Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 03, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Want Ads
Have your wheels balanced on
our new Electronic wheel bal
ancer and make your cai safe
to drive at all speeds. Kuse
wall Motor Company.
KOR SALE HO feet l-in7h7jipp;
3,'4-h.p. single phase 110-220
motor. Unrein Motor Service.
White outside supreme quality
paint $5.35 per gallon. Itose
wail Motor Company.
FOIt SALE 3-pnnel portahlp
screen, 6x12 feet. See The
Klower Shop. j.,c
PuJ an extension on your car's
tail pipe. The chrome type
with reflex lens, $1.19. Ko.se
wall Motor Company.
KOR SALE Used Spinetpiano
with bench to match. Will
make terms to reliable party.
Inquire Gazette Times. l;')c
We have used tires, recapUres
and new 4 and G ply Firestone
Deluxe Champion tires. Rose
wall Motor Company.
foil SALinT"siabwood. Phone
2721. Harry Owens.
Firestone Deluxe sleeping baRS
with zipper. Just the tliiiiK to
take with you on your camp
ing trip. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. KOR SALE or trade fur pick-up,
International truck. Ed Bres-
'n. 15-lCp
If you need a truck tire in a
hurry remember Rosewall is
never undersold.
ANO like new may be had
for balance. No down payment
necessary. Jacquith Music Co.,
136 S. High St., Salem, Ore, 15c
Does your car shimmy? Drive
thru our Safety Lane. We will
make a free safety test. Rose-
wajl Motor Company.
APRlCOTSEarly, medimrTand
late, beginning July 4 and
lasting three weeks at JONES
sign on highway 3 miles east
of Irrigon. Bring containers,
pick fruit yourself. R. V. Jones,
Irrigon, Ore. M-16c
WANTED Threshing-Iiy-! he" ac
re. Have new Massey-llarris
combine. Can furnish one new
truck. Raymond McDonald,
Heppner, Ore. 14-lGp
Be sure and take a good hydrau
lic jack with you. We have
them priced at S7.95 up. Rose
wall Motor Company.
KOR SALfc-NewHampshire fry
ers. Call 3K3 Heppner. Chris
Brown. M-l!c
It is not too late to use Ford
fertilizer and pop up that
lawn. We have it in If and f0
pound bags. Kosewall Motor
FOK S ALB 8,000 loHKMMKfNo.
1 smooth ace rod brick; also
some fire brick; 2251b. piece
of ancle iron 4xGx5 811 foot
3 inches lonp. E. M. Bakor,
We have now and reconditioned
motors for Immediate insula
tion. Rosewall Motor Co.
FOR SALE" 31" International
combine, with bulker and few
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
l r
of Livestock, Farm
and other items
will be held
Bring in your livestock and anything
else you have to sell
This is one of the
buyers are on hand
extras. II. E. Yarnell, lone,
In Stock for Immediate Delivery:
Bottled Gas Ranges Combin
ation and Straight Full Size;
Farm Freezers, All Sizes
$219.00 and up;
Pumps, Deep & Shallow Well,
Gas or Electric prices start
$77.00 ( Pipe and Fittings Av
ailable with Pumps)
12 IIP, 110-220 V, Heavy Duty
Motors $11.95 (112 IIP to 3 HP
in Stock). L. A. MOORE, Fur
nisher of Homes, Hermiston,
Oregon, Phone 2121. 13-lGc
KOR SALE New Hampshire fry
ers. Call 3F3, Heppner. Chris
Brown. 1415c
FOR SALE-1935 Dodge 2-door
sedan; good motor, body and
tires. 1928 Chev sedan good
condition. E. P. Day, lone, Ore.
