11 I Want Ads CA TUC ACCI i - HLTT I III J TT Lkl In . , ,.: r ; There is no place like home lor Ford service. Kosewall Motor j Company t'0 C A I C C ...... U,...,. C.., j-vii. vnut ,j-iimiii iiuuiMT. i3CC ; rraiiK Ayers at 4u uaie St. lHtfc Oulsitle while Supreme quality paint, $5.00 per gallon. nose wall Motor Company. Dress up your car with a sport light, chrome road lamps, chrome rear view mirrors, white side wall rims for your tires and a new set of seat covers. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Small Montague cookstove, good as new, with water tank, coils and fittings. Mrs. Madge Bryant. 18p Give your lawn a boost with Ford fertilizer. Rosewall Mo tor Company. FOR SALE Furnished house and four rooms in rear. Priced to sell. Call 722 or 2502. 18tf Hydraulic jacks $7.95. Rosewall Motor Company. LOST-l'air of gold rings, phone 2374. cross ear 18c Firestone zipper type sleeping bags $24.95. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED TO BUY-1 pair plat form scales, good condition. Waller Jppson, lone. 18p We iiave new and rebuilt Ford and Mercury motors in stock for immediate installation. Rosewall Motor Company. RELIABLE man with car wanted to call on farmers in Morrow county. Wonderful opportun ity. $15 to $20 in a day. No ex perience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. Mc NESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2423 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Cal. 17-18p LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN From Jay Griffith ranch near Spray, 1 black work horse, wt 1600, 6 yrs. old, branded "Cir cle N" on rt. shoulder, star In face. Garland Naff, Spray, Ore. 17-19p FOR SALE Large Ann Arbor pick-up hay baler, three wire, block type, in Al condition. Also automatic New Holland, used one season. Wm. P. Cun ningham, Rte. 1, Goldcndale, Wash, 17-18p FOR SALE lG-foot stock rack In good condition. Carl Hoffman, Spray, Ore. " 17-19c FOR SALE Beaut if ull)abygrand piano, slightly used; will sell cheap. Inquire Gazette Times office. FOR SALE 1935 Dodge 2-iloor sedan; good motor, body and tires. 1928 Chev sedan good condition. E. P. Day, lone, Ore. FOR SALE Slabwood. 2724. Harry Owens. Phone FOR SALE-8,000 to 10,000 No. 1 smooth ace red brick; also some fire brick; 225-lb. piece of angle iron 4x6x5811 feet 3 Inches long. E. M. Baker, Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the .state of Oregon for Morrow County adinmlslriilor of the eslale of KDWIN h. HUCKNUM, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present t lie same duly verified as required by law to said administrator at the law offli-e of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner. Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 26th day of June, 1947. 14-18. WILLIAM J. HUCKNUM, Administrator. NOt1cE6f FINAL-ACCOUNT Notice is heieb. nivcn in. a the tin ders gned aduilnisti ator of the estate of Cora Burroughs, deceased, him filed his final account with the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has sei Mommy, me mil tmy oi Augoi, 1947. at the hour of ll:im o'clock A. M. of said day. in the County Court room of the Morrow County Court House In Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing on and final settle ment of said final account. All per sons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the dnlo set for said hearing. Dated and Ilrst published this turn day of July, J. O TURNER, Administrator. 1B-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby givuii that the un dersigned has been appointed as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Dorrls E. Mitchell, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and has qualified and that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby requir ed to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the Of fice of the County Sheriff at the Court House In Ileiumer. Oregon within six (6) months of the date hereof Dated and first published on the 2Ctli day ot June 191. FRANCES MlTCHF.t.I.. Administratrix, Baker ft Parker I'ythlan Building Hood River. Oregon Attorneys for Adtnx. J4-18 For Your Standard Oil Products See UNREIN MOTOR SERVICE Chevron and Chevron Supreme Gasoline R. P. M. Motor Oils 100 Octane Aviation Gas for your Gas Stove, Lantern, or Blow Torch (No Lead) Standard Credit Gards Accepted I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ! WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT tieaJfd pjiiu4ula will