Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 31, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Want Ads
FOR SALE A bargain at $.000:
a good poultry ranch; 3-acre
tract in lone, Oregon; 1 block
from good school, on good
highway, adjacent to city re
creation center. Good 5-room
house, new paint, roof, kitch
en, built-ins, butane gas
range, new electric water hea
ter, bath, House furnished.
Five poultry houses, cross fen
ced, 8 bearing apple, apricot,
peach and pear trees. Good
well and city water. Easy
terms. See J. O Turner, Hepp
ner, Oregon. l!)-20e
WANTED Any kind of work by
16-year-old boy. Arley Peck,
Pone 2(jG5. 19p
FOR SALE Purebred parti-color
cocker puppies, seven weeks
old; litter registered, cham
pion stock; two black and tan
males, one black and tan fe
male, two white and black fe
males. Call Louise Bucket,
1115. ' 19p
FOR SALE Buff fryer chickens,
Phone 2111, lone. 19-20c
FOR SALE Wood and
range. Mrs. Robert Grabil!
. l'.fp
WANTED Custom combining
and hay chopping. W. G. See-
hafer, lone. 19-22p
FOR SALE 1936 Ford truck with
100 HP motor in good shape,
and flat bed and bulk racks.
Archie Munkers, Heppner, Ore.
FOR SALE Piano in good con
dition, $125. May be seen at
Dallas Craber place in Lena
district. Mrs. Virgil Hatfield,
123 E. Jefferson, Hlllsboro, Or.
NOTICE My wife having left
my bed and board, I will not
HOUSE FOR SALE $2,000 down,
easy terms. Kenneth Vosberg.
Legal Advertising
Notice in heiuiiy giwn Uuit the un
dti SiKiied. aUmniiitiuLor of Uie estate
ul Com liuriuut;lw, Ui tfttwetl. d;ui fil'-i
Inn tiititt ittct.uiil with tlie County
Court ol th Mule ol oii'Kou for tne
County of Morrow, and Court hu
M-t ilniHi.iy. the lltii day i.f AugUHt,
W47. at tne hour ul llou u'tlork A. M.
ol said tuy. in the County Court room
ul Urn Morrow County Court House in
ilIipner, Uncoil, ua the time and
plate tor hcajinK on aiil final settle
mtitt of tuiid final aixounL All ptr
uli having objection to Buid final
aitount are ht'itby required to file
lite Bume with mud court on or before
the dale net for mud hearing.
Dulrd and first published this 10th
day of July, 1147.
16-20 Ailntliiiatratur.
Sermon subject for Sunday
morning, "Four Marks of a Spir
itual Life." For Sunday evening,
the young people will report on
the conference and there will be
a short message following the
Schedule of services:
Heppner" Mass on 1st and 3rd
Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and
4th at 9:30.
lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd
Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th
at 8 a.m.
On 5th Sunday one mass In
Heppner at 9:00.
Holy days of obligation: Mass
in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30.
Mass on first Friday of month
in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.
ul July. 1M7.
Game Commission
Anounces Final
hearing adjourned from July 22,
the Game Commission adopted
be responsible for any bills in
curred by her. Otis Young,
Morgan, Oregon. 19-21p
FOR SALE Two 18-7 Interna
tional grain drills, single disc
with large steel grain box and
platform step. New extras and
hitch to go with pair. $150
each or $275 both. B. H. Peck,
Lexington, Ore. 19-20c
FOR SALE 1940 GMC 2 12 ton
truck with 15 12 foot flat
grain bed; 1939 Chevrolet
truck, 2-speed axle, ('rum Bros..
v lone, Ore., Phone 32F14. 19-20p
FOR SALE In lone: 7-room
house and four lots; wood and
coal range; wood and coal cir
culator; dining table and six
chairs; washing machine,
mangle, crib and mattress;
buzzsaw. J. C. Stcpens, Hepp
ner, Oregon. life
FOR SALEanning peaces, $2
a bushel you pick 'em. At
Edmonds Orchard, 2 miles W.
of Umatilla. 19 -21p
W A NT t;bf O BUY Internation
al disc drill with 10-inch spac
ing; also old style Superior
Hoe drill with wooden box and
wheels, sixe 18-7. Ray Heim
bigner, lone, Ore. 19p
Juliie la hcrrliy given tliul Uie un
dfriiigiied, aiiiiiliiiHtiutrlx of ttie es
tate of J. Glen Young, deceaiwU. haa
filed tier final account with tlie Coun
ty Court of the Stale of Oregon for
liie County of Morrow, and aaid Court
haa set ua till time and place for
heuriuK on Bald final account, Mon
day, tlie 4th of August, 1947. at Uie
hour of 11:UU o'clock In the forenoon
of said day. In the County Court
room of the Morrow County Court
House tn Heppner. Oregon. All
m.iik hHvlnic obiectlona to said
account aie required to file the same
with the said Court on or before Uie
uuic .... otiiu ......(,. ...
