Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 26, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    lone News Items of the Week
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 26, 1947-3
By Kclio Palmatcer
The following u-cre guests at
Ihe Donald HeliluT home Run
day from The Dalles: Mrs. Hel
Iker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Denslinger and son Dick, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Baldwin, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Meader, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Lash, Mr. and Mrs. John
Obrist and Jerry Wasson. Mrs.
Baldwin is a sister of Mrs. Hel-
iker and Mrs. Meader a sister
in law.
Mrs. II. L. Casselman return
id from Seattle last week. Her
granddaughter Janice remained
in Seattle and Raymond Caysel
man of Oswego, grandson of the
Casselmans is visiting here.
Foster Odom whs reelected as
director at Morgan at the annu
al school meeting.
From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh
Crazy Hat
Wins Refrigerator!
One of those "Breakfast in the
morning" radio shows came to Capi
tol City last week, and Sarrah Carey
won first prize for wearing the cra
ziest hat in the audience. It was a
full-sized refrigerator ! (The prize,
ot the hat.)
"Glad them hats of hers paid off
at last," says Ed, treating the
whole thing like a joke. But you
could see he was proud of Sarrah.
From where I sit, there's another
thing Ed can be proud of: the way
he's put up with those hats of
Sarrah's,with never a criticism ; just
as she's put up with Ed's pipe and
the other little freedoms he enjoys.
They've got that refrigerator
home now, stocked with beer; and
we're going over tonight to drink a
toast not just to Sarrah 'shats tak
ing first prize . . , but to a happily
married couple, who've learned to
live with one another's differences
in tastes whether it's a taste for
hats or beer!
Oregon Drivers ! !
66,000 IN JULY.
To MUST apply toe a
nw Kca hi IW month
ladhootod at th rfcjhl
Q: Apply whwT
A: Any drlvri Hrenie
clerk or examiner to your
Q: Toft aa examination?
Q: What about th print
ed expiration dale on the
old lie ens?
A: Ignore It; the correct
date appeari at the right.
"Up thrs table and carry
tft with yoar Ucenie.
Oregon Drivers' Licenses
v in r.npirr
These Months
Thet.e Numbrri
511 1
sk momi
5K 6t;Ht
5 It 9'MM)I
sit wool
to SK 33000
lo !K fifcOOO
to 5K 99IHI0
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to 5 K3 30000
(O f.ll330l0
to MUW)O0
to 511429000
to 5K46MHM) ,.
to Mt 195000 ....
to rit.s2mmo .
to ,Mt:fiiooo
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lo Mlf.27ll(Kt
to MIMiOOOfl
to MtWtfiOO ....
to .Mt7?6(Ht ....
IO 511759000 ...
to 5R792UW) or
June 1947
July 1 7f ! I
An?. 1917
, Sept. 1917
Oct. 1917
Nov. 1947
IlfC. 1947
. Jan. 1948
Feb. 1948
, Mar. 19(8
A nr. 1948
Miv 1948
. June 1948
. Jtilv 191H
. All. 1948
. Sept. 1948
Oct. 1
. NOV. 1918
Orr. I"t8
... Jan. 1919
Feb. 19J9
Mnr. 1919
A nr tQJQ
over May 1949
ROBERT S. FARRELL, Jr., .Wy of state
Betty Lou Criffin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffin, will
leave Tuesday for Stinson Beach,
Calif., to visit her brother, Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann
spent a week at Spokane re
cently. Miss Mildred Carlson return
ed home from Eugene where she
attended the university. She has
been visiting relatives at Cor
vallis and Portland.
The HEC of Willows grange
met at the home of Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen Eriday, June 20, with
a pot luck dinner at noon. Plans
were made for serving dinner at
Pomona grange next Friday,
June 27.
A joint meeting of the auxil
iary and legion was held Tues
day evening of last week. A mo
vie, "A Mamprusi Village" was
shown after the meeting.
The Birthday club met at the
Congregational church parlor
Tuesday, June 17, in honor of
the birthdays of Mrs. Sam Es
teb and Mrs. Vernon Christoph
erson. The hostesses, Mrs. Wal
ter Corley and Mrs. Darrell Pad
berg, served ice cream, cake and
The PNG club of the Rebek
ahs made $70 on their tea, fancy
work and food sale at their hall
election day.
Mrs. Garland Swanson gave a
birthday party June 16 in honor
Your Children
Man has no greater trea
sures than his children.
His most sincere wish is to
help them grow to matur
ity with sparkling eye and
blushing cheek.
permits the full expres
sion of Nature's forces
;hrough the nerves. The
iteady hand and sparkling
?ye symbolize the glow of
health that reveals strong
bodies and clear minds.
Physio-Tharapy Electro
Therapy Hydro Therapy
(Come in and discuss
your health problems
with me.)
Dr. Clyde Dunham
Chiropractic Physician
I.O.O.F. Bldg. Heppner, Ore.
of her daughter Jean Ann's 9th
birthday. Those present were
Aleeia and Clara Ann Swales,
Sue and Ann Belle Coleman,
Mary Emert. Paul and Jerry
Wentworth, Dicky Ekstrom, Tom
my White and Denny and John
ny Swanson. Refreshments were
Matthew Doherty of the U. S.
army returned from overseas
last week and is visiting at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Neal Doherty. He will re
ceive his honorable discharge
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
and children returned home last
week from their trip to Minnea
polis. They brought back a load
of machinery for the Jordan el
evator. They reported an enjoy
able trip, but experienced some
disagreeable weather such as
going through the outskirts of
a tornado, a cloudburst and a
snowstorm. On their way home
they went through Yellowstone
Francine Ely, Laurel Palma
tcer, Mary Jean Bristow, Delmar
Crawford and Pete Cannon were
guests at the Charles Ingall
home at Adams Sunday.
