r 4-Hcppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 12, 1947 LEXINGTON . . . Mrs ( ,i. re li.o N'r itti 1 Mi r ,r .; ,'. S'i . ; . Iff- j .. rt t t s ' a ' . ! -t t 7 him, .is liVii. !;rn T' Jif ; .i er. Mr. .-!:. Mrs F I) ('..-' i ; r.. Nr-nh ;f HrtHH.rv ;i N ,-; ;t .-; v ,s , i i n;' Vr. .''' I Msv r..r ir 1 ! i Mr. i ,-:' Mr I-' ; s Ull.t ' Tir ( .. rt-p Y .rr i I:: N t , ' their lirM n.tvm.i:. s.:u-i .1 .! Mimn.i r .ua 1 Tt.-' i iy. Mr. n l V T. ! M. Mi;.; tlp'W i. '..,; Wi'.ivt Jt.-r-ul Ili'T'.-iM-n ,ki-! M;' Jessie i i.-nuri . t, of L;i lira:: r,r a i- lit- ah. ao i:-,..lr (: jr. !.,. V:. an.! Mrs 0. 1 Niai: UH.iria risul.-ruv liou;. s C Ati.;::!,;Mn fr.;tr. F,i:r.-i Ci.ue V- r,s...i.:. th... in il.e or u-:v ;.: '!(:,'. V,ts .;..; , A,t! ;:..m. Km tir.-uu .stnl K-f B..r.k iM-o.i unit tlu-m from . ' Liv.lvnor. N. om .is .-r- j ..:tn!.v u S. .'.;;:. i. . ;.ml :i ; .- ir.jutvd bin i - ...... j Sun.i.iv Y.r. ar.;l Mrs. Frank N'' i h.i.l ti h.no iUh-!oi 's caroj lVsoh an. I !.a:i'.!'.UT Ro.iira of I ' r :;;i:i"t mjuru-s. Il'insser. Vah were thouv T!u M.'innv County 0:mi K.'O'r Cair.j.rv!! arM IV.' n ' ilr. .,-r asSiH-iatiim lu-M iVit j Hun' hae ronsmo-l from a ' ' -il morning in Lexington v ivk's xaeali.m spent on the :.'..!,!.'. Dir.f.er was sor oil at j so ; thorn Crogon iv.i. and at "i ' : l!v la.Ues of the Ke- Cr.itor !;ike. ' N ' '-It l'l.t-e. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry P:n;:os ' Mrs. IVear BreeiHtv: iiro e to PorMaml Friday. They ;!r, 'o to iViiiU'le-n ?'.:nday !oin-.e ;u . .it-panio.i by Joan liw- '''""" daughter aid sort-in- j ler of" Ht-ppnor. On the return , !.'. i'r- and Mrs. Bill M.tth-:i Satur.iay they came thrnn;rt rw -. Their son Max who has 1 three water spouts and wore id 'rs. K.' Orant. Mr. and ' !'a.l rson ho-r. : ..Ui. '!... ko; aad Mr. Mis Kila Fdo d Mrs. Ko M.,1.1.1. City Williams of Kasil wore' Mrs. l.i.i, . M.iisoil am! fiairiid in Coidetnl.ile. Wash..; .!.i;..:.::ers h iter inoii'.er. di.s past wo; from Topjior. 1 ..rl Warm trip la Wah.i : t'i'n Mil;;.; s .Nettie lUvis The i.sitois are Wash, nade a Ini-iness . .uhi Monday. hero Sunday, j in St. Patiiek's hall afler mass. ! Ktn.'ua and. Mas will he at it am. This w.ll oniy mass on Sunday. Til.: -six pi.p;is at .end -d. the ;: "''a r seliool course whieh : s euiidueii'd hy Sisters Itien- and Magdalene 1 ranias 'I'!.. y ha! as asshaam.s M ir sruer i'.t Cl.avev. Mis. Lewis (til I ion ur.roay. Mrs. Kate Jelliek an. I :: a brother. Cliariey. were the '.it- : s nesses. niiil Mrs. .Totrn Sudar tiinl den Art Fdrre were also present. ; I ;., . o KIN2UA NEWS Barbara Sherman ami Juno S:ea r'.'ll. T;e sisters will leaxi ! l-opp'-or Sunday fur Seattle 1" a;'er i aniiieer .sehool. Ky Ids The Hepi,. W a; w ore v 1 d M been spending the last month in marooned in The pallet? a while,' 'Ymkeion. returned home with 1 bv the flood. a H. ni;' rson 1 r.' the tat'er p.;.t them. I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munk-j ol hist wo-k. Mr. and Mrs. Don CampbeU ers h. e moved into their new I I 'in t.r.i.d wrorkrd his car have been entertaining quite a home just recently completed. I Tl-.ut.-da t v hi 1 tetutn- u w out-of-town guests recently. Sneral Lemt:'on nsiple went ! irtg from h.-ppt . ; The w reck tHer the Memorial day week , to the rodeo in Condon last week j h.-iiipenod ..1 ;!: '-e about a end. Mrs. Campbell's sister and end. Those attending: were Mr.; ST. PATRICK'S VACATION RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Keligious vacation school .Leathers : . 