Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 03, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 3, 1947
Heppner Man Brings in Large Chinook at Depot Bay
I frFS
The People Want the Hospital
If ny doubt existed In the minds of the coun
ty court and the hospital committee relative to
the demand for the proposed county hospital
that doubt was removed Monday afternoon by
a delegation of citizens which met at the court
house at the invitation of the court to discuss
the question of building now with available
funds or waiting until a larger sum can be
procured. The demand is for immediate con
struction, nr just as soon as plans can be worked
out to make the money in hand cover the cost
of a building that will be adequate.
When the hospital project was first started It
was estimated that between $60,000 and $70,000
would be sufficient and after some Investigation
.the estimate was raised to $100,000 to cover pos
sible increases in material and labor costs. It
was not the plan in the beginning to build at
an early date but to include a county hospital
in a list of postwar projects. Funds were to be
raised by a two mill tax each year for a period
of five years. The proposal was accepted almost
unanimously by the voters, many of whom ap
parently felt that the hospital would be built at
once. When it was learned that this was not the
case a demand went up for payment In full of
the other eight mills and this, too, met favor
with a heavy majority of the taxpayers. With
the money in hand the hospital committee set
about getting plans and choosing a site. The
site selected was an outright gift and the plans
drawn to fit the site over-reached the funds
about $80,000.
Learning that suggested grant by the govern
ment could not be acquired prior to July 1, 1948,
the court and committee decided to ask that the
additional funds be included in the annual bud
get, which was done but which the taxpayers
did not approve. This left the officials with no
alternative but to learn the attitude of the peo
ple on whether to build now or wait until more
funds could be obtained.
It may not be possible to put up as much of
a building as some seem to think Is required, yet
a smaller beginning may prove the best in the
long run. If a few beds have to be sacrificed at
this time and the demand grows for additional j
space there is little doubt but that it will be '
added. It must not be forgotten that the officials ;
are charged with the duty of building a hospital :
with public funds. They are not to be criticized '.
too severely if they take a little time in trying
to make the funds do a good job.
4-H Club Work Handicapped
One of the regrettable consequences of failure j
to approve the county budget is the handicap !
placed upon the 4-H club work. As of July 1
the work has been without a leader due to dis
continuance of the home demonstration agent
office. During the past year, under the splendid
guidance of Miss Katherine Monahan, some 300
young people engaged in the various projects
and with such good leadership there is no doubt
but that within another year this county would
have been well on the way to an equal footing
with other counties that have maintained lead
ership in this work for many years.
We are sometimes shortsighted or permit bias
to guide our actions and cause the innocent to
suffer. In this instance it is the young people,
that segment of our population which will be
the leaders of tomorrow and who should be
given every opportunity to prepare themselves
for that duty, who are the forgotten ones.
Remember to Be Careful
Most of America's thirty million automobiles
will be on the highways this week end and it
will be nothing short of marvellous if we do not
read of hundreds of deaths from accidents. Peo
ple will be traveling long distances and will be
bearing down on the accelerator in an effort to
cut those distances short. Those with clear eye
and unfogged brain will not need to worry about
their own ability to get through safely but must
constantly be on the alert to dodge the fellow
who is In the habit of mixing gasoline and al
cohol. Enough accidents happen from natural causes,
but when King John Barleycorn sits in the driv
er's seat the record grows extremely bad.
i ! It,
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goxb ATTORNEY AT LAW
Peteni Building. Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Watches, Clocks, Diamond!
Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairtaa
Heppner. Oregon
Veterans of Foreign J. 0. TURNER
V0'S phone 173
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays st Hotel Heppner Building
8:00 p. m. In Legion Hall Heppner. Oregon
C. L. Hodge, Heppner, displays a 33-pound Chinook salmon h caught off Depot Bay June
17, ths largest salmon of the season to be brought in by Depoe Bay sports fishing boats. With
Hodge are Mrs. Hodge, who made the trip, and Brad McMahon, one of Depoe Bay dock boys.
-Courtesy of The Oregonian
From Heppner Gazette Times
July 5, 1917
Work was commenced on the
First National bank building.
Two stories will be built The
entire second floor will be given
over to office room.
Justus L. Simpson, aged 80
years, died July 2 at his home
in this city. Besides his wife he
Is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt and Mrs. E.
J. Merrill.
H. V. Gates, president of
Heppner Light & Water com
pany, has leased the Heppner
coal fields In Willow creek bas
in. The mines are to be opened
Summer Clearance
Spring Millinery &
Spring Coats
Norah's Shop
When the Sun Is Hot
. . . comes the time to plan for the
chilly days next fall when you need to
light the heater mornings and eve
nings. Perhaps we will be unable to get
oil heaters then and we do have them
on the floor now.
Duotherm; Frogil; Easyheet
Floor Furnaces
Also Oil burning hot water heaters
up and operated on a royalty
basis, Mr. Gates agreeing to pro
duce a certain amount of coal
each month.
George M. Perry of Lonerock
was married to Eva C. Roberts
of Hardman at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earle Gilliam Thurs
day evening.
Ralph I. Thompson of Portland
is spending a few days in this
city on business.
E. G. Noble and wife left the
first of the week for Portland
and other Willamette valley
points. They are making the
trip by car and will visit in
Monmouth before returning
Laxton McMurray was noticed
among the large crowd who
were up from lone to take in
the circus Friday.
The residents of Alkali street
are going in strong for new con
crete sidewalks and both sides
of -the street are putting down
the pavement as fast as Con
tractor Johnson can get around
to them.
Eert Johnson, hustling farmer
and stockraiser of lone was in
Heppner with his family on cir
cus day. He is a mighty busy
man tnese days bunding new
fences, irrigation ditches and
boosting along a few new fields
of alfalfa.
Miss Thelma Lucas who has
been attending school in Wasco
during the past year has re
turned to the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas,
to spend the summer.
Willis Stewart, local livery
man, has taken a progressive
step in the purchase the past
week, of a Ford car for the ser
vice of his patrons.
Miss Opal Briggs, successful
Morrow county teacher, will go
to Portland this week to attend
GAS & AIR . . .
Howdy Folks: A golfer friend
of ours cracked a seventy-six the
other day. He stopped at the
third hole, but he made a seventy-six.
He did the seventy-six
roughly speaking. Some of
them were done without
wearing though.
He got in a trap at the sec
ond hole. He got out in nine
strokes one of them apoplexy.
When he got his sox in the
club house he found he had
.made a hole In one.
Golf Is a good old game. It
let the cow out of the pasture
and let the bull in.
... j
When we play golf, we al- j
ways stand too close to the
ball after we hit It. j
... I
All golfers are entitled to the I
pursuit of life, liberty and the
pusuit of golf bails. i
You are entitled to the best
when you buy GENERAL TIRES.
Get our price on trade-ins and
you're sure of the best. i
Unrein Motor Service
By Elsa M. Leathers
Kinzua Pine Mills will have
one week vacation for the 4th.
The vacation starts Saturday,
June 28. and work will be re
sumed July 7. Many people are
taking this opportunity for trips
they have been looking forward
Mr. and Mrf Los Halverson
will drive north through eastern
Washington to Canada, down the
coast from Vancouver, B. C, to
Portland, and bring their son
Arthur home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reecer and
Mrs. Kate Jellick drove to Cal
ifornia, while Ted and Irene Bo
thum went to Kalispell, Mont.
the Fpssions of the National Ed
ucation association.
S. W. Spencer and S. E. Van
Vactor have established their
summer camps on the left fork
of upper Willow creek. Mr. Van
V-rter took his camp outfit up
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham some time and will spend sev
and family will spend the va-jeral weeks there,
cation on the coast and at Eu- The ruh scouts he'd their an
gene, with relatives. nual weiner roast at Searcy flats
Mrs. Delbert Folsom under- Wednesday night. Deen Chief
All kinds of carpenter work.
Modern Humes Built or RemodelrG
Phone 14S3 415 Jones Si
Turner, Van Marter
and Company
Attorney at Law
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
OK Rubber Welders
First class work guaranteed
Located in the Kane Building
North Main St. Heppner, Ore.
Phelps Funeral Horn.. Jack A. Woodhall
licensed FutiTa) Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for discus
sion, please bring before
the Council
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Office First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phone 23-12 Heppner
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 402
went a tonsilectomy at The Dal
les hospital. Her husband and
small daughter will join her and
spend the vacation at Vancou
ver, Wash.
Dick Graham' was awarded the
Beaver Boy State scholarship by
the American Legion and is
spending a week at Corvallis
Sterling Wahm and Allen
Turner were delegates to the
American Legion convention in
Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jobe and
Jean and Jimmie Owens went
to Klamath Falls to visit their
daughter, Annabelle. this week.
Merle Phillips is here on ter
minal leave visit with his par
ents, the William r.iillipses.
Mrs. Francis Woods left Thurs
day for Cassville, Mo., to visit
her parents and friends. Mrs.
I Woods hasn't been home for
Floyd Neth says the next meet
ing will be July 9. He asks all
the parents and committeemen
to -attend. Nelson Murphy is
leader of the cubs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dickerson
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bedsaul
went to Medford Thursday to at
tend the funeral of their grand
son, the small child of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Arbeeny, who passsed
away at a Portland hospital on
Vincent Brogran and mother
from Snowboard lookout were
shopping for supplies in town
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis are
spending the vacation at Lone
rock on their ranch putting up
their hay, weather permitting.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens and
family are fishing on Deep
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrix of
Pairc-s of Heppner Business Houses: i
it is the desire of the business concerns of
Heppner to take advantage of the double
holiday to give employer and employee a va
cation, therefore stores and other places of
business in the town will remain
Closed July 4th and 5th
Make your plans accordingly and lay in your
week-end supplies by July 3.
Heppner Chamber of Commerce.
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office In Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Accurate Credit Information
F. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 Heppner
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building:
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office up stairs L O. O. F. Bld
Huusi. calls made
House Phone 2583 Office 2572
Morrow County
Box 82, Heppner, Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Blaine E. Isom
All Kinds of
Phone 723
Heppner, Or
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Phone 1485 for apointment,
or call at shop.
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner Hospital
Beds available by reservation.
Physician & Surgeon
5 K Street
Phone 952
Colors to suit your home . . . Gilsdnite
your old roofs.
Free Estimates Call 1282
Fhohmv, vou said
I WELL VOlD OEfttR ) j
John Day returned from a two Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sehott and
months visit in KcnUic'-v and I daughter drove to Portland to
re visiting at the Sim Hendrix spend the week end and will
omc before going on to Johnplso spend part of that time on
Day. I the coast.
U-t TivW vi'.AffciJ
Watch your refrigerator this hot weather . . . the Fourth is here.
and that's a sure sign of blistering days that will put your refrig
erator under extra strain. Having repairs made promptly is an in
vestment that means longer life and more economical service from
it. Call the HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC CO. for repair
Yes, there an easier way to farm. It's the new Powr-Trol
way! John Deere has created another source of tractor power
and put it to work for you ... to raise and lower all your inte
gral and drawn equipment ... at a touch of your hand on a
convenient lever!
Powr-Trol is the nearest thing yet to completely automatic
operation oj tractor equipment. It's faster, too, and enables you
to do better work because a touch on the same lever also ad
justs your implement to any desired setting, without stopping
or even slowing down.
Here's an outstanding new John Deere development that
sounds the keynote for tomorrow's farming. Get nil the facts
on it at our store the next time you're in town!
Your Caterpillar Dealer