Mat Halvorsen is building a
residence below town.
The Ameca club met at the
home of Mrs. Earl McKinney on
June 18. The afternoon was spent
in playing court whist. Mrs.
Lewis Halvorsen won high prize
and Mrs. Walter Corley low. The
hostesses, Mrs. Darrell Padberg
and Mrs. McKinney, served cake,
iello and coffee.
Miss Eunice Peterson arrived
home last week from Oregon
State college where she was a
Rev. Alfred Shirley, Delores
Drake, Joan Coleman, Donnaleen
McCoy and Leta Linn left Mon
day morning for Camp Adams
where they will attend the Con
gregational church camp for a
week. Rev. Shirley will return
home. Mrs. Alfred Shirley Is
spending the summer at The
Dalles, keeping house for her
sons who are spending their va
cation from college working
Lindsay Kincaid spent last
week with the Roundy family
at La Grande.
Mrs. Omar Rietmann reports
that she and her son Larry and
her mother, Mrs. Inez Freeland
of Portland, attended baccalau
reate services at the University
of Oregon June 15. Her cousin,
Miss Ninon King, graduated.
They visited friends at Philo
math, Corvallis and with Mr.
and Mrs. Laxton McMurray at
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason ar
rived home last week from the
Willamette valley.
Bunch Grass Rebekah lodge
held their regular meeting on
Thursday, June 19. After the
meeting a birthday party was
given in honor of Mrs. H. O. Ely,
Mrs. Fred Ely, Mrs. Mary Swan
son, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Sam
Esteb. Mrs. Cleo Drake and Miss
Eva Swanson. Ice cream, birth
day cake and coffee were serv
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. E. R.
Lundell, Mrs. Echo Palmateer
and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn.
The American Legion are
sponsoring a dance with famous
orchestras on July 3 with Ken
Davison, and the other with
Glen Gray and his Casa Loma
orchestra July 7.
The regular grange meeting
was held Saturday evening. A
short program was given, also a
very interesting report of the
stite convention was given by
Mrs. James Lindsay. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Lew-1
is Halvorsen and Mrs. Hershall l
Townsend. !
Mrs. Allzott Lundell and Mrs. I
Franklin Ely who are attending
summer school at La Grande!
spent the week end at their i
Mrs. Ernest Heliker writes .
that she and Mr. Heliker and,
d.-ughter Harriet are visiting j
with Mr. Heliker's sister and,
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pen-1
oyer at Reading. Mich. They I
also visited his brother's fam-j
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Grant,
at Flint, Mich. Before coming
home they plan on going tc
Bnyne City and Munuscong in'
northern Michigan for some,
fishing. She states that the far-1
mers there are having a hard
time getting their plowing and
seeding done on account of rain.
Joan Coleman celebrated her
twelfth birthday with a party
Thursday. June 19. The follow
ing guests were present: Barb
ara and Beverly Jackson, Donna
leen and Carol McCoy, Helen
Salter, Delores Drake and Leta
Linn and Sue and Ann Belle
Coleman. Ice cream, cake and
punch" were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat
thews left last week to visit rel
atives at Roseburg.
Miss Mabel McCabe of Poca
tello, Idaho, was a recent guest
of her brother, A. A. McCabe.
Miss McCabe is a nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan-
. . U-ll
son entertained mr n-i'M
team with a picnic luncheon on
their lawn. Sunday, June 15.
The American Legion hoy
made a cement walk In 'ront
of their hall.
Mrs. Earl Morgan spent few
lays in Portland.
A. A. McCabe went to the
mountains on a camping and
fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke or
Morgan received word that their
son-in-law, Alley Peck of Crab
tree, broke his arm while
cranking a tractor and his 8-year-old
daughter fell out of the
I garage and broke ner arm.
I lone was victorious in the ball
I game here Sunday wUb Wasco.
Admission: 60c Adults; 30c Students; Children 12 years and under admitted free
Two Big Days Filled With Action and Interest for Everyone - - - Young and Old
Prizes for Best Floats-First $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
Grade school entry prizesFirst $5, 2nd $2.50, 3rd $1
Following the parade there will be a picnic dinner where
you can eat with your friends. A special section has been
reserved for Heppner Lodge No. 358, B P 0 E and guests.
1 :00 P. M.-Largcst and best Airshow ever held in Morrow
County Lexington Airport.
3.00 P. M. Baseball: American Legion Indians vs. lone
Wheat-Timber League Team.
Dancing following fireworks. Hazel Fisher's All-Girl Or
chestra will provide the music!
Baseball at 31 F.
Arlington vs. lone
7 P. M. Big Smoker
Several fast bouts by boys who know their stuff.
More of that swell music for you to dance by.
The carnival will be in operation throughout both days . . .
Swing riedes for the kids, as well as real live pony rides on
the Bauernfeind Shetlands. Numerous concessions will be
readya regular carnival but home-owned.
Come to LEXINGTON for a REAL TIME, JULY H and 5