1 ," ' uuick s par- - -;.., . . , 1 ,sl t!l eloso olfieially Sundav ' CAF.D OF THANKS r'o"''"''i - t th Wllh a'lnti'iistraiio-i of f,;s! Wo t.;ke this means of thank 'v -i ;,,ol-v eommunion. The names of i in neiKhhors and friends for -.... " ll'u '1 . tin- fust comnnir.ieants arc Per,-j 1'te'tr expaes.-ions of sympuluy. ri,i :.. l-,-, 1 s-v Applej-ate. Joan Brosnao, floral ot'fcrimts and many acts ima 1. iv. n.ua , vireinia Gomv .Kohl, v l.au.d.lin t r i.i,i., i ,,r ,-....( 1,... Billy M.mahan. Jaekie Sherman. 1 ,eaomont. I'lny will bo honored hy a' The familv of lalw irr L. Ineakfast sien hy their parents! Bucknurii. Fort land. .1 the sum- LOOKING FOR THRILLS? Well, there's a real one in store for you the day your appliance dealer calls to say the . new washer you've waited for is here. We've been waiting too, for most kinds of power system equipment are still on the hard-to-get list. There's a lot more to the new appliances than just beauty and convenience, for operating costs here are low. Remember, PP&L rates are only one-half the natronal average! P " f-.- , ): PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY -M ri n yiAis of f uiiic Jtnnct LjJi ' riii Tim le Hariri? Now is the time to hove your stock sprayed for flies and lice. CU8T8RH SPRAYING TREES - WEEDS - LAWNS - FARM BUILDINGS - FLOVERS & SHRUBS Attention Stockmen Statistics released by the Department of Agriculture show that a beef animal may lose from 50 to 100 pounds in weight during fly season. Save yourself this loss by having your stock sprayed NOW! Contact County Agent's Office or Phone 2193, Heppner bad rams r am! night. Llwn Dow Saturday, co -He expects ; titer here., I Kinard M. Panic! moed his I mte and daaghu-r kamona to Kin.'ua Sun,., y !':om iioppi'.er. Since Miss ?U'limcl plans to enter Monmouth normal school at once, she ;il he here only a short time. Mr. and Mrs. I'arrol V. Roho and daughter of Burns are is itfng Mrs. Kobe s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I . r -Nelson this week. Mr. Kobe vi I go to Ia;;;ene from here to enter .-umraer sihool. He is iha math it'-maior at Burns. Mrs. Cari y...em.,:i spent the week end at l ortkui.l uherc she attended the eighth grade grad uation exeroes of Iter son Carl Jr. at Hill Mmiary academy. Miss DoiiS Jeters leiurned home Thuisaay from La (Iramlo where she ; t'enae.l K. O. eoliege of educatiott. Morris Brawn. James Waller. O. D. Bal.ar. ticitrgc close and Andrew Statg of Fossil went to' Portland on Friday, where they cxpectecLjo take the Shrine de gree Saturday. The Mosdames (.'lose. Wallter. Baker and Brown accompanied, their husbands. Since the hall game at home was rained out a large crowd of Kinzua people attended the Con don rodeo ran Sunday, some go ing over for both d.;s ami the dance and smoker. In spite of the downpour a huge crowd came out both days to see the ooys really get their hacks mud dyand plenty did. The pe: 1c spem.ing p.Tt oi the week end in The D.du s were Mr. and Mrs. Ih-ib r.iioy. Mrs. Kate Jelliek, Hikkvd Hines. Mrs. Harold Potter. Marvin Hines and daughter. Glenda Lee. and Mrs. John Sudar. Nafe Coleman, father of the Coleman brothers, is visiting a time here from The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Ledcr Halversmi wore in Ilepp-ier Saturday eve ning, where Mi-. Ikdverson was consulting a physician. Mr. ar.d M:s. I i; renco Moore came over from Heppner to isi; ate Ralph Muoros ihis woo!