Want Ads FOR SALE-Iit'iiutiful baby grand Piano, slichllv usrd: will sell cheap. Inquire Gazette Times (Illllf. FOR SALE Piano. 2502. Call 772 or 16c FOR SALE Furnished house, and four rooms in rear. Priced to sell. Call 772 or 2502. 15tf FOUND Class ring. Inquire Ga zetle Times office. 15c FOR SALE Fine fresh Guernsey cow. G. A. McGough, phone 9F5. lS-lfic FOR SALE Small" house on low er Main street. . Turner, Van Marter & Co. 1617c FOR SALE Standard Under", wood typewriter. Phone 574. 161 fc Phone FOR SALE - Slabwood. 2724. Harry Owens. FOR SALE or trade for pick-up, International truck. Ed Bres lin. 15-16p APRICOTS Early, medium and late, beginning July 4 and lasting three weeks at JONES sign on highway 3 miles east of Irrigon. Bring containers, pick fruit yourself. R. V. Jones, Irrigon, Ore. 14-16c WANTEbThrehTrTFbyThe"" ac re. Have new Massey-Harris combine. Can furnish one new truck. Raymond McDonald, Ileppner, Ore. 14-16p FOR "SaTeOOO to 10,000 No. 1 smooth ace red brick; also some fire brick; 225-lb. piece of angle iron 4x6x5, 811 feet 3 inches long. E. M. Baker, In Stock for Immediate Delivery: Bottled Gas Ranges Combin ation and Straight Full Size; Farm Freezers, All Sizes $219.00 and up; Pumps, Deep & Shallow Well, Gas or Electric prices start $77.00 (Pipe and Fittings Av ailable with Pumps) 12 HP, 110-220 V, Heavy Duty Motors $44.95 (112 HP to 3 HP in Stock). L. A. MOORE, Fur nisher of Homes, Hermiston. Ojvgon, Plione2121. 1316c FOR SALEIyT)5 Dodge 2-duor sedan; good motor, body and tires. 1928 Chev sedan good condition. E. P. D:iy, loiie, Ore. Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CHEDITOaS N'ftnc m heuuy givt-ii that the un-dftMiKiH-tl ha been appointed an Ai miii tr.tiix of the fctate of lorna K. MjlrheJ, d-(yiae(i, hy the County ouit o( tne .State, of Oregon for the County of Morrow, an (J ha qualified. anU that all ui-iHoim having claims agaiiiHt Buid E.stiite are hereby requir ed to present the Maine with proper vourheis to the umlei riiKtifd at the Of-fn-e of the County .Sheriff at the -nrt H.,uo in !1 jipner. Oregon, within six (6) months of the date II. .1 t-ol. tinted and firwt published on the L'fitli day of June 11447. KiiANL'fcd MITCHKLU Administratrix. Baker & Parker i'ythian Building lioud Hiver, Oregon Ailorm-ys for Admx. 14-18 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT iSealed piopoMuls will he received by the City of Jieppner. Oregon until 7:30 O'clock p.m. July 7, liM7 for exiava tioii aiul backfill of trenches, unload ing, hunting and distributing mater ials, laying pipe, placing gate valves ind liliingH, remov.iig and replacing fire hydrants and ail incidental and apputcnant work in connection with toe Water Woik;i Improvement for the City. The total linear feet of pipe to be installed is approximately 6000 feet. The C ty will furnish ail pipe, gate valves, fitllngn, etc. The propoHaia will be publicly open ed and read aloud at 7.30 o'clock R M. on July 7, l'J47. No proposal will be considered un ions it in prepared and aubimtted on the altitched form furnished by Uie City Recorder. kach proposal shall be accompanied by a deposit of five per cent of the anount of the bid, either in bidder' a j bond or in cawh or certified check. wiinh deposit will be returned follow ing the signing of the contract by the .iu- esHful bidder. The right is reserved to reject any and-or ail pi"upoaia or to accept BUh proposal or proposals as are to the le.st interest of the City. liy order (f the City Council, K. H. HUSTON, City Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, admin, .'-"tratiix of the es tate of J. tllou Young, deceased, has filed her final account with the Coun ty Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court luirf set as tht tune and place tor hearing on said final account, Mon u.i.v. tne 4th of August 1947, at the hour of H:iiO o'clock in the forenoon of sa:d day, in tiie County Court i - hum of the Morrow County Court I i -use in 1 leptmer. Oregon. All per ..oiis having objections to said final account are required to file the same uith the si. id Couit on or before the d.ite set for said hairing. Dated and first posted this 1st day f July, 1H17. CORA YOUNG, Admin f-tatrix of the Estate of ,r,lI?L Young, deceased. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that t he un-tb-iHMied aditiiin ti alnx of the es I ite of JmJui M. Haurian, deceased, has filed with the Count y Court of tne Stale of Oi-'gon fur Morrow County, n'i final inbuilt nf tier administra tiill of tlie e.