Dated and first posted mis 1st day lUnntini-l K Ofl U I flOn S
-j -- j
Adniinlst.itrlx of the Estate of Pprnnvenint? on JUlV 26 the
-Notice Is herehy given that the un-
.1. ....... .....1 u.l .triilriv i.f thn f,K
tiitH of j..i,n m. liannan, deceased, has the final hunting regulations for
IlleU wlin me county cuun oi uie ;.,
dute of Oregon lor Morrow county, 131 (. me reguiawuiia icnioio
nTi, dSZSi 15 about the same as the tentative
mild Court fixed Monday the Hlh uy announced two weeks aeO
,.r Almost iu-17 ut the hour of lo w ones announced two weiss agu,
v,: r j iS::s.j?w,l Mi a few chanees were made-
and place tor hearing objections to concurrent elk and deer
said tuial account and the settlement . i, ... nponnn
,f sunt estate and all Demons having se-aaun in auuiiicaaian v-.c6i.
ubje. i ions tneretu are hereby required was eliminated and that area
Iile tne wiuie wun saiu cinin on ... . , .1
,r before the time fixed for suid hear- Will De Open 10 eiK nurillllg at
lha cima limn aG the rPKt OT
.1 and first published thlB 10th . . . e
,iv ,,f .iniu mi? eastern ureEon, uciuuei io tu
Aur-it. iia...a. m: ni.i-i.il cn, rjnv,Prnhpr in I he rteer season
NOTICE TO CBEDITCmS luI ",e aiaic.w oC
Is hereby given that tne un- announced Deiore, UCtouer l to
.J.., October 20.
.State of Oregon, Administrator of the The bag limit for elk in all
Kflato of UKK WAH WOO. deceased: ., rnnnties will bp one
and all persons having claims against me Ofien COUIllies Will oe one
l lie Bald H.slaie Ol saiu ueceaseu mc DUll eiK lavlUK ttlllltia W1L11
ffi'MawWS lhw points or more. This reg
to November 9 in Malheur coun-l
Lake and Jefferson counties
were added to the list of coun
ties to be open to hunting of val
ley quail from October 22 to
November 2.
The blue grouse season in Jo
sephine and the counties west of
the summit of the coast range
will be from October 1 to Octo
ber 20.
The migratory bird regulations
are yet to be announced by the
Federal Housing
Authority Changed
The name of the Federal Pub
lic Housing Authority has been
changed to "Public Housing Ad
ministration" as a result of the
President's Reorganization Plan
No. 3 which became effective
upon adjournment of Congress,
Jesse Epstein, regional director
of the agency announced today.
Under the reorganization plan
federal government; howeber, the National Housine Aeencv
the commission has decided to, becomes the "Housing and Home
close all counties of the state Finance Acencv." Its three con-
to dove hunting with the excep
tion of the following: Lake, Kla-
WANTED Wheat culling. Have
16-foot International. Eldon
Padberg, Lexington, Ore.
181 f
FOR SALE Furnished
and four rooms in rear.
to sell. Call 772 or 2502.
There is no place like home for
Ford service. Rosewall Motor
Company. .
Zipper type sleeping bags $21.
95. Rosewall Motor Company
r,.niiir,.il hv law to the said Admin
istlator at the law office-of P. W.
nmt.tliM from tlie date hereof.
Dated and flr-d published this 17th
day of July, 1947.
P. W. Muhoney,
Attorney for the Administrator,
Heppner. Oregon. 17-21
THE COUNTY COURT, dated July s.
