Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 03, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-Hcppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 3, 1947
News About Town
Mr H. Hsmltn and son and
rtaufhirr rrturnod the firsl of
thr k from a morth's visit
1n rflativM In South Dakota.
M's. ("'.au'ir Graham and
rh;lf1rvn have rPturned from
Portland. DurinR thrir stay
thiTp HHen unrienvrnt a minor
tlirnat nppjation.
Thnsr from Hrppnor attend
ing thp Awnsinn school of Ep
iscopal churches at Cove in
clude Jo Joan Pix Gonevicve
Cox. Sally Ciihn, Eleanor Rice,
Kay Valentine, Karen Hayes,
Harriet lsom, Jean Marie Gra
ham. Margaret Ann Miller, Ter
ry Thompson. Wendall Connor.
Jimmie Wightman and ClRire
(on in. Mrs. Merle Millor and
Mrs. Georpe Corwin are assist-
line with the teaching. Rev. and
Mrs Neville R. Blunt are also in
i attendance.
Miss Katherine Monahan re
turned from Corvallis the end of
jthe uook where she taupht in
the 4 H club summer school held
at O. S. C. recently. Miss Azalea
Sapor, state leader of home dem
onstration agents, accompanied
Miss Monahan to Heppner.
Frank Alfred of Portland was
a business visitor in Heppner
he has joined the regular army
Saturday. Mr. Alfred states that LEXINGTON
and will dispose of his prop
erty interests in Heppner at an B' Mrs- Clarence Hayes
earlv date. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Vander-
Mr. and Mrs.
Marter. Mr. and
i, v,.... v, wood (Ru,h Luttrell of Libbv.
La erne van ,
... , -'hmii,iii,i. iui Lt. iu. coyer
Hodge Jr.. and Mr, Pau, Hisler " hH a" ,
of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Munkers , wen
Zh!u oi roruaiu had.their first fam-
spend the week end at Lehman y rpunion of spvpn V(?ars Mf
springs. . n r ...
Chucky Daniels of Portland is'nnd Mrs. C. L. Snively (Lois Lut
isiting in Heppner at the home trelM of Hermiston and W. P.
of. his grandmother, Mrs. alter I Luttrell of Hermiston came over
When you come home from the
long week end . . . and look in
the mirror, reach for your tele-phone.
A New Jeel Cold Wave by Duart
or just a shampoo and a wave .
we are at your service.
Phone 53
Edith - Alice - Ethel
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo
will have as their guests this
week end, their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E. McMurdo and family of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson mo
tored to Post Falls, Idaho, Wed
nesday evening to spend the
week end with relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. A, D. McMurdo
returned Tuesday evening from
a month s visit at Atlantic City,
N. J., where Dr. McMurdo at
tended the centennial conven
tion of the American Medical
association, and in Virginia
where they visited his former
home. Returning home by train
they passed through the flood
area in Missouri and in many
places the tracks were complete
ly covered with water, making
travel difficult and trains far
for that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hicks are
the parents of a baby girl, Shir
ley Louise, born June 24 at The
Dalles hospitaL
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers
of Kinzua were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Carmichael Monday
and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
flew to Walla Walla Monday on
a shopping trip.
Miss Kay Hill or Portland is
visiting her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. G. McMillan, here
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes
made a business trip to Pendle
ton Tuesday.
The Amicitia club met at the
home of Mrs. Ed McFadden Tu
esday evening. The evening was
spent playing pinochle and Mrs.
George Graves won high prize.
Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Mrs.
Leonard Munkers and Mrs.
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman
went to Canyon City Sunday.
Mrs. Cole Smith of The Dalles
was an lone visitor last week.
She was a former resident here.
Pomona grange met at Wil
lows grange hall Friday, June
27. The crowd was not as large
as usual. A very delicious din
ner was served at noon and a
lunch of ice cream, cookies, pie
and coffee served in the eve
ning. A short program was giv
en, a talk by Judge Bert John
son on the county budget and
one by Henry Baker on senate
bill 99. Henry Baker was elect
ed as overseer and Mrs. James
Lindsay as lady assistant stew
ard to take the places of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Lehman
Dates to remember: An aux
iliary meeting July 8th at the
Legion hall at 2 p.m. All mem
hers are urged to attend. This
will be the last meeting this
behind schedule. On the east ' George Graves drove to Pendle-
coast, tney experienced delight- j ton Saturday.
iui weather during their entire
for faYm and home repairs and
fencing can be obtained at our
mill on' East Fork of Willow
Sizes available: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 and
varied widths and lengths in inch fir
lumber-rough green.
One mile above city well. Turn left at
forks of Willow Creek.
Mrs. Annie Nell Shipsted and
daughter, Mrs. William Erben
(Esther Neel) of Casper, Wyo.,
are guests at the home of her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bennett. Bus Neel
arrived Thursday from Salem
and they will return to Salem
with him for a visit at his home.
Scott McMurdo is spending
the holiday in San Mateo with
his brother Bernard and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Connor
and family are spending the
week end in Seattle.
Mrs. Claude Graham drove to
Cove Monday to take a group of
children to the Ascension sum
mer school of the EDiscooal
! church. She was accompanied
by F. S. Parker who spent a few
! hours with his brother John, a
long time resident of Cove.
