4-Hcppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 17, 1947 County Court Proceedings for June, 1947 The minutes of the May, 1947 trrm were read and approved. The Court ordered dance hall licrnse Issued to the American Iyepion Post No. 95 The Court ordered that the Treasurer he directed to cash County owned bonds, numbered M763412G to M763421G. inclu sive, or a total of 10, $1,000.00 bonds. The Court ordered the amount of $379.59 be transferred from the Alcohol Control Fund to the General Fund of the County. The Court ordered the amount of $301.69 be transferred from ine Amusement lax runu 10 ine General Fund of the County. The Court ordered the amounts of $256.61, $127.99 and &W.00 be transferred from the Emergent Appropriation to the Sup't Books and Incidentals, Travel Expense and Assistant Appropriations, respectively. The Court ordered that trans fers from Emergency Appropria tion be made to the following: To the Coroner Appro priation, the ami. of : To the Acountant's-Audits Appropriation, the amount of To the County Nurse Ap propriation the ami. of To the Insane Expense, the amount of . - To the Road Sinking Fund Appropriation, the amount of To the Bonds Appropria tion, the amt. of To the Association of Oregon Counties Ap propriation the amt. of Total of Sl.659.08! The Court ordered the amounts of $30.00 and S5S.5S from the Clerk's Deputy Appropriation and the Emergency Appropria tion, respectively, be transfer red to the Clerk's Books & Inci dentals Appropriation. I Train of Tomorrow' Takes the Hails . Mirtfr . V 76.16 , .vT"lfC n :i.rs2'- il : eggs -vii JjL-. r & l a. .uJ II 38.75 "1.35 3.50 3.06 5.73 2.50 4.05 Gazette Times. Sher. $2.50; O P. $10.85; Eiec. $16.00; D.A. $30.15; Supt. $30.15 119.65 Pac. Sta. & Pr. Co., Tax Col. $9.80; Jus. Ct. $16. 44; Clerk $12.51 West C. Pr. & Bind. Co., Clerk $68.55; Cir. Ct. $2.- 80 Susie V. Miller, Circuit Ct. Central Market, Jail Case & Nikander, Jail Saager's Pharmacy, Jail Heppner Laundry, Jail .... Heppner Market, Jail 39.91 Conley Chem. & Sup. Co., Court House 5.49 Mid.-Col. Type Co., Court House 18.50 Lulu Hager, Emergency . 4.50 Children's Farm Home, Juvenile Court 5.00 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $30.30; Travel Ex. $43.- 10 73.70 First Nat. Bk. of Portland, Withholding Tax 180.98 C. W. Barlow. Countv Clk. Current Expense 3.00 Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen. Assistance 103.65 Lucy F Rodgers, 4-H Club 150.00 C. W. Barlow, Co. Clk., Co. Law Library . 2.84 Kilham Sta. & Pr. Co., Co. Law Library 118.00 P. W. Mahonoy. Dst. Atty. 30.00 The Haloid Co., Court Use. 147.00 j II. Sherer Warrants Issued on Road Sinking Fund Harold Wilson Darrohl Hams Austin Wilson The Haloid Co., Court Use. 111.50 The Haloid Co., Court Use. 58.00 The Haloid Co., Court Use. 72.00 Slate Dept. of Agric, Dist. Sealer 4.95 Warrants Issued on General Road Fund Edwin L. Bucknum $ 149.98 A. J. Chaffee 195.33 Walter Gilman 176.46 Fred Booker 204.23 Robert Taylor 177.46 Rosewall Motor Co. . 124.45 O.K. Rubber Welders 59.03 Jack Allen Supply Co. 59.15 Burl Akers 7.50 Union Oil Company 80.31 Newport, Kern & Kibbe 147.00 Hodge Chevrolet Co 72.59 Lexington Oil Coop. . . 3.07 Independent Garage 107.80 Lexington Implement Co. 43.56 197.33 152.50 185.34 246.23 293.04 16.20 2.80 William C. Heath Braden Tractor & Equip, Co. City of Heppner, Water Dept Columbia Equip. Co. 33.58 Feenaughly Mach. Co. .. 81.18 Feenaughty Mach. Co. . 16.56 Nelson Equip. Co. 23.08 Turner, Van Marter & Co. 23.81 Western Auto Supply Co. 4.06 Case & Nikander 60.24 Unrein Motor Service .... 17.75 Pacific Power & Light A "TRAIN OF TOMORROW" that is packed full of mechanical marvels, new-as-tomorrow interior decoration and many postwar features for the com fort and safety of passengers, has just been launched by General Motors, its designer, for a six-month exhibition tour of the country, rowercd oy a the cars are of The Court ordered the amounts j fw, Mtiv. Diesel locomotive. of $32.12 and $S8.11 be transfer- red from the Sheriff's Deputies' Salaries and Tax Collections an entirely new design, permitting an Astra Dome atop each (see above) for unrivaled view of land scape, and a depressed car floor beneath, resulting in four floor levels in every car. (Below) Among the first to enjoy a meal in the luxurious Astra Dome-Diner were Alice Faye and Phil Harris of movie and radio fame. SEE US BEFORE HAULING YOUR Sand and Gravel 'Have two dump trucks on the job at all times ready to give you satisfactory ser vice. Eliminate hand shoveling. Will deliver where you want it. Rotes are very reasonable Vernon Christopherson LEXINGTON Phone 