be receivtnl by i the t'lty at Hfptjiier, Oregon until 7:50 o clock p.m. July 7, 11H7 for excava tion tttui backfill oi trench, unload- hrtuliiiK and distributing nialer- laid. laying Dipe, tilactuK Kate valvei and filling", removing and replacing ( i,yunuiu and ail incidental and apputenant work m connection with t'lty. The totiii llm-nr feet of pipe to ih iii!iHllea is aiinmximaiety IH HI!' fw,j j-lt ijy ' will furuifth all pipe, gtite valves, fittings, etc. The broooeuls will be publicly open ed and read aloud at 7;30 o'clock K M. on July 7, 1M7. r-.u propoHtu will oe consiaerea uu lena It is prepared and submitted on the attiuhed form furnished by the L'lty Kecorder. c.acn proposal snail ue accoiiipaiueu bv a deiiosit of five per cent of the ajiiount of the b.d, either In bidder's bond or In cash or certified cneca, which deposit will be returned follow ing the HiKMlng of the contract by the uc-ceayim Diouer. The nulit in reserved to reject any and-or all proposals or to accept such proposal or proposals as are w us beat Interest of the City. By order of the City Council, K. ft. HUSTON, City Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dermgne administratrix of the es tate of J. Glen Young, deceased, has filed her final account with the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set as tht time and place for hearing on said final account Mon day, the 41 h of August, 1S47, at the hour of 11:110 o'clock in the forenoon nf murl d;tv. In the County Court room of the Morrow County Court House in Heppner, Oregon. All per u.i hiivinir ohieetlons to said final account are required' to file the Bame with the said court on or ueiore me ,lut Het f,,r HHirl hearlne. Dated and first posted this 1st day of July, lirti. CORA YOUNG, Admlnintatrl of the Estate of 15-19 J. Clen Young, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of John M. Hannan, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the .Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administra tion of tile estate of said deceased and aaiii Court fixed Monday the 11th day of August 1D47 at the hour of 10:1X1 o'clock a. m. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place lor nearing uojecuoim iu said Iinal account and the settlement uf said estate and all persons having ,,l,t, tionH thereto are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed lor said near- Elated and first published this 10th day or July, litl . AUELLB HANNAN MrALLIRTER, IGOio Administratrix. wrivinn to creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been amy appoimea uy llie l.outuv coun OI morrow Luumy, .State of Oregon. Administrator of the Kstale of UKK VVAH WOO. deceased; and ail persons having claims against the said E.itute of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified as required by law to the said Admin istrator at the law office of P. W. Mahonev, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated find first published this 17th day of July. 1947. C. J. TJ. BAUMAN. Administrator. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Heppner. Oregon. Administrator, 17-21 NOTICE OF BALE OF COUNTY VRflPFlRTY BY VlHTl'K OP AN ORDER OF TUB COUNTY COURT, dated July 9. 1947, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less man uie iiiioiiiiuin poi-c ucic- 111 set forth: All of fractional Section 25. Lota 1 2, and 3. of Section 35 and all of Section 3fi, less right of way. in Township 5 North. Range 25 East of the Willamette Meridian, and f.t.i 1 2 3. 4 and 5. the South east Quarter, the South Half fof the Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Sis-lion 19. Township 5 North. Range 20 Kast of the Willamette Meridian all In Morrow County Oregon for the minimum price of 12375.00. cash. Therefore 1 will on the 15th day of August. 1947 at the hour of 10:00 A. M.. at the front door of the Court House In Heppner. Oregon, sell said prop erty to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff. Morrow County. Oregon, liy FRANCES MITCHELL, 17-21 Deputy. MOTinE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un derlghtd was dulv appointed by the i' iiv I'.no-l of the .si;iie of Oregon. for Morrow County. Administrator of the Ktale of FERDINAND DE SOTA iVMUKNCKR iiece;Lsed. and all per sons having claims against the estate of sa:d deceased are hereby required to present the same duly verified as required by law to said Administrator at -the law ufNre of P. W. Mahoney nt Heppner. Oregon, within six mon ths from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 17th day of July, 1947. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Administrator. P. W. Mahoney, llenptiff Oregon. 17-31 SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HKKtCKY GIVEN, In compliance with Sec. 111-908. O.C.L.A.. (lie 1 ,,,'a voters or .scnoo insirci TvJo 1 of Morrow County, State of iiri,,,,,,, thof a Knecial School Meeting of sulci District will be held at the I'iiv tin on the hth dav oi August tent nt 2 o'clock In the afternoon, for the following objects: To authorize the hoard of directors of School Dis trict No. 1 to provide transportation to pupiis of rural school districts. provided mat surn ruiai cn.-ii ic in i,i Ice consolidated with School District NDated this 17th day of July. 1947. HAROLD L. BECKET. Chairman Hoard of Directors. ATTEST: BONNIE B McCLINTOCK, 17-1S District Clerk. moununHa iv t i j I,- 'i c t n 'si ur ii-tr STATE OK OREIION FOR THE cYnivTv ctir wmMinw ELMER PALMER. Plaintiff. !'r"t!UTA ANDERSON' DALE C. HOYSE and JANE DOE HoYSEil wife, the unknown belra of CLYDE F. ROYSE. deceased, also all other ncrnma or nart es unknown Claim- .r ut, rleht title estate. Hen or interest ill the real estate describe herein DPienoaniS. TO: Augusta Anderson, Pale C. Royse and Jnne Doe Royse. his wife, the unknown he rs oi t'lvne r. noyne, Incensed, also ill other persons or tinrtiefl unknown claiming any rigni. title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estnto described herein, De fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to nppear and answer the complaint filed iignlnst vou in the above entitled court and calce within 4 weeks from I he date of first publication of thii summons and If you fall to appear CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. Duing August there will be Church school, 9:45 a.m.; morn ing prayer, 11 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible scool, 9:45; C. W. Bar low, superintendent; Beverly Yocom, junior superintendent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary super intendent. Morning worship, .11; commun ion and preaching; sermon by Cecil Ray Warner, Eugene. Christian Endeavor, 7; Robert Walker, president, In charge. Mrs. Joe Jewett will leave Sunday afternoon for Cove where she will join her husband and the others In the Eastern Oregon Young Peoples summer confer ence. Beverly Yocom will go with her to enroll in the young peoples conference. The inter mediates who are now at camp at Cove will return home Sunday afternoon. Those who went from Heppner are Wanda Hodge, Mary Jepson, Gayle and Patsy Albert. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlein, Minister Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sunday church school, 9:45 a. m. Womens Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and 4th at 9:30. lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. On 5th Sunday one mass In Heppner at 9:00. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30. Mass on first Friday or month in Heppner at 7:30 a.m. News From Irrigon . . By Mrs. J. A. Shoun Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cosner went to Portland Monday evening. He is taking a boat pilot test there. He works on the Patterson ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Roberts were dinner guests at the R. F. Simms home at Patterson Sun day. Miss Esther Cosner returned home after spending two weeks with her sister, May Cosner, and other relatives at La Grande. Mrs. Eva Reynolds and Mrs. Bretton of The Dalles are visit ing Mrs. Raynolds sister, Mrs. Fred Adams, and family. Rev. A. B. Turner is naming cement blocks to build a new parsonage to take the place of the one burned down a year and a half ago when the Assembly of God church burned down. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFall and the H. H. Whipples are get ting their melon stands ready. Whipples and Herbert Ames had melon pickers picking ripe mel ons Sunday. Rev. John Ricketts of the Bap tist community church returned to Enterprise Tuesday morning. They are preparing the base ment for a parsonage until the parsonage is built. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson and son Ronald spent from Fri day until Monday at Lakeview with relatives. Mrs. Thompson's sister. Mrs. Warren Rust, and family accompanied them over. Mrs. Hazel Steagall cared for the cafeteria. Mrs. Tom Caldwell went to Pendelton Monday. W. B. Keichly moved to Uma tilla Monday. Paul Slaughter went to Port land Monday. Miss Betty Acock, nurse at Pendleton hospital, spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Acock, and family Mrs. Lillie Warner attended a postmasters' banquet at Arling ton in the Vendome hotel Satur day evening, with 27 postmas tors, mostly postmistresses, pre sent. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Minnick Patty Markham, are the parents of a baby girl named Norma at the Pendleton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall and baby son Tommy of Lex ington spent Friday with Mrs, Hazel Steagall and family. They took Georges niece, Helen Max ine, home with them for a visit and answer for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for relief as prayed for In the aald complaint. to-wit: por a Decree that tne d ain tiff is the owner in fee simple of the ioi lowing described real property, to- wit: The West half of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Sec tion 13. Township 4 South of Range 34 East of the Willamette Merid ian. And that the plaintiff Is the owner in tee simple oi tne saia lana. tree ot any right, title, estnte, lien or Inter est oi you anu earn oi you, ana mat you or any of you have no right, ti tle, estate. Hen or Interest In tne said land, or any part thereof, and perpet ually restrain and enjoin you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, trom asserting any ngni. title, estate, lien or Interest In the said land or iy Dart thereof, adverse to the plain tiff. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for four con secutive weeks In the Heppner Gasette Times by Order of the Honorable Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said order was made and entered on the Kith day of July, 11117. and the Ilrst date of this Dub 1- cutlon Is July 17, 1!47. I'. W. MAIiONiyY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Postofflce Address, Hopn- Km tier, Oregon. NOTICE Notice la herebv given that the un dersigned, Shlrlev Anne Meyers, hns filed an application with the County Court of llie State of Oregon, for Morrow County for a decree chnngltig her name from Shirley Anne Meyers lo that of Shirley Anne Miller and any persons may offer and show cause. If any they have, why such decree should not be granted within ten davs from the date of the first publication hereof. tinted snd first published this 24th dny of July, 1017. 18 BlllRLEY ANNE MEYERS, LEXINGTON . . . By Mrs. Clarence Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and house-guest, Dorothy Miller, drove to Walla Walla Sunday. They were accompanied by Jo McMillan and Beth kdwards who took the bus from there for Spokane where they will visit with Edith Edwards for two days. Then they will go to Camp! - D Fire Girls summer camp, Sway- olaken, on Couer d'Alene lake in Idaho for two weeks. The Amicitia club met at the home of Mrs. Bernard Doherty Tuesday evening with Mrs. Do herty and Mrs. Cliff Yarnell co hostesses. Mrs. George Graves won high prize in pinochle. Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant of Pendleton spent Tuesday and Wednesday here visiting Mrs. Grant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Leno Michieli m-u juia. i.io i.i.cii.c.. and and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth: r.ihhc f Hormistnn ,r. Uit. ing Mr. and Mrs. Ed McFadden Saturday, Me 'h m,c n.0 c.ii drove to Herm'iston and Irrigon Friday. They were accompanied home bv their niece Maxine Home uy uieir niece, maxine Steagall, who will spend a week visiting here. Patricia Magee, house-guest from Enterprise at the Charles Bloodsworth home, hurt her eye and arm when she was knocked from a horse by a limb of a tree. She was taken to Heppner to have her injuries attended. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Yarnell were dinner guests Saturday evening at the Marcus Brown home in Hermiston. Mrs. Elmer Hjint, who is at tending summer school in La Grande, was home over the week end. Audrey Majeske who has been visiting in Medford the last few weeks writes home that she now has a stenographic job in an office there. Kenneth Way is now working at the Co-op, taking the job va cated by Leonard Munkers who recently resigned to go into the gravel business. Guests at the Don Campbell home last week were Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Amundson of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Am undson of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall and son drove to the Pioneer park near Fossil Sunday to a pioneer picnic. Mrs. Charles Bloodsworth and Mrs. Cecil Jones drove to Pendle ton Tuesday, taking Iris Bloods worth and Patricia Magee there to catch a bus to Enterprise, Miss Magee's home, where Iris will visit for a week. Mrs. Bruce Hawks and chil dren of Pendleton are visiting her mother, Mrs. Emery Burn- ide, this week. o BACK FROM VACATION Miss Margaret Gillis, county public health nurse, has return- orl trt Itonnnor fnl Invuincj a rvlAn. win... K " sant vacation spent with friends j ,u'c v-'c'"' rat ' "'"-c at Hood's canal in northwest i Persons who deslre Permanent Washington. She states that ' Potions will have an opportun that part of the neighbor state, "y.'0 flle for a clv" servlce ex" is nnesseri of rreat scenic beau-: amination leading to probation- ty and offers many attractions to the tourist and vacationist. James Shoun of Walla Walla was an Irrigon visitor Sunday morning. Fred Davis is starting a five- unit camp cabin project for John Allen on a part of the Fred Car ter place west of town. Mrs. Cora Minnick spent a few days in Heppner on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Jantura and baby of Portland have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCoy. Miss Lavelle Markham arriv ed home Monday morning from Olympia to join her mother, Mrs. Marshall Markham, and daughters Delpha and Marlene on an extended trip of sightsee ing. They will visit relatives In North Carolina. Fred Davis is putting up a thee unit camp cabin project on his lots east of town. J. A. Shoun is excavating the basement for a home here. Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. Benny McCoy and baby son spent several days picking huckleberries near Mea- cham lake. They returned with several gallons of berries. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dexter and granddaughters also returned from picking berries Saturday They got some berries. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gollyhorn and Mr. .and Mrs. Bill Graybeal left Monday for the mountains for huckleberries. Attention Stockmen The following rates to Portland from Heppner,' Lexington and lone will be in effect July 17th: 63c A.Q. 56c, 7500 to 1 5,000 lbs. 46c, 15,000 lbs. and over Chapman Freight Service Phone 666 Pilot Rock, Ore. Mrs. Humphreys Is Railroad's Guest On East Coast Trip Fom the Pennsboro News, of Pennsboro, W. Va., It is learned that Mrs. A. L. Humphreys, mo ther of Mrs. Marvin Wightman ; Jj'-ppner was a special gues-t j lit fho Nnrlharn Vaflftn M mail V HIV 11Ulllll.ll, UI-'l'W iu...m ICC AJIUCllllllC CHIJJIUCCa. on a trip from her home in Port- Further information on the ex land to her native Ritchie coun- amination and the necessary ap- ty in West Virginia. Mrs. Hum- phreys left for the east about the middle of June and the is sue of the News of June 26 had the following to say about her: "Until last week it had been 68 years since Mrs. A. L. Hum phreys, a sprightly little lady of Portland, Oregon, last saw her native Ritchie county. "After these many years Mrs. Humphreys returns to the coun . . . ,.,, ,,, , '"' "j"6 11,(5 W?St 3S ttle BUeSt f the Northern Pacific railroad. En- route to the east she was greet- y Northern Pacific officials f, the. Principal cities and was Tfl " v....i...w ,,m .m.H ., Buffalo still roamed the great western plains in 1883, when Mrs. Humphreys as a girl ac companied her step-mother, two sisters, and a half-brother on the 12-day trip over the Northern Pacific to the west coast. They preceded the father, a railway postal clerk who had applied for a transfer from the Louisville & Nashville railroad to the North ern Pacific. "The Northern Pacific had just been completed. The pioneer family traveled on the first reg ular train over the new railroad. The train consisting of two pas senger cars and 22 freight cars met the special which had car ried President Grant to Gold Dust Creek, Mont., to drive the Golden Spike which completed the Northern Pacific. Mrs. Humphreys clearly re members President Grant and the Northern Pacific president, Henry Villard, coming through the coaches, shaking hands with "Traveling on the North Coast "Traveling on the North Coast Limited which is pulled by a 6500 horsepower diesel engine and which afords the traveling public every modern conveni ence, Mrs. Humphreys could not help but contrast her return journey with the rugged trip to the west. " 'It was wonderful,' said