-'tale of sad deceased and . a -1 Court fivd Monday the 11th day -f August KM.' at tt-e hour of 10 .00 o'i .K-k a. n. of Raid ) iy at the Court I !'!!. e ;tt H-fjjmer. Oregon, fl3 the time and place for hearing objections to s.u-1 tui.il count ar.d the settlement of siui e:tnte and fill persons having iiij" t thereto are hereby required to file the same w.th said Court on l't ion.) int. tune iixni lur said hear- Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 10, 1947 CHURCHES NOTICE TO CBEDITOES NntKe is tleitljy t;iv:n that the un dersigned wtu, iluly ui.inl.-d ly the Codiity Court of the Mate of OriKon for Morrow County nlninii:-tr;it.ir of the entile of fcDWIN L HUCKNUM. dtvejiwed. untl nil ptTHona hnv;ti rltilms uffiilnst the puluto of sjml ile cfjiaed are hereby riijuirrd to present Itie name duly verifi-d aM required by law to said iidmuiiMrator at the law offtre nf Jua. J. ,Nyt at Ileppner, Ore gon, within six month from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 26th day of June. li17. 14-lS. WIU.IAM J. HUCKNUM, Adlnliiixtrator. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT NotKe im hert-t'V Kiven that tlie un derrt Klied. administrator of the entate of Cora BurroiifchH, deieiimvl. li:ui fiit-d his final arriamt with the Countv Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, ami said Court has set Monday, the 11th day of August, 1!H7. at Hie hour of 11 cm i.YI.h k A M. of aaul day. in the County Court room of the Morrow County Court House in Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for healini; mi and final settle ment of Maid final ai-eount. All per sons havinK ohjeot ons to said final aecount are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the dale set for said hearing. Dated and first published this loth day of July, 1947. J. O TVUNKR. 16-20 Administrator. 1m-'. Dated and first published this 10th rl.:. of Jim- l!i: AI'KU.K'IIANNAN MrAI.USTEU. l'i Administratrix. NOTICE OF SALE Sealod bids will be received up In and including July 15, 1!!7, fur the purchase of the Lena school house (Dist. No. 2). Bids may be mailed to Marian Brosnan, derli. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Marian Brosnan, Clerk, Heppner. Ore., lite. 2. NOTICE FOR BIDS School District No. 31 will re ceive bids for operation of a car for transportation of seven pu pils to School District No. 1 for the coming school year, operator to furnish own car. Distance ap proximately '10 miles round trip. Bids to be opened July 19, 1947. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Muriel Palmer, Clerk, School Dist. No. 31, M-lGc Heppner, Oregon. For Your Standard Oil Products See UNREIN MOTOR SERVICE Chevron and Chevron Supreme Gasoline R. P. M. Motor Oils 100 Octane Aviation Gas for your Gas Stove, Lantern, or Blow Torch (No Lead) Standard Credit Cards Accepted CHUBCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Bar low, superintendent. Classes for every age. Come and join with us In the study of God's word. Morning worship, 11. Com munion and preaching, sermon topic, "Giving Acount to God." Immediately following the morning service we will leave for McCaleb's cabins in the mountains where we will have a church and Sunday school pic nic. Everyone is invited. Com mittees have been appointed. Transportation will be furnish ed for all who have no way to go. McCaleb's cabins are on the Coal Mine Hill road. There will be a short service at 4:30 or 5 up there and there will be no evening service at the church. Every member of the Sunday school and church and all relat ed families are invited to share with us. Bring your own tahle service and a covered dish. Ice cream and coffee will be furn METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor Regular morning worship at 11 a.m. Your pastor will be in attenuance at the Youth Fellow ship institute at Suttle lake with a group of our young people, the services will be in charge of a group of our lay people. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. Women's Society of rHri;tlin Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and 4th at 9:30. lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. On 5th Sunday one mass in Heppner at 9:00. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30. Mass on first Friday of month in Ileppner at 7:30 a.m. o News From Irrigon . . By Mrs. J. A. Shoun Morion Whitney and brother Cahin CMme up from Hay Fork, Cal., Wednesday, starting back Thursday night. Calvin former ly owned the Lyle Mulkey place here. Mrs. Mae Cosner and sister and brother-in-law,, Mr.' and Mrs. Oeorgo Kumbalch of La Grande spent Sunday with the girls' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cosner anti family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marlow are the parents of a baby girl born July 4th and named Janice Ma rie. She is the third child. The others are sons. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Darling and family are getting packed ready to move to Sunnyslde, Wash., where he is to be band leader of the Sunnyside schools. He was superintendent and band leader here the last two years. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Lathrop celebrated in Wallowa. The Don Smiths celebrated at the Mt. Vernon springs and Clar ence Rucker at Minam lake. Among those celebrating in Irrigon were Clara Ellen Fraser of Pendleton with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Fraser and family, Mr. and Mrs, Billy Rutleuge of Hermiston with his mother, Mrs. Lillian Rutledge; MiSs Betty Acock of St. Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Acock; Miss Paula Habcrlein of Pendleton with the Paul Haberleins and on to Bend for the week end with friends; James Shoun of Walla Walla with the J. A. Shouns. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoun and Steven visited the Shouns Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dexter were Heppner business visitors Monday. Mrs. Cora Minnick returned from Weston Tuesday. She had been working in the peas. Don Miller and U mic Sien'i ens returned from a few days spent in Portland and Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cnldvvell vent from Sunday until Tues day with his mother, Mrs. Tom ( Mcwell and the Robert Smith family. BOARDMAN . . . Mrs. Robert Hilder (Edyth Nickerson) who has been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickerson, for a couple of weeks left for her home in San Bernardino, Cal., Thursday. Lawrence Smith of Union vis ited at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Natlfan Thorpe Thursday. Mrs. Frank Cole went to Olym pia, Wash., where she will meet her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bently of Peoria, 111., and together they will motor to Los Angeles to see a son and brother, Robert Ham lin, who is in the armed forces. They expect to be gone two weeks. At late report Boardman has the teaching staff complete ex cept the home economics teach er. Those signed are Gerald Fa hey, superintendent; high, Ron and Black and Norman Berg strom; grades, George Jaross, Mrs. Geneva Jackson, Miss Nel lie Shaffer and Mrs. Zoe Bill ings. On July 1 a group of friends gathered at the Ed Souders home for the evening to help them celebrate their 23rd wedding an niversary. Those going were Crystal Barlow, Mrs. Chas. An- A ) vice, we invite you to give us a tr Our Prompt Delivery Service Is Winning Friends . . . When you bring gar ments to us that you will need immediately, we make it a point to give you prompt service on them, not overlook ing quality of work to meet the deadline. We prefer a little longer time, but never sacrifice quality. If you have not yet tried our cleaning serial. HEPPNER CLEANERS & DYERS W.C.COLLINS Rev. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and family and Edith Benson of Council, Idaho, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Nora Wilson and family. Chester Wilson gave his house a coat of white paint and Joe Wilson is building a house. He has the foundation laid on the lot where the house was destroy ed by fire last summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Woolover and children have moved from the R. R. house to Patterson. Mrs. Nina Harris and daugh ter, Mrs. Fairy Bessler and chil dren returned from a fishing trip in the John Day country. They visited her mother, Mrs. Martha Ferrill and family, and then re turned to their home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Allen and two children of Redmond spent Saturday and Sunday here vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Acock and family, also go ing to Pendleton to visit Adrian's mother, Mrs. Hugh Grim, who is in the Pendleton hospital. Mrs. Grim can get around in the hos pital in a wheel chair, they re-, port. Billy Allen of Heppner cele brated here with relatives and friends. HNLISTMENTS FOR TAR EAST SERVICE AUTHORIZED BY ARMY Enlistments and reenlistments in the regular army for direct assignment to military intelli gence service In the Far East is now authorized to qualified per sons who are able to read, write and speak the Korean or Russian language