3311 Appropriations, respectively, to the Sheriff's Books and Incident- Transferring r Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Per.land Bros. Transfer Co. 33 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. als Appropriation. j The Court ordered the am ounts of SS4.30 and $272.82 be transferred from the Court House Light and Power and Fuel Ap propriations, respectively, to the Court House Incidentals Appro priation. The Court ordered the follow ing amounts from the various appropriations be transferred to the General Road Appropiation From the County Court Appropriation, the amount of $ 146.90 From the Sheriff's Dep uties Salaries Appro priation, the amt. of 365.38 From the Treasurer's Books & Incidentals Appropriation, the amount of 40.40 From the Assessor's Field Work Appro priation, the amt. of 138.01 From the Court House Fuel Appropriation, the amount of From the Jail Expense Appropriation, the amount of From the General As sistance Appropria tion, the amt. of From the Aid to Depen dent Children Appro priation, the amt. of From the Blind Assist ance Appropriation, the amount of From the Circuit Court Appropriation, the amount of From the Juvenile Ct. Appropriation the amount of From the Justice Court Appropriation the amount of From the Old Age As sistance Appropriation the amount of From the Emergency Appropriation, the 227.18; amount of 3,060.20 From the Insurance Ap propriation, the am ount of 126.00 iFrom the Official Pub lication and Tax Foreclosure Appro priation, the amt. of 160.65 From the Water Master Travel Exp. Appropri ation, the amt. of 50.00 From the Election Exp. Appropriation, the amount of 53.77 From the Wind Erosion Control Appropriation the amount of 25.00 From the Weed Control Appropriation, the amount of 100.00 From the Bang's Control Appropriation, the amount of 231.48 From the Covote Boun ty Appropriation, the amount of 3,979.00 From the County Law Library Appropria tion, the amount of 68.27 178.36 884.19 296.40 60.20 874.49 140.00 41.68 950.20 BEAUTIFY YOUR FLOORS! RENT OUR FLOOR SANDER EDGER FLOOR POLISHER By the Hour or Day WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Total of $12,197.76 Warrants Issued on General j Fund j Maxine East, Deputy Sal. $123.60 I Frances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 149.79 j Olive B. Hughes, Dep. Sal. 140.00 Sadie Parrish, Supt. Asst. 58.00 Tilman Ilogue, Janitor Sal. 119.30 I Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Physi cian Salary 25.00 Susie W. Miller, Circuit Ct. I Reporter 45.28 1 Margaret Gillis, County Nurse Salary . 267.00 Jack T. Ranken Co., Ct. House (Rectigraph) 575.00 The Haloid Co., Court Hse. (Print Dryer) 204.95 Bert Johnson, County Ct. 9.38 L. D. Neill, County Court . 43.02 Ralph I. Thompson Co. Ct. ' 60.04 State Dept. of Agric, Dist. Sealer 4.95 Pac. Tel. &. Tel. Co., Cur rent Expense 77.98 Pac. Power & Light Co., Court House 27.30 State Ind. Acci. Com., Sher. $.3.04; Sher. Sal. $.31; Dep. Sal. $.31 3.66 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 86.18 LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY At forty, many persons have passed the zenith of active life. They tire easily, are irritable and feel they are on the shady side of life where they are privil eged to take It easy. This Is a fallacy. NORMAL NERVE FUNCTION is often retarded In middle life and this accounts for the let down feeling In many persons. At forty you can enjoy the buoyant ex pectancy of youth with its effortless ease of movement. CHIROPRACTIC Physio-ThqrapT Electro Therapy Hydro Therapy (Come In and discuss your health problems with me.) Dr. Clyde Dunham Chiropractic Physician I.O.O.F. Bldg, Heppner, Ore. Co 459 State Ind. Accl. Com. 73.51 First Nat. Bank of Port land 202.(0 Logan & Logan 14364 Howard Cooper Corp. 3,000.00 Chas. Williams 83 75 Lyle Mulkey 95.88 One Mulkey 2596 W. Cunningham 202.23 Bill Harrison 161.23 Jack Slocum 187.14 Ray Bailey 17680 Warrants Issued on Rodent Fund First Nat. Bank of Port land $ 46.70 Joseph Baltrenas 232.72 Carl McDaniel 237.37 First Nat. Bank of Portland YOU CALL, WE'LL HAUL Livestock, Lumber, General Commodities lone Freight Line lone Phone 2122 H.G. RING Oregon 15-Wp BENEFIT - For I M I A O SATURDAY, JULY 26 Willows Grange Hall Music by Ely's Orchestra Men $1, Ladies 50c (Tax Inc.) SUPPER SERVED Mot Put on your cowboy togs and come to the IPromftSeir I?EIlii Heppner Rodeo Kick-Off Dress-Up Dance This OLD-TIME and MODERN MUSIC by the Bfleldl5aBas ADDED ATTRACTIONS: . Valuable Door Prizes Prize for Best Dressed Cowboy & Cowgirl Wave Pavilion, IHIeppneir Adm. Men $1.00 Women 50c Starts 9:30 P. M.