1M7. I am authorized and directed to
advertise and sell at public auction at
not less iniill llie nuiiiiiiuin pi ice ncic
lll set forth:
All of fractional Section 25, Lots
1. 2, and U. oi .section aa ana an
of Section 36 less right of way. in
Township 6 North. Range 26 East
of the Willamette Meridian, and
Lots 1. 2, 8. 4. and 6. the South
east Qin-ter. the South Half fuf
the Northeast Quarter and the East
Half of Die .Southwest Quarter of
Section 111, Township ft North.
Range 26 East of the Willamette
Meridian all In Morrow County.
Oregon for the minimum price of
17r, 1111 eiish
Therefore. 1 will on the l.Mh day nf
August. 1 H 17 at the hour of 111 mi A. M.
at the front d'sir of the Court House
In Heppner. Oregon, sell Bard prop-
ine nignesi nun nest hhhih,
C. J. D. BATMAN. Sheriff.
Morrow County. Oregon.
17-21 Deputy.
.,lne Is herehv given thnt the un
der.- igntd was duly unpointed by the
County Court of tlie Slate ol Oregon,
for Morrow Cotmlv. Administrator of
EMI1KRCKR, deceased, and all per
illation is designed to assure
at the law office of P. W.I -,,, ,,,. rnn nf hull
Hepiiner. Oregon, wiuun six " "cM- ..t
eiK ana in reainy protects umy
the spike elk because forked
horn elk are extremely rare.
The open elk area in western
Oregon was enlarged by adding
part of Douglas and Coos coun
ties and now the following area
will be open during the open
season from October 25 tp No
vember 2: Clatsop, Columbia,
Lincoln, Lane county except
that part of the area south and
west of the Siuslaw river, and
the following described areas in
Coos and Douglas counties: Be
ginning at the junction of the
Umpqua river Highway No. 38
with U. S. Highway 101 at
Reedsport; thence east along
Highway 38 to junction with U.
S. Highway 99 at Drain; thence
south along U. S. Highway No.
to junction with State High
way 42 near Dillard; thence
west along State Highway 42 to
junction with U. S. Highway 101
at Coquille; thence north along
U. S. Highway 101 to Reedsport
and the point of beginning,
There will be no special doe
deer tags issued this year and
loivMiL' cllilins against the estate tunc fcr cnpoal ollf tinntc
rilleil flS IV. 1111 U1C CAll-LfllUll UL OJIC Oico
,1 by law to said Administrator nar Ijkiah. for Which 100 tags
at Die law ulflce of 1'. w. Malioney
Ilepniier. Oregon, within six nion-
c. f-.,m tl,e lisle hereof.
Dated and first published this 17th
day of July, llHf.
P. W, Muhoney.
AMttrtiev for Ailm..
Hi'iMiror. Oregon. 17-21
will be issued for elk of either
set during a special season
from December 13 to 16.
No changes were made in the
pheasant season and it will be
open from October 22 to Novem
ber 2 in the counties previously
in 'i hk circuit court of THE announced and from October 22
STATE Or OltKIIUiN f OK illc
Does your car shimmy? It may
need a front end correction.
"We will run it thru our safe
ty lane and tell you what It
needs, no obligation. Rosewall
Motor Company. N-
Hydraulic jacks"$7T95. Rosewall
Motor Company.
If you need a tire in a hurry
remember Rosewall is never
WelTave 600)T20, 700 x 207 750
x 20 and 825 x 20 truck tires
in stock now. Rosewall Motor
LTfirPEATTrES for Canning
Improved Elbertas ready Aug.
6; J. II. Hales one week later;
also prunes and Bartiett pears.
Bring containers; pick if you
wish. Miller Orchard, one mile
west Umatilla on highway.
wife, the unknown heirs of CLYDE
V ROVSE. ihveased. also all other
..nr.:, .IIS , ,- Ulll'tll'S UllkllOWll Clllllll
nig any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in the resl estate described
herein. Defendants.
R. 26 E. : thence iiv a ' northerly
direction along the old Monumenl-
lii ppner road to tlie junction ol tne
fathers Mil road, thence in a north
westerly direction along the Parkers
Mill Road to the Spray-Heppner
highway; thence" soutn along the
ping. licppner iiignway to tne town-
uue itetweeii Dec. au, i. o., xv.
and Sec.. 6, T. 6 S.. R. 26 E.;
to Augusta Anderson. Dale C. Roysc inence west along tlie lownsliip line to
iinklinwn beirs ol Civile V. Itnyse. v. c.., ..,cnvouD ..,.,(,
.i 1 ..I.. li,sr r.nra,,lia nr lion 11I1CS I 1 ee Id) nil C.S lO lilt BOUUl'
Uf. . Il.-l.l. .'I- ".I V ... ... I ... T fi r ni
i . L,.u'ii ii oninv h v riKnc I wesi un oci ui one ig, u o v.
ti'tle, 'estate, lien or interest In the E. ; thence due west along section
til estate described Herein. UU- ones appioAimaiciy nine auu ouc-uo
r,.,,,tni,i. ill'-j) miles to tne tonnes Aim roan
IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF thence In a southeasterly direction
r i t ici ii im v,,o are herehv reuuired to a nnk! the Cones Will road to the ox
iiou..ar and answer the complaint filed head Rulge road; thence in a souther-
LOTS FOR SALE-t'all 12.13. 13p
FOUND Pair of glasses Satur
day evening at Willows grange
hall, lone. Same may be re
deemed at Gazette Times of
fice by paying for this adver
tisement. 19c
FOUND Car keylainer with
cense tag 3H.r-89. Same may
be redeemed at Gazette Times
office by paying for this ad
vertisement. 19c
From Jay Griffith ranch near
Spray, 1 black work horse, wt.
1G00, 6 yrs. old, branded "Cir
cle N" on rt. shoulder, star In
face. Garland Naff, Spray, Ore
FOR SALE 16-foot stock rack in
good condition. Carl Hoffman,
SprayOre. H"19c
FOR SALE Beautiful baby grand
piano, slightly used; will sell
cheap. Inquire Gazette Times
FOR SALE Slabwood. Phone
2724. Harry Owens.
STRAYED'! earn of horses, bay
and brown geldings with cir
cle II on left shoulder, from
my ranch on Rhea creek. Ivan
nnnlvnn. Rio. 1, Heppner.
v direction a oniE tne oxnead muge
road to the Camp 6 road; thence in a
westerly direction along the Camp 5
road to the town of Kilizua In Sec. 2,
T. 7 S., R. 22 E.. the point of begin
ning, with the exception of the Camp
5 road from Kinzua to Kinzua Camp
No.6. Permita to enter the above area
may be obtained at the following
places; Fire Wardens Office, Kinzua,
Oregon; Kinzua Pine Mille Co. Of-
Iice. Kinzua. Oregon Kinzua woocis
Camp No. 6; Lonerock Store. Lone-
k. uregon c nan a ireeK uuaru
Station; Wheeler County Agent's Of-
lice. Fossil, Oregon; Mrs. uave nan
man. Wlnlock. Oregon. Now. there
fore. I. Marshall Cornell. Governor of
the tSate of Oregon, by virtue of the
authority vested in me under the pro
visions of Section 107-210. Oregon
estate, lien or interest In the said u clmpter 2f,2. Oregon Laws. W45.
il. or any, part thereof, and perpet- , v" 1)n)c,.m the unregulated
use of the above described areas to be
unlawful and that said areas Bliall be
suhiect to entry only through permit
to be issued by llie Stale Forester, or
a fire warden, under which permit en
trant shall comply with any and all
or the loi ow ng reniiirenienis til to
refrain from smoking except in places
designated as sale In said permit; Ul
To build no open fires except In places
leslgnated as safe n said permit :
t:lTo have as pare of his or her equip
ment when using canipllres. except
wen traveling as a pedestrian andor
ainping at improved designated and
posted campgrounds, tools as specified
ny tne lorester su-tanie ntr extinguisn
hig fires. This proclamation shall be
ffectlvo from and afler the 1st day of
August. 11147, and shall remain In full
force snd effect lllilll the 31st day of
December. 11147. Done at the Capitol
In Suleinv Oregon, this 2Mh day of Ju
ly. 11II7. M. E. Cornelt, Governor: At
test Robt. S. Fnrrell. Jr.. Secretary of
Oregon: Kinzua Pine Mills Co. Of-
nst you In the above entitled
urt and cause within 4 weeks from
llie date of fust publication of till
summons and If you fail to appear
utii answer for want increof tne plain
tilt will apply to the court for relief
as prayed lor in the said complaint.