the bobbed white haired great grandmother, 'so different from the trip out when we had to car ry all our food in baskets, tire paring it on a combination heat ing and cooking stuve. We slept on hard cushioned seats, bol stered with pillows and blankets we brought with us'." FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION SLATED Federal Civil Service announ ces examination for appoint ment to the position of substi- (,,. l,t, rtff: , al appointment with permanent classified civil service status in this position at Heppner, Ore. No specific experience or edu cation is required, but appli cants must take a written exam- HE HEAD HUNTtRS OF THE. SOUTH SEA I6L ANOS, HAVE A WCREf! FORMULA FOR SHRINKING AND r"RS &ERVIN& THt HtAOS OF HUMAN BEINGS. AND Oliu. RETAINING THEIR LIKENESS . , Our expert cleaning li no secret . . . it's famoui; Weary colon are revived, toll and perspira. ton ffently flushed oat and killed operator! press and fin ish your summer clothes to ex. let measure and flattering fit. Bring; your clothes to, ua for cleaning and dyeing service or better still, we'll pick them upl Heppner Phone 2633 Oregon Morrow County Cleaners 7f 7 AY.-NN Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, ination, which includes a sorting test, general test, and a follow- ing instructions test. Applicants must actually reside within the delivery of the post office for which examined, or be bona fide patrons of such office. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 50, except that these age limits may be waived for veterans and under certain conditions for war ser- ..Inn Ar.f n ta am r. t.i tnne plication card for applying may be obtained from the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex aminers, Post Office, Heppner, Oregon, or from the Director, El eventh U. S. Civil Service Re gion. Room 4, Central Building, Seattle 4, Washington. Applica tions must be received by the Director, Eleventh U. S. Civil Ser vice Region, 457 Central Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash., not later than August 11, 1947. o PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL WORK SLATED Increased work in predatory animal control this fall is con templated in a program recent ly approved by the Oregon State Game commission, it is announ ed by F. B. Wire, state game supervisor. The plans include aerial poisoning, aerial coyote hunting, use of trappers, hiring of dogs and other methods of control. Funds appropriated for this work will be in addition to the amount paid by the commis sion for bounties and the $12,000 contributed annually to cooper ative predator control program under the Fish and Wildlife ser vice. Last spring the commission paid $-3,390.63 for hunting of coy otes from airplanes. . Hunters during 271,15 hours flying time reported a kill of 624 coyotes with a probable additional kill of 59. After several seasons of this method of control,- coyotes are showing a marked decrease in the high desert country where they had been so plentiful. It is anticipated that this form of control can be decreased some what by the commission and more work done in other areas where need for control is urgent. STRAYED Team of horses, bay and brown geldings with cir cle H on left shoulder, from my ranch on Rhea creek. Ivan Donivan, Rte. 1, Heppner. 18-19p -ni nun- frVOl - $A.00 .'tT.b0, 4 ..-G.B0, II"' LAW OF 'survival The steady stream of breath-taking events that suround us call fur the use of greater amounts of nerve energy than in the good old days. To survive one must be on his toes con stantly. NORMAL NERVE FUNCTION permits a full expression fo nerve energy. It enables you to keep out in front of the crowd because of the great reservoir of nerve power you have at your disposal at all times. CHIROPRACTIC Physio-Tharapy Electro Therapy Hydro Therapy I Come in and discuss your health problems with me.) Dr. Clyde Dunham Chiropractic Physician I.O.O.F. Bltlg. Heppner, Ore. Saager's Pharmacy tl Sfln J tmmmmM k' WeN ave RADIO MAN O It is with pleasure we announce the addition of VERNON RICHARDS to the staff of the Heppner Appliance Co. He is an expert radio repair man, with a record of good service in that work during his war experience. IF YOU ARE HAVING RADIO TROUBLE CALL US OR BRING IT IN. IF WE DON'T FIX IT THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE Will repair any make of radio or record changer. Heppner Appli Company Hodge Chevrolet Bldg. Phone 403 July 24, 1947 ow A lance