-; end I Mr. and Mrs. 1). P. Wrigln of; Portland are wsjiiug at the home ! of their son Stanley's, tiiis week, i and Mr. and' Mr-t. Allen Flock 'j of Sandburg, Pom., are also; here visit iog, them. Mrs. FlocK is a sister. j Mrs. Oc.rse Smith returned ; home Sumk y af'rr suemling ' some time in Portland re-oiving medical attention. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of j Heppner visited at the Lesti Ceitc! RAT DESTROYER Co.ifainj 50 So powerful one lick kills a tat i t Add to baits Dust in runways Float on drinking wattr CENOL ANTU (AIFHA NAPHTHYL THIOUREA) KILLS RATS cenoi compnnv CHICAGO HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY SEE US BEFORE HAULING YOUR Sand and Gravel Have two dump trucks on the job at all times ready to give you satisfactory ser vice. Eliminate hand shoveling. Will deliver where you want it. Rates ore very reasonable Vernoi Chrisfoph arson LEXINGTON Phone 3011 ii m Of n e. r1 h 8 1 ? w (J ilxliu wi U I More than a Million Farmers act' Finaihtd THE LAND BANK WAY. PrcMTiulinn il ih,- hu.iit, i iht- ceil' ... 4 American Agriculture. Be Secure! Vuu him- the rij.i.1 u, k. .. uic loan vou olilain offers the l l in serice and sccnrily turing good limes anil Inul. lnvestignte Coopcruliti- I tin J i U... Vulca In ManoflE:tift,.i 'Liberal Prepayment Privllcget PIC vc S i in in i ii l ? (Utlt 0ot 10 WHT0UV II ow I ., J'''.- C ,r ,ttii,, . Where to.Go?. . . How to Get There?. . . Places to Eat? Your Mobilgas Dealer has the answers to more fun with your car. . . the best vacation spots . . . Kood places to eat. For, your Mobilfiaa Dealer is a long-time member of the community; hes an outdoor man, haunts the best local epots himself. And, he's one of nearly 5,000 independent merchants in the West whoso aim is to help you have more fun with your car. WHERE TO GO HOW TO GET THERE PLACES TO EAT v-p Whether you're looking for a downtown street or seeking a secluded spot for a quiet week end, your local Mobilgaa Dealer can help. Whether you're pulling into I strange town after a long, hard drive, or just out for an evening'i cruise, your Mobilgas Dealer knows the eating spots. Drive in and get heal tips on where U) eat A'' --f3-rt - R. H. LOv;;r. !:.-. Naiion.-l Farm Loccti A .-c-'tiin-'; 113 S. E-vcrti Pc.i-Jk l.-n, Ctx.-i HI! h!. rT?HMobi,9 -f SttT" ) Copyright 1W, kty m Oeneiot Pliotum Cofp. J FT 0ii we emirM2BM ff cy at foul M2tB MMmmesii ihe ffighS So You showed the world whar team worli can do to win a war. You earned the right to step into the biggest, strongest, peacetime veterans' team in the history of the world. Now, your American Legion guarantees you a "welcome home" that TALKS YOUR LANGUAGE. It gives you comradeship, real backing and guidance in veterans' affairs, live-wire social and activities pro gram, an opportunity to tutn your ideas about civic improvement in to concrete fact. I it ri o v v t - A , ' hi r- ' ,r rr 42r- . , Ml it i i . S I ?'lkd ;n,te for fhot ...... ! , i- h"-'' '"l? , i ' W . a. T i"-.rS .Tiff r- J. Uat7 Cerlinj Wakhcs are famous lhroujhou( the world for beauty of design and remarkable accuracy. Give Certina fclti pride . . . wear II with assuranc nd enduring pleasure. Man beautiful stylei, PETERSON'S Meetings 1st O 3rd Mondays of Each Month The Legion NEEDS your kind of action to carry on ih great civic service program. And the Gl Bill of Rights and Veterans Administration, both the result of Legion sponsorship, show what you can do for yourself, your buddies, and your families when the Legion goes into action. It's your organization you call the shots. You've earned the right . . . ioin now! PA' IT', j. B Heppner, Oregon