tii-wn s tir a i ir-cree inai ine uiiou-
tiff Is the owner In fee simple, of the
f., ouiin- described real urouerty. to-
wit: 4
llie West nan or tne .-oruieasi
uilarler and the Southeast quarter
of the Northeast quarter of Sec-.
tion i:i. Township 4 South of Range
;4 East of the Willamette Meridian
And thHt the plaintiff is the owner
111 lee slniiile of the said land, free of
!,nv i-l Lrlit title., estate, lieu or Inter
est of oil and eiu h of you, and that
you or any of you have no right tl
till 1 1 v restrain and enjoin you and
each of you, your heirs and assigns,
from asserting any right, title, estate,
in or interest In tne said lanu
any part thereof, adverse to the plain
tiff. This summons Is served upon you
hv publication thereof for four con
secutive weeks In the Heppner Gazette
T hues liv order or tne iionorar
Rett Jolinson. Judge of the County
Court of Morrow Comity, State of
Oregon, which said order was made
and entered on the tilth day of July,
t!M7. and the first -Into of this publi
cation la July 17. I'.'lf.
Attorney for the Plaintiff,
PoHlofflco Address, llenp-
The steady stream of
breath-taking events that
suround us call for the use
of greater amounts of nerve
energy than in the good
old days. To survive one
must be on his toes con
permits a full expression
fo nerve energy. It enables
you to keep out in front of
the crowd becaose of the
great reservoir of nerve
power you have at your
disposal at all times.
Physio-Thaacrpy Electro
Therapy Hydro Therapy
(Come In and discuss
your health problems
with me.)
Dr. Clyde Dunham
Chiropractic Physician
I.O.O.F. Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
ner, Oregon.
AVON PRODUCTS has vacant
territories in Heppner and sur
rounding towns. Good Income.
Permanent. Wrile Dorothy Le
ahy, District Manager, 1516
Main, Richland, Wash. 18-20p
Proi hiiiinllon. Whereas, the uueglll
aled use of certain ureas Is, In my
Judgment, a menace to lire and prop
itv on iiceniint of the high fire haz-
aril ciiuHed by abnormal amounts of
Itiflaniliuiblo debris on the ground
from liariiliur oneratlons nnd beelle-
Ullled limber and whereas, upon the
showing of the State. Forester, it ap
pears to tne to bo noressnry to close
to llllt'ogtiliited use the following area
designated lis: Area No. KM' Oregon
Stale Hoard of Forestry, central Ore
gon District- Kltizun Area: Beginning
al Ibn town of Kinzua III See. 2, T. V
s it 22 10 thence tn a southwesterly
dmvllon along the Rlodsoe Creek road
to the Stlnw Fork road: tneneo west
along the Straw Fork road to the John
Dav hlchwav: thence In a sunt least-
erlv direction along the John Day
highway to llie Wlnlock county road;
IJicucn in un easterly direction along
llie W n hick Counlv road lo the Alder
Creek road: thence In ft northeasterly
dlrecllon along the Alder Creek road
lo Hie tlinnllllil National Forest houn-
ilni-v between Sec. 23 and Heo. 20. I .
7 .4. R. 24 F. thence In ft wenlerlv
itlrncllnn along Hie Umatilla National
Forest boundary and rniitlnulng along
the uinallllft Nnllntinl Forest boun
dary to a point where said bnundnry
crosses the old Molllinipnt-HeDPIier
road between Sec, 23 and Bee. 26, T, 6
Nollce Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the Es
tate of James F. Furlong, deceased,
has filed with the County Court of
Morrow County, Slate of Oregon, his
Final Account of his administration
if the estate, ajid that the said Court
has set Tuesday, September 2, 11147,
al llie nolir ol lli;uu ociock A. M.. in
the forenoon of said day at the Coun
lv Courtroom at the Courthouse at
Heppner, Oregon, as the time and
place for honrlng objections tn tlie
said Final Account and tne settlement
of said estate, snd all persons having
obfectlons to the said Final Account
or the settlement of said estate are
hereby required to file the same with
said Court on or before the time aot
for said hear UK.
Dated nnd first puunsned this aist
day oi jiuy, mi.
DCVi l r niu-ium.
Attorney for the Admr.
Heppner, Oregon. 19-28
stituent operating agencies are
Public Housing Administration
(formerly FPHA), the Home
Loan Bank board (formerly Fed
eral Home Loan Bank Adminis
tration and the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) which re
tains its same name.