Legal Advertising
Nut ice in in-n;!.y m-u that the un
! 'h r; ijiutMj wits duly (ij-p'iiMtcd by the
County Court of the State of Ori'gun
fu- Morrow Cotiniv administrator f
tim w,l;itH of biJWIN It. UUCKNUM,
di:-i?a.st:d. and nil iniionM havng
cliiiiiirf un.tint the estalo of Bald de
ceased are lien-by rwimreiJ ty present
i.n- saiu duly vcj iii- U an required by
law to Hi'iid aiiiiilniHtrutor at the law
tine of J.,h. J. Nya at Hfppnfr, Ore-1
within six iiiuiitliH from the date
h.m.f. i
Uat.-d and f"rt publinhed this 26th
'lav "f June, 1!H7. ,
.. Administrator. I
.Not let; In lii-M -ty tiiven that the Ull
tlti .signed ban bi'in appoint I'd us Ad
in nitratrix (jf the L-stale of Dorrm
K. Mitchell, d weaned, by the County
loiiii of tup St. tie of Oregon for the
County of Morrow, and has qualified,
and Ih-it all ptrsuiin having claims
against said Potato are hereby requir-
eu id pie.-tjn i no name wiin proper
voui lit-iH to the undersigned at the Uf
Iice of the County : henff at thfi
t "M H-xim in Heppner, Oregon,
i within six (6) months of the date
i.i . i
I Lated and firet published on the
26th day of June 1J47.
i Administratrix,
i Raker & Parker
I l'ylhtan Building
Ib-.-d Hiv.-r. Oregon
I AttorneH fjr Aumx. 14-18
. .Sealed piopo.-iil.s will be leetived by
I t' " ty -f iiepmi r. orgnu unt ) 7:30
o'clock p.m. July 7, VM7 for excavu
1 ti ii ai.u baniJill of trencheH. unload
i k hunting and fii 4 n but i rig mater
ials, laying pipe, placing gate valves
, ,,,,o !.a..,t', jiH rv ng ami replacing
. die hydrants and all incidental ana
appu tenant work in conne tion with
, t...- val'r Wurks Improvement fir tlie
j City. Tiie total linear feet of pipe to
'be lli.talhd is approximately fiiMHJ
(Vet. Tin C tv will furni.sh all pipe,
gate valves, fitting, etc.
, Tbe proposal will he publicly npen
1 'd and re,lf ah-ud at 7:3u o'clock P.
M. on July 7. 1SM7.
.y proposal will be considered un-b-r-.s
it i.s prep:o-i'd and siiiuniited on
the Httaeh'd f"rm furnished by the
City Heeorder,
Kivh prp.isal shall be Hccomp.inieil
by a d )Mit of five per ( put of tlie
ui'uwitnt nf (he In!, eitiier in biiider's
imiid or in ca-h or certified cheek,
wnit h deposit will lie returned follow
ing the sigt'int; f ttie contrail by the
Miieesrul bidder.
The i ivA.l i - reserved to reject any
and-itr all proposals or to a ept sueh
h ..p. al or proposals lis at e to the
i. est interest "f the City.
l',v onhT ' f the r tv Council.
E. It. HUSTON. City R-v.rder
N.-tiie :s hereny g;eu that th un
deisigii'd has been dulv appi-inled by
the County Court of Morrow County,
.-lute of Oregon, Adnmust rator with a
u,ll annexed of the Kstatp of NAN-Nil-:
L. KKLLKIt. di- eased, and all
persons hnving clatios against the
"aid est.ite cf said diN-. aseij Fire here
by required to present the same with
proper vouchers duly ver fieri as r
(juiicd by biw to tlie saul Administra
'or at his law office at Heppner, Ore-
J V.
best markets in a large territory. Packer
at every sale and bidding is competitive
iron, within six month from the date
hereof. i
liated and first published this 5th 1
day oi June, lHi.
Administrator with a Will Annexed.
P W. WAHONtV, Attorney,
Heppner, Oregon. 11-15,
Sealed bids will be received
up to and including July 15,
19-17, for the purchase of the
Lena school house Dist. No. 2).
Bids may be mailed to Marian
Brosnan, clerk. The board re
serves the right to reject any or
all bids.
Marian Brosnan, Clerk,
Heppner, Ore., Rte. 2.
School District No. 31 will re
ceive bids for operation of a car
for transportation of seven pu
pils to School District No. 1 for
the coming school year, operator
to furnish own car. Distance ap
proximately 40 miles round trip.