fluently. Captain Geo R. Smith, Pendleton army re cruiting service station comman der, announced this morning. In addition to meeting the above qualifications, applicants must have a recorded score of 110 or higher on their classifi cation test, or a minimum of 28 on their R-3 or R-4 test. Enlist- deregg, Mrs. Elvin Ely, Mrs. H. Ackerman, Mrs. A. B. Chaffee, Olive Atteberry, Anna Cramer, Mrs. Mary Healy and the host and hostess. Refreshments of ice cream and cake .were served by the ladies. Guests at the Mrs. Eva War ner home over the holidays were her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin of Portland and her daughter, Mrs. Catharine Heck of Seattle. Mrs. Robert Harwood returned from Packwood, Wash., where she spent the holidays with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley. Out-of-town folk at the Mrs. Jennie Olson home over the 4th were her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olson of Walla Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pattee of Pendle ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Uthe of Umatilla. Olson Is a son, and Mrs. Pattee and Mrs. Uthe are daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mylly maki and Mrs. Adolph Skoubo motored to Portland for the week end with relatives. Mrs. Skoubo went to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tiovo Si milia, nee Eleanor Skoubo. Mr. and Mrs. Konaki Biack re" turned home Monday after spending the holidays with Mrs. Black's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Uveson of Wallowa. Rev. and Mrs. Eble with their two boys have moved to Board man. Mr. Eble will have the pastorate of the Community church here, also at Umatill?.. He has been at the Tutuilla mis sion for the past three years .-n.1 has just returned from a month's visit with their parents in Phil adelphia, Pa. Rev. Peterson who has been our pastor for r:e past two years will be a full-time minister at Stanfield. ments must be for a term of three years, also, Captain Smith explained. Applicants with prior service who are qualified Korean or Russian linguists, will be enlist ed as technicians fifth grade or in a grade authorized by the war department, whichever is higher. Successful completion of screening tests at the military intelligence service language school, and proof of their ling uistic abilities will entitle the applicants for promotion to staff sergeant or sergeant. Basic training for new enlist ees will be accomplished at Fort Ord, Cal., and personnel will then be transferred to the lang uage school at Presidio of Mon terey, Cal. Individuals with pre vious service will report directly to the school, the recruiting commander said. Complete information on the requirements for enlistment as a Korean or Russian linguist In the military intelligence service may be obtained at the nearest army recruiting station, Room 360, Post Office building, Pen dleton, Oregon. o Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parker and Mrs. Fletcher Forster were in Heppner Tuesday from Pendle ton visiting friends for a few hours. The Parkers reside in Pendleton and Mrs. Forster is up from Tillamook visiting them. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. j subscription price, $z.ou a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Attention Stockmen The following rates to Portland from Heppner, Lexington and lone will be in effect July 17th: 63c A.Q. 56c, 7500 to 15,000 lbs. 46c, 15,000 lbs. and over Chapman Freight Service Phone 666 Pilot Rock, Ore. A Gift of Lingering Beauty . . . POTTED PLANTS Begonia, Caladium, Ivy, Philoden dron, Wandering Jew, Colius, Tu berous Begonias. Seasonal Cut Flowers Glacis are plentiful Prices Reasonable I ' Here's What We Dot 1 Balance front wheels - 2 weights included. Inspect, clean and re pack front wheel bearings. 3 Check wheel align ment and toe-in. R03EWALL MOTOR CO. GRAIN BUYINi ARCHER-DAN I ELS MIDLAND Co. Clifford Carlson, Mgr. Heppner Office 1st National Bank Bldg., Phone 2623 Office Hours, 1-6 P. M. lone Office Phone 1111 np ran i Mm i lil II! 11 T 111 nff) We Now Have A RADIO O It is with pleasure we announce the addition of VERNON RICHARDS to the staff of the Heppner Appliance Co. He is an expert in radio repair man, with a record of good service in that work during his war experience. IF YOU ARE HAVING RADIO TROUBLE CALL US OR BRING IT IN. IF WE DON'T FIX IT THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE Will repair any make of radio or record changer. Heppner A ppyance Company Hodge Chevrolet Bldg. Phone 403