Rev. Chas. Eble and Elinor
Earwood returned home Monday
from the young peoples camo
meeting at Wallowa.
Ny ' ' V" - MIRROR iftCy
x ':- '' l4
This advertisement is presented
In the public interest by tho
President's Highway Safety
Conference and the daily and
weekly newspapers of th
nation through their Press
and Publisher Associations,
children brought them up and
went on to Lewiston, Idaho, to
visit relatires.
Mrs. Lena Wilson and grand
son spent a few days last week
with her mother, Mrs Martha
Ferrill. She is from Portland.
Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Win
quist and son Paul are moving
to Arbuckle, Calif., where he is.
to be pastor of the Baptist
church. Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Duus are trucking their house
Sand and Gravel
Have two dump trucks on the job at all
times ready to give you satisfactory ser
vice. Eliminate hand shoveling. Will
deliver where you want it.
Rates are very reasonable
Vernon Christopherson
Every known facility for safe operation and control of an automobile is built
into it These safety features have been given gruelling tests, they have been
proved and perfected by years of the finest engineering experience. But their
maintenance and handling are up to yoiu Safe driving depends upon the
efficient operation of these factors.
Watch your steering gear for excessive play keep your brakes in trim,
inspect tires for weaknesses that may result in blowouts. Be sure all lights
are working, "one-eyed" cars are dangerous. Check your mirror for clear
rear-vision. Be sure your horn works but don't abuse its use. Do your
windshield wipers wipe?
Remember, no matter how good the safety features of your car they
are only as good as your ability to control them. If you are overtired from
driving strain stop, rest, drink a cup of coffee. If you are mentally or
nervously upset, let somepne else drive. If you've been drinking, stay off the
Keep your car and yourself always in condition for safe motoring.
Rosewall EUlotor Company
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner Gazette
hold goods to Arbuckle. They
are starting Wednesday and are
going to take several weeks va
cation trip In the southwestern
U. S.
A. C. Heibert Is down from
Alaska visiting his brother Dean
and family and other relatives
Billy Voile went up to Wal
lowa to visit his father, John
Voile, Sunday. Mr. Vollle is car
ing for the Voile sheep. Billy
returned home Sunday. He says
that country is dry and dusty
Mrs. Bernice Hyatt of Portland
and Horace Mulkey of Heppner
are visiting their brothers and
sons, Lyle and Jean Mulkey.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore
of Lexington visited the Robert
Smiths recently.
Troy Griffin is drilling a Well
on the John Allen place on the
project that he is getting the
camp cabins built on.
Fred Davis is also building
cabins on the east end of Irri
Rev. and Mrs. John Rickets
and Mr,s. Anna Grant, mother of
Mrs. Rickets, moved into the
Baptist community church on
Mrs. Nina Harris spent Tues
day with her mother, Mrs. Mar
tha Ferril and family, of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Minnick
and small daughter Norma
spent from Saturday to Tuesday
with her mother, Mrs. Harry
Smith, and family.
Phone 3311
Times, Heppner, Oregon,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam L'miker and
' daughters Kathleen and Sam
! mie arrived home from Aurora
j and Castle Rock.
It is with profound sorrow
that San Souci Rebekah lodge
No. 33 of the Independent Order
of Oddfellows adopts the follow
ing resolutions:
Whereas, the Almighty Father
has seen fit to call our beloved
brother, L. A. Florence, to his
eternal rest, and whereas, his
presence and help will be sorely
Therefore, be It resolved, that
San Souci Rebekah lodge No. 33.
in testimony of its loss and in
) concrete floors C Sfhi)?
( from "dusting"away r zs
You can put a stop to that "disappearing act" of your
concrete floors by a simple treatment with Standard Floor
Hardener. Cuts de-composition called "dusting," cuts cost
of maintaining and cleaning. A second coating assures a
wear-saving, non-slippery top. Use Standard Liquid M ax
on hardwood and linoleum floors . . . gives high lustre pro
tection without slipperiness.
Aug. 7, 1947-3
expression of its love, drap the
charter. Be it fuither resolved,
that the deepest sympihy of
the lodge be extended to the
family of our departed hroire-r,
and be it further resolved, that
a copy of these resolutions N
spread on the minutes of the
lodge and that a copy be sent
to the bereaved family.
Delia Davidson.
Alice Banker,
Ruth Bergstrom.
Let us make your car safe to
drive at all speeds by having
the wheels balanced on our
electronic wheel balancer.
Rosewall Motor Company.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon