Heppner Gazette mes, Heppner, Oregon, June 26, 1947-5 Want Ads APRICOTS Karly, medium and late, beginning July 4 and lasting three weeks at JONKS sign on highway 3 miles east of Irrigon. Bring containers, pick fruit yourself. R. V, Jones, Irrigon, Ore, 14-lGc Your tires are worth more at Rosewall Motor Company. Trade them in now for new Deluxe Champion Firestone tires. Legal Advertising FOR SALE Hot water heater. National 50 gal. electric. Used about 3 months. Phone 17F2 HpI'Iner. lip FOR SALE Fryers for the-4th. Place your orders now. Mrs. G. Herman, phone 27F14, lone. Mp WANTED Threshinu bv the re. Have new Massey-Harris combine. Can furnish one new truck. Raymond McDonald, .HcppnerOre.. 14-16p Make your car safe to drive at all speeds. Have your wheels balanced with out new elec tronic wheel balancer. Rose- wall Motor Company WANTED Work for summer by college girls. Clerking or of fice work preferred. Eleanor Aldrich and Mary Barnett, lone. 14p FOR SALE-Slab wood." See liar ry Owen, or call 2152. Ill fc 1930 Ford tudor sedan, 1930 Ford pickup, 1933 Chevrolet sedan. Rosewall Motor Company. FUR SALE Good used small pi ano. Price reasonable. Inquire at Gazette Times office. 14c FOR SALE New Hampshire fry ers. Call 3F3 Heppner. Chris Brown. 1115c FOR SALE-r0O0 to 107600 No". 1 smooth ace red brick; also some fire brick; 225-lb. piece of angle iron 4xGx5 8 11 feet 3 inches long. E. M. Baker, FOR SALE 31 International combine, with bulker and few extras. II. E. Yarncll, lone, Ore. 1315p In Stock for Immediate Delivery: Bottled Gas Ranges Combin ation and Straight Full Size; Farm Freezers, All Sizes $219.00 and up; Pumps, Deep & Shallow Well, Gas or Electric prices start $77.00 (Pipe and Fittings Av ailable with Pumps) 12 HP, 110-220 V, Heavy Duty Motors $14.95 (112 HP to 3 IIP in Stock). L. A. MOORE, Fur nisher of Homes, Ilermiston, Oregon, Phone 2121. 1.110c NOTICE TO CREDITORS .soli'ti in l-it-i,y Kiv-ri that the un-rtwiun,-i win duly uif mli-ii by tlie County Court of ttie .Stute of Ort-son for Morrow County ailminiHtriitor of the est .te of K1AVI.N 1,. BUCKNUM. (it 4'jt.s,!. atitl all pt-rtioiiM having f'lalui HKuin.-t I tie e.slatw of nald de ceased are hereby niiutreij to present tne a;uiie doty verified art required by law to Haul udintiiK-trulor at ttie law oftire of Joh. J. Nyi at Hepimer, Ore 14ou, within six niotittia front the dute hereof. Iated and first published ttiia 26th day of June. 1IH7. 14-10. WILLIAM J. BUCKNUM. A'lnmilMlrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS otiie l.s b-ieby fciven that the un der. signed h;w befil appointed aa Ad ni'liislratrix of tlie Katate of DorriB K. Mtti-heli, deeeaaed, by the County Coui t of the Htale of Oieon for the County of Morrow, and ho qualified and I hat all p'-i sona having claims ayainat aaid K.state are hereby requir ed to present the aaine with proper vourhera to tiie undei sinned at the Of fice of the County Shenlf at the Court Houi-e In Meppner, Oregon, within Blx (G) months of the date hi, eol. Dated and first published on the 20th day of June 1!H7. KHAM'KS MITCH KM Administratrix. Baker & Parker l'ythiun Building Hood Kiver, Oregon AUi,rni-y:i for A'lmx. 14-18 "Clfirr. TO CONTRACTORS WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT healed proposals will be received by t'x . ly f li, poller, Oregon until 7:30 o'clock p.m. July 7, 11M7 for excava tion anil hacHlil! of ti cliches, unload ing hauling and di ;ti ibulins mater ials, laying pipe, placing Kale valves oni liiiios. iciiiovjiK and replacing fire hydrantH and all Incidental and apputenunt work In connection with toe Viati r Works Improvement for the City. The total linear feet of pipe to be Installed is approximately 6U0U feet. The C tv will furnish all pipe. Kate valves, filtltiKs, etc. The proposals will be publicly open ed ami r.-,,d al nil at 7 :'M o'clock P. M. on July 7. l'J-17. No piop,i,.ui will be considered un less it is j, I, piled and submitted on fie ntt-iched form furniBhed by the City Kecorder. Kach proposal shall be a rompanied liy a deposit of five per cent of the aiiiooni of the b.d, either In bidder's bond or in cash or certified check, who h deposit will he returned follow ing the sicmiiii: of inn coiiliail by toe successful bidder. lie it !M is reserved to reject any and-or all proposals or to accept such p.op.eal or proposals as are to the best interest of the City. i;y order of the (,ty Council, K U. HUSTON. City Recorder CHURCHES UNLIABLE MAN wilh car want ed to call on farmers in Mor row county. Wonderful op portunity. $10 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital re quired. Write today. McNF.SS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2123 Mas nolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. 13 14 p FOR SALE New Hampshire fry" ers. Call 3F3, Heppner. Chris Brown. 1415c FOR SALE 1935 Dodge 2-door sedan; good motor, body and tires. 1928 Chev sedan good condition. E. P. Day, lone, Ore. NOTICE OP RESULT OP REFEREN DUM ON THE CREATION OP I ROPOKED BOARDM AN SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT. To all persons Intel estcd. notice la hereby uiu'ti: That tiie tabulation set out below elves a full, coi re t and true report of the results of a referendum held on the T,th day of May. lit-17, on the proposition of the creat on of the pro posed Koardriian Soil Conservation District. ta) Number votjne In favor of the creation of said Soil Conservation Insti l, t 144 (b) Number vol;iic acaitist creation of said Soil Conservation District. (I Icl Total votes cast 114 Idi The certificate of the County As sessor siihniillcdtM the State Sod Con- VANTEDWheat"cuTt ing. Have 16-foot International. Eldon Padberg, Lexington, Ore. 12-14 UTAH WOOLEN "MILLS "Jack Frost" salesman. Ernest Ghor-, mley. salesman, 516 Main St., I Ilermiston, Ore., will call soon. I 11-llp CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45, C. W. Bar low, superintendent. Morning worship, 11, commun ion and preaching. Mr. Sorlein, servation Committee May 7, 1947, cer tified a total of Hi3 landowners within the area of the proposed district In dicating a majority of at least 82 fav orable votes necessary for creation of the district. ie As 144 votes were cast in favor of the proposal, ttie State Soil Conserva I'on Committee at a meeting held in .Salem, on May 21. 1947. has determin ed that the operation of the proposed district within the defined boundaries ih administratively practicable and feasible. (ft That the tabulation set out below elves a full, correct and true report of the results of the election of three supervisors held in conjunction wilh the above referendum. N'aineH of Candidates Number of Votes Charles Dillon 107 Carl Knlk'hten 92 Jack MulliKan 106 Inquaard Hkoubo 116 (g) Inquaard Skoubo, Charles Ldllon and Jack Mulligan, being the three candidates who received the largest number, respectively, of the votes cast In the referendum were declared to be the elected supervisor for the district. STATU SOIL CONSKRVATION, COMMITTEE OF OREGON, By Howard E. Cushman, Executive Secretary. Dated 5th day of June, 1947 at CorvalHs. Oregom 13-14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County. .State of Oregon. Administrator with a will annexed of the Estate of NAN NIE L. KELLER, deceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate of said deceased are here by required to present the Bame with proper vouchers duly verified as re quired by law to the said Administra tor at his law office at Heppner, Ore gon, within six month from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 5th day of June. lt)47. K W. MAHONEY. Administrator with a Will Annexed. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney. Heppner, Oregon. 11-15. NOTICE OF SALE Sealed bids will be received up to and including July 15, 1917, for the purchase of the Lena school house (Dist. No. 2). Bids may be mailed to Marian lirosnan, clerk. The board re serves the right to reject any or all -bids. ' Marian Brosnan, Clerk, Heppner, Ore., Rte. 2. NOTICE FOR BIDS School District No. 31 will re ceive bids for operation of a car for transportation of seven pu pils to School District No. 1 for the coming school year, operator to furnish own car. Distance ap proximately 40 miles round trip. Bids to be opened July 19, 1947. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Muriel Palmer, Clerk, School Dist. No. 31, 11-1 Gc Heppner, Oregon. SPINET PIANOS-The Baldwin Aerosonic, Lester Betsy Ross, Wurlitzer. See and hear them at the PENDLETON MUSIC HOirSK. Pendleton. Ore. 1014c MAGNA VOX Radio-Phonograph 10 models to choose from. See and hear them at the PENDLETON MUSIC HOUSE, Pendleton, Oregon. 10-llc Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITriLEY Dance at I.O.O.F HALL Saturday Evening JUNE 28 Music by Farrow's Orchestra News From Irrigon . . Mrs. J. A. Shoun Mr. and Mrs. Duane Steel spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Mart Abken, and family. Mrs. Cora Minnick went back to Weston Monday. She Is help ing with the peas. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Allen of Redmond arrived Friday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Acock. They all went to Pendleton Saturday with Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. Janie Grim who is in the St. Anthony's hos pital in Pendleton. Mrs. Grim is getting along nicely after a serious operation. Mrs. Grim's sister, Mrs. George Cork of Red mond, came over with them and they went home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hacken burg of Portland and daughter pastor of the Methodist church, will bring the morning message, tjje folk from the Methodist church worshipping with us. There will be no evening ser vice this Sunday. Mid-week bible study and prayer meeting will be held on Thursday evening as usual at 8. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Schedule of services: Heppner: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m., on 2nd and 4th at 9:30. lone: Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30, on 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. On 5th Sunday one mass In Heppner at 9:00. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30; lone at 8:30. Mass on first Friday of month in Heppner at 7:30 a.m. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. There will be no services on July 6th. Peggy are visiting the Fred Car ters. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand spent Saturday with their sons David and Herbert. Mrs. Roy Mathena went to Pendleton. Mrs. Melton Amos ac companied her back. Mrs. Melton Amos and child ren are spending the rest of school vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rucker. They are from Kellogg, Idaho. The Assembly of God vacation bible school ended Friday with an excellent program presented to a full house. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Steel of Wenatchee brought her niece Glenda Abken home Monday. She spent two weeks with rela tives. Miss Paula Haberlein started work in Pendleton Monday. Calvin Allen is getting the school house In shape for the next school term. He is the Jan itor to be assisted by John Swer ingen during the school year. They are also the bus drivers. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Harick left for their South Dakota home af 1er spending some weeks with Mrs. Harick's sister, Mrs. E. S. Pelton. They purchased part of the original Earl Steward place last year and built a three-room house to be moved on to their land. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hough ton and children Bruce and Bar bara left for Castle Rock to vis it Mrs. Houghton's family and on to their New Jersey home. The Fred Houghtons have had a real family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hackenburg of Hood River have purchased one acre from the Fred Carters and are going to build a home there. Hans Los Ness has arrived from Kansas to take over the Earl Connell place that he pur chased -recently. His wife and three children will arrive later. Auction 0 aies of Livestock, Farm Equipment and other items will be held on the following dates: Jiaiae 26 July a Bring in your livestock and anything else you have to sell This is one of the best markets in a large territory. Packer buyers are on hand at every sale and bidding is competitive Let a specialized man take care of your lubrication needs. INDIA TIRES & TUBES -in all sizes MARCUS WHITMAN RECAPS Car Washing and Polishing Shell Service Station Ph. 682 Harry Anderson, Prop. TERMS : A$B. HEPPNER SALES YARD HAROLD ERWIN, Operator JOHN VARNER, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk r X to her finger-tips Iva Joan Rucker was taken to Pendleton Sunday and was op erated upon that evening for ap pendicitis. Her sister, Mrs. Mel ton Amos, is in Pendleton with her. Mrs. W. B. Dexter, Mrs. Dan Hill, Mrs. Fred Cruthers and Mrs. Lee Smith went to Pendle ton Monday. They were calling on Mrs. Janie Grim who is doing nicely in St. Anthony's hospital. They also visited Joan Rucker. Paul Slaughter was in Pendle ton Monday. The community Baptist church has purchased a building to be torn down and moved from near Patterson, Wash., to make into I a parsonage. They have been and son and daughter In-Uw, I having to rent a house for the Mr. and Mrs. Don Houghton. nJ minister. ! baby son were Pendleton visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton or Tuesday. DANCE Willows Grange Hall Saturday Evening June 28 Music by Ely's Orchestra Admission: Men $1, Ladies .50 (Tax included SUPPER SERVED "SHIFT TO MM GEAR LUBRICANT FOR EASY SHIFTING GEARS! 3 If Sometimes, mister, you wonder how fear keep up their tough job in to ay high-powered engines and sometimes they just don't. That's why RPM Gear Lubricant is compounded to protect modern gears by carrying heat away, keeping a pressure-resisting oil film od 'em while making ex tra starts and stops. Keep in gear with RPM Gear Lubricant! L E. (ED) DICK Phont 622 Heppner, Oregon GfAI iliniliiiHSillillililillllllil! Now is the Time! EE Assure yourself of heat next win- ffj ter . . . Fill your J bin NOW. 1 YOU'LL BE WARM next winter if you'll place your Coal order now. Don't wait too long to place your order, you might be disappointed when the cold weather rolls around. Order your coal now and relax. We'll be glad to take care of your coal needs for next winter's comfort NOW. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY LITTLE LADY'S "Handi Kit," for her very own manicure! An irresistible, be ribboned plastic case enclosing Hand Lotion, Nail Wax, Buffer, Emery Board, Orange Stick and an inviting band-test sachet pillow. (Also available with Nnil Polish and Remover) . . . . $2.50 SAAGER'S PHARMACY J mm new NEW FOUR-POINT DRIVER COMFORT! 1. Th. cab thai "brealhM." 2. Drlvr't com partment b widr and dpr mora lg room. 3. Widr, dptr, mora comfortable wan) ore fully adjustable. 4. Larger wlndihield and windows give 22 better visibility. Flf XI-MOUNTED CAB-njb-ber-cuthloned ogaintt road ihodu, ronton ond vibration. Stronger, sturdier FRAMES. IONOEK WHEEIBASES. INCREASED LOAD SPACI In pkk-vps and panels. VAIVWN-HEAD TRUCK EH OINES world's most economi cal for their sixe. HYDRAULIC TRUCK BRAKES wilh excknJve design for greater brake-lining contact assure ajufck, safe stops. wit Me nxctusive CAB Tff AT BREATHES greatest contribution to driver comfort and safety in truck history! See this truck at our showroom! See today's newest trucks, with the cab that "breathes" that "Inhales" fresh air and "eihales" used air keeps glass clear and free from fogging. See this line of advance-desin trucks, with new increased load space, longer-than-ever wheelbases and a host of other Improvements destined to make Chevrolet even more highly preferred by truck buyers. s ten ua ms a an st CHOOSE CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR TRANSPORTATION UNLIMITED HODGE CHEVROLET CO. HEPPNER, OREGON-PHONE 403