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson
had as their guests the past
wee!- Mr. and Mrs. Frr-n': Tews
jand son Paul of Seattle Mrs.
iTews was the former Eva Troed
son, cousin of Mr. Troedson.
They came here to attend the
Troedson reunion which was
held in lone Monday.
Mrs. Hank Stotts and infant
daughter, Laura Lee, arrived
home from the St. Anthony's
hospital in Pendleton Monday.
Roger Anderson injured his
hand quite seriously while at
work in the Lexington Imple
ment company Saturday.
Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mrs. Lon
Henderson and Miss Jo McMil
lan made a shopping trip to
Pendleton Monday.
Leo Tripp of Kinzua was a
week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Grant.
Kenneth Way arrived here
from Portland for a two months
vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Way.
1 wool rug 7 12 x 8 12: 1 two
burner plate; 2 rockers; 1 new
Admiral table model radio
DhonoeraDh: dishes, lamns
and other articles. 2nd door
John Holton Cabins. 15p
FOR SALE RD-6 tractor, wide
gauge, first class condition,
completely overhauled. A. E.
Stefani, lone, Ore. 15tf
FOR SALE New Hampshire
fryers, dressed or alive. Call
34F3, Lexington. Mrs. Julian
Rauch. 1215c
FOR SALE 7-room house. See
Bruce Lindsey or phone 1014.
summer... The Maranathas will i A. will meet at the Legion hall Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey and
mt . ,h r nn.iinnai i inii, o at 11 ft m Hlon Cray's family have reiumuu immr.
church July 9 in the afternoon Casa Loma orchestra at the Le- They had been visiting relatives
and cut out aprons.. ..The I.M.I, gion hall July 7. California.
Sunday Matinee starts at 1 p.m.. BoxoIIUe
nnnn until O.lft
uj'tll Ulllli d.UU,
Evening shows, except Saturday, start at
7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof
fice open evenings until 9 o'clock.
Friday-Saturday, July 4-S
Boy Uogm. Dal Evans, Qabby Hayaa, Flylnf
"L" Band) Quartette, Bob Nolan and th. Bona
of tha Pioneers. A smooth musical western
and one of the most satisfying of recent Rogers
Comedians Wally Brown and Alan Carney cav
ort charactoriKtli-ally in this comedy plus bits
of slapstick and building-ledge acrobatics. Also
in the cast Ann Jeffreys, Lionel A twill, Bel
Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, July 6-7-8 Three Days
In Technicolor
Bins: Croiby, Joan Canlfleld, Fred Astalra, Billy
Hiaainn Pirea both Matinee and Evening:
Adults 50c, Garde and High School Students
12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in
cluded. Every child occupying a seat must
have a ticket.
DeWolfs, Olga Ban Joan
A song-studded, star-studded maglial musical.
Wednesday-Thdrsday, July -X0
The Beginning or The End
Brian Donlevy, Robert Walker, Tom Drake,
Beverly Tyler, Audrey Totter, Hume Oronyn
The personal human drama behind the atomic
bomb ... the behind-the-scenes story of the peo
ple who made it ... a fascinating and gripping
motion picture ever for spectators with an
allergy to scientific mysteries.
This spectacular Technicolor tour is a combin
ation of rare scenic splendor snd the exciting
pageant of modern Mexico on horseback.
I0NE NEWS . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson
and sons of The Dalles spent
Sunday ?t the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann.
Good HealtF
to Jill
Tit f?g5j) Mil PMf
Yean of itud
have fitted the
Rexall Pharmacist
for his responsible
I !
V y ' - : nwawnwiaelwniaiawwawnaiaaM
Livestock, Lumber, General
' lone Freight Line
Phone 2122
lone uregon
and the Famous
Cata etna OtckeAtta
JULY 1, 1947
American Legion Hall - lone, Ore.
Admission $2.50 per person
Learn to Fly
Flight training courses under the
G I "Bill of Rights" are being
given by the Forsythe Flying Ser
vice at Lexington.
Come to the Airport or call Lex
ington 37 F 3 for enrollment or
SPORT COATS-were $25.00, now $19.95
LEISURE COATS-were $16.50, now $12.95
LEISURE COATS-were $12.95, now $9.95
ALL WOOL SLACKS-$1 2.95, $13.95
LOAFER SHOES-cool and comfortable $7.95
TEE SHIRTS-just right for hot weather 95c to $2.00
SWIM TRUNKS by Jantzen-$2.50, 2.95, 3.95,4.50
SPORT SHIRTS-cool as a summer breeze $4.95, 5,50,
Enjoy your vacationgo prepared
The Store of Personal Service
III !:i::S3aiP!!M''';W'Sl'!aT!!!!!;'!!!;
Everybody Have A Good Time On The 4th
5th and 6th That's the proper time to celebrate the
founding of this nation of ours.
You can have a good time any day shopping in our
modern, strictly cash market, where foods are the
freshest and savings are apparent in every purchase.
Court Street Market
Tn;i Hii"imjli,;ii.i7ii ,,!!;TT II
Join the Movement
to Keep
When forest lands are properly managed
and protected, they keep on growing trees for
IS' ever overlook the importance of seedling
treea. They will become the lumber, plywood,
paper and thousands of other products in the
years to come. This community needs to keep
its forests growing to maintain our industries,
jobs, schools.
When we keep our forests green, by pre
venting forest fires, we are helping make our
community more secure.