Bids to be opened July 19, 1947.
The board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
Muriel Palmer, Clerk,
School Dist. No. 31,
1416c Heppner, Oregon.
kotice6f fihal account
,itne Is hereby tiven tliat the un-itasiKU-d.
admin. .".tialrix i tlie es
tule ul J. Glen Vuung, dwe.-i.-ied. has
tiled tier final account with tlie Coun
ty Court u the Slate ut OreK.jii tor
the County of Morrow, and aald Court
haw net art tht time and place for
hearing on said final account, Mon
day, me 4th of August. 1947, at the
hour of 11 .110 o'clocK in the. forenoon
of sa.:d day. In the County Court
room of tlie Morrow County Court
House in Heppner, Oregon. AH per
hoiih having objections to said final
account are required to file the same
with the Katd Couil on or before the
date set for said hearing.
Dated and first posted -this 1st day
of July, 1947.
AdminJstatrix of the Estate of
l.r-19 J. Glen Young, deceased.
iWlsimutlon. Whereas, the unregu
lated use of certain forest areas is, in
toe judgment of the State Korester, a
menace to life and property due to
conditions tending to cause or allow
the rapid spread of fires which might
occur or lieeasue of the inaccessible
character of such areas due to tlie la k
of suitable roads, and whereas, upon
the showing of the State Forester It
appears to me to he necessary to close
to unregulated use the following areas
designated as: Area No. K-l: All Na
tional Forests in Oregon and adjacent
areas protected by the United States
Forest Service as follows: Adjacent
to Umatilla National Forest: K'i T. 6
N., K. 37 K. : T. 6 N.. lis. UK and 42 E. :
that part of T. 6 N., ft. 43 E. west of
Grand Komie Kiver except toeciions n
If. 23. 24. and 28; E'4 T. 5 N R. 37
ii.; T. 5 N.. K. 38 E. : those parts of T.
5 N.. Its. 42 and 43 E. north and west
of Grande Ronde River; Ts. 3 and 4
N., II. 37 E. ; that part of T. 3 N.. R.
36 E. outride Umatilla Indian Reser
vation; Sections 25. 20. 27. 34. 35. and
;jti, T. 2 S., R. 32 E.; Sections 21 to 36
inclusive. T. 2 S.. R. 33 E. ; Sections 31
to 36 inclusive. T. 3 S R. 29 E. ; Sec
lions 23. 21. 25. 26, and 31 to 36 Inclu
sive. T. 3 S., R. 3D E.; S's T. 3 8., K.
3o': E. ; S'2 and SK', T. 8 S.. R. 31
E.; T. 3 S.. R. 32 E. ; T. 4 S., Rs. 29
to 32 K.. inclusive: T. 6 S.. Rs. 3U to 33
E. inclusive; T. 6 S.. Rs. 27 tO 31 E.
iin lusive. and 33 and 34 E. Inclusive,
Sections 9. HI. 16. 21. and 28, T. 7 S.,
it. 27 E. ; Section 1. T. 7 S.. R. 28 E. ;
Section fi. and those parts of Sections
1 to 5 Inclusive, north of North Fork
John llav River, T. 7 S.. R. 29 E :
that part of T. 7 S.. R. 30 E. north of
N'oith Fork John Day River: Sections
13. 14. 23 ami 24. T. 8 S.. R. 25 E. ;
Si.tion 36. T. 8 8.. R. 26 E. ; and Sec
tion 16. T, 8 S.. R 27 E. Now the....
fore. I. Earl Shell, Governor of the
Slate of Oregon, by virtue of the au
thority vested in me under the pr-"i-s
of Section 107-210, Oregon Com
piled Laws Annotated, as anie".'"d i.v
i n.ipter 2.r2. Oregon Laws, 1945, do
hereby liroelaiin the unregulated use
of the abo e-described areas to he
unlawful and do herehv close said
Hleas and the same shrill be subject
I,, nun ,,K. ,r,.. ,.,ioin, tv,.,
I Hants shall comply with all of the
I i.'iioHing requirements or conditions:
Mil To refrain from smoking while
iiuci ii u in sucn ureas, u'l in seem
:i permit issued by the forester or
j flic warden before building a camp
fue other thnn at improved, desur
mited and posted campground on such
pueas. i3i To have as a part of his
or ner equipment When using camp
I !i s. except when traveling as a ped
c tilan and or csmp ng at improve.!