Consolidation of the Seattle
regional office of the FHA and
the San Francisco office will
take effect August 31, Epstein
said. The Seattle office as Re
gion VI. The new, combined re
gion will be known as Region I.
Epstein has been appointed di
rector for the combined coast re
gion following the resignation of
Langdon Post, director of the
San Francisco region.
The new region will include
ed to deer hunting only and will
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 31, 1947-7
are holding picnics on the sta-l An eight pound two ounce ton.
granges and shrdl etaoi hrdun Gerald Craig. born Tiedy.
tion grounds at noon. The Her-July 29. to Mr. and, Mr. Geriild
miston chamber of commerce Ack ten at Grants Pass. Tnt
will furnish free ice cream and young man is a grandson of
Mr. and Mrs Marry uinges m
Lexington. The grandmother
Umatilla Experiment
Field Day Set Aug. 6
Farmers and their friends are
cordially invited to attend the
Annual Field Day at the Uma
tilla Field Station on August 6.
All visitors are invited to bring
All visitors are invited to
bring a picnic lunch and eat on
the station grounds at noon. The
local granges and farm bureau
be open to elk hunting,
math, Deschutes, Jackson, Jose
nine western states and Terri
tories of Alaska and Hawaii to
make it the largest housing re
gion in the nation. It will com
prise 244,67 public housing units
out of a total of 928,368 for the
nation as a whole.
coffee for picnic groups.
The program will start at 9:30
a. m. with field trips to experi
mental plots. Plot experiments
that can be seen are fertilizer
plots on field corn, alfalfa fer
tilizer plots, corn on green man
ure plots, irrigated pastures for
turkeys and sheep, curly top
disease-resistant beans and
beets, and squash bug control.
After lunch there will be
short group discussions of the
various projects. Interested per
sons will have an opoprtunity
to ask questions or look at ex
periments they are particularly
interested in.
was present to welcome him Into
the world.
Olney Saling was transacting
business in Heppner Wednesday.
He Just returned from vaca
tion trip to California and said
he was undecided about his Im
mediate plans. He may return
to California later.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schwarx of
Los Angeles were week-end vis
itors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Schwarz. Earl Soft
ware is a nephew of the local
phine, Coos, Curry. Douglas,
Crook, Wasco, Sherman, Jeffer
son, Hood River, Wheeler, Gil
liam and Morrow.
Additions to the gun regula
tions include the following: It
will be unlawful to hunt any
wild animals or birds with
Johnson and Garand semi-automatic
rifles, M 1 military car
bine and machine guns, and any
foreign made military semi-automatic
rifles and machine guns.
Use of any full metal jacketed
solid nose bullets also is prohi
bited for the hunting of elk and
Three Sisters game refuge was
added to the list of refugees to
be opened to hunting. The list
of closed areas remain the same
except that the McKay creek ar
ea in Crook county will be clos-
For The Best Wild West Show
Visit Heppner September 4-5-6
Li. ..
Yes, it's Rodeo
time ..once ..more
ond everyone will
want to be dressed
up for the occa
sion. Start now to
get ready by bring
ing in your cowboy
and cowgirl togs
for a proper clean
ing and pressing.
Heppner Cleaners ! Dyers
; '
The President of the United States: "Tfie problem of lowering the highway deatli,
rate remains one of the nation's most serious problems. It is an appalling fact that
33 500 American citizens were killed in automobile accidents in 1946. I therefore cal
upon every State and every community in the land to work unceasingly through
1947 to promote highway safety.
"Laws and regulations will be of little avail unless the individual driverjioldl
himself strictly accountable to his own conscience."
That call is to you personally to cooperate as a citizen of the Uhifed Statesirt
helping reduce highway accidents. It is a shameful record when in one year 33,500
lives are sacrificed; 1,150,000 persons are injured and $750,000,000 in property
destroyed, resulting in an economic cost to the nation of $2,000,000,000 because. of
careless, reckless driving.
It is a national problem, but essentially the solution is in yourjiandjs,. DsvuS
safely.- live and let live!
This is the first of a series of advertisements presented'ln
the public' Interest by the President' Highway Safety Con
ference nnd the daily and weekly newspapers of thejiatlon
through their FreM and Publisher. Ajtodalloni.1
Heppner Gazette Times
In the Interest of Highway Safety