dc gnat'd and posled campgrounds,
tools as spt jfied by the forester suit
able f..r extlncuishing fires. This pro
'limation shall be effective from and
aft r the lt day of Julv. 1917. and
s! .11 remain jn full force and effect
o-.l 1 find including the 31st day of
December, 1917. Dope at the Capitol
in Salem. Oergon. this 26th day of
June 1917. s Earl Snell. Governor.
(Seal I Attest: .; Robert S. Farrell.
Jr Secretary nf State. 15
THE COUNTY COURT, drded y.-iy 26.
1947. 1 am authorized and d:roeted to
advertise and sell at public auction t
not less than the minimum price here
, in set forth:
I Lots 1 to 14. Inclusive, and 31 to
Bible school. 9:4"j; C. W. Bar
low, superintendent.
Morning worship, 11; com
munion and preaching, sermon
topic, "Freedom in Christ," Mr.
Jewett bringing the message.
Adult Christian Endeavor, 7.
Evening evangelistic service,
8, communion and preaching,
sermon topic, "Being Ready."
J. Palmer Sorlein, Minister
Morning worship service at
the regular hour, 11 a.m.
Sunday church school at 9:45
Women's Society of Christian
service meets the first Wednes
day of each month.
Schedule of services:
Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd
Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and
4th at 9:30.
lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd
Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th
at 8 a.m.
On 5th Sunday one mass in
Heppner at 9:00.
Holy days of obligation: Mass
in tieppner at i:ju; lone at s:ju.
Mass on first Friday of month
in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.
News From Irrigon . .
By Mrs. J. A. Shoun
Mrs. John Voile and daughter,
Mrs. Ollie Lathrop, and baby
son were Hermiston visitors
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand went
to Portland Saturday, returning
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graybeal
and daughter Nancy are spend
ing a few days in Portland.
Rev. and Mrs. Chester Wilson
and children are to be in Irrigon
Wednesday from Council, Ida.
They will visit his mother, Mrs.
Nora Wilson during his vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mark
ham and daughter went to Ken
newick Sunday to be at the wed
ding of Dene Markham. She is
Mr. Markham's niece.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wallace of
Sheridan and daughters Patricia
and Bonny came up Saturday to
spend the week with the Willis
Roberts family. They were neigh
bors before Robertses moved up
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kenny and
children, James Robert and Kay,
and Roy Frederickson are spend
ing a few days vacationing at
East lake near Bend. Mrs. Ken
ny's brother, Fred Fredrickson
of Stanfield is doing the chores
for them.
Mrs. R. F. Simms and grand
son, James Read, and Mrs. Wm.
Warner of Patterson were Irri
gon visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Cid Burnett was run Into
hy a car Saturday. She was on
a tractor. The tractor was torn
into two pieces. Mrs. Burnett has
a swollen foot. The car did not
Lyle Mulkey spent the week
end at home. He is employed at
La Grande.
Elmer Rucker and daughters,
Mrs. Violet Amos and Iva Joan
Rucker, were Pendleton visitors
Donald and Robert Adams re
turned home Thursday from The
44 inclusive, in Block 17, Irrigon,
Morrow Coxmty, Orcpon for the
minimum price of $l4tu0. ciwh.
Lots 6 to 11 inclusive, and 17 to 27
inclusive, in Block is, Irrigon.
Morrow County, Orp' n for the
minimum price of $115 00. cash.
Luts 12.3 9,1(1.11 12 unci 13 in Block
1 of Die Oritrinal Town of Ionp
Morrow County. Orcm. for the
minimum price of $80.00. cash.
Therefore. I will on the 5th day of
.Inly, 1!M7 at the hour of lu:(0 AM.,
at the front door of the Court House
in Ilpppncr. Oregon, sell said property
to tlie highest and h.st bidder
C. J. D, BAVMAN. Sheriff.
Morrow Cnuntv. Oregon,
10-14 Deputy.
Transferring r
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U.P.andN. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
lone Office
Ph. 1111
Dalles. They had been visiting ham have purchased a lot from
an aunt, Mrs. Eva Reynolds. She C harles McFall. They are put
accompanied the boys up to vis- ting a house on It for a home,
it her sister, Mrs. Fred Adams The Loyal Ladies league met
and family. in the church basement Friday
William Gollyhorn is clearing afternoon and quilted,
the Wheeler lot and says they Mrs. Mytelene Browning was
are starting a town there. buried In the Irrigon cemetery
The annual trek for apricots after services at the Assembly
has started with a nice supply- of God church by Rev. A. B. Tur
to be had. j tier Thursday morning at 10 o'-
The Baptist community church lock- Mr. Browning died Sept.
members are starting a clothing,26' 1941' an o". Wilbur, died
drive to help the needy in war-few weeks ,a in Tacoma.
torn Europe I Out-of-town relatives attending
, . , , the funeral were a daughter,
Mrs. Lester SeiU returned from Mrs Bedwe and fami,
(loverdale Sunday. She had of Egin , grandsons Rev .Ernest
been visiting her brother, Lloyd , Bedwell and famiiy of Ontario
Aldrich and family. and Roy Bedwe and famjy of
Mart Abken spent the week Sunnyside, a sister, Mrs. Louise
end at home. He is harvesting Gannett and granddaughter of ,
grain in the Horse Heaven coun- Lewiston, Idaho. One son, Em-
Tom Caldwell left Tuesday
morning for Brooks to attend
cimp meeting. He is also going
b) visit in the Willamette val
ley. The community Baptist church
hoard has purchased a building
at MeCready, Wash., and are to j
move it over for a parsonage.
The new minister is Rev. John
Ficketts. The family is at En
terprlse for a month or two yet.
They will live in the church
basement until the parsonage is
Mr. and Mrs. Blum of Uma-
tilla were Irrigon visitors Sun-
day. Mrs. Blum preached in the
Assembly of God church.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mark-
From where
Our local Wild Life League went
on a picnic Saturday, and I went
along to cover it for the Clarion.
Monday, folks kept stopping me,
and Baying: "Must have gotton out
of hand, that picnic!"
"Nonsense," I says. "It was
mighty pleasant and congenial.
Just beer and hot dogs, cheese and
cider." And then they show me the
headline reading: "WILD WIFE
Of course it was Elmer, my type
setter, who had made the misprints :
But is my face red! It's only be
Sand and Gravel
Have two dump trucks on the job at all
times ready to give you satisfactory ser
vice. Eliminate hand shoveling. Will
deliver where you want it.
Rates are very reasonable
Vernon Christopherson
Oil Stoves
Available for
L E. Dick
Phone 622
Hepppner Oregon
Announces Establishment of Office in Heppner,
Room 3, First National Bank Bldg.
Clifford Carlson, Mgr.
Ofiice Hours 1-6 P. M.
Phone 2623
Heppner Gazette
mett Browning of Ontario, was
unable to be present.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
j class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
j single cpples 10c.
' Publisher and Editor
I sit ... ly Joe Marsh
The Picnic Was
a "Hug" Success!
cause folks are so temperate and
well-behaved in our town, that they
could afford to take the whole thing
as a Joke.
From where I sit, even a news
paper editor's entitled to a few
mistakes. And since I reported
that they served a moderate bev
erage like beer, I'm sure nobody
thinks the picnic was the least bit
wild, or anything but a huge suc
cess and I mean hugel
Phone 3311
lone 4122
Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 3, 1947-3
We Now
O Ir is with pleasure we
announce the addition
to the staff of the
Heppner Appliance Co.
He is an expert radio repair
man, with a record of good
service in that work during
his war experience.
Will repair any make of
radio or record changer.
Hodge Chevrolet Bldg.
Phone 403